NG 3/26/10: Breaking! New major development coming any minute in Haleigh case

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I don't believe for a minute that Ronald is cleared. AH has reported that before. Even RC's lawyer hasn't said that! The last he spoke he said Ron was at the bottom of the list. That last drug bust where all of those pills were sold to Ronald and Misty was the seal on the coffin. That was a big transaction. And IMO aimed not just at Misty to pressure her for what she knows, but RC for what he knows also. MOO

I honestly believe RC being cleared is the NG-AH version, he speaks more honestly when not under pressure to worship poor RC on the show. However he is compromising his journalistic integrity just for the sake of appearing on NG.
I'm thinking LE doesn't want anyone asking about anyone else because they don't want their comfort zone tampered with...JMO

By "their," I'm assuming you mean LE's comfort zone. As a local and as someone who personally knows local LE, I will never be able to convince anyone here to see my point of view regarding the conduct of the officers who have been investigating the Haleigh Cummings case since before any of us even heard she was missing.

That said, perhaps the Sheriff of the county where Somer Thompson was abducted and murdered can convince some of you. Please see the Somer Thompson press conference from 12 noon today [3/26/2010].

Here is the raw, uncut video

If you'd like to skip forward, go to the 1:50 mark.

Sheriff Rick Beseler specifically thanks 3 persons:

The 1st is Angela Corey, state's attorney for the 5th Judicial Circuit [where Orange Park is.]

Listen out for the 2nd and 3rd persons named.

Please do a search for each name + "Haleigh Cummings."

Your browser or search engine should display results untainted by local or pro-law enforcement bias. This should be a sufficient foundation on which to base your opinions about the handling of the Haleigh Cummings case.

Not being witchy, and this is directed to everybody who has doubts about the investigators on this case - not you specifically, Emeralgem.
I seek the truth, and pressure/forced tactics make me hesitant to believe the incarcerated, that seek freedom. Bring a resolve, Le in Somer Thompson's case makes me proud as I see their professional determination to get answers in Somer's case.

They did it, dogged done it. Wish I could flip flop LE in that County to Putnam County, that's what I felt deeply as I viewed the news conference today concerning Somer and comparing the investigation in Putnam, along with super hype shows as Nancy's, which do a service for the missing. But has also done a great dis-service, as we see no news coverage locally by those news outlets that use standards and guidelines to their reporting.

If Misty hurt Haleigh, if Misty killed Haleigh, I will be shocked. Jealousy mentioned, jealousy is a volitile emotion that causes people to react without wisdom and understanding, especially in the young and immature without life experiences. If Misty has any knowledge of Haleigh's circumstances beyond the time they laid down to sleep, may she have to spill her soul without a chance of fresh breath til she's revealed what she knows.

May Haleigh come back in all her Glory no matter what condition that may be, she's a Beauty to Behold forever.
I seek the truth, and pressure/forced tactics make me hesitant to believe the incarcerated, that seek freedom. Bring a resolve, Le in Somer Thompson's case makes me proud as I see their professional determination to get answers in Somer's case.

They did it, dogged done it. Wish I could flip flop LE in that County to Putnam County, that's what I felt deeply as I viewed the news conference today concerning Somer and comparing the investigation in Putnam, along with super hype shows as Nancy's, which do a service for the missing. But has also done a great dis-service, as we see no news coverage locally by those news outlets that use standards and guidelines to their reporting.

If Misty hurt Haleigh, if Misty killed Haleigh, I will be shocked. Jealousy mentioned, jealousy is a volitile emotion that causes people to react without wisdom and understanding, especially in the young and immature without life experiences. If Misty has any knowledge of Haleigh's circumstances beyond the time they laid down to sleep, may she have to spill her soul without a chance of fresh breath til she's revealed what she knows.

May Haleigh come back in all her Glory no matter what condition that may be, she's a Beauty to Behold forever.

Kool, I realize you were typing when my post went up, but I sincerely encourage you to try my suggestion.
Why does this silly little girl keep agreeing to be polygraphed, voice-analyzed, then polygraphed again when she KNOWS that she's failed every test she's been given??

Does she think that she'll get better at it with practice?
By "their," I'm assuming you mean LE's comfort zone. As a local and as someone who personally knows local LE, I will never be able to convince anyone here to see my point of view regarding the conduct of the officers who have been investigating the Haleigh Cummings case since before any of us even heard she was missing.

