NG 3/26/10: Breaking! New major development coming any minute in Haleigh case

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I am completely stunned as to why we hear nothing about RC, Hope and Donna. Watching this show it would seem that Nancy's sources ;) completely have tunnel vision and its focused on Misty/Tommy--God help Haleigh if LE has the same myopic vision. JMO

That tunnel vision has been so obvious since the first we learned of Haleigh missing. I do not understand why NG is so pro RC and his family ? They were the ones responsible for Haleigh's safety. They were the ones who left her with MC. In my opinion , RC may be cleared of taking Haleigh, but he is guilty of leaving her in a dangerous environment.
AH, according to his latest article on Misty flunks lie detector test (see question #10 and his answer #50) does not have LE inside information.
I just wanted to throw this out there. I just had a discussion with my son who is in LE about polygraphs and I told him the lastest about Misty failing her polygraph again and he said, "Mom, you do know that there some people who will fail the polygraph no matter what even if they are telling the truth, right?" I then asked him if he knew someone who had failed a polygraph before and he said he had. He stated the guy asked him his name and he gave his real name and he said he answered each question truthfully but failed them all including his name which they all knew was his name. He then told me how they hooked up the Captain and he lied about everything on the polygraph and passed them all and he stated that everybody knew the Captain was lying to prove a point. I just thought I would share this.

That is interesting, and I really do believe it is possible.

I don't think that is the case with Misty. I am sure "control" questions were asked with her, in each of her failed polys, and if she were truly unable to pass a poly, I think investigators would know that by now. ~jmo
Guns, blood, a rose...blankets. Yep they could be clues. The problem is misty must have been whacked out an awful lot. When she met rc, did she just get a lot more drugs or has she always been this way? He may use drugs to reel the girls in.

Hi Whisp, yes, I agree. And it was stated here on WS why Misty stayed with Ron, is because he gave her what she needed. Well, he gave her a roof over her head, food, cigarettes, sex(not that she couldn't get that we know), status (whatever that means in their world) and drugs.

I don't think Misty could have furfilled her desire for drugs without Ron's assistance. Of course, with this came responsibilties: cooking, laundry and more importantly - babysitting. Babysitting was not something she wanted to do. She was seventeen and wild. All she wanted to do is party.

God bless Haleigh!
Maybe AH wants Misty to see the show or someone to inform her that he states RC has been cleared and it will make her mad and she will spill the beans on him, if there is any to spill, which I highly believe there is. I agree with the earlier poster, I will believe RC is cleared when I hear it from LE, not AH!

Thank yew! :clap:

'Haven't seen it yet Tx. But being hooked up for two hours is a new record, imo. They may have interviewed her for a while then followed up with the test...just speculating here.

So art said rc was cleared!!? in what context did he make that remark, I may ask? Was it in response to a question asked by NG? Gads, sure wish we knew what they asked. Maybe they should give her a tranquilizer. Realizing it gives unreliable answers, in her case it may be helpful.

I don't know where everybody is getting the information that a LDT only consists of three basic questions... that's simply not true. Depending on what subjects they are covering, they can ask as many questions as they want to. The one I took as a requirement for a job as a grocery store checker, I was asked about 25 questions. And I was not a suspect in anything, the employers made everyone who was hired take one.

I'm not sure what context Art made that statement, but he definitely said it. I don't remember what she asked, maybe someone else will know. Sorry.
I just wanted to throw this out there. I just had a discussion with my son who is in LE about polygraphs and I told him the lastest about Misty failing her polygraph again and he said, "Mom, you do know that there some people who will fail the polygraph no matter what even if they are telling the truth, right?" I then asked him if he knew someone who had failed a polygraph before and he said he had. He stated the guy asked him his name and he gave his real name and he said he answered each question truthfully but failed them all including his name which they all knew was his name. He then told me how they hooked up the Captain and he lied about everything on the polygraph and passed them all and he stated that everybody knew the Captain was lying to prove a point. I just thought I would share this.

Would that mean that the polygraph would be ruled inconclusive?
Isn't that the point of the control questions? You are asked questions by the polygraph operator that they know the answers to and can tell if you are lying or being truthful. For example, your name, dob, date, what you ate for breakfast, etc. That way they can tell if it is working correctly. There are a very limited number of questions that deal with the subject you are being polygraphed for.
Maybe you can ask your son this and report back-I am curious!
I just heard AH say that rc has been ruled
Someone asked Art on his site in the comment section why he stated RC has been cleared. (many thanks to the person that asked so I don't have to!) He didn't reply but he had to of read it because he moderates his comment section and replied to several questions tonight. Hmmmmm.....maybe what I stated above is true-I certainly hope so!
I just heard AH say that rc has been ruled

Yes, he did say ruled out and not cleared. So this could mean the same as "not a suspect at this time" but if more info. comes to light to implicate Ron he very well could be ruled back in. Maybe that is what AH means, it is all word play like "poi" vs. "suspect".

Here is the video-starts around 6:00
I just heard AH say that rc has been ruled

Would love to see that link too!

I believe that the link exists only in AH's mind!!! It is very frustrating to hear him state this, as if it were a fact! :banghead: :banghead:

Ron's own lawyer, says he's not been ruled out ...... only moved to the bottom of the suspect list, and I really do believe that the "list" contains only TWO names ..............

1. Misty
I don't see how any of the whole bunch could be ruled out except for Hank, Sr. Wives can lie, girlfriends can lie, but at least Ron was at work and not out running around like Tommy, home alone like Misty(except for Jr.), or not seen at all until morning (Joe).
You would think all the local news media would be jumping on this "breaking news".

I don't see it as "breaking or new". It happened a moth ago and this makes her 4 or 5 poly she failed + a VST and hypnosis, all failed. Now if she passed it, it would be BREAKING NEWS, BOMBSHELL!
tune in next week when nancy's 'breaking news, bombshell!' is that the warren commision got it wrong......
I just wanted to throw this out there. I just had a discussion with my son who is in LE about polygraphs and I told him the lastest about Misty failing her polygraph again and he said, "Mom, you do know that there some people who will fail the polygraph no matter what even if they are telling the truth, right?" I then asked him if he knew someone who had failed a polygraph before and he said he had. He stated the guy asked him his name and he gave his real name and he said he answered each question truthfully but failed them all including his name which they all knew was his name. He then told me how they hooked up the Captain and he lied about everything on the polygraph and passed them all and he stated that everybody knew the Captain was lying to prove a point. I just thought I would share this.

Yes, I see the point but each and every time? Seems to me that she would have passed at least a couple of questions.
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