GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 5

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I do believe there is something big to be said for possibly feeling 'in the shadow' of her sister. It goes with what I think we all believe and that is she went off with somebody she knew, somebody that made her feel good, safe, special. Though we seem to know or it appears her b/f and his family did that, teens don't always see it or they feel a need for more.

I still consider the possibility of bullying and the 200 possible scenarios that could run from that sort of a situation. I know it isn't out there in media that she was. We all know it can happen anytime and anywhere with not a soul other than the insiders in the school knowing. It is not easy to see and kids don't often snitch.

WR, I need to add. I was in the shadow of two all A students, huge athletes and I didn't do a think but a year of bad tennis. So job it was and I kicked some behind at it and had a wad of cash my busy siblings never could have come up with.

you rock.

(my emoticons aren't working on this stupid computer)

wink. high-5. my two cents. giggle. heart. i'm going out of my friggin mind with this case (oh wait that's not an emoticon)
Kieran Ramsey of the FBI said that she had a very active social media presence, that has now gone completely dark...... that would consist mostly of facebook and twitter IMO

There are many others, tumbler is huge for kids her age. It is mainly posting of photos, but has very active chat capabilities and very little personal information without the use of chatting.
you rock.

(my emoticons aren't working on this stupid computer)

wink. high-5. my two cents. giggle. heart. i'm going out of my friggin mind with this case (oh wait that's not an emoticon)

quoted a typo, my life may end. Going out of my mind with it, too. Really and truly going out of my mind!
Just to clear up takeitfromme412's position here. She is a WS poster like the rest of you. She also works closely with local LE. She is not verified by choice for her own safety. You can take her posts as you wish, no need to alert for verification status, etc.

Thanks for that, CatFancier. As I said earlier when we discussed JY, New Hampshire is a small state. It would be very easy to identify TakeItFromMe if she revealed personal information. I have come close to that line myself. I have had to ask myself whether it was worth the risk of identifying myself or my family by posting here, especially because DH is the one who is the most identifiable and whose career could be affected but I am the one posting. It's not fair to him.

So I have been reading posts from locals like TakeItFromMe, DanaK, OhOh, NordicPete and others* with that in mind, grateful for their information and insights. They have not claimed to be verified insiders. Insiders know the people involved in the case. The locals who've posted haven't claimed any special inside knowledge of the case.

* sorry to any local poster who I may have left out. I appreciate your posts too.
There are many others, tumbler is huge for kids her age. It is mainly posting of photos, but has very active chat capabilities and very little personal information without the use of chatting.

Did anyone here ever find a Tumblr for her? I probably missed it. From what I have seen Abby's online footprint has been that of a rather quiet, nice and insightful young lady. There is none of the flashy (**trashy**) stuff you see with a lot of teen girls out there. There are no pictures of her up to shenanigans, doing things that she would get in trouble for or anything like that.

I worry that a quiet girl, a pretty girl, a seemingly very smart girl could get mean eyes from other girls. She is a freshman this year, did she go to Jr. High with a lot of the same people or were there a lot of kids new to her at the High School?

Kids are different now (cliche, I know, but very different when I was her age less than 20 years ago) and what I've seen of Abby's FB is very tame compared to a lot of kids even younger than her. If Abby was a brand new face in a new big place I could see how a lot of girls wouldn't take kindly to that, especially when everyone (boys) is interested in the new girl. I don't know if that is the case here, I'm just throwing ideas out there.

within the community, to rental properties, 5 miles apart...

money. no other reason and no reason to sleuth it...IMO...

I agree. That would be my first guess. They may have moved just to save money each time. There are lots of seasonal condos in the North Conway area that are rented for a few months at a time or even month-to-month. If ZH saw opportunities to move them to a nicer place for less money, they may not have had long-term leases to deal with.
Did she have a "very active social media presence" under another name or a nickname? Otherwise, she doesn't seem to have been what one would call "very active" IMO.
Did anyone here ever find a Tumblr for her? I probably missed it. From what I have seen Abby's online footprint has been that of a rather quiet, nice and insightful young lady. There is none of the flashy (**trashy**) stuff you see with a lot of teen girls out there. There are no pictures of her up to shenanigans, doing things that she would get in trouble for or anything like that.

