GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #14

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hold the phone and shut the front door.

if this neighbor got a look, good enough to estimate her age, at this 'visitor', he's a keywitness. and the 'visitor' could possibly be an accomplice if she had knowledge of abby's existence there. if she was there every weekend as he stated, how did she get there? by car? surely he'd have a description of it? or did NK pick her up somewhere? leaving abby also on weekends just as during workdays???

(we were right. edited by dumb bunny who can't read dates)

"Kibby went to the Gorham police station on March 4 and turned over 11 firearms as well as ammunition. In doing so, Kibby met a condition of his bail in connection to charges of simple assault, prowling and loitering, and criminal trespass stemming from an incident in Conway that same day.

When Kibby pleaded guilty on July 23 to criminal trespass, the restriction on his possessing firearms was no longer in force, Cyr said. On July 24, Kibby came to the police station, where he collected his property. The firearms included both handguns and long rifles, said Cyr, as well as a shotgun."

the rabbit highly doubts he'd throw any of his precious firearms into the he himself stated, he has a right to them. LE wouldn't turn illegal weapons over, they must have been registered. so what was the 'object' taken by NHF&G...
I had the scariest dream last night about this case. I was at a meeting room, like a church, and my daughter and I got to meet Abby. Abby commented how cute my child was,vand asked who I was. We were interrupted because court was about to start. I was right in front next to an older woman, and they brought Kibby in. He was thrashing about and making snarling noises. He was trying to break free and a tall, brown haired woman (it was actually the female Warden from Orange is the new black) was holding him in chains with his hand behind his back. They had to remove him from the court. The judge interestingly was a heftier black man with an orange wig on. It was kind of weird. He was less than professional in his talking.

They brought Kibby back out and he looked extremely evil. Almost like he was possessed by the devil. His eyes were squinty and he had a wicked smile on his face. I was totally terrified and they told us to move back. The noon clock went off and when the judge called for order, the entire gallery started singing a hymn I'd never heard. It was such a wild dream.

Off topic, but this case is invading my dreams. There were additional charges in my dreams, but I only remember a terrorism charge. It was crazy when I woke up I checked the news and was glad to realize he was still in custody and Abby is still safe.

And for anyone wondering, yes my dreams are always creepy and vivid. I never put any stock into them because I know they are just my brain processing.
I beginning to wonder if the letter was even postmarked. Maybe he dropped it off at her house? That would serve 2 purposes - one the letter would not be traceable via a postmark and two, it would manipulate Abby into giving him her home address which he could use as leverage against her.

I'm a Gorham native, and still have family there. Letters mailed from Gorham oddly come out with a postmark of White River Jct., Vt...which is a major mail center about 2 hours away from Gorham. I asked my mother about this this week, and she said: "well you can get the local post mark if you go into the post office and ask them to post mark it" obviously not probably what NK would do! I'm thinking that this might be why LE never released the postmark, because WRJ postmarks are so common in Northern New England that they cease to be a useful tool.
dkshep, we're not allowed to speculate on that's against TOS (terms of service)...

pensfan, great catch on the officer. cadaver dog? ugh. see my above comment.

j block, if he had weapons at this point they'd be a violation of parole (though not necessarily illegal) as he called officers to his home in march to remove such items as he'd be arrested for possessing them.

this no-quote-from-my-laptop situation sucks.


Correct. Nowhere does it state that he was in possession of "illegal guns". Also, Kibby isn't, and never was on Parole.

I'm not trying to argue/debate, but this info may confuse people when it is presented in a way that appears to be FACT.

correct was a bail requirement to turn over his firearms. I shouldn't have used the word 'parole'...

ETA and interesting how the article above says NK went to the police station, not "called police to his home" as previously stated in another article...

correct was a bail requirement to turn over his firearms. I shouldn't have used the word 'parole'...

ETA and interesting how the article above says NK went to the police station, not "called police to his home" as previously stated in another article...


That is a big reporting discrepancy. It's reported that he relinquished 11 firearms. He obviously didn't want LE coming to his home, but I'm surprised that LE "takes the word" of the individual and the # of firearms they are in possession of. There's no gun registration (rifles, handguns, shotguns) in NH. One could turn in 11 and keep 100. At least SWAT was aware of numerous firearms before making contact.
I thought he called LE to come get his weapons. Why would he put them in a lake?
After recognizing that the photos were of an officer from the Game and Fish Department, I no longer believe NK might have tried to hide unlawful weapons to secretly retrieve them later. See post #345. That's a cadaver dog and his game warden handler searching in the river behind NK's trailer. The officer's name is J***** Judd. You can find his photo on several sites.
hold the phone and shut the front door.

if this neighbor got a look, good enough to estimate her age, at this 'visitor', he's a keywitness. and the 'visitor' could possibly be an accomplice if she had knowledge of abby's existence there. if she was there every weekend as he stated, how did she get there? by car? surely he'd have a description of it? or did NK pick her up somewhere? leaving abby also on weekends just as during workdays???

