New Searches based ON CASEY Sightings. JB advises Casey to reveal nothing

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This is from the thread about Amscot, the dumpster and the car. I THINK it is from LE's first document dump:

***Mrs. Sanchez is the branch manager of 7051 East Colonial Drive (Amscot Financial). On June 27, 2008, at approximately 0700 hours, Mrs. Sanchez arrived at 7051 East Colonial Drive for her shift. Mrs. Sanchez observed a white Pontiac parked next to the business' dumpster, but took no action.

On June 28, 2008, at approximately 0700 hours... Mrs. Sanchez observed the white car still parked next to the dumpster. Mrs. Sanchez notified the Amscot coporate office of the white Pontiac's presence. The Amscot coporate office instructed Mrs. Sanchez to call law enforcement to ensure the white Pontiac was not stolen, and if the white Pontiac was not stolen wait one additional day and have the white Pontiac towed away. Mrs. Sanchez called Orange County Sherrff's Office... and was advised the white Pontiac was not stolen.***

I think LE is positive that Mrs. Sanchez remembered the correct date. does this help clear up the confusion about whether it was the 26th or the 27th?

I have always believed that the car was left at the Amscott on the 26th-AFTER the morning shift manager was already on duty and while other cars were in the lot so it was not so noticeable. This would fit perfectly with Tony coming and picking her up at 11 am, and with her having spent the night before with him. She could have arisen early and gone to her parents and robbed what she wanted from the house (food was said to have come from her house NOT the store by Tony) and gone back toward Tony's but ran out of gas and had to call him to give her a ride. THEN the next morning, as the lot would be emptier at 7:00 am, the manager notices the car and marks 7 am as the time and the 27th as the date...
There are over 25 originating calls or text from her phone on the 21st alone. and the same if not more coming in.

the 22nd is the same way. on the 22nd activity starts at 9:30am and goes past midnight and into the 23rd. some off time in there, but steady phone usage.

These are at&t records that I downloaded from doc.stac

Care to share a link or a copy?
Good point, which further makes me wonder how did she get there before she called Tony? This has always bewildered me. :confused:

If she ACTUALLY ran out of gas on the 26th and ditched the car there around 10:30 or 11:00 am, then the manager who comes in at 7:00 am. of course would not have noticed it there...UNTIL she came in the next morning...
George admitted in his statement that he never even got close to the trunk.
And when they play the video from his interview with Greta...they will have to decide which time he told the truth...or if he ever told the truth about that incident.

they do find her body and she has chloroform left in her tissues, or a big gash on her head or her throat has been still could end up as a death penalty case, easily...
There will be no tissue left to find. The only way they will be able to tell if a weapon was used is if the skeletal remains are somewhat intact and can find tool marks, breaks, fractures, or holes (such as for a bullet wound, blunt force trauma, etc.).
Right, that sounds reasonable.

I'm glad to have it out of my mind that she may have had the body in the car immediately prior to ditching it. It is much more logical to think that the body was only in the car from the 16th to maybe, the 22nd. It could have even been for as short a time as the 17th to the 21st. It's much more likely because I could never imagine her driving around in that car for ten days with a dead body in the trunk.

As with Andrea Yates, who drowned all five of her children, it is very difficult if not impossible to IMAGINE what is in the minds and hearts of people who do things like this to their me, her riding around with her child's dead body is not out of the realm of possibilities, as these people are obviously not in the same plane of thought as your average joe blo...
I don't see her driving around with Caylee in the trunk either. Not because she has a conscience, but because she would want to rid herself of Caylee as quickly as possible. As long as she remains "with" Casey, it would be a "burden" in her mind. As soon as Caylee was disposed of...Casey felt a newfound sense of total freedom as depicted by her actions and photos.
Well stated, and E Bay is the BEST place to list, due to the fact that
for the meager price to list an item, it gets EXPOSURE all over the US and internationaly as well.

IMO some of the trivial pieces of paper could bring hundreds, and I am serious !:blowkiss:

I will say this again and apologize again for being off topic. Imo, I seriously doubt EBay will allow the selling of items once owned by a murderer due to the insensitivity that selling such items would be to the family of the victim (even if one of the members of the family happens to be the murderer). Out of respect for Cindy and George, regardless of how they behave and what they may have done to hamper this case, Ebay will not allow the selling of the Anthony's trash. People will be incensed by this and report the items, no matter how many "interested parties" want it and regardless if it is for charity to help find Caylee or not.

Anna Nicole took her own life. Very different from Caylee's case.
There are over 25 originating calls or text from her phone on the 21st alone. and the same if not more coming in.

the 22nd is the same way. on the 22nd activity starts at 9:30am and goes past midnight and into the 23rd. some off time in there, but steady phone usage.

