NEW Poll on Where Caylee Died.

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Where do you think Caylee Died?

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It's possible that the cadaver dogs "hit" where items from trunk were cleaned or residues dumped. Does not seem likely to me that KC cleaned items in the "play area"?

As lazy as Casey is, I don't think she would have wandered into the backyard. Why go to the yard, when she could remain relatively out of site inside the garage?

On the other hand, it does explain the "hits" in the back. :confused: :crazy:
As lazy as Casey is, I don't think she would have wandered into the backyard. Why go to the yard, when she could remain relatively out of site inside the garage?

On the other hand, it does explain the "hits" in the back. :confused: :crazy:
I agree for KC assume she took the easy option.

However, she would not have wanted to venture towards the front of the property. Side door of garage leads to gate and backyard, relatively shielded from view. I think the cadaver dogs show KC took something to backyard, either body or contamination from it. She may well have taken loose carpet or wheel cover just to hose it off? or emptied vac as suggested. I don't know? I still think she took the body to back and contemplated what to do, but returned it to the trunk.
I agree for KC assume she took the easy option.

However, she would not have wanted to venture towards the front of the property. Side door of garage leads to gate and backyard, relatively shielded from view. I think the cadaver dogs show KC took something to backyard, either body or contamination from it. She may well have taken loose carpet or wheel cover just to hose it off? or emptied vac as suggested. I don't know? I still think she took the body to back and contemplated what to do, but returned it to the trunk.

I think you are right on, my friend. I totally agree with your suggestions here. I may be wrong, but I have also felt that she contemplated tossing Little Caylee in the dumpster at Amscot. I doubt seriously, that kc would be physically able to lift Caylee's body up high enough to be successful at getting her into the dumpster. I believe this idea came from Tony L. telling detectives during their drive about that he thought it was odd when he went to pick kc up at Amscot, that her car was parked very close to the dumpster and she was standing outside of the car. (I will look for the link.) Anyway, I think this is when the trash bag may have torn as she tried to lift Little Caylee from the trunk and some decomp liquid spilled onto the carpet in trunk. JMO
I think you are right on, my friend. I totally agree with your suggestions here. I may be wrong, but I have also felt that she contemplated tossing Little Caylee in the dumpster at Amscot. I doubt seriously, that kc would be physically able to lift Caylee's body up high enough to be successful at getting her into the dumpster. I believe this idea came from Tony L. telling detectives during their drive about that he thought it was odd when he went to pick kc up at Amscot, that her car was parked very close to the dumpster and she was standing outside of the car. (I will look for the link.) Anyway, I think this is when the trash bag may have torn as she tried to lift Little Caylee from the trunk and some decomp liquid spilled onto the carpet in trunk. JMO
Thanks for the endorsement, but we differ quite a bit in theories after messing about in the backyard.

I think she may well have dumped the body on the 20th after the final time she visited the Anthony's and backed into the garage. At a pinch, I think possibly the bag was sealed well enough by then to stop any more decomposition fluids, so she could possibly have left the body all bagged and ready to go, in her trunk until the 24th, "Gas can incident", when GA nearly caught her.
I think she imagined the smell would go once she dumped the body, but it didn't. She put a bag of garbage in the trunk to cover/explain the smell, but by the time she dumped the car on 27th the smell was noticeable from the outside, so she parked near the dumpster, again to explain/cover the smell.
Thanks for the endorsement, but we differ quite a bit in theories after messing about in the backyard.

I think she may well have dumped the body on the 20th after the final time she visited the Anthony's and backed into the garage. At a pinch, I think possibly the bag was sealed well enough by then to stop any more decomposition fluids, so she could possibly have left the body all bagged and ready to go, in her trunk until the 24th, "Gas can incident", when GA nearly caught her.
I think she imagined the smell would go once she dumped the body, but it didn't. She put a bag of garbage in the trunk to cover/explain the smell, but by the time she dumped the car on 27th the smell was noticeable from the outside, so she parked near the dumpster, again to explain/cover the smell.

This one goes to you.....again! :) I spoke too soon! After looking through my notes I realized that my theory of the Amscot dumpster attempt doesn't make sense since she didn't have the car in her possession after Tony picked her up. For some reason I kept thinking there was something more significant about that episode....but, I guess not! Teach me to check my notes before offering an opinion.

I do agree that the 24th was the day of Little Caylee's disposal in the swamp. Backyard was where kc did indeed contemplate what to do with her. I did previously tell you that I learn a lot from your posts - you are a very good teacher. :woohoo:
This one goes to you.....again! :) I spoke too soon! After looking through my notes I realized that my theory of the Amscot dumpster attempt doesn't make sense since she didn't have the car in her possession after Tony picked her up. For some reason I kept thinking there was something more significant about that episode....but, I guess not! Teach me to check my notes before offering an opinion.

I do agree that the 24th was the day of Little Caylee's disposal in the swamp. Backyard was where kc did indeed contemplate what to do with her. I did previously tell you that I learn a lot from your posts - you are a very good teacher. :woohoo:
I'll take that as a compliment, though my relationships with teachers (last millennium) would not have suggested using the description "teacher" as a compliment.
"Hey teacher! Leave us kids alone."
My "notes" are mainly in my head and bits fall out all the time, and more worrying is when I know there is stuff in there, but it's buried.
I'll take that as a compliment, though my relationships with teachers (last millennium) would not have suggested using the description "teacher" as a compliment.
"Hey teacher! Leave us kids alone."
My "notes" are mainly in my head and bits fall out all the time, and more worrying is when I know there is stuff in there, but it's buried.

