NEW Poll on Where Caylee Died.

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Where do you think Caylee Died?

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I see a wealth of evidence proving at least a dead Caylee was in the trunk. Stain, smell testimony from scores of people, hairs.
I see NO EVIDENCE of any chloroform other than traces easily explained as a normal part of decomposition, or possibly one of a multitude of cleaning residues.

I did not say a dead Caylee was not in the trunk. Obviously, because of the wealth of evidence proving it, she was. What I said is there is no evidence Caylee DIED in the trunk.
The evidence I see of chloroform in the trunk is in the forensics report. The lab says an unusually high amount of chloroform was found. Unless this is the first time this lab has ever dealt with a car trunk that contained a dead body, I just don't see how they would consider it unusual if it was simply the result of decomp or cleaning. Cindy Anthony, if she even did, is not the first person to ever use cleaners in the trunk of a car.
I did not say a dead Caylee was not in the trunk. Obviously, because of the wealth of evidence proving it, she was. What I said is there is no evidence Caylee DIED in the trunk.
The evidence I see of chloroform in the trunk is in the forensics report. The lab says an unusually high amount of chloroform was found. Unless this is the first time this lab has ever dealt with a car trunk that contained a dead body, I just don't see how they would consider it unusual if it was simply the result of decomp or cleaning. Cindy Anthony, if she even did, is not the first person to ever use cleaners in the trunk of a car.
The only way chloroform will become an issue in the case is if EVIDENCE of it is found with the remains, or evidence of it is found showing it was in KC's possession. Even then there would have to be evidence she used it on Caylee.
It has not happened yet and I think will not happen.
Unfortunately the KC "searches" for chloroform brought the word to the fore.
"Raised levels" (parts per million) were found in analysis, but that is not the same as anybody detecting "an odour" .
There is absolutely no evidence that KC ever bought, made, stole, or even ever saw chloroform at a distance. Nobody in the case anywhere has reported ever seeing chloroform anywhere. It just is not part of the case at all at this time. If some evidence is found with the remains, then we can consider it important. But equally so, if we find there was a piece of Martian toenail with the remains, we will go back and reconsider my earlier "Alien Abduction" theory.

I do so enjoy your posts and descriptive use of words. Just wondering if your street name is "House"?? I love that show on tv and you do remind me of him. You are both brilliant, of course!!! All in good fun and seriously I do learn a great deal from you HP. Thanks so much! :dance:
I do so enjoy your posts and descriptive use of words. Just wondering if your street name is "House"?? I love that show on tv and you do remind me of him. You are both brilliant, of course!!! All in good fun and seriously I do learn a great deal from you HP. Thanks so much! :dance:
I have never watched the show, but seen bits. The actor Hugh Laurie, was a favourite of mine in his earlier life in UK where he played the character "Bertie Wooster" in "Jeeves and Wooster"
Very British, so not sure the series ever made US?
If anything I strive to be more like Jeeves.
The only way chloroform will become an issue in the case is if EVIDENCE of it is found with the remains, or evidence of it is found showing it was in KC's possession. Even then there would have to be evidence she used it on Caylee.
It has not happened yet and I think will not happen.

I am totally in agreement with you about the chloroform. This is one of those persistent rumors that drives me crazy. However, I still wonder what its involvement will be at trial.

Will they try to introduce her computer searches?
Will they try to show chloroform was in the car becasue it was cleaned (consciousness of guilt)
I think chloroform is going to play some role in this trial, I'm just not sure what that role will be yet. The defense is obviously interested in the picture on Ricardo's computer. Maybe they will be the ones to bring it into play.
I am totally in agreement with you about the chloroform. This is one of those persistent rumors that drives me crazy. However, I still wonder what it's involvement will be at trial.

Will they try to introduce her computer searches?
Will they try to show chloroform was in the car becasue it was cleaned (consciousness of guilt)
I think chloroform is going to play some role in this trial, I'm just not sure what that role will be yet. The defense is obviously interested in the picture on Ricardo's computer. Maybe they will be the ones to bring it into play.
I don't have an answer.

Based on what we know so far, I hope the prosecution do not bring it up at all. However, as I have maintained throughout, if there is some evidence not released to us yet, or some turns up, then the "Chloroform search" becomes a vital item for the prosecution. Even just some testimony from witnesses who saw KC with chloroform or just an unknown liquid etc. But NOTHING like that has shown up yet.
If we rule out chloroform as the cause of death, what then killed Caylee?

Did she suffocate slowly with that duct tape across her nose and mouth? I can't bear to think of her Mother watching her struggle to breathe, which would have continued for several minutes.. restraining her attempts to remove the tape (or perhaps a pillow or that Winnie the Poo blanket) .. thank you, but right or wrong, for the good of my own mental health, I prefer to believe little Caylee fell asleep from the chloroform and passed away quietly, either of an overdose, or from suffocation during her drugged sleep.
If we rule out chloroform as the cause of death, what then killed Caylee?

Did she suffocate slowly with that duct tape across her nose and mouth? I can't bear to think of her Mother watching her struggle to breathe, which would have continued for several minutes.. restraining her attempts to remove the tape (or perhaps a pillow or that Winnie the Poo blanket) .. thank you, but right or wrong, for the good of my own mental health, I prefer to believe little Caylee fell asleep from the chloroform and passed away quietly, either of an overdose, or from suffocation during her drugged sleep.
I'd like to believe that Caylee died peacefully, and perhaps she did.

However the evidence suggests to me she died in the trunk. Perhaps she was drugged, or asleep, even in a coma?
I'd like to believe that Caylee died peacefully, and perhaps she did.

However the evidence suggests to me she died in the trunk. Perhaps she was drugged, or asleep, even in a coma?