(we were right. edited by dumb bunny who can't read dates)

"Kibby went to the Gorham police station on March 4 and turned over 11 firearms as well as ammunition. In doing so, Kibby met a condition of his bail in connection to charges of simple assault, prowling and loitering, and criminal trespass stemming from an incident in Conway that same day.

When Kibby pleaded guilty on July 23 to criminal trespass, the restriction on his possessing firearms was no longer in force, Cyr said. On July 24, Kibby came to the police station, where he collected his property. The firearms included both handguns and long rifles, said Cyr, as well as a shotgun."

the rabbit highly doubts he'd throw any of his precious firearms into the he himself stated, he has a right to them. LE wouldn't turn illegal weapons over, they must have been registered. so what was the 'object' taken by NHF&G...
That officer in the river was a Game and Fish warden from Maine. He is shown on another news site in a different area with his black cadaver dog too.
Apparently he travels to different areas with his cadaver dog.
I see the similarities on the dog handler photos. But the dog pictured at the crime scene in Mexico (1st photo) is noticeably heavier than the dog being used in this case (2nd photo)


When you live in the North and you don't allow your dog outside for hours in the bitter cold, your dog's weight fluctuates. My active Doberman, who despises rain and snow, can weigh 10-15% more in winter months than in summer. The officer in the photo is a Game and Fish Warden in Maine.
I'm from Burlington Vt and the post mark here is White River also.

Is that Abby in the video ... where a man runs up to her and hugs her? If so, who is the man?

That is a teenaged boy. A good friend of Abby's. His reaction is priceless.

Is this canine handler from Maine

the same canine handler as in this article about the search at NK's trailer?
View attachment 56068

If so, that was a cadaver dog in the river behind KN&#8217;s trailer.

The agent scoured the river for around 45 minutes with six other officer before emerging with an object wrapped in a grey plastic bag.

The first photo is from You have to find it by googling "New Hampshire cadaver dogs" as the Sun Journal requires a subscription to read this specific article. The caption on the first photo reads: Maine Game Warden Jeremy Judd watches his cadaver dog Tundra work the crime scene at 9 Riverside Park on Wednesday morning in Mexico.

Well it certainly wasn't a body part he found, IMO. When they find human remains, everything shuts down and a gazillion photos are taken, forensic archeologists or anthropologists, etc., are called to determine the approximate dates the remains we're placed there, and so on, right? They don't just snatch them up and bag them, or am I crazy?

I had the scariest dream last night about this case. I was at a meeting room, like a church, and my daughter and I got to meet Abby. Abby commented how cute my child was,vand asked who I was. We were interrupted because court was about to start. I was right in front next to an older woman, and they brought Kibby in. He was thrashing about and making snarling noises. He was trying to break free and a tall, brown haired woman (it was actually the female Warden from Orange is the new black) was holding him in chains with his hand behind his back. They had to remove him from the court. The judge interestingly was a heftier black man with an orange wig on. It was kind of weird. He was less than professional in his talking.

They brought Kibby back out and he looked extremely evil. Almost like he was possessed by the devil. His eyes were squinty and he had a wicked smile on his face. I was totally terrified and they told us to move back. The noon clock went off and when the judge called for order, the entire gallery started singing a hymn I'd never heard. It was such a wild dream.

Off topic, but this case is invading my dreams. There were additional charges in my dreams, but I only remember a terrorism charge. It was crazy when I woke up I checked the news and was glad to realize he was still in custody and Abby is still safe.

And for anyone wondering, yes my dreams are always creepy and vivid. I never put any stock into them because I know they are just my brain processing.

I have the same issue. Vivid, intense dreams/nightmares, my whole life. Or I used to, because I have far less now though- I've been taking a supplement called 5-HTP for years. It regulates anxiety (and depression, apparently), and vivid dreams!
A link to information about the Maine Warden Service K-9 Team. I've been trying to confirm if the canine in the picture is a human remains detection (HRD) dog. Though s/he was ID'd as a "cadaver dog" in a Sun Journal photo, it would be prudent to find a second source before we chase this one too far down the trail.
An observation about NK---he sure is into letter writing (the political ones, the ones re: the vehicle for sale, Abby's letters...).

Wondering now if there are any other unsolved cases out there involving the act of letter writing.
When you live in the North and you don't allow your dog outside for hours in the bitter cold, your dog's weight fluctuates. My active Doberman, who despises rain and snow, can weigh 10-15% more in winter months than in summer. The officer in the photo is a Game and Fish Warden in Maine.

you may well be right and I am not arguing with you. You feel strongly it is that handler and that dog based on two photos. I do not feel that is sufficient for me to make that connection and take it as fact that the dog at the NK property and river is a cadaver dog. A MSM link stating there is a cadaver dog is being used at the NK property I will accept. Someone's opinion based on two photos does not get me there. That's just me. No reflection on your view. Mine just differs lacking further substantiation.
Former Conway police lieutenant Chris Perley, who retired last month after 29 years in law enforcement <snip>

