NG 3/26/10: Breaking! New major development coming any minute in Haleigh case

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Typically there are only about four good questions on the poly. If LE was clever they should have a real good idea who Harmed Haleigh. They have had many opportunities to refine the tactics with this little girl.

:crazy::crazy:Maybe Misty thinks that if she can memorize all the questions on her polys she can change the answer the next time around. LOL. I think this case is driving me batty. I'm going to go read something else.:woohoo:
Just catching bits of Nancy...

but, if Joe took Haleigh - why didn't Misty put up a fight? Did she just let him take her?

And why would she not narc out Joe right away? I thought she didn't even really like him. Even if he'd threatened to kill Haleigh - she'd realize by now that Haliegh is probably already dead - she'd tell.

Sounds like BS!

I sure hope Tommy gets that poly! LE should be able to line up an objective enough one to satisfy him - it would be an awesome tool for them I think.

For some reason - I suspect Tommy would pass.

Caller on Nancy now bringing up that Misty may be blaming others cuz Misty herself is guilty. BINGO!

These are the exact same thoughts that were going through my head when I read Art's article. I am going to add to your list-Ron would of killed Joe by now just like he told the world he would do.
It's all bunk-Misty is a terrible liar!
:crazy::crazy:Maybe Misty thinks that if she can memorize all the questions on her polys she can change the answer the next time around. LOL. I think this case is driving me batty. I'm going to go read something else.:woohoo:

LOL, Misty's had considerable trouble memorizing what time she woke up. IMO, she has no shot at "memorizing all the questions on her polys".
]Maybe AH wants Misty to see the show or someone to inform her that he states RC has been cleared and it will make her mad and she will spill the beans on him, if there is any to spill, which I highly believe there is. I agree with the earlier poster, I will believe RC is cleared when I hear it from LE, not AH!

Very thoughtful post....
Get her drunk....nothing like some prison pruno to loosen the lips..
...that and a cute male correctional officer should do it.
Did NG ever apologize to the Duke LaCrosse Team? She went off the deep end on that one too...
I keep thinking about that young man doing serious time on misty's testimony....Good Grief!

Hallelujah! My thoughts exactly. I have no idea what kind of person Lindsy is, but from listening to her on the tapes, she sounds like a very sweet person. I have not been able to get her off my mind, and to wonder what she must be going through. I can't believe Misty would do this to her, and the children. What a selfish little b****rat! I use to think Misty was afraid to talk, because she feared Ronald. Well, now that has been put to rest, because she is in jail, and no one can get to her. The truth is evident, she wants out, she still loves Ronald, and she will do, and say anything to protect him. I use to feel sorry for her. Boy, am I over that! I hope she spends a month in jail for every hour Crystal S. has spent wondering where her daughter is.
Did NG ever apologize to the Duke LaCrosse Team? She went off the deep end on that one too...

Remember we have a thread in the Jury Room for Nancy Grace complaints. Please let's stay on topic.

PS. no she did not.
I just wanted to throw this out there. I just had a discussion with my son who is in LE about polygraphs and I told him the lastest about Misty failing her polygraph again and he said, "Mom, you do know that there some people who will fail the polygraph no matter what even if they are telling the truth, right?" I then asked him if he knew someone who had failed a polygraph before and he said he had. He stated the guy asked him his name and he gave his real name and he said he answered each question truthfully but failed them all including his name which they all knew was his name. He then told me how they hooked up the Captain and he lied about everything on the polygraph and passed them all and he stated that everybody knew the Captain was lying to prove a point. I just thought I would share this.
MCC still thinks she is smarter than LE, and everyone else for that matter. She is living in her own fantasy world believing she will get out of jail and this will all be over. Once reality sets in, and Tommy gets released w/his charges dropped (wouldn't that be a twist!), we will see a different MCC! JMO
Further, LE cleared cousin J a year ago, they have no reason to believe what she is now saying. Just more BS from MCC. Just like a child put in time-out, MCC needs to continue with her "time out" (and her honey buns taken away!)
Question: Is PCSO using AH as their spokesperson? He speaks as if he has priviledged info, I find this odd as they have their own PR/Media Relations personnel.
What I find interesting however is this newest gun story. First we heard about the gun incident where Misty found a gun supposedly in a culvert near Tommy's house. And Ron told her where to look for it.

