GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 4

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Earlier on, if my memory serves me right, one girl said they had seen her in the back of Walmart. I have never seen any more follow up on this.
I'm surprised we're aren't hearing lots of local chatter.

As for the busy area, don't know that I would read much into it. It was a busy time of day due to school getting out, people getting off work, etc.

See LE is having everyone read from their notes now. Most likely approved the notes before the ceremony. Abigail's Mom's definitely sounded written for her rather than heart felt plea, which for some reason LE is just not wanting. I'll be glad when this is over and we can hopefully understand LE's mode of operation in this! Silence is golden appears to be the motto.
I hope they have looked into everyone who had ever given her a ride. Sometimes when we are too busy we call friends or family members to go and pick up one of our own as a favor.
I agree. The map/search area(shaded) starts from just beyond Home Depot and AH home. If cameras show her on her "normal route" as posted previously by LE, that could mean up to the beginning of the search area. Maybe she did "make it home" but not inside, just to the area. OR maybe the front/back of walmart was the last observation by cameras and something happened between Walmart and home. Could N/S road be eliminated as a "busy area"? What other locations could be eliminated by this description?

I don't think the description of the location as a "busy area" necessarily eliminates North-South Road, because at that time of day it may be busier than at other times. When the FBI conducted the roadblock on North-South Road a week after Abby disappeared, at around 2:30, traffic got backed up, so that may be a fairly busy time of day on that road. I wouldn't describe North-South Road as a "busy" road (at least not compared to Route 16, which runs parallel to it), but everything's relative, I guess.

Maybe MSM will ask LE about some of the info in Zenya's statement, just for clarification of times/location, etc.
After watching the vigil, I tried to put myself in Zenya and Sarah's place.
What do they think happened? Who do they suspect? And, did they feel Abby's abductor was there at the vigil, blending in, even expressing their sorrow and worry for their daughter/sister? How scary for them that they are surely looking over their shoulder wondering if the abductor was among them.
Since everything seems to point towards her being picked up in broad daylight in a busy area, I lean even more towards the idea that her abductor was not a stranger to her. If a stranger had approached her and tried to force her into their vehicle, there would likely have been a struggle, screams, cries for help... something. Someone would have seen it, and would have remembered seeing it.

The lack of witnesses makes me think that whatever happened, it was something that looked mundane, normal and non-threatening to passersby. I think she thought she was getting an innocent ride to home or somewhere else.
Since everything seems to point towards her being picked up in broad daylight in a busy area, I lean even more towards the idea that her abductor was not a stranger to her. If a stranger had approached her and tried to force her into their vehicle, there would likely have been a struggle, screams, cries for help... something. Someone would have seen it, and would have remembered seeing it.

The lack of witnesses makes me think that whatever happened, it was something that looked mundane, normal and non-threatening to passersby. I think she thought she was getting an innocent ride to home or somewhere else.

i agree. i think that makes the most sense and i also think she knew the perp somewhat
Since everything seems to point towards her being picked up in broad daylight in a busy area, I lean even more towards the idea that her abductor was not a stranger to her. If a stranger had approached her and tried to force her into their vehicle, there would likely have been a struggle, screams, cries for help... something. Someone would have seen it, and would have remembered seeing it.

The lack of witnesses makes me think that whatever happened, it was something that looked mundane, normal and non-threatening to passersby. I think she thought she was getting an innocent ride to home or somewhere else.

