New Jail Video, Misty and Tommy Croslin 02/12/2010 - (Patty G made videos viewable)

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Is this thread where you can also comment on the video parts of Teresa and Ron? I just can't stop thinking about Teresa's question to Ron about didn't he have something to tell her. She asked it twice. IMO, Ron felt really uncomfortable with the question and stalled about answering that 'no', he didn't have anything to ask her..............

Any guesses what they were talking about?:waitasec:

IDK but it sounds to me like Teresa may have had a plan about some grand revelation, coded communication or a fabulous PR move that they should arrange for the benefit of LE, Nancy Grace or her audience, including some that are currently in jail. She might have discussed it with Ron's attorney and asked him to give Ronald the message what he should say. But his lawyer may have said to him it's not a good idea or he figured it out himself, and doesn't wanna play along.
Seemed to me like Ron told her he had something to tell her and she wanted to hear it, like he told her next time you visit, I have something to tell you...Weird unless he missed her birthday, but she sounded stoned out of her mind, so maybe she was kunfoozed..:waitasec:

I think what Misty said about the whole family doing pills is becoming a high probability now.
& I also think Tommy is smart enough to realize that throwing Misty or Ron under the bus, would implicate himself, so he's sitting there hoping that everybody just SHUTS UP. What a selfish dude.

I believe that too! But I also got a feeling that Timmy helped in some way. TODAY I think that everyone has there own role in what happened to Haleigh so everyone is trying to remain silent. I believe TN and GMS had their own role too. Maybe they knew the circumstances but Tommy/Timmy/Jo helped to dispose of her body. I just don't know.
I think what Misty said about the whole family doing pills is becoming a high probability now.

MISTY CROSLIN: I said Ronald was a good father. He was a good father. I mean, just because he had a drug habit doesn`t mean he wasn`t a good father.

HANK CROSLIN: He did? You didn`t have -- you really didn`t have a drug problem.


HANK CROSLIN: You just did it every once in a while.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, and barely, and I didn`t -- it wasn`t even like that. I didn`t even like pills barely, you know? When I got my prescription, he got my whole prescription of pills because I didn`t take them.

When Haleigh`s found, I will be let out of jail because that`s the only reason they`re keeping me in here, the only reason they set me up, because of all that stuff. And that`s why my bond is so high. And it`s not right.

Ronald`s family`s not as good as everybody thinks they are. They all take pills. They all use -- you know, it -- come on, now. We`re not the only bad people. We ain`t bad people.

HANK CROSLIN: No, we`re just stupid.


MISTY CROSLIN: But they think, Oh, Ronald Cummings`s family is so good. They all take pills. They all do (EXPLETIVE DELETED), every last one of them.

HANK CROSLIN: Yes, the whole world does them. They need to go after the doctors because pretty much, you just -- if you go to a doctor, you pretty much tell him what you want and he gives it to you.


They are so precious, aren't they?
We're doing pills but there's nothing wrong with that, it's okay...
a) ...because one can do drugs and still be a good parent (that's how Misty and Tommy were raised too and look at them, they're lovely children, very well behaved)
b) ...if you only do them once in a while (ya know, it costs money to do them)
c) ...if you don't even like them (a little suffering is good for the soul)
d) ...if you give pills to other people (God loves a cheerful giver)
e) ...because it's just an excuse to question us about Haleigh
f) ...because Ron's family takes them too (certainly NG will turn drug use into a virtue somehow now, since Ron's family can't do no wrong)
g) ...we're not the only bad people. No, scratch that, we're not bad people period. (oops...!)
h) ...the whole world does drugs (Yes, ma'am, I'm serious, we don't know anybody who doesn't. It tells you something about the company we keep.)
i)'s the doctors who give them to us (I did go doctorshopping and ask them, but they shoulda said no and taken the responsibility off my shoulders, you know...)

Excuses, excuses...
I believe that too! But I also got a feeling that Timmy helped in some way. TODAY I think that everyone has there own role in what happened to Haleigh so everyone is trying to remain silent. I believe TN and GMS had their own role too. Maybe they knew the circumstances but Tommy/Timmy/Jo helped to dispose of her body. I just don't know.

I'm more inclined to believe Tommy and Timmy both know what happened and IF they are involved, they may have helped remove drugs from the MH, but I don't believe either of them helped dispose of a body... Ron C would never have allowed anyone other than close family to help him with disposing Haleigh's body...I also highly suspect that no one really knows what happened to her and where her remains are other than himself and a chosen few who are closest to him...JMO
hold the phone!

did somebody say they heard Misty say that Ron trusts Timmy?

*turns about and looks at raisincharlie*

for a moment I shall entertain the possibility :idea: that Timmy's being extorted by his family because he's not been cleared for a darn good reason and they know it, and because Misty throws all kinds of stuff at Tommy, but perhaps she isn't going to turn tail on her bubba Timmy...
hold the phone!

did somebody say they heard Misty say that Ron trusts Timmy?

