News conference with the A's 11/25

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Poor Casey..... even the traffickers don't want her skanky butt? :rolleyes:

The human trafficking story is somewhat recent with the JVS news not long ago about his recent visit and video in Taiwan and how it "could" pertain to what happened to NH. The A's are just hopping on the human trafficking bandwagon IMO.
So are you saying that you want all the media coverage to be one-sided? You want it all to be negative against Casey and her family?
Most of it IS negative.... why should they not have the opportunity to state their thoughts, without having it disputed? I think we get enough of the other side every night... the A's should have the chance to tell their side occasionally. If their appearances bother you... don't watch them.
I get what your saying but the A's have already told there side in those video's. No one made them say the things they said.To act like they are victims of LE is clearly proven false by the way they acted and the statements they made on those video's.Only thing they are proven is that lieing and making up things to suit there purpose is ok. And on your other post about the defense is doing there job by bring in reasonable doubt.Your right that is the defense job not the A's. So to say they are doing there job is understatement IMO.
I must include myself among the frustrated. Frankly, as I watched the nc I was struck by the "spokeperson's" appearance. She does not project a professional appearance. As she delivered her pleas and admonished the blogs, I could only wonder if she and her group had latched on to the Anthonys to further their agendas. Clearly, the Anthonys and especially CA are desparate and these are probably the only people that are willing to go along with them to search for the "live" Caylee. Quite frankly, I feel really bad for the Anthonys.
Is there a link for the video yet? I missed the live feed!
George and Cindy may be destined to forever believe that a little girl spotted at a mall is actually their granddaughter, simply because her family -who may be at home, thousands of miles from the US- doesn't ID her. Now that's sad.

The Florida Mall *is* the mall that the tourists go to (of course, locals do as well). But I just wanted to mention that if you want to hear many languages and don't want to go to the theme parks you can walk down the middle of The Florida Mall and hear people yapping away in every conceivable tongue. It's like the Tower of Babel.

The reason I mention this is because the child could be a tourist.
I'm wondering if you are onto something. Didn't Cindy say Lee was traveling?
IMO Lee is running around the state taking pictures of little girls on his cell phone (creepy, I know). All the pictures are at angles that you CANNOT see the face, or an arm is covering the face (like the one with the hat) - why not take multiple pictures of the child, and the people with the child, a direct picture of the face of the child, if you suspect that you're "seeing" a very high-profile missing (murdered, really, but this sake missing) child? They truly believe they can manipulate us like they seem to manipulate each other. Not credible, in fact, the result is ridiculous.
The bottom line is, the defense strategy is to say Caylee is still alive. They never found a body so Caylee is alive. Baez and the Anthonys are going to spread this message til the trial ends. Caylee is alive and LE is refusing to look for her. KC is innocent. Thats the strategy folks. Think I will repeat this on a new thread!
Guess that is what I get for going shopping. I missed todays episode of "Red flags are waving" However, I had a good time shopping and listening to more bs is not fun.
Frustration with the Anthony's is an understatement for most of us. But even so, can we raise the level of discussion in here? My mailbox is full of alerts regarding the posts in here.

quoting myself..go self edit if you think you should.

Oh you are so banned.

just kidding. I am making a point of not reading all the posts yet. I am hoping that everyone that thinks they may be just bashing will go edit their posts. I am home sick today and I don't want to have to do it LOL.

For anyone cooperatively editing their posts,that would include name calling by the way.

I hope you feel better! (I checked mine for you so you don't have to look at them. LOL Just skim on by. hehehe)
thank you :)

Quoting myself for newcomers to the thread.

We have a dilemma here. Hence the "ALERT" annoying red title.

We want your opinions. BUT, we are trying not to be a "bashing" board.

This thread is full of opinions, some I agree with, some I do not. The dilemma is this whole thread could be called a "bashing thread."

Here is the answer....I don't know. How's that. Perhaps you can all try to take the edge off of your posting.

It is impossible not to bash when no matter how you state your opinion about this press conference, it sounds like bashing because there are so many things wrong.

I'm rambling aren't I? Time for adjustment in my intake of chocolate. That helps.

