New Video Interviews released from SA's office 11/21 #3

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In my opinion, at this point I doubt we'll ever hear any real hard truths from the A family. CA is too enmeshed with Casey to truly see her for what she is. I think the term is called "secondary gain". CA has a strong secondary gain not to ever see Casey as a monster. CA has too many reasons not to want to see the truth (I mean really grasp it in all its ugly totality). CA and Casey are too enmeshed physically and emotionally. Not only, obviously, did CA birth Casey, raise Casey, Casey still lived at home and was enabled by CA. If CA was to grasp the whole truth it would call into question her genes, her parenting skills, her flimsy front of the "perfect, normal family" that they have. Perhaps concepts she viewed as "acceptable" (lying isn't a crime, the white lies, mistruths and half-truths) are now being challenged on her front lawn and in her email box by the Greek chorus of unhappy people around the nation. In my opinion, not only does CA not want anyone else to view her daughter as a monster, she doesn't want anyone else to think she's a monster's mother.
In my opinion, at this point I doubt we'll ever hear any real hard truths from the A family. CA is too enmeshed with Casey to truly see her for what she is. I think the term is called "secondary gain". CA has a strong secondary gain not to ever see Casey as a monster. CA has too many reasons not to want to see the truth (I mean really grasp it in all its ugly totality). CA and Casey are too enmeshed physically and emotionally. Not only, obviously, did CA birth Casey, raise Casey, Casey still lived at home and was enabled by CA. If CA was to grasp the whole truth it would call into question her genes, her parenting skills, her flimsy front of the "perfect, normal family" that they have. Perhaps concepts she viewed as "acceptable" (lying isn't a crime, the white lies, mistruths and half-truths) are now being challenged on her front lawn and in her email box by the Greek chorus of unhappy people around the nation. In my opinion, not only does CA not want anyone else to view her daughter as a monster, she doesn't want anyone else to think she's a monster's mother.

bolded by always...
:clap: Well said. I believe CA is as concerned with how she "looks" in all this as she with her attempts to make KC innocent. More so than finding Caylee.
It stopped being about finding Caylee almost immediately. IMO
In my opinion, at this point I doubt we'll ever hear any real hard truths from the A family. CA is too enmeshed with Casey to truly see her for what she is. I think the term is called "secondary gain". CA has a strong secondary gain not to ever see Casey as a monster. CA has too many reasons not to want to see the truth (I mean really grasp it in all its ugly totality). CA and Casey are too enmeshed physically and emotionally. Not only, obviously, did CA birth Casey, raise Casey, Casey still lived at home and was enabled by CA. If CA was to grasp the whole truth it would call into question her genes, her parenting skills, her flimsy front of the "perfect, normal family" that they have. Perhaps concepts she viewed as "acceptable" (lying isn't a crime, the white lies, mistruths and half-truths) are now being challenged on her front lawn and in her email box by the Greek chorus of unhappy people around the nation. In my opinion, not only does CA not want anyone else to view her daughter as a monster, she doesn't want anyone else to think she's a monster's mother.

I also loved how she made kc into the perfect mom--that because kc "spoiled" caylee GA & CA couldn't spoil her....well gee isn't it or hasn't it been your money???? then you read all the text messages about how kc wanted them home to watch Caylee...her whole life must have been in competion as to who loved her more...kc or ca.....and if kc were this perfect mother why wouldn't caylee want her attention the most? why wouldn't she become emotional over hearing kc voice....these imprints are just done at birth when the nurse cleans up the baby & hands them to someone... after being in labor for 5 days I don't even remember who held my babies first (twins)--but I don't love them any less...I never even thought of that one...

its sad that the true victim has been lost in this whole thing/scheme---the beautiful baby the world loves--is only brought up by FBI/LE...

bolded by always...
:clap: Well said. I believe CA is as concerned with how she "looks" in all this as she with her attempts to make KC innocent. More so than finding Caylee.
It stopped being about finding Caylee almost immediately. IMO
If you go back and listen to the 911 was NEVER about Caylee. She was an afterthought when Cindy reported the car and credit cards/cash. It was all about HER and what Casey had done to HER.
In my opinion, not only does CA not want anyone else to view her daughter as a monster, she doesn't want anyone else to think she's a monster's mother.
*respectfully snipped*

She also doesn't want to face the fact that she had a hand (a very heavy hand) in creating that monster either. She keeps reminding LE how wonderful a mother Casey is and how she must have gotten it from her (Cindy). She can't admit what was really going on behind closed doors in that house. All she has are her appearances and she's obviously invested alot of time and energy into their upkeep. No one in this family wants to ever have to face the truth. They are responsible for what Casey became. She wasn't born a sociopath folks. She could have a predisposition to certain mental health issues, but she wasn't born a bad seed. She was groomed into one by a master controller and manipulater.
And it's sad to admit, but chances are that Caylee would have ended up the same way.
*snipped* They have made a concious choice to save KC at the expense of Caylee's right to a decent burial. They have turned their back on that baby and moved on. They are very angry that the rest of us haven't.

Excellent Post SuziQ with great points!

You know it is very upsetting, and unsettling to me because this is really what upsets me most about this. The A's very clearly know that Caylee is dead and have chosen the path that you posted! I also agree that they are so angry with all of us for not moving on and buy their bullsh******t!
I started listening to to all 11 of them, I'm now on 6. I keep thinking I have heard parts of them also. She has to be on something, I think my ears are about to bleed.
She set up her fence with all her papers, shutting the agents out with a physical barrier. Watch her move her stuff over into the agent's space. Funny.