That said, perhaps the Sheriff of the county where Somer Thompson was abducted and murdered can convince some of you. Please see the Somer Thompson press conference from 12 noon today [3/26/2010].

Here is the raw, uncut video

If you'd like to skip forward, go to the 1:50 mark.

Sheriff Rick Beseler specifically thanks 3 persons:

The 1st is Angela Corey, state's attorney for the 5th Judicial Circuit [where Orange Park is.]

Listen out for the 2nd and 3rd persons named.

Please do a search for each name + "Haleigh Cummings."

Your browser or search engine should display results untainted by local or pro-law enforcement bias. This should be a sufficient foundation on which to base your opinions about the handling of the Haleigh Cummings case.

Not being witchy, and this is directed to everybody who has doubts about the investigators on this case - not you specifically, Emeralgem.

Goodness, I worked ten minutes on my post, submitted, and scrolled up to read the latest entries, my post was made without knowledge of your thoughts in this post. Hugs!
Kool, I realize you were typing when my post went up, but I sincerely encourage you to try my suggestion.

Just scrolled up again, where's my "sticky out the tonguey" at your fellow member at? I will do what you suggest, he he cuz I know I better, hehehe :woohoo:
Goodness, I worked ten minutes on my post, submitted, and scrolled up to read the latest entries, my post was made without knowledge of your thoughts in this post. Hugs!

That was probably the problem, Kool look. I spent forever composing mine, too, so we just missed one another's posts.

LFlorida, I haven't listened to the video you posted or researched anything. I have confidence that your local LE isn't stupid, or blind to the facts in this case.
Why does this silly little girl keep agreeing to be polygraphed, voice-analyzed, then polygraphed again when she KNOWS that she's failed every test she's been given??

Does she think that she'll get better at it with practice?

Nope! She thinks if Ronald can pass one, she should be able to!
That was probably the problem, Kool look. I spent forever composing mine, too, so we just missed one another's posts.


L, what has me going, is the trueness in spirit, our posts were so spot on in thoughts and concept, without each others knowledge. It's eerie, and could be spooky if I didn't know that there's no such things as spooks. Our posts are so parrelell, that they speak for themselves. One spirit, many members.
By "their," I'm assuming you mean LE's comfort zone. As a local and as someone who personally knows local LE, I will never be able to convince anyone here to see my point of view regarding the conduct of the officers who have been investigating the Haleigh Cummings case since before any of us even heard she was missing.

That said, perhaps the Sheriff of the county where Somer Thompson was abducted and murdered can convince some of you. Please see the Somer Thompson press conference from 12 noon today [3/26/2010].

Here is the raw, uncut video

If you'd like to skip forward, go to the 1:50 mark.

Sheriff Rick Beseler specifically thanks 3 persons:

The 1st is Angela Corey, state's attorney for the 5th Judicial Circuit [where Orange Park is.]

Listen out for the 2nd and 3rd persons named.

Please do a search for each name + "Haleigh Cummings."

Your browser or search engine should display results untainted by local or pro-law enforcement bias. This should be a sufficient foundation on which to base your opinions about the handling of the Haleigh Cummings case.

Not being witchy, and this is directed to everybody who has doubts about the investigators on this case - not you specifically, Emeralgem.

Only name I recognize is Dominic P..
Perhaps, now that Somer's killer has been caught LE and the different agencies involved in tracking down the person responsible in Somer's case can organize a "Team Haleigh" and bring the real person responsible for Haleigh's disappearance to justice.....Bet they won't even have to go to Mississippi to do it either...JMO
Only name I recognize is Dominic P..
Perhaps, now that Somer's killer has been caught LE and the different agencies involved in tracking down the person responsible in Somer's case can organize a "Team Haleigh" and bring the real person responsible for Haleigh's disappearance to justice.....Bet they won't even have to go to Mississippi to do it either...JMO

I've been sleuthing the mainstream media in the area tonight and they are all reporting on Somer. That may be why they aren't reporting on Misty's polygraph.
Does anyone know if during a polygraph if the subject doesn't understand the question, would it show up as deceptive. I do feel that Misty has knowledge of what happened that night to Haleigh. However, with all of these failed LDT, it makes me wonder if there are other factors at work. I remember reading that Misty has a limited education, I believe that she could also suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome, as well as not having been exposed to anyone other than drunks, druggies, and those of questionable character. Could anyone of these contribute to her failing? I just don't see her as being as deceptive as Casey because Casey was able to mimic Cindy. I do believe that Misty is street smart and manipulative but I just can't imagine agreeing to a LDT and failing every question.
I've been sleuthing the mainstream media in the area tonight and they are all reporting on Somer. That may be why they aren't reporting on Misty's polygraph.

