News conference with the A's 11/25

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Cindy is honestly teetering on the edge of madness! After watching that press conference, I believe something bad is going to happen with her. Soon.
Her presser today was just scarey. I listened to her rambling, though it was really hard to listen to, and she made little sense. This woman needs help and she needs it quick.

Did you all listen to her? It's the strangest thing I've ever heard, rambling on and on, a mask like face, hardly blinking. My God, please George! Get Cindy the help she needs!

"Why can't we believe she's alive? Without belief there's no faith, without faith, there's no God. I believe in God." Words of Cindy Anthony, at today's press conference.
So...What was the news today? Anything they haven't already said? I just can't force myself to watch them anymore.
So...What was the news today? Anything they haven't already said? I just can't force myself to watch them anymore.

Let's see... Caylee is alive, LE isn't doing their job; we will continue to look for an alive Caylee; Cindy "cried"; new spokesperson who is as wonderful as the rest of the bunch (but may lack in personal hygiene); the PI spoke, and again, he's just as wonderful as the spokesperson... nope, you didn't miss a thing. :crazy:

***Just my opinion.***
probably watched about JVS case on tv.......and came up with that.......
car smelled of death because...............?????

.....those human traffickers are such a stinky bunch!
I wonder why George stopped watching the kidnappers, anyway?

All these new Caylee sightings & pics even....

not a single pic of THE KIDNAPPERS who were being watched.... nothing to help LE zero in on where they're holding Caylee?

Why is the family helping the kidnappers evade police???? :rolleyes:

=no kidnappers.........period.:furious:
Ummm, does GA always have a mark under his right eye? (more on his cheekbone directly below the outer eye) Anyone else notice it? I had noticed it earlier and now WESH just ran a clip which showed him next to CA during the presser and he put his fist over it when the camera was on him. Or, is it just tiredness? Maybe not getting much sleep. Tho usually the mark is higher, maybe not.

I myself have a small circle on my left cheek that gets red sometimes due to hormones. But, just speculating, he really looks like someone bopped him one. MOO

I noticed and wonder if CA will call a presser on that saying he walked into a door.............wonder if she socked him when she heard his FBI tape???
Ummm, does GA always have a mark under his right eye? (more on his cheekbone directly below the outer eye) Anyone else notice it? I had noticed it earlier and now WESH just ran a clip which showed him next to CA during the presser and he put his fist over it when the camera was on him. Or, is it just tiredness? Maybe not getting much sleep. Tho usually the mark is higher, maybe not.

I myself have a small circle on my left cheek that gets red sometimes due to hormones. But, just speculating, he really looks like someone bopped him one. MOO
Let's stop with the discussion of GA's facial spot/s, he's always had that spot


Today, 11-25-2008


July 29, 2008 Court Photo
Cindy is honestly teetering on the edge of madness! After watching that press conference, I believe something bad is going to happen with her. Soon.
Her presser today was just scarey. I listened to her rambling, though it was really hard to listen to, and she made little sense. This woman needs help and she needs it quick.

Did you all listen to her? It's the strangest thing I've ever heard, rambling on and on, a mask like face, hardly blinking. My God, please George! Get Cindy the help she needs!

"Why can't we believe she's alive? Without belief there's no faith, without faith, there's no God. I believe in God." Words of Cindy Anthony, at today's press conference.

Desperation. The final struggle.......

Although CA says they are getting closer day by day towards finding Caylee they are not and she is getting more and more desperate as they get closer to trial. She is fighting the reality that is staring her in the face and, the harder she tries the more it goes back against her.

CA refuses to accept the facts as are known because she understands they will lose both daughters -- she is trying to fit into another reality, any other reality that has a happy ending with Caylee coming home alive and KC freed. Hope.

It is sad to watch the CA train wreck in the media but I think MN did his level best to advise her, and reach out to GA to be strong and stop CA un-ravelling. GA cannot. He wants to support CA but he does not have the courage or will because it likewise impacts him as well -- easier to just play the game because it helps them therapeutically to work with KFN and collect donations, a distraction postponing the inevitable another day -- like KC does/did. A coping mechanism.

ETA: Maybe they will find Caylee tomorrow, maybe tomorrow will be a better day, will be different.
Per CA in news conference today:

"We're getting closer and closer to finding her, because I think -- and maybe it's because of the negativity -- and that maybe the sheriff's department gave us a blessing in disguise by saying 'Case closed. Caylee's dead,' that people are letting their guard down, that finally they're showing her out in public again in Orlando. So I'm going to take that, and I'm going to look for her."

Do you take this to mean that CA thinks "people" are showing Caylee in public? WHAT?!?!?!
Well, it's been a long road from Orlando in June to NC, then NYC, over to TX, down to Mexico, over to PR and back, but now because of the "negligent" Orlando police, the kidnappers are thinking Orlando Malls are once again safe places in which to hang out with their kidnapped charge in Novemeber. I guess.... Makes absolutely no sense, and I'd be livid if I found out my daughter's picture was being flashed around on the national media because she looked vaguely like a child whose decompostion had been found in her mother's car after her mother refused to say where she dumped her child, but oh well. The Anthony's seem to have no problem pulling innocent bystanders into their train wreck
Cindy should be teetering on the edge, it must be quite stressful knowing that you've been caught lying to law enforcement in an effort to manipulate the truth from coming out about your daughter + you + your family and could possibly be facing charges yourself - I say LET HER FALL - people need to stop pulling a Cindy here and wanting/needing to rush in and rescue her from her own actions, hmmm sound familiar, same thing she has done for KC over the years and exactly why we have come to know a little girl by the name of Caylee Marie Anthony that we never even met!
"Why can't we believe she's alive? Without belief there's no faith, without faith, there's no God. I believe in God." Words of Cindy Anthony, at today's press conference.

