New Jan. 5th issue of National Enquirer

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A call girl, hooker or escort is a term used for someone who sells sex for money. (DUA!!) It should not be misconstrued to mean a 9-5er. The customers (johns) are fickle. KC is lazy. From looking at Craigslist alone, there are sooo many girls out there willing to sell themselves for money, I am thinking she let "them" know when she wanted to work. Thats how it goes. You usually dont report to work each morning and wait for someone to show up. You let "them" know your availibility, wait for a page, and respond if you want to. If not, "they" will call you next time....I firmly believe she was involved with an agency, and by agency, I mean some low life who has skulked back into the shadows by now. You get a page, and respond if you are available, and please, please dont think that Johns dont use escorts in the morning, She could have very easily said, yes, I am available, but you need to watch the snot nosed brat. The more she worked, the more the split between her and the boss of the agency. Many times, the "boss" is a man, but has a girl run the operations, making the girls feel more comfortable. There is money to be made, but not steady money for someone as lazy as KC. She strikes me as the type to make 500.00 one week, and not work until it is all gone, and if no john calls, steal in the meantime. When you make a good amount of money fast, it is addictive, and you will do whatever you can to keep up appearances, and keep spending. There are going to be some (to quote nancy grace) BOMBSHELLS coming out. I think that's why her other phone wasn't found. Who needs two phones anyway? WHY?? hmmmm, I wonder.
Also, I have to say I am torn by this, as I do also thnk someone would have sold the story to a newspaper/gossip rag by now if they had proof. Not like alot of pictures are taken in hotel rooms with married men who pay for sex, though....we shall see JMO
I agree but maybe thinking about trying it out if she had not been caught.

Yep, I agree. IMO this isnt something she WAS ALREADY doing, Its something she was GOING TO DO now that she didnt have "that little snot" holding her back any longer. She would now be able to live her "beautiful life"

IMO I think the 1200 pictures were a portfolio, so to speak, that she was getting ready in order to get a job in *advertiser censored*, escorting etc.
Advertising for sexual partners could be something as simple as her cupid and myspace profiles. I personally doubt Casey was an escort. If she was she wasn't very good at it considering she had to steal checks to shop for target clothing.

I bet!! I'm still bleaching my eyes out from my experience with those photos.


Definitely not what Kodak had in mind when they invented the camera. :rolleyes:

lol, i feel so left there any way to view these pics without linking it in the posts? thank a lot. :)

and great name, by the way.
The Enquirer is out to sell their tabloid and they really could care less about honesty. I read the interview with her "best friend" I think her name was Kiamarie and she mentioned that her and Casey were so close that Casey named Caylee-Marie after her but when you think about it, Cindy's middle name is Marie and also Casey's middle name is Marie so did they all get their middle name from this young Kiamarie. Just goes to show...if it sells...use it.
Yep, I agree. IMO this isnt something she WAS ALREADY doing, Its something she was GOING TO DO now that she didnt have "that little snot" holding her back any longer. She would now be able to live her "beautiful life"

IMO I think the 1200 pictures were a portfolio, so to speak, that she was getting ready in order to get a job in *advertiser censored*, escorting etc.

This is what makes sense to me, too. I don't doubt that some illicit pictures exist, because LE told GA and GA acted like it wasn't the first time he was hearing it.

And, 1200? That is a LOT of pictures! I only have maybe 20 *advertiser censored* pictures of myself on my computer.

Bolding mine. I'm sorry, but I just cannot believe this is true. IMVHO the National Enquirer is like Casey... there is some truth embedded in most of their articles but most of it is just carp.

Just wanted to say that my younger brother dated a girl in medical school. She was at my mom's one weekend and had a National Enquirer. I said something about reading trash, she said, I read articles in this magazine and in 3 -6 mos., I read it in people. That was 20 years ago and I started reading it. Sure enough, People picks up the stories months after the NE has covered them.

At one time, it had unbelievable articles. However, the NE was sued and lost big. After that, they began vetting their stories. They were the ones who discovered the Bruno Maglis in the OJ case,not to mention the John Edwards affair.
My jail bird brother who is also a pathological liar, psychopath and druggie, finds the Lord each time he's incarcerated (he's in right now - writes letters to my mother about how he has been saved).

When he gets out and it lasts about 60 days (maybe), and then he's back to the same old same ole. He's so much like KC it scares me. Numero uno is all he cares about, and all he ever will. Sad to say, but true.
Oh - forgot to mention...last time he was out...he went to church, where he met a very nice single lady with a son. He moved in with her, and proceeded to wipe her out and ruin her financially, before being arrested for it and put back in jail. Sound like someone else we know?