I worry that a quiet girl, a pretty girl, a seemingly very smart girl could get mean eyes from other girls. She is a freshman this year, did she go to Jr. High with a lot of the same people or were there a lot of kids new to her at the High School?

Kids are different now (cliche, I know, but very different when I was her age less than 20 years ago) and what I've seen of Abby's FB is very tame compared to a lot of kids even younger than her. If Abby was a brand new face in a new big place I could see how a lot of girls wouldn't take kindly to that, especially when everyone (boys) is interested in the new girl. I don't know if that is the case here, I'm just throwing ideas out there.

Bullying, it is a high possibility here. I didn't find a tumblr for her though really would be better off getting a teen to look for it. I'm not advanced at tumblr, enough to monitor my child's postings and conversations.

I do not know many teen girls without an acct there though. FB is going out the window with that age group as everybody's mom, dad, grandmother, aunt, uncle, friend's parent is on there. They are looking for a younger group. Tumblr and others are different from FB as names are rarely used as usernames. Maybe I'll make this my weekend project, of course, I wouldn't post info on it here. This would be for my own peace of mind.

Let us hope she wasn't on Omegle or Chatroulette or some such place. Though being there would be a much easier trace and find for LE, even if it took time. AH seems too smart to have been on sites like that, though one never knows with young teens who may not be thinking safety and are thinking friends, people I can tell anything to.
I don't think we know what AH's social media activity was. We only see what was set to public. It appears to me that all or most of the photos we can see are profile pictures. Profile pictures cannot be restricted--any one can see them. If she restricted most of her posts to friends or friends of friends, we can't see them.

Friends can also chat on FB. The conversation is limited to the people involved. The conversations are saved automatically. When you contact the same group of people again, you pick up where you left off.

Users do not identify themselves on Tumblr unless the choice to. They can have any crazy page name they choose and may identify their first name or make up a nickname. She may have had accounts that we don't know about.

I believe Mr. Ramsey when he said she had a robust SM presence. I think she restricted access to her SM, as any prudent person would do.
I think one of the biggest things we are missing here is why she chose to not be on the bus that day.
Yes, I think that is probably the biggest key to this puzzle. The reason she didn't go on the bus is the reason she never came home. MOO!

Bodhi, I agree, if they are saying she had a big SM presence I have no reason not to believe it and even kids who aren't known to parents to be on SM are. As in this case. Somewhere it stated her mom did not know she had an FB account. With FB I don't agree other than she may have been chatting a lot.

Glug, I've looked around and can't comment on what I didn't see and the little i did see to tell me it wasn't a blocking issue.
Not to convolute or change direction, but there's been discussion of "how" she may have met "who". It seems that some feel that if it was a planned meet, she made arrangements through oral communication. One thing to consider, is its been stated she is a gamer. The most popular form of gaming, that would refer to the participant as a "gamer" is online play. This differs from the conventional term of "online". Most games played today are played in a form called "co-op". A form of game playing where dozens or even hundreds are online by using a console or in some cases a PC. These individuals are linked to a server and are playing as a team, or as teams playing in a vs. mode. They communicate verbally thru headsets. AFAIK, there's no direct link as who is speaking to who. Its like a chat room w/ no "paper trail" so to speak.

I am familiar with that from the gaming site. You play a game while a conversation goes on in the box to the side. I have seem many players seem to hook up during a quick game of Texas Holdem. It's amazing what people tell on the internet! MOO
My assumption of abby, and this is just my opinion is she is very smart.... has class and morals and enjoyed her closest friends and her boyfriend.... I think what kieran ramsey means is she is just like other teen girls.... she constantly communicated with friends through texting, maybe phone apps, talking on the phone, facebook, twitter, maybe tumblr too.... then the afternoon of oct 9 it just all of a sudden stops.... now I think from previous cases where a teen ''secretly'' talked to someone online, met up then went missing, that someone is identified quickly.... we had a case in nh a few yrs ago where a 15 yr old girl vanished and once ICAC checked everything out that someone was ID'd publicly and NH state police pleaded with the public on any info of his whereabouts..... 2 weeks went by and they ended up located by Salem, NH police at a bank..... girl as recovered safe and alive thankfully...... these types of things and abby's typical reported behavior leads me to believe she may have been grabbed by force by a violent perp.... or took a ride at random and unplanned by an adult aquaintance she THOUGHT she should be able to trust, and like her mother said..... may have realized at some point she was in danger......

