Newbie Club Thread #2

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i don't think the charges for stealing the money will make her talk. I think it needs to be more drastic. i wonder if the DNA and other evidence they have that they might bring in Murder charges. What do u guys think?

I love the puppy Picture, I have a Yorkie and a Jack Russell!
Also a 18 month old son/grandson, and oh yea a hubby!
After watching NG - the talk was that the new charges would be the $700 stolen from her friend Amy and the credit card charges she racked up on mom's card as an unauthorized user.
i don't think the charges for stealing the money will make her talk. I think it needs to be more drastic. i wonder if the DNA and other evidence they have that they might bring in Murder charges. What do u guys think?

Well..maybe they will use those to keep her in if her bond ever gets reduced? Don't know what else they would have, but of course they know more than us.
After watching NG - the talk was that the new charges would be the $700 stolen from her friend Amy and the credit card charges she racked up on mom's card as an unauthorized user.

Thanks! I missed that.
You know, to me, one of THE most mysterious things so far is that crazy visit by her supposed "friend from school". The one she didn't remember. I just find that bizarre.

Well, it's all mysterious, but that was just weird.
What ya all think about this. Do any of you honestly believe what George says about kidnappers and someone watching the kidnappers, and Caylee called Great Great GM after she went missing. How in the world is a 3 yr old gonna know her phone #. Oh because it was programed in Casey's phone. Hmmm..where is Casey's phone? Blanchard Park or Universal?
You know, to me, one of THE most mysterious things so far is that crazy visit by her supposed "friend from school". The one she didn't remember. I just find that bizarre.

Well, it's all mysterious, but that was just weird.

Patrick? He didn't even graduate from Colonial HS. He went to Boone HS. I think it might have been some kind of code??
Me too Sparky. I just found it crazy. And funny that all other "visits" were released to the public EXCEPT the one between George and Casey. Maybe LE got good info out of that visit.

I know none of these statements help, but they are driving me crazy! As to the theory about the kidnappers....I dunno. I go back and forth between that and the worst scenario. I hope kidnapping is the lessor evil of the two.
Originally Posted by SusieClue
...if you want to post a picture relating to the case, (or of, say, your dog) that you have put in your photo library, you just
upload it to, snatch the URL and post or link it. ...

Another free place to upload pictures:
Its free to join, but you don't have to.
Me too Sparky. I just found it crazy. And funny that all other "visits" were released to the public EXCEPT the one between George and Casey. Maybe LE got good info out of that visit.

I know none of these statements help, but they are driving me crazy! As to the theory about the kidnappers....I dunno. I go back and forth between that and the worst scenario. I hope kidnapping is the lessor evil of the two.

I agree "TO". I go back and forth too. I want to believe Caylee is safe and with someone and then I hear what LE releases and how the Anthony's act with all their lies and then I believe the other. I can't even mention it.

I never thought about the call with George and Casey. Wonder why it hasn't been released? You can find all that info at click Caylee's photo and it will take you there.
Yes, do y'all mind if I repost this? - my introduction, as the last post in the closed, famous Newbie Club #1? My being last leaves no one with a choice to deliberately ignore me or send unwelcoming messages in that thread :) and that is not worth much to anyone!

Here it is:


I want to say ‘Hey!’ as a newbie. Lots of folks have joined this nice forum because of the Anthony case. I can’t keep up with the posting, and every time I think of something to add, I find that someone has already addressed it later in the postings. Thanks to Susie for thinking to setup this playpen for the newbieteers.

I am fascinated by females with personality disorders. I’ve performed over six-thousand psychological evaluations on all varieties of incarcerated female offenders in the state prison system over a period of about fourteen years. I’ve seen it all, but Casey Anthony is one of the most intriguing!

It is interesting that so many folks report feeling ‘obsessed’ by this case. I guess that’s because the whole scenario is so incredible and involves such unusual characters and an innocent toddler.

I will see y’all around the forums!
Charging her with something less than felony child endangerment will never be enough to ‘make her talk.’ Only negotiations about ’20 years to Life’ for homicide will lead her to offer her explanation of what happened to Caylee. And there’s a good chance she could stick to her current story forever, regardless of the charges.


