New Timeline/Theory Based On Body Discovery??

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DNA Solves
And again they had 2 dogs that they let out the back door to do their duty- If her body was back there I am sure those dogs would of sniffed that odor and would start digging at it and disturb it-
Killed on 15th/16th. Placed in trunk. Returned to house on 18th, borrowed shovel with intention to bury in backyard. Saw the difficulty in doing so. Wrapped the body in plastic bag, secured tightly with duck tape to prevent leakage. Returned to trunk of car. Left there until the 24th until close call with George. Dumped body in place found.

I'm still having a little trouble with George's role in this. Did he see or smell the body on the 24th and she took off in her car? Was that the day he followed her but lost her? When the car was found at Amscot was she still in the tire well? Is that why he did not call the police? Did he dispose of the body on his way to work that day?

I agree with this theory except I'm leaning towards KC leaving her on the 23rd because that is the day that she ran out of gas in that area and TL and KC broke into the shed. JMO
Mom, When did KC buy the crosses? Was it around the 23rd?
Something that still sticks with me is her statement of 'sitting on the steps' along with the GP's discussion of the pool ladder being left out. Were these the steps she was sitting on?
So, how did she dig her up on the mention of borrowing a shovel on that date. Freshly dug ground in the A backyard would have been obvious to LE. I don't believe Caylee was ever buried in the backyard. If she drowned, which I don't think she did, then after she was removed from the pool traces of decomp would have been present. My best guess is that the decomp found in the backyard was transferred there from the gas cans that had been in KC's trunk. Maybe George just sat them in the backyard and put the in the shed later. Maybe he sat them there long enough to go back into the house and get the key to the shed so he could unlock it and put them away.
I'm thinking Caylee was murdered sometime during the late night of the June 15 or early morning of June 16 and was placed in the trunk at that time. Say she died at 11:00pm on the 15th, at 11:00pm on the 16th would be 1 day, 11:00pm on the 17th would be 2 days. 11:00 AM on the 18th would have been 2.5 days. 12:00 noon on the 18th 2.6days, backs into garage, places Caylee's body in bag (I believe it was a space bag which was then placed in a trash bag). Borrows shovel on June 18th around 1:00pm 2.7 days (margin of error very slight) buries Caylee.
I believe KC was checking on Caylee on the 23rd when Chris S saw her on Suburban Dr. and she supposedly ran out of gas.

He saw her on Chicasaw and it reads like it was July 15th....perhaps he changed it later?

pgs 12 and 13
Would this fit the timeline...They had the big fight on the 15th, maybe she left so abruptly that she either left her cell phone at the house or left the charger so her battery went dead, therefore, no pings away from the house. She left Caylee in the trunk because she was so mad and felt like her family was more worried about Caylee leaving than KC leaving. Caylee was still alive the next morning and went back to the house to get their clothes, thereby GA noticing what they were wearing when they left since there had been the big fight. She puts some of their clothes in the backpacks, pretending to leave for work. She keeps putting Caylee in the trunk but uses too much choloroform or xanax, or whatever she was using, and it kills Caylee. She puts her in a bag in the trunk and can't figure out what to do with her. On the day she ran out of gas when she calls Tony she throws the body on the side of the road afraid that Tony might offer to take off the trash if he smells it. Then she is afraid to go back there and get the bag because someone coming to and from school might see her.
here is mine

june 15th CA and Ka have a huge fight, Ka storms to her room with Caylee, she cannot sleep all night she is so angry and keeps looking at little Caylee and starts to really see her as the problem she is. she has been thinking/fantasizing for months (rem. march computer searches) about how to rid herself of this problem and is probably in some heightened emotional state and doesn't sleep much of the night(still in her parents home, though).

june 16th Ka and Caylee leave house so Ka can keep up her pretense of working to GA she goes down the street to her childhood hangout(and later the dumping ground for the body) and waits it out until she thinks parents are all gone. she does some quick phone calls (flurry) to establish everyone is gone. around 3pm she returns to the home. she takes caylee into the yard and tells her "would you like to swim?" puts her in little swim diaper sets up the pool ladder and tells her "I just have to get something, go ahead to the pool" she then goes to shed, gets a shovel and as caylee is walking towards the pool she knocks her hard to the back of the neck, poor caylee never saw her coming. she then wraps duct tape around her head in the hopes of making this look like the kidnapping she has fantasized about happening. wraps the body in a towel or sheet and puts her in the trunk of her car until she can think of a good hiding place. she then kind of forgets about her for a day or two

june 18th realizes that she really needs to get this over with, maybe smell is starting so she goes to parents house and the shed is locked and she cannot get the shovel so she borrows it from the neighbor (car backed into garage) and uses it to put caylees body into a trash bag (she doesn't want to have to touch the icky dead body and she cannot trash her just rolled up in a blanket). she returns the shovel. at this point either she is tired or pissed off about the whole think inconveniencing her so she probably didn't dump it yet, she probably goes to a "neutral place" to not have to think about this just now.

