New Search Warrant--WOW!

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I just finished reading all the warrant affidavits and am in complete disbelief of what an idiot Jason is. He has all but confessed in the e-mails with his sister. He seems to think that by lucking into a good attorney he will end up OK. Well, no attorney is going to be able to help him much based on what we know. Ironically, if he had cooperated some in the beginning, he might be in a better position than he is now. I hope they are watching his comings and goings carefully now that all this evidence is public!
He is one sick dude and he shouldn't have Cassidy right now. What is wrong with his mother?????? I can just imagine how arrogant he is with her though, just like with Kim.

Obviously the truth and the loss of Michelle's and Rylan's life are nothing compared to blood. We can see where he gets his sickness from.
The way these documents are being released indicates to me that an arrest is imminent. I wonder if LE wants him to try and flee so that it can make this stickier? Just a random thought I had.

I certainly hope an arrest is in short order and after reading the!
Interesting that he talks about Raven in the emails with his sister- he may not think that anyone remembers that murder, and thinks that he can end up getting away with Michelle's murder like Raven has.

But there ain't no statute of limitation on murder big boy, and I predict that after this bombshell of a warrent being released, Jason's free time may be coming to a close!
Unbelievable, the amount of good data they have pointing to him. All those phone calls, the convo with his sis, the Internet searches, the ADULT drugs in Cassidy's room.

This is powerful circumstantial evidence; I think Linda won't have any problem proving her civil case.

What more do they need to finally arrest and prosecute this jerk? I understand a rape kit wasn't done because of the ME's f-up and there's nothing they can do about that. Any mistakes made early in the investigation are what they are and time cannot be turned back.

Do you think they're waiting to make some kind of match with those Franklin Size 10 shoes? Even if it implies there was another person at the crime scene, JLY is still a perp who can be charged w/first degree murder. His blood was there, his shoe prints in Michelle's blood were there. What are they WAITING for? A confession???? :rolleyes:
As Jilly said, "wowsers!"

Let's see - the emails to Michelle Money. And hers back to him. IMY (I Miss You) and ILY (I Love You) were used. Michelle CONFIRMED a sexual relationship (sorry gojo!!!!!!).

His comments to her about the "counseling" with Michelle and Meredith - and his comment that Meredith helped the situation with her demeanor. And thank goodness for Meredith. And his comment about her being large or big, can't remember the specific word.

Also of note, Meredith's statement that the famous call from jason to her to go to the home was in the 12 noon - 1 pm hour, so NOT the 7:30am early phone call that was sometimes discussed. Oh no, that call was to Michelle Money.

The phone history to Mommy Dearest; the lack of calling Linda or anyone else on 11/3; the computer search history!!!!; the phone calls AND IN-PERSON event with Michelle Money in the summer of 2007 in Myrtle Beach. WTH?!?!?!

What also stands out - his tone/demeanor in his email exchanges with his sister. What an azz.

Cassidy with the Tylenol and other drugs in her room on a shelf? You know Michelle wouldn't have kept those things in Cassidy's room on a shelf like that.

I could go, this is great to read. Now to see what the computer search from today will result in. :woohoo:

I know there's more I've forgotten, but as Shuze would say...THUD!

Jason can't be having a good time - civil suit by Linda and now this released. Nice to see.
The way these documents are being released indicates to me that an arrest is imminent. I wonder if LE wants him to try and flee so that it can make this stickier? Just a random thought I had.

I certainly hope an arrest is in short order and after reading the!

Either that, or they are giving Linda Fisher everything they can to help her out seeing as how there has been no arrest. Warrants with less information than this have been sealed in this case - even the DA isn't trying to keep things from Linda Fisher any longer. They owe her big time.
Wonder why they waited so long after he was terminated from the latest job to seize the company laptop computer. That's taking a big chance right there; at my company when you turn in your laptop, they either completely overwrite/re-image the hard drive or, if it's a laptop they are retiring from service, they take out the hard drive and drill holes through it to protect sensitive co. data. And that's on TOP of every laptop being encrypted with Safeguard Easy so that you can't boot it up without knowing the special password.
Why the DA thinks he can't get a conviction in this case with the evidence they have so far is beyond me. He can. He has enough to convince a jury.
Wonder why they waited so long after he was terminated from the latest job to seize the company laptop computer. That's taking a big chance right there; at my company when you turn in your laptop, they either completely overwrite/re-image the hard drive or, if it's a laptop they are retiring from service, they take out the hard drive and drill holes through it to protect sensitive co. data. And that's on TOP of every laptop being encrypted with Safeguard Easy so that you can't boot it up without knowing the special password.

From reading this warrant - it seems Novo Nordisk could access the computer data themselves. Looks to me they contacted LE about that issue, of what they saw, and LE gladly issued a warrant to reclaim the data if possible. Last page of the warrant.
I read it. It says, "Novo Nordisk has reportedly been able to recover data from the hard drive of the computer issued to Jason Young. This search warrant is being requested for the limited purpose of gathering possible evidence and recovered data from a computer used by Jason Young..."

I'm glad they recovered data; hopefully LE will find something of interest. I'm glad Novo did not trash the hard drive or otherwise make it inaccessible for data recovery. Whew!
I read it. It says, "Novo Nordisk has reportedly been able to recover data from the hard drive of the computer issued to Jason Young."

That's what I said. It also seems to me Novo Nordisk must have contacted LE about what they may have found.
Now let's hope he left a trail of further incriminating evidence. These guys usually trip themselves up through cell phone usage, computer activity, etc. I believe Wake County has a cell waiting just for him!
Now let's hope he left a trail of further incriminating evidence. These guys usually trip themselves up through cell phone usage, computer activity, etc. I believe Wake County has a cell waiting just for him!

Hope it is next to Brad boy's and both cells are bugged. :crazy: Could be some interesting conversations there.
Oh yeah. That would be an excellent Xmas present for all the sleuthers, as well as family/friends. It's time.
Interesting that he talks about Raven in the emails with his sister- he may not think that anyone remembers that murder, and thinks that he can end up getting away with Michelle's murder like Raven has.

But there ain't no statute of limitation on murder big boy, and I predict that after this bombshell of a warrent being released, Jason's free time may be coming to a close!

I finished reading these documents earlier but was tied up.

You are so right on!

I was soooo pizzed that he would think that ANYONE would forget about RAVEN and JANET........... That's her name, Jason, JANET!!!!!!

Raven isn't going to get away with it either. He may think he has..........he's just bought himself time!!!!!!! I do NOT believe LE has forgotten Janet and her unborn child either!

I soooo hope LE is hot on the trail of Jason Young.

OhMyGosh, what a !!!!!!:furious:


PS........sorry,.........I get carried away sometimes, I'll shut up and read the rest of the thread.........fran
I cannot believe the stuff Im reading in this warrant and JY is not behind bars.

Bludgeoning his wife and leaving his child behind to sit in her blood.

I grew up with the Tharrington's, Smith and Smith's children, been to their homes countless times as a teenager. I cannot believe Roger is defending this guy. I think they are all going f'n senile. Paul Michaels is an excellent attorney, he amassed a fortune litigating against Dalkon (IUD) years ago.

What more do they need to make an arrest---Colon are you scared of Roger? Geez.

Yeppers! I always thought he thinks of himself as a 'Raven' smart guy. Well, to quote Edgar Allen Poe... "Nevermore"! I wish Brad would have 2 new cellies!
I bet the Novo computer info is the latest "forensics' Donnie said they are waiting on.
Look for an arrest any time.
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