These are at&t records that I downloaded from doc.stac

But, I noticed today that there is a gap of time on the 21st of June where no calls came in or went out. Between 13:26 and 15:59...nothing. That's 2 1/2 hours with nothing coming in or out as if the phone was turned off.

Maddie selling trash


She didn't consider ebay.

I thought I read on her blog that she did think about selling the trash on eBay. Sorry if I have the wrong info.
But, I noticed today that there is a gap of time on the 21st of June where no calls came in or went out. Between 13:26 and 15:59...nothing. That's 2 1/2 hours with nothing coming in or out as if the phone was turned off.
That was the day after her big night at Fusian. Maybe she turned it off for a little "nap" with AL or to recover from her hangover.
Hello All. My name is Carolyn and I am a WS addict. I have been lurking for two months and can't remember what I used to do before I found you guys. I haven't had the tv on in ages except for NANCY.

Anyway, this is my question. Chris says that he saw Casey jogging near his neighborhood and when he mentioned it to her she claimed it was not her. Do we (you) know what day this allegedly happened? Has this are been searched and it is being re-searched?

Thanks in advance and you guys are all awesome! :clap:
That was the day after her big night at Fusian. Maybe she turned it off for a little "nap" with AL or to recover from her hangover.

I gave that a thought too but it seems like Casey would just turn the ringer off if she didn't want to be disturbed. She wouldn't want to miss out on who called her while she was napping, would she?
Is there a link available to where the detectives came right out and said that she IS deceased? I have not seen it yet...

I don't think they come right out and say that she IS deceased. They say she most likely is or evidence indicates such.
Hello All. My name is Carolyn and I am a WS addict. I have been lurking for two months and can't remember what I used to do before I found you guys. I haven't had the tv on in ages except for NANCY.

Anyway, this is my question. Chris says that he saw Casey jogging near his neighborhood and when he mentioned it to her she claimed it was not her. Do we (you) know what day this allegedly happened? Has this are been searched and it is being re-searched?

Thanks in advance and you guys are all awesome! :clap:

Hi Carolyn. It was July 15th.

On July 15 around 9:30 a.m., he saw a girl who looked like Casey jogging down Chickasaw. He texted Casey and asked her if she was running down Chickasaw, but she said ‘no’ and that was the end of that. July 16, he got text message about Caylee being missing for 32 days.
C. Stutz also said that KC told him she was training to become a personal trainer. Does anyone know anything about this?
:furious::furious:Yeah Casey...don't say what you know..listen to JB. The "warm" thank you to Caseys fans posted by The Anthony Family today makes me want to vomit. Casey the rockstar with all her Myspace Friends and mega hits to the Anthony Family web of lies page. It is beyond ludicrous. These people are whackadoos. They should have all their sick arses thrown in jail. I can hardly stomach much more.....please LE, Sheriff Beary....put those loonies in their place ASAP. :furious::furious:
Though I shudder at the thought, I'm beginning to wonder several things:

1. We know the cadaver dogs hit in the A's back yard. This says to me that either caylee was there or there was something such as clothing that was permeated with the cadaver odor. Since Caylee was never seen at the house, nor, I believe by anyone else after the 16th, can we assume that Caylee was deceased by the 17th?

2. We also know that Casey pulled into the garage on the 24th when George was present. There did not appear to be any odor then, or surely he would have noticed it. BUT, she was extremely nervous about him viewing the trunk. This suggests to me that perhaps Caylee was stored in some sort of container with a preservative such as ice, dry ice, or chloroform?

3. By the time the car was towed the odor was horrendous. Is it possible that between the 24th and the 27th, the preservative melted or was rendered ineffective, thus permeating the trunk with cadaver ordor, and KC was forced to dispose of the body immediately, and then abandon the car?

4. If so, that only leaves a few days when Caylee's body could have been disposed of, and her locations during these days would be vital.

I apologize if this has already been discussed, but am curious what others think.

1. Could easily have been the gas cans. IF the smell was on them, and it HAD to be, then each time George used them and moved them around to a different location in the yard as he worked he would spread that smell...
2. She was not pulled into the garage on the 24th. George admits in his statement that he followed her as outside and she was just slamming the trunk and cursing at him as she returned his gas cans...
So says GA...........I can't find that info from the tow company statements.

Who says he even tried to start it but him? I hate to nitpick, but I believe there is SOMETHING in his story here which does not fit and I am just trying to fit the pieces.

The tow yard guy stated that George tried it and it would not start and he said that's ok, I have gas in my car and went and retrieved it...
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