june 24th, smell is bad and she has to get rid of it/dad almost gets too close to car (maybe he didn't smell anything because it hadn't really gotten that strong since it was in the sealed garbage bag with other things thrown on top). she immediately panics and thinks of a comforting place from her own childhood - the hangout near the school. she races down the street afraid her father might actually follow her, she pulls quickly into the brush with her car jumps out opens trunk and tries to fling the bag as far as she can but it's heavy and she is in a hurry (maybe thinking she can come back to it later to bury it, etc...) in her panic, she makes a horrible mistake and tears the bag a little and fluids leak out into trunk carpet.

june 27th she doesn't know why but the car still stinks horribly, she has to get rid of it so she dumps it next to a stinky dumpster and hopes it will be stolen or towed. she acts as though she is trying to retrieve it by running around town and collecting gas and gas cans (since everybody keeps asking her/bugging her about the car) while secretely checking the parking lot from time to time to see when it is finally gone. it's gone, problem solved UNTIL her mother comes into play july 15th.

have no idea how chloroform would play into this, y'all tweak this a little, pretty please?
I believe there might be a thread on this in the stickies. The phone pings and GA's testimony actually support what LP is saying. Let me go to the calendar and bring the info here. BRB.
Here is the info from the 24th. This is the gas can day. GA had gone to the bank and was home by 2:30PM. theory is after the close call with GA she drove down the street and dumped Caylee.

KC's Cell Pings 6/24/2008Calendar: Caylee Anthony CaseQuietStorm 06-24-2008 *The times shown may change, depending on DST settings

12:40 am - cell tower pings near AL's apt until . . .
8:04 am - cell tower pings continue near AL's apt until . . .
2:42 pm - cell tower pings near the Anthony home until . . .
2:59 pm - cell tower pings near Chickasaw Trail until . . .
3:12 pm - cell tower pings near AL's apt until past midnight into the next day

*All distance calculated by Lat/Long.
*Address converted from Lat/Long at Steve Morse's
*All pings detailed on AT&T cellsite report for KC's cell phone; posted on WS by Musikman
I believe Txanmoms theory is VERY close to what happened- very- I cannot copy and paste it- sorry-
I believe Txanmoms theory is VERY close to what happened- very- I cannot copy and paste it- sorry-

The dates fit. The only thing about the chloroform I feel sure about is it wasn't used as a babysitter. It only lasts about 20 minutes and there are easier substances to use. The chloroform has me stumped.
chlorform only lasts 20 minutes? well then I am stumped too- maybe it wasnt even used for Caylee at any point- remember LP mentioned it can be used for sexual acts- and I did look it up and it is true- maybe she bought that for herself? See everytime we think we got it figured, theres another bridge to cross- grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr And even after the trial we will probably be trying to figure it out because she will never admit to all the facts and what she did. She will stick to the nanny got her
I think she killed her on the night of the alleged big fight or in the early morning hours of the 16th. After the fight, KC stormed out of the house leaving Caylee behind. CA called KC and demanded she get back home at once, she had a daughter to take care of and how dare she just leave and expect CA to watch her. KC returned extremely angry at having been choked by CA and having to return to the house to watch Caylee. KC's rage grew until she took it out on Caylee.

George didn't see Caylee wake up for breakfast on the 16th because she was already dead. He saw them leave but not in the normal way as he stated. KC was dressed for work and Caylee was wrapped in her bedsheet as KC carried her to the car pretending that she was still asleep.

After leaving, KC removed Caylee's clothes because they were the pajamas that CA had put on her the night before, wrapped her in the sheet again and placed her in the trunk where she remained until decomposed for 2.6 days (June 18th.)

On the 18th, she returned to the house, borrowed a shovel and buried her in the yard. Sometime between the 20th and the 23rd she removed Caylee from the yard, placed her in the trash bag and wrapped it tightly with duct tape. She may have placed her in the blue cooler seen taken after the search as well. Pesticide may have been sprayed on Caylee and in the area that she was buried in. KC left with Caylee all wrapped up and ready to dispose of.

