News conference with the A's 11/25

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Arrrgghhhhhhhhhhh!!! I am tearing my hear from my head already!

What I am most annoyed with is the comparison to the E. Smart case, common lady where are you from?! Ed Smart took a poly immediately and he and his family were cleared. Her sister was witness and there was NO evidence of human decomp!

Lastly I simply refuse to believe that CA and GA, LA for that matter cannot look at the photo of this little girl and know IT IS NOT their granddaughter. I can clearly see that it is not Caylee. Is there resemblemce? Certainly, but it is not her. How many kids out there who are gorgeous little girls with brunette hair and brown eyes?

Call me flabbergasted.

What I find really upsetting is that I'm not sure most people know about the circumstances around the E. Smart case and they just know the out come and this will taint the jury selection. Thats why they keep putting that out there and really for all the reasons you said and more the cases are NOTHING alike.
Ummm, does GA always have a mark under his right eye? (more on his cheekbone directly below the outer eye) Anyone else notice it? I had noticed it earlier and now WESH just ran a clip which showed him next to CA during the presser and he put his fist over it when the camera was on him. Or, is it just tiredness? Maybe not getting much sleep. Tho usually the mark is higher, maybe not.

I myself have a small circle on my left cheek that gets red sometimes due to hormones. But, just speculating, he really looks like someone bopped him one. MOO
Oh dear. She is delusional. Can I just add that if someone snapped a picture of my 3 y/o playing in a mall's playground and sent that picture off to the A's saying that my daughter was Caylee and then I see these pictures on the news and a press conference is called about it...mmmm...well, I think I'd be more than slightly irritated at CA. I'd be cooperative but I would not be happy about the undue attention and inconvenience that they are trying to cause a family that is totally unrelated to the case. And what harm? the harm it would cause is the disruption and stress to yet another family (more victims of KC) and the additional expense that the taxpayers are having to pay in order to appease CA because she refuses to accept the the facts.
That girl looks nothing like Caylee. Look at the jawline, the cheeks and chin, and most importantly, the Nose!
I agree..100%. Most us here "know" Caylee as if she were our own child. We've seen the pictures of her from babyhood on up, the videos of her, etc. They are either in deep denial, or are hoping to taint just one juror who doesn't know what Caylee looks like to the degree that all of us do. :furious:
I usually lurk. I also don't want to listen to the Anthonys in public any longer especially CA whose voice grates on my ears and nerves, so thanks for the reportage! The presser sounds typically misleading and full of bashing. But that's me.

I'm wondering what sleuthers think about the presser. I have 2 questions: What kind of effect is it supposed to have, and what effect do you speculate it has on the public at large who are not involved with this case as we are?
Per CA in news conference today:

"We're getting closer and closer to finding her, because I think -- and maybe it's because of the negativity -- and that maybe the sheriff's department gave us a blessing in disguise by saying 'Case closed. Caylee's dead,' that people are letting their guard down, that finally they're showing her out in public again in Orlando. So I'm going to take that, and I'm going to look for her."

Do you take this to mean that CA thinks "people" are showing Caylee in public? WHAT?!?!?!
They were talking about the most recent picture of the little girl. Her parents haven't made contact to say that's their daughter. <<<rolls eyes>>>

Since when do parents have to step forward and prove a photo of a little girl is legally their daughter. The parents of the little girl in question do not owe anything to Cindy and George. For all we know, they might not even know a photo of their daughter has caused the stir. Not all people are tied into everyday news or watching Nancy Grace.
In Cindy and George's eyes, everyone who has a daughter around the age of three with brown hair fixed in a pony tail is suspect of having their granddaughter. This isn't how it works.
Cindy has lost it in the quest of trying to save her daugher, Casey.
I missed the presser today. Can anyone sum it up for me? Was it more blah blah blah Caylee is alive, there are sightings, blah blah blah?
Honestly, if CA spent the time she has wasted (looking for an alive Caylee and talking on T.V). talking to KC trying to get the truth out of her - maybe we would all have the answers we've been waiting for since July....just a thought...makes sense to me...
Honestly, if CA spent the time she has wasted (looking for an alive Caylee and talking on T.V). talking to KC trying to get the truth out of her - maybe we would all have the answers we've been waiting for since July....just a thought...makes sense to me...

she's not at all interested in the truth. If the truth came out her FIVE MINTUES would be over.
Per CA in news conference today:

"We're getting closer and closer to finding her, because I think -- and maybe it's because of the negativity -- and that maybe the sheriff's department gave us a blessing in disguise by saying 'Case closed. Caylee's dead,' that people are letting their guard down, that finally they're showing her out in public again in Orlando. So I'm going to take that, and I'm going to look for her."

Do you take this to mean that CA thinks "people" are showing Caylee in public? WHAT?!?!?!

remember when they said she would be home for her birthday? :rolleyes: she "feels" she's close. She has intuition you know, and can "read" people real good.
Do you know there are 12 pages of this and nothing constructive... I thought Trisha posted about laying off the nastiness ??? Page one is just as nasty as page 12... how is this getting anything accomplished ? I feel sorry for Trisha for having her site reduced to such behavior.....
Do you know there are 12 pages of this and nothing constructive... I thought Trisha posted about laying off the nastiness ??? Page one is just as nasty as page 12... how is this getting anything accomplished ? I feel sorry for Trisha for having her site reduced to such behavior.....

I think the lack of anything constructive has mainly to do with the fact that the entire presser had nothing of substance, nothing truthful, and none of it even made sense.
I agree though about nastiness, unfortunately Cindy tends to bring out the worst in many people.
Ummm, does GA always have a mark under his right eye? (more on his cheekbone directly below the outer eye) Anyone else notice it? I had noticed it earlier and now WESH just ran a clip which showed him next to CA during the presser and he put his fist over it when the camera was on him. Or, is it just tiredness? Maybe not getting much sleep. Tho usually the mark is higher, maybe not.

I myself have a small circle on my left cheek that gets red sometimes due to hormones. But, just speculating, he really looks like someone bopped him one. MOO

Just by looking at the anguish the Anthony's are wearing, you can tell they are grieving IMHO.
Per CA in news conference today:

"We're getting closer and closer to finding her, because I think -- and maybe it's because of the negativity -- and that maybe the sheriff's department gave us a blessing in disguise by saying 'Case closed. Caylee's dead,' that people are letting their guard down, that finally they're showing her out in public again in Orlando. So I'm going to take that, and I'm going to look for her."

Do you take this to mean that CA thinks "people" are showing Caylee in public? WHAT?!?!?!
I think whatever benefit may have accrued to the "find Caylee" cause was negated within hours by the revelation that Cindy withheld Caylee's hairbrush from law enforcement way back in July.
I missed it also.. I hope someone tapped it and will upload it (please) lol

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