I don't think the preacher revealed anything to the NE either. Their headline is a little 'skewed' too don't you think? Jailhouse confession to the preacher? Nobody has posted that she confessed to anyone. Did the article have something else that pointed to a confession? Just curious, and thanks for sharing the inside scoop lol.

That's what's called "walking the walk and talking the talk". They bend with the occasion and do what they think other people expect of them.
Yes, just look at Paris Hilton, she found the Lord, <for tv appearances>:rolleyes:
KC must think she is another Paris Hilton, <in her mind>

Right! And wasn't she going to devote her life to helping other people? When does that start?
In response to some of the earlier posts on here, IMO I dont think it's possible that she was a call girl. I would think they earn good money, and it appears that Casey didn't have any due to her stealing and borrowing. Just my opinion.

A lot of people spend more than they make. I doubt, if she was a call girl, that she was at the high spectrum of earners in that field.
So how did she have time to work and still text message as much as she did? She was always txting someone. I think she just hid out at her house while the parents were working and stayed on the computer. She didn't seem to have any money. You'd think if she were a call girl, she'd have money to show for it. I mean with all the practice she had, she may have been good at it.

Aren't call girl rates based on the amount of time spent with a client? Maybe she didn't stay very long. She did so much texting that she could probably do that in her sleep.
Just wanted to say that my younger brother dated a girl in medical school. She was at my mom's one weekend and had a National Enquirer. I said something about reading trash, she said, I read articles in this magazine and in 3 -6 mos., I read it in people. That was 20 years ago and I started reading it. Sure enough, People picks up the stories months after the NE has covered them.

At one time, it had unbelievable articles. However, the NE was sued and lost big. After that, they began vetting their stories. They were the ones who discovered the Bruno Maglis in the OJ case,not to mention the John Edwards affair.

I agree, the NE has definitely stepped it up a notch. They have some very good investigative reporters on staff. Sure some of their stuff is bubble gum fluff, but once they dig into a story they stick with it. That's not to say that some of their interviewees don't exaggerate and just plain lie.
But, that happens everywhere.
Wouldn't they have surfaced by now?


In the FBI interview with George, the FBI tell George there are over 1200 compromising photos of his daughter on her computer tower, and if they are on her tower, they are probably on someone elses, and they were telling him this as a courtesy in case these started showing up on the internet. At that time, they did not say the pics were on the internet.
My interpretation of what was said was the pics were such that Casey and at least one other person were involved, either as a photographer, or in the pics. The FBI said they were not going to release those pics to the media. If the other person(s) hasn't uploaded them, they might not be online at all.
I have always wondered about her "job" and if that had anything to do with how she was able to aford a certain lawyer. The fact that she seemed to know him before this happened?????

Yes, IIRC, she knew JB and had his home number in her cell phone? Knew daughter? There was something about that but I don't know where I read it. Also, she told family that another inmate told her about JB. BUT was she ever in a room with another inmate????
I don't see how KC could have been a call girl, she never had any money except what she stole from her parents, grand parents, and friends. A young call girl like KC would have been making a lot of money... She easily could be pulling down $500-$1000 per day. She shows no signs of having that or any money.
kc said that when she stole from her friend AH..........she was desperate and had to???
but she bought beer, bras, sunglasses and hoodie??? why was she desperate? why buy those things? no washer/no dryer?
I don't think kc "sold" it. She was just "finding" herself and blossuming into the new "improved" kc. she couldn't make the leap that quickly. though she certainly has it in her, the timing is not quite right imo.
Don't go getting that warm fuzzy feeling now that we hear Casey is getting into religion. I've never met a convict without a hustle. :behindbar

And she was a hustler before she was a convict. You know it always struck me how she talks in that first phone call about Tony's #, she sounds like a hard-*advertiser censored* in that she sounds like someone who has been in jail before. But I know she wasn't. I guess it could be from hanging out with people who have been. Did anyone else notice that?
In the FBI interview with George, the FBI tell George there are over 1200 compromising photos of his daughter on her computer tower, and if they are on her tower, they are probably on someone elses, and they were telling him this as a courtesy in case these started showing up on the internet. At that time, they did not say the pics were on the internet.
My interpretation of what was said was the pics were such that Casey and at least one other person were involved, either as a photographer, or in the pics. The FBI said they were not going to release those pics to the media. If the other person(s) hasn't uploaded them, they might not be online at all.

To me the FBI were pretty clear that casey had pictues on her computer that were very "bad" fact I think he even sad the word "bad". IMO, for an FBI agent or any LE to say some pictures were bad says alot to me. I imagine they have seen some pretty bad stuff, so whatever it is I don't think she was baking cookies that's for sure.

I don't know why some folks have a hard time believing that casey would sell herself or anyone for that matter, she really isn't a nice person..afterall she did murder her daughter and no amount of dirty pictures will rise above that me anyway.

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