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Does make you wonder where she did spend her days. I can't believe that they spent the most part of the day just driving around, she had to be some place for Caylee to have access to the TV all the time.
She spent 90% of her days with her mother who spent 90% of her day texting, talking on the phone, driving around and shopping at malls with other people's money. Seems quite clear now or have I missed something? All this hocus pocus about CA really being the mother...Sorry, but I just don't see it.
And I was just trying to help the time line by pointing out that it wasn't Jan- march (early 2005). But around May, June or so. For those who might not remember that she got prego around the end of Nov, early Dec.

I don't understand what the problem is? I didn't say you was wrong, I tightened the time line.

You did good. I like it. sometimes its good to get little refreshers, there is so much going on it is hard to keep up with all and I mean all of the dates.
Does make you wonder where she did spend her days. I can't believe that they spent the most part of the day just driving around, she had to be some place for Caylee to have access to the TV all the time.
I think Casey would leave in the morning with Caylee, to go to "work", then she'd park down the street and stake out the house waiting for both parents to leave. Once they did, she and Caylee would go back to the house. From there, she'd park Caylee in front of the TV and she'd get on the computer. That's how I think their days were spent.
Cindy knew there was no nanny, that's why she avoided asking Caylee questions like about how her day was spent. If Cindy pretends like she believes there's a nanny, then she doesn't have to confront Casey with yet another set of her lies and endless deceit. Cindy just closed her eyes and ears to what was really going on.
CA thinks that buying her clothes and paying her "medical bills" makes her the primary care-giver. Go figure!
I think that is so odd that Cindy didn't talk to Caylee about the "nanny" and how she spent her days. With my kids whenever they went anywhere when I was not with them at that age I would always ask about what they did during that time. I do it to my nephew as well. My mother does it to all 3 of them. Even if she didn't ask her all the time about her days you'd think she would have over the course of 1 1/2 asked her about this "nanny". Or even ask KC about who this person was, atleast her name!!

Not eveyone talks about stuff/times when they are not around. But talks about the here and now. Still interacts with the child, asking questions they all ready know the answers to, etc.

I personally think it shows interest in the person to ask. So the concept is foriegn to me. Yet, i'm learning that everyone is different. Maybe I'm the odd one. LOL!
She spent 90% of her days with her mother who spent 90% of her day texting, talking on the phone, driving around and shopping at malls with other people's money. Seems quite clear now or have I missed something? All this hocus pocus about CA really being the mother...Sorry, but I just don't see it.

I'm right there with you,This talk of Casey felling left out because Cindy held Caylee first is bull. I had a c-section and did not hold my daughter first and we are just fine.
I think that is so odd that Cindy didn't talk to Caylee about the "nanny" and how she spent her days. With my kids whenever they went anywhere when I was not with them at that age I would always ask about what they did during that time. I do it to my nephew as well. My mother does it to all 3 of them. Even if she didn't ask her all the time about her days you'd think she would have over the course of 1 1/2 asked her about this "nanny". Or even ask KC about who this person was, atleast her name!!

Despite what they are trying to implicate...Caylee really wasn't "talking". She was starting to talk but not in any meaningful way. I believe that her beginning to communicate has something to do with the timing of her demise.
She spent 90% of her days with her mother who spent 90% of her day texting, talking on the phone, driving around and shopping at malls with other people's money. Seems quite clear now or have I missed something? All this hocus pocus about CA really being the mother...Sorry, but I just don't see it.
I had the feeling after seeing the Father's Day tape that people really didn't talk much to Caylee. Caylee's speech wasn't so well developed for 2 years and 10 months old. Sweetheart for sure, but the speech was garbled. That makes sense if KC was just leaving Caylee to play while KC was online or on the phone.
I think Casey would leave in the morning with Caylee, to go to "work", then she'd park down the street and stake out the house waiting for both parents to leave. Once they did, she and Caylee would go back to the house. From there, she'd park Caylee in front of the TV and she'd get on the computer. That's how I think their days were spent.
I tend to agree and think that the 1 1/2 years that she was in Zanny's care...This is precisely what was going on.
CA thinks that buying her clothes and paying her "medical bills" makes her the primary care-giver. Go figure!

Yeah. I thought the primary caregiver is the one who changes their diapers and gives them a bath and fixes their meals and tucks them in at night and holds them when they are sick and puts them on and gets them off the school-bus, and washes their clothes and cleans their room?