*turns about and looks at raisincharlie*

for a moment I shall entertain the possibility :idea: that Timmy's being extorted by his family because he's not been cleared for a darn good reason and they know it, and because Misty throws all kinds of stuff at Tommy, but perhaps she isn't going to turn tail on her bubba Timmy...

Would be a reason too that Misty's lawyer keeps calling Timmy.
I'm more inclined to believe Tommy and Timmy both know what happened and IF they are involved, they may have helped remove drugs from the MH, but I don't believe either of them helped dispose of a body... Ron C would never have allowed anyone other than close family to help him with disposing Haleigh's body...I also highly suspect that no one really knows what happened to her and where her remains are other than himself and a chosen few who are closest to him...JMO

Emeral, you're right. I do believe that Tommy and Timmy know more than they let on. I'm not quite sure what role they played but they had a part in this movie for sure.

MISTY CROSLIN: I said Ronald was a good father. He was a good father. I mean, just because he had a drug habit doesn`t mean he wasn`t a good father.

HANK CROSLIN: He did? You didn`t have -- you really didn`t have a drug problem.


HANK CROSLIN: You just did it every once in a while.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, and barely, and I didn`t -- it wasn`t even like that. I didn`t even like pills barely, you know? When I got my prescription, he got my whole prescription of pills because I didn`t take them.

When Haleigh`s found, I will be let out of jail because that`s the only reason they`re keeping me in here, the only reason they set me up, because of all that stuff. And that`s why my bond is so high. And it`s not right.

Ronald`s family`s not as good as everybody thinks they are. They all take pills. They all use -- you know, it -- come on, now. We`re not the only bad people. We ain`t bad people.

HANK CROSLIN: No, we`re just stupid.


MISTY CROSLIN: But they think, Oh, Ronald Cummings`s family is so good. They all take pills. They all do (EXPLETIVE DELETED), every last one of them.

HANK CROSLIN: Yes, the whole world does them. They need to go after the doctors because pretty much, you just -- if you go to a doctor, you pretty much tell him what you want and he gives it to you.


They are so precious, aren't they?
We're doing pills but there's nothing wrong with that, it's okay...
a) ...because one can do drugs and still be a good parent (that's how Misty and Tommy were raised too and look at them, they're lovely children, very well behaved)
b) ...if you only do them once in a while (ya know, it costs money to do them)
c) ...if you don't even like them (a little suffering is good for the soul)
d) ...if you give pills to other people (God loves a cheerful giver)
e) ...because it's just an excuse to question us about Haleigh
f) ...because Ron's family takes them too (certainly NG will turn drug use into a virtue somehow now, since Ron's family can't do no wrong)
g) ...we're not the only bad people. No, scratch that, we're not bad people period. (oops...!)
h) ...the whole world does drugs (Yes, ma'am, I'm serious, we don't know anybody who doesn't. It tells you something about the company we keep.)
i)'s the doctors who give them to us (I did go doctorshopping and ask them, but they shoulda said no and taken the responsibility off my shoulders, you know...)

Excuses, excuses...

Great post!
My theory is this they are all involved.
I think Haleigh OD'd on Misty and Rons pills. Misty calls Ron, Ron continues to call and check on Haleigh, Haleigh died. I think they were more worried about getting caught having drugs than helping Haleigh. I think the reason Ron called Tommy to go check was because Misty stopped answering the phone she was scared to tell Ron Haleigh Died, Tommy goes to the trailor finds out Haleigh died from a drug OD and Somehow Timmy's van gets over there. I think Ron and Misty explain to Tommy that if they get caught for drugs than his supply gets cut off to, so he helps to dispose of Haleigh and scratches the van, possably Timmy and Joe helped not sure.
I think they all had a part and are no covering I think it affected Tommy the most, I think Timmy got out of town and so did Joe because they didn't want the reminder. I think it caused Tommy to become a worse addict, and I think that earlier last year with the rat thing. Tommy was going to tell and get cleaned up but after the threat from Ron and Misty filing a restraining order to make Tommy look bad he felt that he would get blamed so decided to keep his mouth shut.
I think these video's support this theory as well as the actions of all these players. I think they are all involved but because they are all involved noone can say anything with out making it look like they were the only one, so everyone feels the best thing to do is shut up and no one gets in trouble. They will throw each other under the bus about everything else but not this, because this carries a LWP or death penalty sentence.
My theory is this they are all involved.
I think Haleigh OD'd on Misty and Rons pills. Misty calls Ron, Ron continues to call and check on Haleigh, Haleigh died. I think they were more worried about getting caught having drugs than helping Haleigh. I think the reason Ron called Tommy to go check was because Misty stopped answering the phone she was scared to tell Ron Haleigh Died, Tommy goes to the trailor finds out Haleigh died from a drug OD and Somehow Timmy's van gets over there. I think Ron and Misty explain to Tommy that if they get caught for drugs than his supply gets cut off to, so he helps to dispose of Haleigh and scratches the van, possably Timmy and Joe helped not sure.
I think they all had a part and are no covering I think it affected Tommy the most, I think Timmy got out of town and so did Joe because they didn't want the reminder. I think it caused Tommy to become a worse addict, and I think that earlier last year with the rat thing. Tommy was going to tell and get cleaned up but after the threat from Ron and Misty filing a restraining order to make Tommy look bad he felt that he would get blamed so decided to keep his mouth shut.
I think these video's support this theory as well as the actions of all these players. I think they are all involved but because they are all involved noone can say anything with out making it look like they were the only one, so everyone feels the best thing to do is shut up and no one gets in trouble. They will throw each other under the bus about everything else but not this, because this carries a LWP or death penalty sentence.
I like your theory because it makes a lot of sense, but it leaves too many holes for Ron to wiggle out. I think he's more involved.
I've always thought Ron was involved. You get down to that part of Fl & its the good old boys system. Your either with them or against them. All fear LWP or death penalty so nobody will talk.