Now we are hearing that Tommy and Joe came over to see or "do whatever" with the prize rifle. So now what are we to think about Misty's stories about guns? Could it be a clue?
What I find interesting however is this newest gun story. First we heard about the gun incident where Misty found a gun supposedly in a culvert near Tommy's house. And Ron told her where to look for it.

Now we are hearing that Tommy and Joe came over to see or "do whatever" with the prize rifle. So now what are we to think about Misty's stories about guns? Could it be a clue?

Grandmaj maybe the guns play a big part in this story and not just a lost and found item.
MCC still thinks she is smarter than LE, and everyone else for that matter. She is living in her own fantasy world believing she will get out of jail and this will all be over. Once reality sets in, and Tommy gets released w/his charges dropped (wouldn't that be a twist!), we will see a different MCC! JMO
Further, LE cleared cousin J a year ago, they have no reason to believe what she is now saying. Just more BS from MCC. Just like a child put in time-out, MCC needs to continue with her "time out" (and her honey buns taken away!)
Question: Is PCSO using AH as their spokesperson? He speaks as if he has priviledged info, I find this odd as they have their own PR/Media Relations personnel.

And then she can start that modeling career she has alluded to. :woohoo:

I personally think that Misty is lying and has since the very beginning. I feel she is covering for Ron. Teresa Neves and GGM Sykes wouldn't cover for Misty one minute if Ron wasn't involved here somehow. Like someone on another thread stated, Misty cannot tell the story without going back to the very beginning like she was reciting a story. She cannot start in the middle of the story or go backwards, but rather start at the very beginning. I forget who posted it but that was a very valid point.
What I find interesting however is this newest gun story. First we heard about the gun incident where Misty found a gun supposedly in a culvert near Tommy's house. And Ron told her where to look for it.

Now we are hearing that Tommy and Joe came over to see or "do whatever" with the prize rifle. So now what are we to think about Misty's stories about guns? Could it be a clue?

Don't forget, the breaking and entering that Misty ratted Tommy out on, there was a gun stolen from that house. Funny, how everything was found at Tommy's house except that gun. Me thinks Ronald kept that baby for himself!
Whisp, I don't think this was a typical LDT because they said it lasted 2 hours. If they are covering events surrounding the night Haleigh disappeared, they can ask a few questions in 100 different ways. And it was stated that the person is given a list of the questions which will be asked, so there are no surprises and they can't say they were blindsided.

I couldn't believe it when I heard Art say that Ronald had been cleared. Where did he get that information, I wonder?
Guns, blood, a rose...blankets. Yep they could be clues. The problem is misty must have been whacked out an awful lot. When she met rc, did she just get a lot more drugs or has she always been this way? He may use drugs to reel the girls in.
Whisp, I don't think this was a typical LDT because they said it lasted 2 hours. If they are covering events surrounding the night Haleigh disappeared, they can ask a few questions in 100 different ways. And it was stated that the person is given a list of the questions which will be asked, so there are no surprises and they can't say they were blindsided.

I couldn't believe it when I heard Art say that Ronald had been cleared. Where did he get that information, I wonder?

'Haven't seen it yet Tx. But being hooked up for two hours is a new record, imo. They may have interviewed her for a while then followed up with the test...just speculating here.

So art said rc was cleared!!? in what context did he make that remark, I may ask? Was it in response to a question asked by NG? Gads, sure wish we knew what they asked. Maybe they should give her a tranquilizer. Realizing it gives unreliable answers, in her case it may be helpful.
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