On the same day and with all this going on KC forgot to look at her gas gauge and ran out of gas while driving around looking for a place to dump her. This happened where she was found. KC may have been heading toward the end of the road to dump her but never made it that far. She dumped Caylee at that spot and called Tony for gas (couldn't risk leaving the car at that spot for even a minute). The bed sheet is what the investigators saw that prompted the search warrant. Caylee's matching linens, comforter and pillow/sham were taken into evidence (seen in bag of evidence placed in CSI vehicle).

The third time she backed into the garage KC removed the cooler, took it to the backyard, rinsed it out in the pool and placed it where it belonged (shed or garage). KC thought the smell in the car would go away after dumping Caylee but by the 25th it had become worse so the excuses to Amy began. Car abandoned or simply ran out of gas at the Amscot two days later.

For me this theory answers several questions I have had.
1. Why did she kill her? Rage after the argument and Caylee being the reason CA was able to demand KC's presence at the house.
2. Why didn't GA see her early on the morning of the 16th instead of at 12:50? She was already dead.
3. Why would he lie about the circumstances of their leaving? He realized after the fact that Caylee was dead as KC carried her to the car wrapped in her sheet. He told a different story to throw LE off as to where the crime occurred.
4. Why did KC remove Caylee's clothes? She didn't want her found in the pajamas that CA put on her.
5. Why the sloppy disposal of Caylee? Panicked when she ran out of gas.
6. What did investigators see that immediately prompted a search of the house and the declaration of it being a crime scene? The sheet that matched Caylee's bed ensemble.
7. Why is CA so ardently defending and covering for KC now? She feels guilt for starting the fight, the choking, and insisting that KC return to the house to care for Caylee. She feels Caylee would be alive had she not done this. Also explains why she won't admit to a fight; everything was reason for KC to kill her daughter.

I know this theory will change as I remember different facts and new ones come to light but for now it's all I can wrap my head around.
R.I.P. dear little Caylee. :blowkiss:
chlorform only lasts 20 minutes? well then I am stumped too- maybe it wasnt even used for Caylee at any point- remember LP mentioned it can be used for sexual acts- and I did look it up and it is true- maybe she bought that for herself? See everytime we think we got it figured, theres another bridge to cross- grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr And even after the trial we will probably be trying to figure it out because she will never admit to all the facts and what she did. She will stick to the nanny got her

I have scratched my head over the chloroform. Maybe KC was huffing it? IDK. First off it would be a hassle to make. Lots of other easier stuff out there to get high off of or put your kid to sleep. Using it as a cleaning agent doesn't seem right either. If you weren't wearing an industrial mask, it would knock you out. And it doesn't seem to have any properties that would clean anything. One thing you can use it for, is to kill someone.
I haven't read anyone else's new revised theories but here's mine:

I think that Casey and Cindy had a blow-out on June 15th when Cindy arrived back home from Mt. Dora with little Caylee. We've heard from two different people about the alleged 'choking' incident. I think one of two things then happened:

1. Casey took Caylee and left the A family home in a fit of anger. She took her Sunfire and drove around the block or went to Lee's house as her cell phone showed the calls were still hitting from towers in that area all night long. I would love to know the content of THOSE text messages. Maybe she thought she could go to TonE's but for some reason she did not. Under this scenario, I think Casey killed Caylee on the 15th by chloroforming her and putting the duct tape around her mouth.


2. Casey stayed at the Anthony family home, angry and texting TonE all night. In the morning, GA sees Casey and Caylee before he leaves for work. Casey "pretends" to leave for work but instead drives down the block to wait for George to leave. Casey returns to Hope Spring and murders Caylee. She places Caylee in the backyard and tries to figure out what to do--perhaps stage a drowning. When no one returns her calls she stuffs Caylee in the trunk and goes on to TonE's.

Either way, a decomposing Caylee was in the Sunfire trunk at the point of 2.6 days. I think this dovetails nicely with the many neighbor reports of Casey going to the A family home and shiftily backing the Sunfire into the garage, asking to borrow the shovel, etc. Casey was not sure of what do to with little Caylee and likely considered burying her under the playhouse but she abandoned that idea. At some point, I think on the 19th or 20th, Casey laid Caylee on the ground (wrapped in the black garbage bag), moved the pool ladder, and used it to hop the Anthony family's backyard fence. She then dropped Caylee over the side, jumped the fence and walked the short distance down to the woods to dump her body. Of course, Casey could have very well DRIVEN her Sunfire over to the spot as well, take your pick. However, I keep coming back to all the dogs alerting at various spots in the backyard, the moved pool ladder, and curious dogs outside the fence in the back. All this can be explained by a jump and dump over the A family fence with the decomposing body.

By the 20th, I believe Caylee was dumped at her current location. Casey did have a bit of leakage in the trunk from Caylee's 2.6 day stay there and that really began to stink. Casey tried to mask the odor with various agents and settled on putting a garbage bag in the trunk for a decoy.

