New Video Interviews released from SA's office 11/21

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Did any one catch the slip of tongue when Cindy said Zenida Fernandez- Rodriguez in the first tape of her interview? What happen to Gonzales?

Oh my! Cindy’s comment “that the apple doesn’t far from the tree’ in Casey being a good mother. The is delusional.

Yes, I caught the "Rodriguez" reference. I wonder if anyone in LE has asked her about this?

Delusional is the correct word. I think the truth would send Cindy over the edge and she would have to be hospitalized.
It's the stain...that part really bothers me. George is definite and descriptive, when speaking of the new stain in the trunk...Cindy says there was none.

She, imo, is lying. And, then, I think...about WHAT ELSE is she lying...?
So FBIguy asks about counseling. CA states that KC said she wanted to go to counseling and then CA tells FBIguy that she recently went for counseling. He asks why and she says that she had started catching KC in some little lies and didn't want to handle it the wrong way. Minimize minimize minimize. That is NOT why she went to counseling. She went because she wanted to get custody of Caylee. Little lies? Thats all this family does is lie.
Cindy says that Casey has respect for LE, they were at the school and were there when she was at her track meets?, I am wondering if this is when she started her infatuation with police officers and maybe why Jesse joined the police force.

Well, that completely contradicts what she said about why Casey never called the cops when Caylee was "kidnapped" - because she was too SCARED of LE!! :confused:
I have always thought it possible that George or Cindy were involved in covering up which could include disposing of her body, imo. The statement that always struck me as very important is where the perp said something like, "You don't KNOW what my involvement is?!" as if to say, "Want me to tell them right now about YOUR involvement?!"

I agree SS - Casey seemed shocked that her mom even spoke to the TV stations. I would guess the A's told her to clam up, and she was angry that they didn't do the same.

I find it difficult to believe that GA, having been in LE for years, didn't warn CA and LA about phone calls from jail being recorded. He is the expert in the family regarding what LE does in these cases.

I find it very telling that he didn't call 911 when nearing the white car at the tow-in lot, being the "old detective" in his words. He was afraid to open the trunk. His instincts told him what the smell was, and he was afraid it was his daughter and/or granddaughter. I would hope the Court would subpoena GA, CA and LA's phone records to see where they all were during that time period.
I completely agree. It's CA's own narcissism that keeps her from giving Caylee the allegiance she deserves. CA is too worried about her own appearances as the matriarch of the family who managed to lose the life of a 2yo baby girl.

The next day the agent tells GA pretty much the same thing using different words.
I have always thought it possible that George or Cindy were involved in covering up which could include disposing of her body, imo. The statement that always struck me as very important is where the perp said something like, "You don't KNOW what my involvement is?!" as if to say, "Want me to tell them right now about YOUR involvement?!"

I've thought the exact same thing ever since I heard that statement. And I've wondered about it ever since.
FINALLY!! I'm to the end!!!

It has taken me hours and hours to get through the tapes and through this thread!!

(actually, the one Angel posted with CA filling out the questionaire is still going...may only be half way through it)

Here's what stands out to me....or should I say, here are my "red flags":

1 - The Car Chase w/GA. I don't know if I believe this or not. Maybe it happened .... like months ago or something....but I don't know if I believe it happened right before the Amscott abandonment of the car. Why would she stop by the house for a few mintues JUST to borrow her Mom's car for the afternoon and leave her car with a badly smelling odor coming from the trunk at home with people that are highly suspicious of her anyway and have a KEY???

2 - The Date of June 14th -- it was brought up several times and CA refers to it as the day KC was pushed to the ground by Zani and Caylee was taken to teach her a lesson. What is up with the use of that date???

3 - Trying to pin it on Amy and Ricardo and all of KC's clues. I think KC was filling the air time with CA with her real life stories (Amy did get into an accident and did get a new car from her father).....the stock market and losing money and how Zani had added to the group's money invested (KC had stolen her friend's money)......Ricardo acting nervous at their house when they all got together and she read that as he was just trying to see if he was still "safe" (I see it as he thinks the family is whacked and he can't believe any of it is happening and he's invovled!)

4 - If Amy had anything to do with it, why would she let CA pick her up at the mall and drive her to KC???? Amy would NEVER have done that.

5 - The way CA takes her shoes on and off.....the shoe sliding around stopped when she was filling out the soon as the FBI comes back in, the foot sliding starts again....NERVES??? The scratching, the head touching, she was full of nervous energy.

6 - The short answer of "No" about abuse in the home. SPEAKS VOLUMES. That woman would go on and on and on for hours the color red but only says NO. She gives all of these fluffy details (that always portrays herself in a better SHE suggested they all go to counseling, etc).

7 - The way she actually started eating the snack while talking to the FBI. I don't know about you, but I would have no appetite and definitely wouldn't start chomping down some snacks while talking about my incarcerated daughter to the FBI!! STRANGE. She seriously answered questions with a mouth full of food!