I have officially interviewed, deposed, examined and cross-examined a lot of people. I have also listened to hundreds of people tell their story and watched them. Cindy acts like she is medicated, hence the itching, scratching, fooling with her hair, squirming around. She rubs her face a lot, she is exhausted. All the self-touching means she is trying to soothe herself. I think she is in physical stress and feeling phsycial pain. It wouldn't surprise me that she is using some pain medication and feeling tingles. She acts like about 90% of the clients I ever saw. They had been in some recent traumatic event and were damaged in some way, either physically or mentally or both. A really comfy chair, a blanket and a nap would have had her talking straight. She just couldn't relax enough to let her brain think. Her nerves are raw. PTSD

This agent is treating her as the victim that she is. She is a victim here. She didn't lose Caylee. He isn't going to shove undisclosed evidence in her face to prove to her that her daughter is __________(fill in the blank). It will be hard enough for her at trial when the evidence is presented and she is not privy to the evidence anyway.

He isn't trying to crush her into a confession, he is listening and making a few points that she can not deny. CA and GA requested this meeting because they couldn't get OSCO to listen to them.

The point is, she and GA believe what they are saying and I do not think they are holding back any facts, just maybe their instincts.

This is what happens when you ask the police for help - they show up and start asking questions and then actually try to find your missing child. Who knew?

When you find out that your gd has been missing for 31 days and your daughter will not tell you where to go to find her, you get PTSD right after they arrest her because there is no Nanny. Then you find out that everything she has said in the last 2 years is a lie, your gd is likely dead and your daughter going to prison for life, the Earth just tilts on its axis. I can't judge them too hard here.

They didn't kill the child. They managed to raise both of theirs into adulthood without killing them. They have a bad seed daughter. It is crushing.

(Bolding is mine.) Their perception has been that OSCO didn't listen to them. I am not sure that is a fact. And now they feel "ambushed" by the release of the FBI interviews. I agree with LE's recent statement that the A's know more than they are telling.
Maybe this is old news but around 15:00 on tape 5 CA said she thought KC only stayed at TonE "because she couldn't come home". What was CA reason why KC was even gone from the home she had never been away from?
It appears from how very seldom the FBI agent was allowed to speak a full sentence by CA, that her objective was to have them listen to all her "information". And give them information, she did. Much more than she realized, but not what she intended. If you muted the sound and just watched, it appeared that SHE was conducting the interview.

Speaking of listening, CA was the one who did not appear to listen. It would be interesting to ask her what the agents had to say. I feel that the "deer in the headlight" look would be her response.

The only time she would finally shut her mouth was when the agent named Steve spoke. He raised his voice to a strident level that completely overrode CA's attempt to interrupt. I found it extremely rude when they would try to get a point across to her and she would put up her hand, as if to say to a child "don't speak, just listen". I was tempted to count the number of times that she said "I know, I know", but I grew weary. It appeared that she simply didn't want to hear a thing they had to say. Weird "interview", if you can call it that.
GA talks about how bad the odor was - GA says it smelled like human decomp - GAs tell man at tow yard that they can't find their Grand Daughter - GA says to himself please don't let that be my daughter/granddaughter at the tow yard re: the bad smell GA asks man at towyard to come to back of trunk with him to open up the trunk - GA says smell was so bad when he was driving the car home - GA talks about how he had smelled decomp before because of being ex-LE

This makes no sense to me. NONE! A part of the puzzle is missing.

And before I am attacked by the "be nice to the A's they are victims too" people - IMO they aren't acting like victims.
Cindy believed she was there to "enlighten" the FBI and to "turn in" the OCSO for what she perceived to be them not doing their jobs. They allowed her to ramble on and on because it fed into that scenario, imo. They wanted to find the nuggets in all the BS that they could use to compare notes. Cindy isn't smart enough to know she set herself up to be used to bolster the State's case against Casey (and the fam due to the lies).
Just wanted you all to know that there is a NC on MSNBC with the Anthony family spokesperson. She sounds like a NUT!
To bad she doesn't direct her "passionate" little speech towards KC to just tell the truth.
They asked CA if she knew if KC had unprotected sex. I found that to be an odd question. They asked Tony R the same question but at the time I kind of assumed that they were trying to frighten him a bit...

Why would they ask something like that?

I'm thinking due to one of the party's, KC allegedly had a miscarriage and claimed Brandon was the daddy, IIRC, she told this to Amy.

So it could be LE wanted to see if there was any truth to it???
Thanks! I am not sure if I am glad I missed it or not. LOL (I think I am tho as I have to agree with you!)
Originally Posted by Pink Panther
They asked CA if she knew if KC had unprotected sex. I found that to be an odd question. They asked Tony R the same question but at the time I kind of assumed that they were trying to frighten him a bit...

Why would they ask something like that?
To show that Casey was not being responsible even after having a baby perhaps? Or maybe they were trying to tell Cindy that she didn't know her daughter as well as she thought she did? This is when they should have whipped out the 1200 photos of Casey and tossed them on the table in front of her, imo.
I know it's been discussed, but I'm just now listening to GA's tapes. I really want to know what the 1,200 pictures of Casey are all about. When it was first brought up, I thought it was the PhotoBucket icons. Now I am sure that is not what they are talking about. Obviously they are something bad, if GA says it makes him sick, and it's like he doesn't even know his daughter. The FBI agent says that if those things were on your computer, you can bet that they are someone else's, and at some point someone's going to try and profit from it. The FBI agent also refers to the photos of Casey in compromising positions. :eek: Ouch! Not good. I know a lot more is going to come out in trial. I am really surprised that some of these photos haven't surfaced.
I find it odd if they were out on the internet that we haven't seen them already. This tells me that it is possible that Casey had not put them out on a site, but to select men instead. I would not be surprised if the military man in Cali has a ton on his computer and cell phone.

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