The supposed "friend from school" was very interesting, and I would love to hear y’all talk about that. In a state prison, you cannot just walk up to the facility and expect to visit an inmate. I’m sure they would be screening visitors at the very first sally-port at the county jail, as well. There is something fishy about Casey having been face-to-face with this visitor.
Welcome Sleuthenius!

What's your take on Casey?
You know, to me, one of THE most mysterious things so far is that crazy visit by her supposed "friend from school". The one she didn't remember. I just find that bizarre.

Well, it's all mysterious, but that was just weird.

I thought that visit was wacky, too. What the heck was he thinkin'?
The supposed "friend from school" was very interesting, and I would love to hear y’all talk about that. In a state prison, you cannot just walk up to the facility and expect to visit an inmate. I’m sure they would be screening visitors at the very first sally-port at the county jail, as well. There is something fishy about Casey having been face-to-face with this visitor.

Heya Sleuthenius!

I read the jail website. Anyone can make an appointment to visit someone. The inmate decides to accept the visit or not. So this means she accepted the visit, but -- she didn't know who it was? Makes no sense.
What ya all think about this. Do any of you honestly believe what George says about kidnappers and someone watching the kidnappers, and Caylee called Great Great GM after she went missing. How in the world is a 3 yr old gonna know her phone #. Oh because it was programed in Casey's phone. Hmmm..where is Casey's phone? Blanchard Park or Universal?

I keep waivering back on forth about the kidnapping story. Some days I believe it and other days I feel it's a crock. I guess we have to wait for the next episode. I can't imagine George would just blurt that out for no reason.

As for the phone, that's total b.s., imo.
Welcome Sleuthenius!

What's your take on Casey?

Thanks, Sparky.

I think some mental disorders, like psychoses, (i.e., Axis I disorders) can be diagnosed with nothing more than the subject sitting in front of you.

But, the thing about assessing personality disorders (Axis II disorders) is that it requires a great deal of valid historical information about the person and her developmental background. You have to identify patterns of behavior over time. You have to have some measure of the validity of the information you’re using (and we all know about the validity problems in this case). So-called personality disorders can be very difficult to classify.

My take is that this personality has features of narcissism and histrionics.

She is not bi-polar because there is no reported history of bouts of depression (and mania does not occur by itself). She is not ‘anti-social’ personality because she has not been acting ‘against society,’ – (she has tried to fit-in and manipulate society.)

She does have a lack of normal emotional response in her current situation, and this makes you think ‘sociopath.’

The pathological lying is the most fascinating aspect of her behavior – the monotone speech, the impressionistic language that barely makes sense. Her mother speaks like this, as well, at times.

It will be tragically interesting to see how this plays out for this family and community.

(Caylee looks to be a well-nurtured child, probably by the grandparents, for the most part, and it’s a crying shame to think what really happened to her.)
Heya Sleuthenius!

I read the jail website. Anyone can make an appointment to visit someone. The inmate decides to accept the visit or not. So this means she accepted the visit, but -- she didn't know who it was? Makes no sense.
Hey, Selma.

That is so strange. It's a great deal less security than is used at facilities in our state. That is why I was so amazed at the report of this awkward meeting in jail. I'll be interested to find out more about it.
~~ snipped for space

The pathological lying is the most fascinating aspect of her behavior – the monotone speech, the impressionistic language that barely makes sense. Her mother speaks like this, as well, at times.
Welcome aboard. Very interesting analysis of Casey. Could you go into the impressionistic language that you mentioned a little further?
k gonna throw this out there....don't beat me up too bad please. Casey is told that it is time for her to grow up move out and take care of her child. She is to be gone by the 16th. (She talked about moving in with Amy) June 16th parents leave for work...Casey is on the phone and Caylee wanders off and drowns in the pool...Casey discovers her and frantically tries to reach her parents. Parents figure Casey is trying to buy more time or is going to yell at them for making her leave and they don't answer calls. Casey panicks, and hides the body...... be nice lol
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