New Ronald Jail Calls Girlfriend? What Ron Thinks of Black People

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I figured it out.........the girl is Casey Anthony, her "kids" Ron refers to are George and Cindy. :crazy:
I am still waiting to hear the call from Ron of him crying over his children and asking about Haleigh’s search. That is what came out of TN’s mouth. I don’t feel sorry for any of them and if Ron gets his @zz kicked for being such a racist, so be it. It’s his own fault. The “N” word is a big no no…and very low!:banghead:My question still remains, how can he be so concerned about his skidded boxers, roted teeth, how long he has for a shower or phone call, his mother screening his mail, not wanting his family to spend money to put on his PayTel (sp) account-yet it's OK for this girl to put her money in, and not give one iota about where his daughter may be or how his son is doing?:furious:

As for this girl (Tamarah, is what I understood he called her on the call with GGMS), well I think this is another one thrown in the loop for damage control and I feel TN may play a small part in it. Why would this girl put all her money up for Ron? IMO, TN is the one sending her the money so that Ron has someone to talk to that is not family knowing the jail will screen his calls.
Or, as some have said maybe just one of Ron's many which she fits right in since she to sounds to be another criminal. She did talk about her being in prison..:furious:

BBM.. I agree for the most part, however I will venture to say.. IF TN is intercepting all correspondence, she is playing a BIG part in it...

Whatever the case may be.. IMHO, unless she is a plant by LE, I'm thinking she must be a whole lotta desperate and a little nuts... or vice versa..JMO
Yes, but you ought to see how many Chads have been in PCSO jail in the past 3 yrs. [None of them were Griffis, btw.] It was a very popular name, at least around here, back in the 80s and 90s.

Speaking of names, anybody know where/how Teresa came up with Gaynell and LeMyles? [Bet there aren't many Gaynells under the age of 65, and I'd be surprised if there are any LeMyles of any age.]

Wonder how Teresa's liking Ms. B? Did she kinda fix them up, or what? Hope she already knew about her new fave g/f's past stint in jail before it came out in the tapes today.
Anybody know what that girl served time for? Guess it shouldn't be too hard to sleuth out. Mebbe tomorrow. (Her mysp spooked me so bad, I can't sleep for fear of nightmarin'.]

*Perks up* Eh? Any info out there somewhere LF? Or clue on last name?
I wish rc wasn't jailed in the type of cell he has. He has way too much access to the staff and other inmates. He is entertained and can interact often. This will never get him talking. He needs to be in a hard bars. This is crazy. Le was getting further when he was in PCSO he has the freedom and doesn't even have to share a cell. He will not talk..heck, he isn't even angry anymore. As long as he can talk and see other people, he will adjust. It is being by himself and all alone where he can't even hear others that will crack him.

Whips, I don't think RC will ever talk. I truly don't.
The calls made today will be very telling... and if there aren't any made, that will be telling also.

I am sickened by these people.
I agree, probably not Crystal. Since the voice seemed familiar to both LFlorida and Stormy, could it be someone's voice they are use to hearing on the news - or LE releases? A mailing address could easily be set up. Or, it could really be a groupie attracted to Bad Boys!

Stormy thought the same thing? Missed that. (Hi, Stormy!)

Not the news, I don't think. Maybe she just has a local accent? But why - isn't she in Kentucky or somewhere like that? For those of you not from The South, there are big differences in southern accents even within the same state.

Guess I might go listen to that call again, see what I can hear.

jmo - She's one of us WEBWEIRDOs, lol. Prolly been following the case as long and as intensely as the rest of us. Might have even followed KC, dunno. [I didn't, thk Gd]
I am behind here, but did I miss the name of this GF or a My Space link somewhere ? TIA.
I live in south central Illinois. Starting here and going south in the state the southern accent gets stronger and stronger.
I guess, for me, Ronald's sentiments regarding this day were expressed in his call recently released with his grandmother. You know, the one where she attempted to talk about the vigil she was going to attend and he shut her down and ended the call, even with 5 minutes left to go? Yeah.
RC is going to slam that guard? Gee, does that sound like a threat to anyone other than me?
OMG!!! Gotta say, I'm not that surprised by these calls, but I'm glad that the people who stood up for Ron time and time again will finally see that this is the real Ron: racist, druggie, loser who doesn't care about his kids and only cares about himself. I can't believe he fooled so many people.
I just listened to the latest GGM tape. AS really sounds like she has nothing to say to RC. I'll bet if he had more time to talk, we would have heard silence from her end of the phone. I'd say that she got off easy this time, no talk of dirty drawers and RC only mentioned the shower once. I can see why he doesn't want to talk about Haleigh, but he didn't even ask her how she is doing without Jr., she must really miss him, the house must be really quiet without him, etc. I think that AS is really disgusted with RC and couldn't care less if she ever heard from him again. I think that RC is about to lose his one true supporter and friend, if he hasn't already.
I've had to remove some posts temporarily from more than one excellent sleuther and let me explain why.

On WS, we are not allowed to name persons in cases without a viable link to verify they are who they are. Plus, we are not supposed to sleuth players that are not named in the media. In the Scanner forum, we do have more freedom in that manner due to the nature of scanning, but that is why it is in the member's only forum.

The reason we do this is because we don't sleuth innocent people. I'm greatly concerned about the girl in RC's phone call as there is no proof whatsoever that she is involved in Haleigh's disappearance.

Now, it will be a miracle if she isn't named by an approved source by the end of the day and I know that. Wait until you have an approved link before she is named in the forum.

Thank you all in advance for respecting our guidelines here at Websleuths! :grouphug:
I live in south central Illinois. Starting here and going south in the state the southern accent gets stronger and stronger.

Southern Illinois peeps have a southern accent??? Good Lord! You should spend some time in Alabama, or Louisiana if you want to hear a good southern accent.
We here in Texas don't have southern accents. It's just a Texas brogue.
Wonder what will happen when the lovely names he is calling his fellow inmates get repeated to those inmates by the press or their own visitors?


Yeah, and his mom says he is very, very intelligent...riiiight....see how many teeth he has left when this gets back to those fine, fellow inmates in PC...
Ronald's N-word...Spelled with 'a'-not 'er' ??

Slang term for homie, friend, buddy, etc., used primarily by African-Americans but has spread to other races as well

Ronald's "girlfriend" calling from another state...could very well be "one of us"
Someone that follows these high profile cases and somehow met up with RC either online or by mail.
I live in south central Illinois. Starting here and going south in the state the southern accent gets stronger and stronger.

I agree - I live pretty much dead center in Illinois, and we have the standard "newscaster accent" - bland and boring. But the southern accent most definitely starts picking up the further south you go, even here in Illinois.

Plus, I notice the "gf" said something about Tennessee - she accented the first syllable. Most Illinoisans accent the LAST syllable...if she's calling from Illinois, I doubt she's a native. JMO
Ronald's N-word...Spelled with 'a'-not 'er' ??

Slang term for homie, friend, buddy, etc., used primarily by African-Americans but has spread to other races as well

Ronald's "girlfriend" calling from another state...could very well be "one of us"
Someone that follows these high profile cases and somehow met up with RC either online or by mail.

Did you listen to his diatribe? There was no "a" on that word. It was "er" all the way.
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