Also, if we pour through previous cases of abductions and compare them with broad-daylight versus night time, almost 98% of the ones done in daylight are done by someone the victim knows or someone local to the area with whom the victim has had some interactions.
Implying that you know something about the case that other posters do not is baiting. It is against TOS, please don't do it here.
Sorry CatFancier. I know we've been keeping you busy. Thank you for all of your hard work.
Trying to catch up here. Are they now saying she left school at 3pm or are they simply referring to the last time she was heard from (the 2:53pm text to bf)? I just can't stop feeling that there was some kind of tension between Mom and the authorities early on, and I at first assumed it was because they thought Mom might be involved or that perhaps they had questioned her in a manner that had made her feel uncomfortable. Now I'm wondering if it was because the authorities at first were leaning more on the side of runaway rather than abduction. That would explain why you would play it close to the vest, the last thing you'd want out there is that a 14 year old is on the run and alone. Now they might be leaning more on the side of this being an abduction. The tone has changed from "abby come home we miss you" to "be on the lookout for changes in the people around you".
I'm also not convinced that this was a stranger abduction. It would be too sloppy and too much up to chance. This had to be someone who knew when she left school, the route she took, how long it took to walk it, where she'd be along the route, the best spot to pick her up and not be observed, and be able to get her in a car with little reaction from her. She's not 5, she's 14 and if someone tried to grab her from the side of the road you just know there'd be screaming and kicking. It had to be someone she knew, just had to be. Had to be someone she trusted enough to get into a vehicle with and it had to happen fast. Someone she wouldn't turn down for a ride. Given that nothing has been found, she disappeared into thin air, I think this is someone that's done this before. Nothing was left behind, that we know of. Not a thing, no backpack, no shoe, no earring, nothing. Means she had to place herself into whatever vehicle she went off in, otherwise something would have been left behind.

"I'm also not convinced that this was a stranger abduction." - I totally agree with this. Anyone who might have wanted to just grab her, would have been taking a huge chance at getting caught for a very serious crime, carrying a serious penalty. With a good chance of failure. Maybe in a secluded area or at night, but not in broad daylight. Unless they are really stupid. The chance of success is not great though, and IMO would probably fail, unless they forced her at gunpoint or something, and even that would be risky. Many would just run anyway, I think. So very unlikely. Also, whoever got her to get into the car would have had to be able to keep her in it. If she began to distrust, it would be very easy to jump out at the right opportunity. It takes time and effort to restrain someone in a moving car. Others on the road might notice any struggle, and people have cell phones.
....and the thread got quiet

... did the cat get our tongues? :floorlaugh:

sorry :blushing:

That's pretty funny. LOL.

Honestly, I think we've all kind of hashed and rehashed everything we can with regards to this case. We probably all have our private suspicions, but until LE vocalizes some of them for us, they're off limits.

What's that leave us with? :Bennymonkey:
That's pretty funny. LOL.

Honestly, I think we've all kind of hashed and rehashed everything we can with regards to this case. We probably all have our private suspicions, but until LE vocalizes some of them for us, they're off limits.

What's that leave us with? :Bennymonkey:

I know, I couldn't help it lol I do agree with you completely
Trying to catch up here. Are they now saying she left school at 3pm or are they simply referring to the last time she was heard from (the 2:53pm text to bf)? I just can't stop feeling that there was some kind of tension between Mom and the authorities early on, and I at first assumed it was because they thought Mom might be involved or that perhaps they had questioned her in a manner that had made her feel uncomfortable. Now I'm wondering if it was because the authorities at first were leaning more on the side of runaway rather than abduction. That would explain why you would play it close to the vest, the last thing you'd want out there is that a 14 year old is on the run and alone. Now they might be leaning more on the side of this being an abduction. The tone has changed from "abby come home we miss you" to "be on the lookout for changes in the people around you".
I'm also not convinced that this was a stranger abduction. It would be too sloppy and too much up to chance. This had to be someone who knew when she left school, the route she took, how long it took to walk it, where she'd be along the route, the best spot to pick her up and not be observed, and be able to get her in a car with little reaction from her. She's not 5, she's 14 and if someone tried to grab her from the side of the road you just know there'd be screaming and kicking. It had to be someone she knew, just had to be. Had to be someone she trusted enough to get into a vehicle with and it had to happen fast. Someone she wouldn't turn down for a ride. Given that nothing has been found, she disappeared into thin air, I think this is someone that's done this before. Nothing was left behind, that we know of. Not a thing, no backpack, no shoe, no earring, nothing. Means she had to place herself into whatever vehicle she went off in, otherwise something would have been left behind.

You make good points but how about this. Somebody sees her walking down the highway and kind of follows her til she turns off into the wooded area. There are some really remote areas in her walk home. Parks the car, truck and waits in hiding. Jumps out...covers her mouth and drags her in.

Could have even used one of those stun guns or something in the rag over her mouth.

I don't know but I think there could be lots of ways to grab a girl if you were evil and looking. Remember too that these guys have usually struck before so they have an idea how to do their evil doings.

Just my thoughts. Crazy as they might be.
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