New Pedo Trap Show On Dateline

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Jul 1, 2005
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Apparently the last pedo sting Dateline conducted with Perverted Justice got such huge viewer response Dateline's doing ANOTHER in a couple of weeks--only this time there will be cops waiting with the cameras crews when the pervs show up for their illicit online "dates". Wonder if this could be the start of another reality show?
I'd watch - and cheer every time they caught another idiot pedo, found another seemingly normal, average, upstanding citizen who is a secret pedophile.
BillyGoatGruff said:
Apparently the last pedo sting Dateline conducted with Perverted Justice got such huge viewer response Dateline's doing ANOTHER in a couple of weeks--only this time there will be cops waiting with the cameras crews when the pervs show up for their illicit online "dates". Wonder if this could be the start of another reality show?

That show ruled!! I told my husband I could watch an entire day of it. Those scumbags would come into the house all Yoo Hoo, I'm heeere! looking to find the 12-year-old they had arranged to meet for sex "while his or her parents were out of town." Who would be there but a middle-aged reporter. He'd question them a while, as they sputtered and back-pedalled or sometimes just admitted what they were doing. None seemed very contrite. Then the cameras would come out, and the pedophiles would just completely fall apart, bawling and begging not to be on TV. So very satisfying.
I loved the previous show they did. I will be watching for this one!

I like the ones where the guy gets angry. Like it isn't anyones business that the perv. was trying to meet with a kid!
Good to see they will be taking the cops in with them this time.
And I would love to see a reality show like this!

SAN DIEGO -- Dozens of Southern California men, including two from San Diego, are accused of being potential sexual predators.

Their arrests followed a sting operation by Dateline NBC and the citizen group Perverted Justice.

Pretending to be teenagers, the team lured 50 men over the Internet to a Riverside house that was rigged with hidden cameras.

I WAS IN SHOCK! One guy was a teacher, another an E.R. doctor, and of all things.... A RABBI.

This is one sick world we live in. Sometimes I think we're just too civilized for the good of our future. How can we continue to let these people permeate our society?

I would be absolutely crazy if I had kids.

I would like to see zero tolerance of this kind of thing.

Pretty soon (and it's already started with NAMBLA) they are going to get the ACLU involved because they'll claim they are born with a sexual preference they can't help...children. They will lobby to get the age of consent lowered. Just wait and see. It's coming.
ziggy said:
I WAS IN SHOCK! One guy was a teacher, another an E.R. doctor, and of all things.... A RABBI.

This is one sick world we live in. Sometimes I think we're just too civilized for the good of our future. How can we continue to let these people permeate our society?

I would be absolutely crazy if I had kids.

I would like to see zero tolerance of this kind of thing.

Pretty soon (and it's already started with NAMBLA) they are going to get the ACLU involved because they'll claim they are born with a sexual preference they can't help...children. They will lobby to get the age of consent lowered. Just wait and see. It's coming.
Next thing rapists will be demanding a constitutional right to "mono-laterally consensual sex".
ziggy said:
Pretty soon (and it's already started with NAMBLA) they are going to get the ACLU involved because they'll claim they are born with a sexual preference they can't help...children. They will lobby to get the age of consent lowered. Just wait and see. It's coming.
They may try - I know it won't work with the ACLU - they deal with everyone's liberty - which includes the children. They'll try, but it won't work at all. I hope they do come out - it'll make it so much easier to know who they are, and be ready to lock them up the minute they make a move!

The internet is wonderful for this kind of thing - the pedos aren't all that common (2 out of all of San Diego? You know how large SD is?), but online you can set a trap that will get pedos that would be impossible to find and catch otherwise. And a real little girl doesn't even have to suffer or exist to catch them.
Details said:
They may try - I know it won't work with the ACLU - they deal with everyone's liberty - which includes the children. They'll try, but it won't work at all. I hope they do come out - it'll make it so much easier to know who they are, and be ready to lock them up the minute they make a move!