Thanks Kimster.. I best take a break from all this for now.. I'm just too upset..
This "merry go round" has been goin around in circles too too long...
Only name I recognize is Dominic P..
Perhaps, now that Somer's killer has been caught LE and the different agencies involved in tracking down the person responsible in Somer's case can organize a "Team Haleigh" and bring the real person responsible for Haleigh's disappearance to justice.....Bet they won't even have to go to Mississippi to do it either...JMO

Did anybody google the 1st name? tia

eta - oops, I meant the name immediately before D Pape.

Heck, even without that name, Pape was the OIC on this case before any of us even woke up the morning of 2/9/09.
I seek the truth, and pressure/forced tactics make me hesitant to believe the incarcerated, that seek freedom. Bring a resolve, Le in Somer Thompson's case makes me proud as I see their professional determination to get answers in Somer's case.

They did it, dogged done it. Wish I could flip flop LE in that County to Putnam County, that's what I felt deeply as I viewed the news conference today concerning Somer and comparing the investigation in Putnam, along with super hype shows as Nancy's, which do a service for the missing. But has also done a great dis-service, as we see no news coverage locally by those news outlets that use standards and guidelines to their reporting.

If Misty hurt Haleigh, if Misty killed Haleigh, I will be shocked. Jealousy mentioned, jealousy is a volitile emotion that causes people to react without wisdom and understanding, especially in the young and immature without life experiences. If Misty has any knowledge of Haleigh's circumstances beyond the time they laid down to sleep, may she have to spill her soul without a chance of fresh breath til she's revealed what she knows.

May Haleigh come back in all her Glory no matter what condition that may be, she's a Beauty to Behold forever.

It is alot easier to solve a case if you have the body, which sadly in this case they don't. Another difference is that is Somer's case LE wasn't/isn't being deceived by people close to Somer like in Haleigh's case they have been, imo.
I really can't compare the two cases, they are so different.
Not directed at you Kool Look, just pointing out two of the big differences in the cases.
I believe Haleigh will come home in due time, hopefully soon.
Does anyone know if during a polygraph if the subject doesn't understand the question, would it show up as deceptive. I do feel that Misty has knowledge of what happened that night to Haleigh. However, with all of these failed LDT, it makes me wonder if there are other factors at work. I remember reading that Misty has a limited education, I believe that she could also suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome, as well as not having been exposed to anyone other than drunks, druggies, and those of questionable character. Could anyone of these contribute to her failing? I just don't see her as being as deceptive as Casey because Casey was able to mimic Cindy. I do believe that Misty is street smart and manipulative but I just can't imagine agreeing to a LDT and failing every question.

I'm feeling your opinion, doesn't make a bit of sense, eh? Even a liar liar liar pants on fire should know when to just shut up. Misty ain't a Casey or Cindy, she didn't grow up with the priviledges, nor monies. Different classes and neighborhoods. Casey is a product of Cindy, Casey vs Cindy, Cindy vs Casey, Mother against Daughter, Daughter against Mother, perfect Scriptural picture. Caylee was the Jewel neither deserved, but both coveted beyond normal feelings. Thou Shall not Covet, one took the others adoration away. Hurting the one that hurt them over and over.
It is alot easier to solve a case if you have the body, which sadly in this case they don't. Another difference is that is Somer's case LE wasn't/isn't being deceived by people close to Somer like in Haleigh's case they have been, imo.
I really can't compare the two cases, they are so different.
Not directed at you Kool Look, just pointing out two of the big differences in the cases.
I believe Haleigh will come home in due time, hopefully soon.

Very good post, and your two points of the differences are well received and agree. Though I do stick to my first perception, I agree the two big differences set the cases simutaneously apart importantly in the areas they are different. Thank you for the last sentence of your post, it gives me hope, and spreading hope is giving back to Haleigh and her case, hugs.
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