GUILTY New Zealand - Blesilda 'Blessie' Gotingco, 56, Auckland, 24 May 2014

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Supplied MISSING: Blesilda Gotingco 56, was last heard from at 6.21pm yesterday when she spoke to her son to say she was leaving work at 7pm and would catch a bus back to her home in Birkdale.

"Police have set up a free call number in a bid for help finding an Auckland woman who has ''disappeared''.

They have no leads on the disappearance of Blesilda Gotingco, (also known as Blessie), 56, who went missing last night close to her Auckland home.

There are serious concerns for the woman after she failed to return from work on Saturday night and items of her personal belongings were found on the street near her home in Birkdale.

Gotingco's daughter found her mobile phone and her shoes on the grassy verge a short distance from their home on Salisbury Road, by tracking the phone's GPS after she discovered her mother had not returned when she finished work at 315am.

The items were spread out in "disarray" across the berm, but there was no sign of a struggle, according to police.

The free call number is 0508 LYNSEY or 0508 596 739."

"Police believe Gotingco took the bus home from her work at Tower Insurance Ltd on Fanshawe St in the CBD, however, they are unsure of which bus she took.

She was last heard from at 6.21pm yesterday when she spoke to her son to say she was leaving work at 7pm and would catch a bus back to the North Shore.

The buses are believed to not have CCTV and police have not yet spoken to the drivers.

"We want to hear from passengers who travelled on those buses - either a number 973 or 974 bus - last night, at any point along its route from Fanshawe St to Birkdale Road. We obviously want to hear of any sightings of Blessie since 7pm last evening," Brown said."


"The family are distraught and Gotingco's husband who is in the Philippines has been spoken to and is making arrangements to return to New Zealand, police said.

Gotingco is Filipino, of medium to slim build, about 5'3" tall (162cm) and has dark shoulder-length hair. She was last seen wearing a white top and and light-coloured trousers.

Anyone with information about Blesilda Gotingco should call either 0800 596 739 or Waitemata CIB directly on (09) 213 7890."
Grave concern for missing Auckland mother - Sunday 25 May 2014
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Blesilda Gotingco - Screen shot - 3 News

Police are concerned for the safety of a Birkdale woman that never arrived home after leaving her job in central Auckland last night.

Philippines-born Blesilda Gotingco, also known as Blessie, left her job at Tower Insurance on Fanshawe St at around 7pm.

The 56-year-old spoke to her adult son at 6:21pm, saying she would catch a bus home.

Her adult daughter, who works late shifts, arrived home at about 3:15am, to discover Ms Gotingo was not there.

The daughter contacted her two brothers and they notified police at around 3:30am.
North Shore woman's disappearance baffles police - Sunday May 25, 2014
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3 News reported a neighbour saying she heard loud and frightened screams about 8pm, followed by the sound of a loud "low-slung" car driving away.

Mr Brown said it was unknown what had happened to Mrs Gotingco after she got off the bus.

"We actually don't know what happened after that. Blessie was a family woman and she was reported missing by one of her adult children who she lives with.

"They're very concerned about what's happening with Blessie at the moment."

Mrs Gotingco's personal belongings, including her shoes were later found in disarray, Mr Brown said.
Screams raise fears for missing Auckland mum - Monday May 26, 2014
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Mother of three Blesilda Gotingco had planned to get a ride home with her best friend when she finished work on Saturday, but declined the offer after volunteering to work late.

At 6.30pm, the 56-year-old, known as Blessie, phoned her son to say she would be catching a bus from the Auckland CBD shortly after 7pm. She never made it home.

Screams were heard near her home in Salisbury Rd, Birkdale, and belongings, including her phone and shoes, were found near the closest bus stop, just 636m from the house.
Hotline set up for missing Birkdale woman - Mon May 26 2014
Her adult daughter, who works late shifts, arrived home about 3.15am on Sunday and noticed her mother had not arrived home as expected.

Ms Gotingco was last seen wearing a white top and and light coloured trousers and would have caught the 7.20pm or 7.40pm bus to Birkdale.

Those with information should contact the help line on 0508 LYNSEY or 0508-596-739.
Family of missing woman 'very worried' - Monday May 26, 2014
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Police said in a statement this morning that "Blessie's family are understandably very worried and are coping as best as can be expected".

A Filipino woman, who says she works with Ms Gotingco's son, told ONE News she is very concerned and endured a sleepless night.

Investigators will return to the area where Blessie's belongings were found to speak with people in the immediate and extended areas today.

Sophia Fonua told ONE News her 10-year-old sister heard screams on the night Ms Gotingco went missing. The items belonging to Ms Gotingco were found outside their house.

Police say there were no significant developments in the investigation overnight, and say they will work through information gathered during yesterday's scene examination.
Thanks for starting this thread. Hope this lady is found safe and sound soon, but it doesn't look good since finding some of her belongings. Preying for a safe return xx
Hotline set up for missing Birkdale woman - Mon May 26 2014
Her adult daughter, who works late shifts, arrived home about 3.15am on Sunday and noticed her mother had not arrived home as expected.

Ms Gotingco was last seen wearing a white top and and light coloured trousers and would have caught the 7.20pm or 7.40pm bus to Birkdale.

Those with information should contact the help line on 0508 LYNSEY or 0508-596-739.

Looks like the bus takes about 45mins to get to Blessie's stop in Birkdale, according to Google.
If she took the 7:20 bus, she would have been there a little after 8pm .. when the screams were heard.!2m2!1d174.7592736!2d-36.8457345!3e3
New Zealand Police
Free phone for Blessie inquiry

Sunday, 25 May 2014 - 8:46pm

National News
The Police investigation into missing Birkdale woman, 56 year-old Blesilda Gotingco, has set up a free phone number for people to call who might have information that could assist Police to find her.

The number is 0508 LYNSEY or 0508 596 739. Anyone who wishes to remain anonymous can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

So various screams were heard that night, not just the 8pm-ish one ....

…. said her 10-year-old daughter was in the kitchen when she heard screams outside about 8pm.
She said she was not home at the time. Her daughter described the disturbance as a "low voice, murmuring, then a woman's scream - like a high-pitched scream and the sound of a car driving off," she said.
The house is inbetween Gotingco's home and the bus stop she was believed to have been walking home from.

Screams from different times in the night were reported to police, and officers searching for Gotingco were to try to confirm the timing and location of the screams heard.
"We've had reports of screams at different times of the night," Detective Senior Sergeant Stan Brown said.
"One of our lines of inquiry today is actually to confirm the timings and the locations of those screams."
"The way they (items) were strewn around, were they thrown out from a car, did something happen on the grass verge? We really don't know."

Abduction was a scenario "but until we have more evidence, or more information coming to us, that is just one of the scenarios open to us," he said.

There was no evidence to rule out the possibility of a hit and run, more than anything else. "We still have to keep that as an option."

Another scenario was that someone could have followed her on the bus from the city.

"It could have been someone waiting down the road and it was just unfortunate that Blessie walked past at the wrong time. We really don't have evidence or witnesses to support any guessing at this stage," Brown said.

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