Maybe if in jail long enough one will get desperate enough to start throwing each other under the bus. :banghead:
hold the phone!

did somebody say they heard Misty say that Ron trusts Timmy?

*turns about and looks at raisincharlie*

for a moment I shall entertain the possibility :idea: that Timmy's being extorted by his family because he's not been cleared for a darn good reason and they know it, and because Misty throws all kinds of stuff at Tommy, but perhaps she isn't going to turn tail on her bubba Timmy...

Sure would explain Timmy's eagerness to cash that tax return and dole it out in phone minutes, commissary, and a little somethin' for mom and dad. Chelsea seems strangely energetic about helping out too-- and she didn't even balk at Misty's suggestion she turn to her own family in Mass to help with their enormous bails.

Hmmmmm... :waitasec:
Reminder: we have a thread for theories. This thread is only to discuss the information gleaned from the videos.

Thanks! :blowkiss:
Kimster, hope this is ok because this is information I just gleaned from listening to Ron C and his mother..I just listened to that video of Ron C talking with his mother again, and I'm just really really confused as to the dynamices and the boundaries in their relationship...
She asked him.."Don't you have something to tell me" and he said.. "huh"..So she asked him again and he said.. "What, that I love you"..

Don't know about y'all but his answer to her question is way wierd IMHO..JMO
Kimster, hope this is ok because this is information I just gleaned from listening to Ron C and his mother..I just listened to that video of Ron C talking with his mother again, and I'm just really really confused as to the dynamices and the boundaries in their relationship...
She asked him.."Don't you have something to tell me" and he said.. "huh"..So she asked him again and he said.. "What, that I love you"..

Don't know about y'all but his answer to her question is way wierd IMHO..JMO

This is very strange to me. I don't know what to think but I looked back at a video of Ron on the ground crying and noticed TN comforting him with her hand rubbing his lower back ( extreme lower back ) I found it odd then and in light of the tattoo and this convo. I dunno it's just..."off" kwim?
Kimster, hope this is ok because this is information I just gleaned from listening to Ron C and his mother..I just listened to that video of Ron C talking with his mother again, and I'm just really really confused as to the dynamices and the boundaries in their relationship...
She asked him.."Don't you have something to tell me" and he said.. "huh"..So she asked him again and he said.. "What, that I love you"..

Don't know about y'all but his answer to her question is way wierd IMHO..JMO

Do you have a link to that conversation between RC and TN. I can't find it.
I like your theory because it makes a lot of sense, but it leaves too many holes for Ron to wiggle out. I think he's more involved.
I think he is very involved, I think he told Misty not to take her to the hospital, I think he called Tommy to go help Misty get rid of her, I think he probably got rid of all the drugs when he got home and continued the lie. So with all that he would be charged with, Accessory, destroying evidence, filing a false report, endangering the welfare of a child, neglect, the drug charges and possibly involuntary man slaughter. Plus he knew that he would lose junior to Crystal so he still would have been looking at LOTS of jail time, so he figure he had an alibi as long as he stayed at work, and no body they could claim kidnapping.
My opinion is based on theories, video taped confessions, and pretty much all the above...

I just don't see a 5 y/o child od'ing on oxy whatever, on their own unless it tasted like candy/chocolate. I doubt that's the case.

The only way this crew is covering up a Haleigh OD is if they gave her too much to knock her out so they could go and play. Thinking in terms of Baby Gabe.

The only person in charge that night, according to all players was Misty, who happened to be coming off a 3 day bender.

I'm still haunted by Ron on the 911 tape yelling, "Why'd you let my child get "stolen" biotch.

That speaks volumns to me. Like someone was after him and Misty should have known and been more aware of the dangers surrounding him and his kids.

This fits in nicely with why Ron has never been able to turn on Misty. It's so uncomfortable that he doesn't turn. Makes no sense if Misty is guilty.
Reminder: we have a thread for theories. This thread is only to discuss the information gleaned from the videos.

Thanks! :blowkiss:
I'm sorry Kim I replied to the rest of my theory before I read your post.
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