In this case "teacher" is definitely a compliment. :gold_star: (Here's a gold star to prove it!) :) Thank you very much for all of your insight and knowledge.
I have never voted in this poll. I am so torn on this question ... I guess I just really have no idea ... on one hand, I wanted to think that she died in the pool and it was an accident ... but then I heard of all the circumstantial evidence that tells me that KC was planning this for some time. I think that if KC just wanted to do away with Caylee (either to be free of the responsibility OR to spite her own mother) ... she could have allowed her to drown in the pool and claimed it an accident. Moreover, I think that there is some REAL pathology at work here ... I think that KC needed to do this in a way that she (in her twisted mind) thought that she could be, or would be perceived a true victim ... in NO WAY a negligent mom (allowing her daughter to drown on accident) but she wanted to come up with a way (no matter how inconceivable to the rational mind --- after all she is NOT rational) to be a true victim ... a mom that had her daughter taken from her despite all her efforts.
In this case "teacher" is definitely a compliment. :gold_star: (Here's a gold star to prove it!) :) Thank you very much for all of your insight and knowledge.
I think we all teach each other. I am as much asking questions as handing out answers.

I have completely changed my opinion as this thread has gone on. Used to think Caylee killed in bed room (KC's or Caylee's) now think Caylee died in car trunk.
I couldn't agree with you more.

I think KC used the Bissel machine (which they took during the search warrant) and dump the water from cleaning the trunk in the backyard.

I've also wondered if George mowing would cause any spread of decomp with the lawnmower wheels? (or is that pushing it?):waitasec:

I have wondered about this too and I think that you are right on the money. I think KC did try to clean the trunk with that machine which is the reason LE took it during the search of the A's home. Why else would LE take it? To me it's self-explanatory. KC used it to clean the trunk.
I agree.
Testimony from Tony could be critical.
I think Caylee was still alive in the trunk that first night(16th), and I would like to know what state KC was in. Distraught? Carefree? Did she go out to her car? To check on Caylee? Was KC sober? Drunk? Stoned? What happened the next morning?

Those are very good questions that needs to be answered. I'm quite sure LE has aked TL those questions and I can't wait to hear the answers!
I have wondered about this too and I think that you are right on the money. I think KC did try to clean the trunk with that machine which is the reason LE took it during the search of the A's home. Why else would LE take it? To me it's self-explanatory. KC used it to clean the trunk.

What's interesting is, even after her efforts of using all the cleaning supplies (creating chloroform in my opinion) and the Bissel machine, the smell still came back! And with a vengeance. The smell is what got the ball rolling in all of this....her ditching her car and getting towed and CA calling the cops.

I've said this before but, a friend of mine had a carton of milk leak in the back of her car into the carpet lining.

She had it professionally cleaned, she used her own personal carpet cleaner, and used every cleaning product under the sun.

It was in the middle of the summer so it was very hot outside.

Within a day or two of a cleaning, the putrid smell would be back despite their efforts.

They finally had to have the carpet and lining ripped out and replaced.

I think this is what happend in the trunk. She worked hard on that stain but since it was organic in nature and in the heat 24/7, it just kept coming back (despite her valiant effort of using dryer sheets and other bags of trash to hide the smell! good try, Case!)

Anyway, my guess is that she dumped Caylee on the 19th and came back on the 20th for one last attempt at cleaning.
In this case "teacher" is definitely a compliment. :gold_star: (Here's a gold star to prove it!) :) Thank you very much for all of your insight and knowledge.

I have never voted in this poll. I am so torn on this question ... I guess I just really have no idea ... on one hand, I wanted to think that she died in the pool and it was an accident ... but then I heard of all the circumstantial evidence that tells me that KC was planning this for some time. I think that if KC just wanted to do away with Caylee (either to be free of the responsibility OR to spite her own mother) ... she could have allowed her to drown in the pool and claimed it an accident. Moreover, I think that there is some REAL pathology at work here ... I think that KC needed to do this in a way that she (in her twisted mind) thought that she could be, or would be perceived a true victim ... in NO WAY a negligent mom (allowing her daughter to drown on accident) but she wanted to come up with a way (no matter how inconceivable to the rational mind --- after all she is NOT rational) to be a true victim ... a mom that had her daughter taken from her despite all her efforts.

What efforts? How was she going about getting sympathy?

Casey told everyone Caylee was going to expensive theme parks with other children and brand new clothes and being cared for by the nanny-of-the-year. Casey wallowed in domestic bliss making Tony macaroni and cheese, doing laundry and cleaning Tony's apartment during the day. She bent the ear of all who would listen going on and on about how Tony might be "it". Weekends she partied.

She squeezed in some shopping trips.

I think giving up a single date with Tony to have to discuss Caylee's demise with authorities was more of a sacrifice than Casey wanted to make. She just plain didn't want to be bothered. Even to be a victim.

She just wanted to MOVE ON.

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