I have lived all over NH, in the cities, busy towns and the north country..... these things happen all over this state but are not as prevelant as other states if ya know what I mean..... and having reported on crime all over the state and worked close with several LE agencies including state police and the AG's office I can say they learn more and more during and after every case and train constantly to improve with each one and as the times change...... I have been invited many times to participate in LE training to play the victim, play the perp, participated in active shooter training scenario, hostage negotiations, search and rescue with their k9's...... for a small state NH is very well trained and resourced as far as LE goes and its citizens should be proud..... these guys are doing everything they can to find abby.....

ETA...... on my own time I advocate for teen internet safety and some simple things they can do to physically defend themselves ( I do it for little kids too) I tell them what made me want to learn to know better and tell them what happened to my friends and the kids really give me heartfelt reaction and most want to know how they can teach THEIR friends how to be as safe and prepared as possible
Bullying, it is a high possibility here. I didn't find a tumblr for her though really would be better off getting a teen to look for it. I'm not advanced at tumblr, enough to monitor my child's postings and conversations.

I do not know many teen girls without an acct there though. FB is going out the window with that age group as everybody's mom, dad, grandmother, aunt, uncle, friend's parent is on there. They are looking for a younger group. Tumblr and others are different from FB as names are rarely used as usernames. Maybe I'll make this my weekend project, of course, I wouldn't post info on it here. This would be for my own peace of mind.

Let us hope she wasn't on Omegle or Chatroulette or some such place. Though being there would be a much easier trace and find for LE, even if it took time. AH seems too smart to have been on sites like that, though one never knows with young teens who may not be thinking safety and are thinking friends, people I can tell anything to.

I think its a possibility. If we assume she was not riding the bus to avoid getting harrassed, I can see this as a possibility.

I can also see where other girls would be jealous of her as I agree she seems to be an introvert personality. Maybe one of the reasons she chose a tall large boyfriend was for protection.

Its definitely an angle that needs to be explored IMO.

I was also thinking of some other SM site that maybe has not been found yet where she may have some helpful information to help find out what happened to her.
Kieran Ramsey of the FBI said that she had a very active social media presence, that has now gone completely dark...... that would consist mostly of facebook and twitter IMO

I still feel her enemy was from within...a change from a few days ago when I thought her enemy a James Gardner type.

Why you ask...because I think she did make it home and I think that is where it happened.

Don't know if this has been discussed.

Take a look at her twitter account. I believe its the 3rd tweet from the top. Its the first tweet you'll find that has a link it in. Hit the link and read the 2 pages. I don't want to get any more specific, as I don't want violate TOS
Also, though we don't know why she walked home, it was said publicly she typically walked home after school...... I think this something mom did not know about, but her friends did
best post of the day. IMO.

shy, not "robust" on social media as LE has said, not a member of any organized sport, living in a small town with little activity on her facebook page, no flashy photos, few 'selfie's', steady boyfriend, fractured but seemingly caring are all of ours...

yet not one friend has said a dang word about her. except her 'bestie' who saw her walk off into the woods and hasn't made a peep since.

doesn't make sense. the rabbit is actually believing the "secret life" statement by LE. perhaps that's what we're missing, folks...

BBM wait. Weren't the ones that said she walked off into the woods just two girls from school that were walking behind her and said she turned right?

I remember seeing them on tv. Maybe NG?

Don't know if this has been discussed.

Take a look at her twitter account. I believe its the 3rd tweet from the top. Its the first tweet you'll find that has a link it in. Hit the link and read the 2 pages. I don't want to get any more specific, as I don't want violate TOS

5th tweet down, not 3rd
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