So, Just try to do your best to not be harsh or mean. Comment on all aspects of it just try not to make your words like Freddy Kruger's fingers.

OMG, I'm starting to believe some of what they are saying. Ok kill me for this, but I saw the little girl's picture in question. The one with her playing on that thingie.

One thing that stood out for me was that her hairline was the same as Caylee's. It is very distinct when her hair was pulled back she had an obvious( I call it a bald spot, I know it not) but you get the picture. No pun intended.
Now she would look alittle different as children change so quickly. So face wise she looks alittle older than what we have seen previously. But she would be almost 1/2 yr. older. I'm basing it on a resemblance and the apparent lack of hair, the SAME as Caylee.
The I find myself swearing and outraged that their darling daughter won't put an end to this crap. Like TM said, " Damn you KC."
Cindy won't last much longer, the way she looks. She can spin all she wants, but her appearance is very telling.
These are some things I'm kicking around, IMO. Also wondering if there is one potential juror out there that ses this, we could have another OJ trial. Must acquit. It has also crossed my mind that people are superimposing pics of Caylee onto other children. May even be from the A's camp. Who knows.

Caylee Marie Anthony WAS at The Florida Mall with Casey and Tony in May to promote his Hip Hop Showcase. Allegedly, they spent a few hours there and Tony passed around his flyers. If the child looks like Caylee MAYBE IT WAS HER PICTURE FROM May 2008! The problem with this "lead/tip" NOT coming from LE is that this information is not vetted and run through them. Personally, I think the child "resembles" Caylee but it doesn't look like her chin or nose. But if it WAS Caylee then LE needs to know the exact date it was taken (like a digital image has an imbedded date in it). How can this be known from a camera phone?
OMG, I'm starting to believe some of what they are saying. Ok kill me for this, but I saw the little girl's picture in question. The one with her playing on that thingie.

One thing that stood out for me was that her hairline was the same as Caylee's. It is very distinct when her hair was pulled back she had an obvious( I call it a bald spot, I know it not) but you get the picture. No pun intended.
Now she would look alittle different as children change so quickly. So face wise she looks alittle older than what we have seen previously. But she would be almost 1/2 yr. older. I'm basing it on a resemblance and the apparent lack of hair, the SAME as Caylee.
The I find myself swearing and outraged that their darling daughter won't put an end to this crap. Like TM said, " Damn you KC."
Cindy won't last much longer, the way she looks. She can spin all she wants, but her appearance is very telling.
These are some things I'm kicking around, IMO. Also wondering if there is one potential juror out there that ses this, we could have another OJ trial. Must acquit. It has also crossed my mind that people are superimposing pics of Caylee onto other children. May even be from the A's camp. Who knows.

If you overlay that picture and a side view of Caylee, you can see there are very distinct differences. First, the child does not look like Caylee - can't these people recognize their own grandchild? Second, the child in the picture has a longer nose and a higher forehead than Caylee. Even if she grew, there is no way her arms grew that much to match that child.
Hello all.

I just wonder what is being discussed behind closed doors. After the release of the FBI tapes it seems they are doing some kind of damage control. It seems the A's are showing the media and public a certain face, Casey a face, LE a face and so on. For example GA's FBI interview and his other face in the media. His interview began with GA reciting what I am sure CA told him and then quickly turns and he offers a lot of character evidence against his daughter as well as a belief that she indeed killed Caylee.

This is huge and I bet CA didn't know about his feelings and what he said until she herself hsaw and heard him on the tape.

The press conference was one to discredit LE and make GA and CA's feeligns known to dispute what they said on the tapes. They are publicly saying that LE is purposely chosing to ignore possible sightings of Caylee in order to close the case and send their daughter to jail.

This is a classic move by defense attorneys and often the families of the accused. This is nothing new, it has been done before.

Cindy Anthony would rather whither away than admit that her daughter killed Caylee. Amy, Riccardo, Tony and Jeff are better suited to murder..but not her Casey.

What are this woman's credentials? And comparing this to Elizabeth Smart?? There weren't hairs with death bands found, her TRUSTWORTHY sister was an eyewitness, and cadaver dogs didn't hit for starters. I should stop watching this or I may explode.