I do not necessarily agree with Padilla. I also wondered about the borrowing of the shovel. Any WS'ers want to run down their theories? I am trying to form mine at this time and would love some ideas...

Yeah, I do not agree with Padilla's timeline either (or the one he was spouting regarding Caylee being in the trunk past the 20th) as it's not supported by the scientific evidence.

I have been saying this all along, KC and Caylee left the house on the 15 after the fight , KC druged Caylee left her in the trunk and stayed at TL house ...

The only problem with this portion of the theory is that Casey's cellphone was pinging from the three towers surrounding the A family home (and Lee's home too) all during the early morning hours of June 15th into June 16th. She was talking and texting TonE which she certainly would not need to be doing if she was in the same room with him in Winter Park. :)
He saw her on Chicasaw and it reads like it was July 15th....perhaps he changed it later?

pgs 12 and 13

That is the same date I have in my notes as well 15th July at 9:30 am is when Chris S. saw her running down Chickasaw Trail and called her and asked her if that was her, and she said No, I guess it is fair to say she frequented the area where Caylee was found. So I guess denying the fact of her involvement will be hard to prove by the defense?
So, how did she dig her up on the mention of borrowing a shovel on that date. Freshly dug ground in the A backyard would have been obvious to LE. I don't believe Caylee was ever buried in the backyard. .

Didn't even GA say himself (on Greta?) that he saw some suspicious disturbances in the backyard that he and Cindy checked out. Also, they moved a bush in the backyard as well (i.e., dug up and moved an entire bloomin' bush!).

I think the circle of dirt under the playhouse that is clearly marked with orange or red criminalist flags in the chopper photos which were taken over the A family house is pretty obvious! :) Methinks some diggin' had gone down in that yard, maybe not a LOT but an attempt at the very least.
lol....I know I come up with what I believe to be the perfect theory....then read something else and chit, out the window it goes!!!!!
Thank goodness we have all this info here...........:woohoo:

That is what happens to me. I think the "X" factor here is GA. If the gas can incident was catalyst for the dumping then GA would have HAD to smell the car. Would he lie? I don't know...

The body dumping for me seems to be the day she texted Amy she got rid of the smell.
I haven't read anyone else's new revised theories but here's mine:

I think that Casey and Cindy had a blow-out on June 15th when Cindy arrived back home from Mt. Dora with little Caylee. We've heard from two different people about the alleged 'choking' incident. I think one of two things then happened:

1. Casey took Caylee and left the A family home in a fit of anger. She took her Sunfire and drove around the block or went to Lee's house as her cell phone showed the calls were still hitting from towers in that area all night long. I would love to know the content of THOSE text messages. Maybe she thought she could go to TonE's but for some reason she did not. Under this scenario, I think Casey killed Caylee on the 15th by chloroforming her and putting the duct tape around her mouth.


2. Casey stayed at the Anthony family home, angry and texting TonE all night. In the morning, GA sees Casey and Caylee before he leaves for work. Casey "pretends" to leave for work but instead drives down the block to wait for George to leave. Casey returns to Hope Spring and murders Caylee. She places Caylee in the backyard and tries to figure out what to do--perhaps stage a drowning. When no one returns her calls she stuffs Caylee in the trunk and goes on to TonE's.

Either way, a decomposing Caylee was in the Sunfire trunk at the point of 2.6 days. I think this dovetails nicely with the many neighbor reports of Casey going to the A family home and shiftily backing the Sunfire into the garage, asking to borrow the shovel, etc. Casey was not sure of what do to with little Caylee and likely considered burying her under the playhouse but she abandoned that idea. At some point, I think on the 19th or 20th, Casey laid Caylee on the ground (wrapped in the black garbage bag), moved the pool ladder, and used it to hop the Anthony family's backyard fence. She then dropped Caylee over the side, jumped the fence and walked the short distance down to the woods to dump her body. Of course, Casey could have very well DRIVEN her Sunfire over to the spot as well, take your pick. However, I keep coming back to all the dogs alerting at various spots in the backyard, the moved pool ladder, and curious dogs outside the fence in the back. All this can be explained by a jump and dump over the A family fence with the decomposing body.

By the 20th, I believe Caylee was dumped at her current location. Casey did have a bit of leakage in the trunk from Caylee's 2.6 day stay there and that really began to stink. Casey tried to mask the odor with various agents and settled on putting a garbage bag in the trunk for a decoy.


Bolded by me

I know I could find it on here somewhere but I am lazy... do we know if LE has copies of those texts?

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