Of course, Cindy probably did all of that least for the hour or so she got to spend with Caylee each day when she was working, and likely did the room maintenance and laundry etc on her days off and spent extra time with Caylee then.

One thing is quite apparent-Casey did none of these things, except perhaps change her diapers throughout the day or make her a drugged cup so she would fall asleep for lengthy periods of time. I would BET that Cindy gaver her her bath each night when she got home, and probably her dinner too.
Ok ... poor GA and all ... he certainly seems the sympathetic character in this scene ... but what I can't get out of my head is the interview from just a couple of weeks ago. The Today Show ... when MV asked if even for one moment ... one instant of a second have they ever doubted whether Caylee was alive ... and they looked at each other and both said unequivocally "NO."

There is no doubt he fears his wifes wrath.
I am alittle offended by this... Because, my son didn't speak a word until he was nearly 3 1/2 years old, and not because I didn't spend time with him.. just that he was delayed and still is 3 1/2 years later. Has been in speech therapy for years because of it...

Also, my daughter is 4 months shy of 3 years old and she is still in diapers. And ALSO not because I am a bad mother, just because she hasn't become interested in the potty. I have tried and tried to potty train her, but for her, she just isn't ready. We have made great improvement though with in the last couple weeks. I feel I should state too that I am a stay at home mom and my life is my children, teaching and helping them learn new things.

I just feel as though we shouldn't say she is a bad mother because her daughter wasn't talking like we think she should or using the potty yet. It puts those of us who have children that aren't perfectly on the timeline in the same catagory with KC, jmo...

:eek:fftopic: How is the speech therapy working? My nephew is 3 1/2 and does not speak, my brother just started him in a special pre-school w/ speech therapy. I'm hoping it will help.
PP I have noticed that too, Caylee to me seemed to be a little behind in her speech and with her still in diapers. Casey was not being a good mother.

My daughter is gifted and didn't potty train 'till 3 years 4mo.
Despite what they are trying to implicate...Caylee really wasn't "talking". She was starting to talk but not in any meaningful way. I believe that her beginning to communicate has something to do with the timing of her demise.
Very good point.
I have also posted this on the "CA support thread" and I would like to re-post it here.

I’m not a psychiatrist but I’ve watched this whole case unfold now for several months. Reading today’s release of George’s interview really made the “penny drop” for me. CA is the one who is controlling this family. She has been (to use her own vocabulary) since “day one”. I remember LA testify at the bond hearing and he made such a point of saying that he and KC had a close relationship because he loved KC “unconditionally”. That has always stood out for me. Why would he say such a thing? Why would it be so important for him to use that term? Well, it’s pretty obvious now – CA sets conditions on everything. KC is still in CA’s “good books” as long as she tows the line on this absurd kidnapping tale. KC has basically hand-cuffed her daughter to this story. Until she is prepared to let go, and set her free, KC is going to tow the line. Why haven’t we heard/seen a confession from her? Because her mother has not given her permission to do so! Quite the opposite. Her mother has professed trust and complete loyalty as long as the kidnapping “script” is followed. I really wish for everyone’s sake, that CA would set her daughter free. Free to tell the truth and to do the right thing. KC will never tell the truth without assurance that her mother will still love her. The second CA realizes this and tells KC that she will love her regardless of what happened, is the second that Caylee will be given a chance to come home. Caylee deserves to come home. I hope that CA reads here and I hope that she reads this.

Yeah, a couple of us discussed this a few weeks ago. I don't think she will ever talk .. her fear of losing her mothers love is too great. She knows her mothers love has limits, she more or less said so during her interview with the police. The police more or less acknowledged it as well -"You are more afraid of your mothers reaction then you are of your daughter being missing".

Cindy will never let her admit to it. Casey could bring her the body, set it in her lap and confess and Cindy would still not accept it- she would invent yet another story. IMO
He may know a lot of things but he's a p#ssy woh[ed kind of man...Ya know.

Chances are he didn't start out that way. People like Cindy suck the life out of the men they take hostage .. oops, I mean, the men they marry.
Wow, George and Cindy's interviews are so at odds with each other. He's ill with reality and she & God have taken over as Sheriffs of the County.

Hope something or somebody can close that gap. Also hope that George's gun is still with LE.

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