"I don't think anyone could have predicted that she would be so close and then to come home unharmed," Perley added.

maybe this will make some feel better....

after reading that article....i have some reoccurring thoughts....
some of the comments by those that knew him remind me that i continually wonder how much we should inform LE of suspicious people we encounter even if we have seen nothing illegal done by them. i know its a very fine line and i also know people dont want a big brother/nanny state.....but they are not alone in their accounts. they knew him as one who was deeply disturbed and were themselves victims of him. how many of out there know people like kibby - we know something is very very wrong with them....they have done some not so nice things...but they have not crossed into breaking the law - or maybe they have (on paper) but we are too afraid or unsure of reporting them. after all its not illegal to be weird or abnormal.

i say that because there are a couple of kids 2 doors down from me whom I have discussed here before that exhibit VERY VERY disturbing behavior and even some bullying - but nothing has crossed into illegal (that im aware of). im not talking about just obnoxious child/teen behavior. im talking obvious disturbed/psychopathic behaviors. the other day the kids grandmother (who is raising them due to having a methhead criminal mother) was carried off in an ambulance. i dont know what happened but my FIRST thought when i saw the ambulance, etc was 'they killed her'. she is back home now - alive.

if one of those kids are ever in the news, or arrested.....i will be the one that said "im not surprised, i saw it coming". yet ive never done anything about it. am i morally culpable if that happens?

where is THAT line?
after reading that article....i have some reoccurring thoughts....
some of the comments by those that knew him remind me that i continually wonder how much we should inform LE of suspicious people we encounter even if we have seen nothing illegal done by them. i know its a very fine line and i also know people dont want a big brother/nanny state.....but they are not alone in their accounts. they knew him as one who was deeply disturbed and were themselves victims of him. how many of out there know people like kibby - we know something is very very wrong with them....they have done some not so nice things...but they have not crossed into breaking the law - or maybe they have (on paper) but we are too afraid or unsure of reporting them. after all its not illegal to be weird or abnormal.

i say that because there are a couple of kids 2 doors down from me whom I have discussed here before that exhibit VERY VERY disturbing behavior and even some bullying - but nothing has crossed into illegal (that im aware of). im not talking about just obnoxious child/teen behavior. im talking obvious disturbed/psychopathic behaviors. the other day the kids grandmother (who is raising them due to having a methhead criminal mother) was carried off in an ambulance. i dont know what happened but my FIRST thought when i saw the ambulance, etc was 'they killed her'. she is back home now - alive.

if one of those kids are ever in the news, or arrested.....i will be the one that said "im not surprised, i saw it coming". yet ive never done anything about it. am i morally culpable if that happens?

where is THAT line?

The problem is, if they haven't committed a crime, there is little for you to report. What can anyone do? All you can do, as far as I can see, is befriend the grandma, and see if she needs assistance. She seems to be the link to getting them the help they need. jmo
pensfan and tlcya, I think as another poster said (can't remember who) if they HAD found anything biological (cadaver-related), the area would've been taped off and the officer wouldn't have just 'grabbed and tagged' and waved it around excitedly. I say this regardless of the specific type of K9 dog they used (as per Bessie's link). kwim?

they used the word 'object'. so in a fluid area, it must've been something lodged underneath a rock or heavy enough not to be taken by a current.

anyone know what the flow rate (if any) is for that stream/river? doesn't look very deep but IMO would be a pretty stupid place to throw something away. not to mention after 9 months, for LE to be searching it?

A link to information about the Maine Warden Service K-9 Team. I've been trying to confirm if the canine in the picture is a human remains detection (HRD) dog. Though s/he was ID'd as a "cadaver dog" in a Sun Journal photo, it would be prudent to find a second source before we chase this one too far down the trail.

state police have cadaver dogs but those are air scent and tracking / search and rescue dogs..... I know there is a mod or member who is a verified canine handler on here, but I forget who it is.... keep in mind though that air scent, search and rescue and tracking dogs CAN locate OBJECTS that belong to people, eg: cell phone, keys, wallets, purses, jewelry etc...... I learned that from my local town police depts. canine team :)

ETA links NH


ETA again: In maine fish and game does have cadaver dogs, in NH it is state police and sheriff depts
Is this canine handler from Maine

View attachment 56067

the same canine handler as in this article about the search at NK's trailer?
View attachment 56068

If so, that was a cadaver dog in the river behind KN’s trailer.

The agent scoured the river for around 45 minutes with six other officer before emerging with an object wrapped in a grey plastic bag.

The first photo is from You have to find it by googling "New Hampshire cadaver dogs" as the Sun Journal requires a subscription to read this specific article. The caption on the first photo reads: Maine Game Warden Jeremy Judd watches his cadaver dog Tundra work the crime scene at 9 Riverside Park on Wednesday morning in Mexico.

the pic on the top is MAINE the photo on the bottom is NH... that pic with the maine officer is at a location in Maine, NOT related to this case..... people are getting confused here
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