And did anyone else catch MB referring to a child as 'lap child' on a that like a lapdog? I'm confused.

Small children were allowed to sit on the adult lap and not assigned a specific seat and a reduced fare - not sure they still do this post 9-11 . My son and I traveled this way while he was a toddler.
Caylee Marie Anthony WAS at The Florida Mall with Casey and Tony in May to promote his Hip Hop Showcase. Allegedly, they spent a few hours there and Tony passed around his flyers. If the child looks like Caylee MAYBE IT WAS HER PICTURE FROM May 2008! The problem with this "lead/tip" NOT coming from LE is that this information is not vetted and run through them. Personally, I think the child "resembles" Caylee but it doesn't look like her chin or nose. But if it WAS Caylee then LE needs to know the exact date it was taken (like a digital image has an imbedded date in it). How can this be known from a camera phone?

The ONE thing which tells me all of this is bogus is they took NO pictures of who she was with. ANYONE who even remotely suspected this was Caylee would take pictures of her caretaker. No one would just take her.

This is bogus and LE knows it. They are doing this to continue to collect money. They don't seem to want to work anymore and they sure never have searched for her.

Just the BOGUS KFN they associate with tells you there is something very wrong with all of it. I thought for a few days they were being taken advantage of by KFN and those cons, but since the information has been aired on TV, they know about it and continue to try to fool the public.

I REALLY hope all of these people are prosecuted for obstruction of justice.
So are you saying that you want all the media coverage to be one-sided? You want it all to be negative against Casey and her family?
Most of it IS negative.... why should they not have the opportunity to state their thoughts, without having it disputed? I think we get enough of the other side every night... the A's should have the chance to tell their side occasionally. If their appearances bother you... don't watch them.

Again, I believe every station carrying a press conference such as this has an obligation to remind their viewers about the true criteria for an amber alert. This is factual information and should be shared.
Small children were allowed to sit on the adult lap and not assigned a specific seat and a reduced fare - not sure they still do this post 9-11 . My son and I traveled this way while he was a toddler.

They have to be UNDER 2 and that has to be verified. The FBI checked everyone who had a child and NONE of them had Caylee. There was something in one of the news reports on how many children were on each plane and each were verified.

Even if there is an infant - they are listed on the plane's manifest. NONE go undetected. They need to shut up !!!
Caylee Marie Anthony WAS at The Florida Mall with Casey and Tony in May to promote his Hip Hop Showcase. Allegedly, they spent a few hours there and Tony passed around his flyers. If the child looks like Caylee MAYBE IT WAS HER PICTURE FROM May 2008! The problem with this "lead/tip" NOT coming from LE is that this information is not vetted and run through them. Personally, I think the child "resembles" Caylee but it doesn't look like her chin or nose. But if it WAS Caylee then LE needs to know the exact date it was taken (like a digital image has an imbedded date in it). How can this be known from a camera phone?

I thought the trip with Tony was at the Milennia Mall, or something like that, and not the Florida Mall.
The ONE thing which tells me all of this is bogus is they took NO pictures of who she was with. ANYONE who even remotely suspected this was Caylee would take pictures of her caretaker. No one would just take her.

This is bogus and LE knows it. They are doing this to continue to collect money. They don't seem to want to work anymore and they sure never have searched for her.

Just the BOGUS KFN they associate with tells you there is something very wrong with all of it. I thought for a few days they were being taken advantage of by KFN and those cons, but since the information has been aired on TV, they know about it and continue to try to fool the public.

I REALLY hope all of these people are prosecuted for obstruction of justice.

If I saw a kid that I thought was missing or endangered I would follow them, I would be on my cell with the police, I would be raising a ruckuss. I would see what car they got in, get their license plate, get descriptions of the people with the supposed victim. There are no sightings. I think they are trying to raise the reasonable doubt level to keep KC from being convicted.
Again, I believe every station carrying a press conference such as this has an obligation to remind their viewers about the true criteria for an amber alert. This is factual information and should be shared.

I believe they should stop airing this garbage. They are encouraging these people's insanity and could be helping them have a nervous breakdown. Can they be sued later by the Anthonys for this?

They need to think about how it can affect them legally.

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