The internet is wonderful for this kind of thing - the pedos aren't all that common (2 out of all of San Diego? You know how large SD is?), but online you can set a trap that will get pedos that would be impossible to find and catch otherwise. And a real little girl doesn't even have to suffer or exist to catch them.
Bear in mind these are just the ones that showed up on a particular day. God knows how many pervs these people actually talked to online--I'm betting easily 4X that.
Yep, but the ones who take action are the top priority. But in a city the size of SD, even 8 pedos is not a significant percentage at all. They're lousy, sick creatures, but there aren't that many of them - it's just that the news brings them to everyone's attention, NAMBLA exaggerates their numbers, and makes it seem like more than there are. They are a huge threat, but this isn't the collapse of civilization, all men are not becoming amoral brutes - it's just the pedos that have always been there being heard about more.
I just saw the first Dateline episode a few weeks ago. I believe it was a repeat of the original one that aired. I just sat in front of the tv with my jaw dropping and dragged my husband in to watch it. I was disgusted, shocked, scared, angry - you name it. There are so many sick people in this world. The scariest part for me was that it can be anyone doing this. The one that really got me was the Rabbi. I remember they said that he resigned, but I hope they do a follow up story on him. I hope he lost EVERYTHING!!! His friends, family, EVERYTHING!!! Sick ba$tard. All of them. I hope they all lost EVERYTHING and go to prison. I agree with whoever said it above, there should be no tolerance for this. Do it once and you're locked up for life.

I'm very happy to see Dateline doing something like this. Exposing the sickos in the world. More shows should do exposes like this.

Kudos to you Dateline!!
Details said:
Yep, but the ones who take action are the top priority. But in a city the size of SD, even 8 pedos is not a significant percentage at all. They're lousy, sick creatures, but there aren't that many of them - it's just that the news brings them to everyone's attention, NAMBLA exaggerates their numbers, and makes it seem like more than there are. They are a huge threat, but this isn't the collapse of civilization, all men are not becoming amoral brutes - it's just the pedos that have always been there being heard about more.
Then again most of the active pedos in SD (and believe me, there are more than 8), simply head to TJ for their illicit sex fix.
Of course. I just think that you always have to retain a sense of proportion, or else you think most people are evil, one way or another, when the truth is very much the opposite.
Details said:
Of course. I just think that you always have to retain a sense of proportion, or else you think most people are evil, one way or another, when the truth is very much the opposite.
The wisest way of dealing with the world is Trust But Verify.
If you didn't catch the first sting, Xavier has a link to it on the PeeJ website.

I am a "human shield" on PeeJ and LOVE to watch actual busts. We have a hard time getting LE involved with some cases so it's refreshing to see them waiting at the bust house as well.

Airs Feb. 3rd :dance:
It would be a great reality show! And it would make America safer for children.
I went to that website one night, and I found it kind of disturbing. Some of the guys were a-holes--no doubt. But this felt like entrapment. When you convince someone to commit a crime they wouldn't have otherwise committed. A lot of the guys were not THAT far from the girls in age. They were really conflicted about corresponding. What I got from that, was that some of them were thinking, "Wow, she's a real freak. Girls today must grow up fast." Because what the typists were representing wasn't an 11-year-old, but a guy's version of a complient whatever-year-old.
T-Rex said:
I went to that website one night, and I found it kind of disturbing. Some of the guys were a-holes--no doubt. But this felt like entrapment. When you convince someone to commit a crime they wouldn't have otherwise committed. A lot of the guys were not THAT far from the girls in age. They were really conflicted about corresponding. What I got from that, was that some of them were thinking, "Wow, she's a real freak. Girls today must grow up fast." Because what the typists were representing wasn't an 11-year-old, but a guy's version of a complient whatever-year-old.
Sometimes girls that young do throw themselves at guys (and if they were adult, they were way, way too far from her actual age!). Usually because they've been molested growing up or for other reasons. It doesn't matter! They're too young to make that choice for themselves. It's a child, I don't care if they wouldn't have gone for her except that she offered and sounded good - that's sick, criminal, and evil.
T-Rex said:
I went to that website one night, and I found it kind of disturbing. Some of the guys were a-holes--no doubt. But this felt like entrapment. When you convince someone to commit a crime they wouldn't have otherwise committed. A lot of the guys were not THAT far from the girls in age. They were really conflicted about corresponding. What I got from that, was that some of them were thinking, "Wow, she's a real freak. Girls today must grow up fast." Because what the typists were representing wasn't an 11-year-old, but a guy's version of a complient whatever-year-old.

None of us ever IM the guy first, if we did (HS or contributers) THAT would be entrapment. Some kids are a lot smarter than you think, they tend to grow up a lot faster these days, sadly. Have you seen the area about internet abductions? Happens all the time. Young girl finds friend on internet, sneaks out to meet them, gets raped or even killed. I'd rather have the pervert talking to me, posing as an 11 year old, rather than have that pervert talking to an actual child, wouldn't you?

Edited to add: Soliciting sex to a minor is illegal, even if they are "only" 18. They should know better. A kid is a kid.

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