I hope Caylee was drugged or in a coma too.

I can't imagine a worse way to die than trapped & bound in a tight enclosed space. I am definitely claustrophobic.
I don't know if chloroform was used on Caylee or not. If it was, I would guess she was made to ingest it vs. inhale it. I don't know if chloroform would leave some trace in hair, but if it does, I wish they had gotten some hair samples from Amy. I feel Casey used it on her at least twice.
IMO, the evidence points me to feel Casey had made her decision to kill Caylee as early as the late night/early morning hours she was texting and talking to TonE, June 15/16. I don't see her having much of a problem being all carefree and happy a few hours after she killed her daughter. I think it would be harder to get past removing Caylee's remains from her trunk after she had been in there 2 or 3 days and carrying them into the woods. I just don't see how that wouldn't have a negative impact, sociopath or not.
I have read the Sunshine laws extensively, and I am still not sure I completely understand how they work. I can figure out a few loopholes for them to not have released evidence that to me is clearly missing, but on some of it, I don't know how they could be holding it back, if they indeed are. I, too, am still waiting for some release on how at least approximately how much chloroform was found in the trunk. To me, it is almost as bad as reading a report stating, "We found A LOT of blood" without giving any indication of how much.
I don't know if chloroform was used on Caylee or not. If it was, I would guess she was made to ingest it vs. inhale it. I don't know if chloroform would leave some trace in hair, but if it does, I wish they had gotten some hair samples from Amy. I feel Casey used it on her at least twice.
IMO, the evidence points me to feel Casey had made her decision to kill Caylee as early as the late night/early morning hours she was texting and talking to TonE, June 15/16. I don't see her having much of a problem being all carefree and happy a few hours after she killed her daughter. I think it would be harder to get past removing Caylee's remains from her trunk after she had been in there 2 or 3 days and carrying them into the woods. I just don't see how that wouldn't have a negative impact, sociopath or not.
I have read the Sunshine laws extensively, and I am still not sure I completely understand how they work. I can figure out a few loopholes for them to not have released evidence that to me is clearly missing, but on some of it, I don't know how they could be holding it back, if they indeed are. I, too, am still waiting for some release on how at least approximately how much chloroform was found in the trunk. To me, it is almost as bad as reading a report stating, "We found A LOT of blood" without giving any indication of how much.
I have never heard of ingesting chloroform.
I imagine it would cause "acid like" burning of mouth and throat. Much screaming and writhing from the victim, and vomiting if any got as far as the stomach. Generally a messy noisy procedure, and no sedative effect what so ever that I have heard of.
I see that some people voted for IN the car in the car seat. I have a question about that.

I have looked but have not come across any info concerning the car seat itself. I do know it was taken from the shed during a LE search.

Has there been any info in the doc dumps of any tests or info about the car seat itself. I'm thinking if she died in the car seat there should be evidence of that, or at least a canine hit if the let the dogs sniff it.

I do agree that she was in the trunk of course but I have this niggling theory in the back of my mind that she may have died of carbon monoxide poisoning in the A's garage while strapped in her carseat in KC's car.
I originally voted for in the home but after reading many of these posts and in particular HP, I tend to think now little Caylee died in the trunk of the car. However, I really can't rule out the chloroform in light of the air samples (remember those were taken a month after the death and it may be possible for the amounts to have diminished somewhat) and the computer searches. I've seen a lot of people wondering about why the tape was used. Could it possibly have been used to hold a rag containing chloroform over the poor babies mouth in the trunk? What do you all think?
I originally voted for in the home but after reading many of these posts and in particular HP, I tend to think now little Caylee died in the trunk of the car. However, I really can't rule out the chloroform in light of the air samples (remember those were taken a month after the death and it may be possible for the amounts to have diminished somewhat) and the computer searches. I've seen a lot of people wondering about why the tape was used. Could it possibly have been used to hold a rag containing chloroform over the poor babies mouth in the trunk? What do you all think?
Glad I have made my point on location of death.

I guess the other issue of Chloroform is OT here, and covered in other threads.
I am in hopes that LE has an interview with TL, still unreleased, where he talks about their trip to Blockbuster, phone conversations on the night of the 15th and on the 16th. I just can't help but to believe there is more with TL ,and when released will help to answer many of these questions.
I am in hopes that LE has an interview with TL, still unreleased, where he talks about their trip to Blockbuster, phone conversations on the night of the 15th and on the 16th. I just can't help but to believe there is more with TL ,and when released will help to answer many of these questions.
I agree.
Testimony from Tony could be critical.
I think Caylee was still alive in the trunk that first night(16th), and I would like to know what state KC was in. Distraught? Carefree? Did she go out to her car? To check on Caylee? Was KC sober? Drunk? Stoned? What happened the next morning?
What about the smell of a dead body by the pool? Cadaver dogs don't lie :cool:
What about the smell of a dead body by the pool? Cadaver dogs don't lie :cool:
What really bothers me is why didn't they take the cadaver dogs in the house? That would have nailed it.

The tape could have come from the garage, as they have boxes of stuff on the shelves in there. The laundry bag and blanket could have been retrieved.

The little dogs sleeping on Caylee's bed during Greta's interview really bothered me. I wonder if that's where she died? It's just too weird that they would hang out on Caylee's bed like that.
What about the smell of a dead body by the pool? Cadaver dogs don't lie :cool:
KC came back to the Anthony's and backed into the garage 3 times.

On one or all of those occasions she could have taken the body (in it's laundry bag) out to the backyard thru the side door and gate.

My belief is she was thinking of hiding/burying or staging an accident. No surprise she placed the body near the pool and over in the "Play area" near toy house and sand box.

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