8 - The way CA said that KC modeled her mothering after her. How she wanted to be just like CA. RIGHT. How a picture of CA was in her Bible and she read it more than anyone else in the family. Again, RIGHT.

9 - How eery it was to listen to the thunder and booms....sometimes after CA answers a question ("she wanted to model herself after me"- BOOM!!) Signs from above???? I think so.

She is still talking about the questionaire now.... oy vey. This final tape is, by far, the most informative!
CA states in her interview that she is suspicious of RM and AH because they never reached out to help RM did come to their house with the group to talk to the A's but never did anything else. This goes along with what we've heard about RM not liking KC. She is also surprised that AH hadn't reached out..well lets see KC just stole money from AH. I'm sure the last place she wanted to be was around this girls family. I think AH must know a lot and that is another reason that she didn't reach out to the A's. I know I heard AH was at some of the searches with TES.
And what was up with CA constantly calling George AND the FBI guy on their cell phones during GA's interview and leaving messages? Wanting to know if George was going to be home in time for some "meeting" she was having - that he knew NOTHING about??
"She loves her Mommy to deat...(pause pause pause) dearly".

CREEPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CA said above when asked about the relationship between KC and Caylee!

The counseling was a huge insight into KC, too. She said KC expressed interest in counseling and who actually goes to counseling??? CA!!!

Obviously, the downward spiral of KC and Caylee was set into play a few months before ....that counselor could have helped her out a lot.
One thing that really struck me in the new video (myfox) is when the FBI asked Cindy if there was any abuse in the home - physical, emotional, sexual - Cindy just shook her head no and did not utter a word. For someone who is jabbering on about anything and everything and adament about certain things, that seemed rather odd. Not suggesting anything but it was strange to me.

nice catch. she would also answer other questions "not that I am aware of"...and others with simply NO, and of course others with tangents that went off in myriad directions. :)
And what was up with CA constantly calling George AND the FBI guy on their cell phones during GA's interview and leaving messages? Wanting to know if George was going to be home in time for some "meeting" she was having - that he knew NOTHING about??

This was probably CA's subtle way to remind GA not to run his mouth LOL. She wasn't there to control what he was saying and that was probably driving her mad. IMO.

ETA..How many CA interviews are there? I read 3 and then 1 additional one, is that it?
This was probably CA's subtle way to remind GA not to run his mouth LOL. She wasn't there to control what he was saying and that was probably driving her mad. IMO.
I agree. She was worried about what he was saying and it was a form of "control" on her part.
This was probably CA's subtle way to remind GA not to run his mouth LOL. She wasn't there to control what he was saying and that was probably driving her mad. IMO.

ETA..How many CA interviews are there? I read 3 and then 1 additional one, is that it?

They just released the 5th one in the Daily Updates're a better person than I am if you can sit through it! Just reading what everyone on here said about her tapes has kept me from subjecting myself - I actually wanted to ENJOY my weekend! lol
VIDEO: --Cindy Anthony interview 07-30-08

Very telling interview with CA.....Wow...trying to throw AH & RM under the bus big time, & toss JG under too , for good measure! Spent a lot of time whining about the OCSO not paying enough attention to them personally. Sounds like she wanted OCSO to give them their own 24/7 person to just sit there and hold their hands and reassure them that they were right about KC doing nothing to Caylee, that they were looking everywhere for ZG & Caylee, that they were tracking down every possible scenario that CA came up with, regardless of actual facts, etc. It's all about CA & how SHE feels, Caylee is an afterthought.
They just released the 5th one in the Daily Updates're a better person than I am if you can sit through it! Just reading what everyone on here said about her tapes has kept me from subjecting myself - I actually wanted to ENJOY my weekend! lol

I know it's complete torture. I watched most of them last night with a glass of wine after I put the kids to bed. CA isn't really THAT bad by the 2nd glass, seriously. I'll wait until tonight to watch #5, hopefully I have some chardonnay left.:crazy:
They just released the 5th one in the Daily Updates're a better person than I am if you can sit through it! Just reading what everyone on here said about her tapes has kept me from subjecting myself - I actually wanted to ENJOY my weekend! lol

I am on the 5th one now. There is actually a long break of Cindy talking because she is filling out a form with questions that I believe are about Casey. She needed to know if she should go with her gut about the questions or really think about them. Because you know when you take tests sometimes it is best to go with your first reaction...Cindy says.
AND why is it the A's feel that OSCO has to keep them updated every second of every day..that really bugs me. To my knowledge OSCO owes the A's NOTHING.
Caylee has always been an "afterthought" to Cindy including in the original 911 tapes when she finally reported her missing. It was only after calling to report about the car and the money that she mentions Caylee at all.
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