If one were inclined to believe that Caylee is alive and visiting various parts of the world courtesy of her kidnappers and some kind soul recognizes precious Caylee and LE is notified. LE regains custody of Caylee in this story...who do they return Caylee to? The lyin', theivin', conivin' sociopath of a mother or the lyin', cheatin, obstructin', never searchin', obstuctin' justice, violent, raging grandparents?
.....Everyone keeps saying they want Caylee returned home...I was just wondering why?
There is more evidence that she is dead than evidence of her being alive........sightings are not evidence!! Decomp in the damn car is. What is wrong with them?????????

We all know that Cindy has told so many lies so far. Each time I see her picture, she looks worse. Could it possibly be that she really is going over the edge, and will not be able to testify and get caught in all her lies under oath? Seriously, can't anyone, her family, her friends, neighbors see that she needs help before she dies? I don't care for Cindy's way of doing things, but she needs medical help now.
We all know that Cindy has told so many lies so far. Each time I see her picture, she looks worse. Could it possibly be that she really is going over the edge, and will not be able to testify and get caught in all her lies under oath? Seriously, can't anyone, her family, her friends, neighbors see that she needs help before she dies? I don't care for Cindy's way of doing things, but she needs medical help now.
We've discussed this before.No a person cannot just committ someone because they are teetering on the edge.Please dont bash me but I see a woman who is filled with anger and rage ~ why? because she isn't getting her own way.CA sees the handwriting on the wall,knows or surmises what KC has done and will not allow herself to handle it.She is hell bent on doing anything she can to try to keep the truth from coming out.Now I have no legal training but I think if she had kept her mouth shut,worked wih the authorities instead of against them they may have got KC off with voluntary manslaughter.She has just about locked the lock by flapping her gums with carp!! IMO
We've discussed this before.No a person cannot just committ someone because they are teetering on the edge.Please dont bash me but I see a woman who is filled with anger and rage ~ why? because she isn't getting her own way.CA sees the handwriting on the wall,knows or surmises what KC has done and will not allow herself to handle it.She is hell bent on doing anything she can to try to keep the truth from coming out.Now I have no legal training but I think if she had kept her mouth shut,worked wih the authorities instead of against them they may have got KC off with voluntary manslaughter.She has just about locked the lock by flapping her gums with carp!! IMO

Oh my no, Nore, I would not bash you for Heaven's sake. I know Cindy has made so many mistakes but I honestly believe she is slowly dying. I wish Casey could see what she is doing to her mother. I understand completely that CA is trying to save her daughter at all cost, since she can't save Caylee. I am just concerned that Cindy is truly mentally ill over all this. In our state, your family can have you involuntarily committed for observation for 72 hours. I hope she is seeing a doctor because I'm afraid she is self medicating herself. Yes, she has 'reaped what she sowed', but I just can't stand to see Casey distroy one more person. The number of victims in this case are unbelievable. I just wish Casey had left that beautiful baby on the hospital steps somewhere for someone else to love and adore.
We all know that Cindy has told so many lies so far. Each time I see her picture, she looks worse. Could it possibly be that she really is going over the edge, and will not be able to testify and get caught in all her lies under oath? Seriously, can't anyone, her family, her friends, neighbors see that she needs help before she dies? I don't care for Cindy's way of doing things, but she needs medical help now.

Forgive me if I sound cold, but I just don't believe Cindy is "on the edge", or anything close, for that matter. She's medicated, by her own admission, and has lost a good bit of weight, as has George, which is understandable due to the stress of their situation. But, even when CA looks at her worst, slumped, not speaking much, and even sometimes slurring's amazing that within a day, there's a prayer vigil, and she's all perky and normal talkative Cindy again- quite a transformation. You see what she wants you to see, when she wants you to see it. And for those of you who are still much more concerned than I am, remember if she is on medication, she is under a physician's care, so any relevant and serious changes I'm sure will be addressed by her physician.
Oh my no, Nore, I would not bash you for Heaven's sake. I know Cindy has made so many mistakes but I honestly believe she is slowly dying. I wish Casey could see what she is doing to her mother. I understand completely that CA is trying to save her daughter at all cost, since she can't save Caylee. I am just concerned that Cindy is truly mentally ill over all this. In our state, your family can have you involuntarily committed for observation for 72 hours. I hope she is seeing a doctor because I'm afraid she is self medicating herself. Yes, she has 'reaped what she sowed', but I just can't stand to see Casey distroy one more person. The number of victims in this case are unbelievable. I just wish Casey had left that beautiful baby on the hospital steps somewhere for someone else to love and adore.

What I don't get with Cindy is I don't see a mama-bear-protecting-her-cub-at-all-costs when I watch her. I don't see her in fear for her daughter. I don't see her adoring and worshipping Casey as many others seem to. Cindy seems to me to be much more locked in a power struggle with LE and the media. It really seems to motivate her more than anything else. She really justs seems to me like she wants to win at all costs.

If she destroyed evidence and mislead the police why tell LG about it if your goal is to help Casey? Why put the info out there to destroy your credibility and to let LE know what you did? It sounds like gloating. Much like Casey's snotty comment about the searchers being so worthless that they can't even find Caylee's clothes.

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