GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 9

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Please tell us here how we can help, MFFJM2. And how we mess up. Be brutal- we are behind screens lol.

Thanks Sir/Ma'am and thanks for what ya'll do.
Thanks for your post. I am sure most of us completely understand and respect the integrity of the investigation. It's just too bad that there isn't a way for LE to utilize a whole stable of "free labor" and expertise just looking to help with labor-intensive tasks such as gathering, analyzing, compiling, researching, etc.. In short, many of us just wish there was more that we could do....
Please tell us here how we can help, MFFJM2. And how we mess up. Be brutal- we are behind screens lol.

Thanks Sir/Ma'am and thanks for what ya'll do.

I'm going to take a guess... I'm no FBI agent that's for sure! I think we help when we do what they ask the national public to do. I think we hurt (mess up) when we start talking about rumors, putting the authorities in charge of the case or the family and others involved down. I'm in full belief that they are handling this the way they are because they believe Abby may be alive and this IS the way to keep her safe AND bring her home.

I would love to hear from MFFJM2 on this. Clear directives. Clear DO NOT EVERs. I know there is one thing that brings us all to this thread... a very pure and deep desire to get Abigail Hernandez home, safe and sound. No matter what has happened in the meantime, if she can get into the arms of her loved ones, it will all be OK.
Now is the time to get her photo out there-people are traveling for holidays.

Ohhh Abby-

Here's a suggestion:

Ask a child you know to pray for Abby and her family. Keep it simple.

Keep it going.
In terms of cases where people are either found right away or not...this case is very new, really. Just seems a very long time.

It is not that I believe LE is holding back much in this case, other than info about the letter, but that I do not think they have much else. They have never been able to establish, from what they say, whether she was taken by force or left on her own. If the letter told them she chose to leave, that does not help them much, I guess, as clearly a girl her age is not meant to be out on her own. I do not think they would want it known if in fact Abigail wrote to say she chose to leave, because it does not change the fact that she needs to be located.

Still, if she did leave and is not being "held", then it changes where she might be spotted, in whatever city she is in. She might use services such as food kitchens, church charities or the YWCA (if they still exist.) So it could be useful to know.
She may have left semi-purposely, but think beyond that premise. Barely 15 years old and in someone's custody not familial. In the best of circumstances she might be undergoing Stockholm Syndrome or whatever it's called.
In terms of cases where people are either found right away or not...this case is very new, really. Just seems a very long time.

It is not that I believe LE is holding back much in this case, other than info about the letter, but that I do not think they have much else. They have never been able to establish, from what they say, whether she was taken by force or left on her own. If the letter told them she chose to leave, that does not help them much, I guess, as clearly a girl her age is not meant to be out on her own. I do not think they would want it known if in fact Abigail wrote to say she chose to leave, because it does not change the fact that she needs to be located.

Still, if she did leave and is not being "held", then it changes where she might be spotted, in whatever city she is in. She might use services such as food kitchens, church charities or the YWCA (if they still exist.) So it could be useful to know.

Curious thought I had and I welcome each of your thoughts...IF she left on her own and the letter indicates as such, why do you think LE would continue to search and pour resources into looking for her, if in fact she doesn't want to be found? I know she's a minor, but many children have run away with little to no LE resources being 'long term' utilized. I suspect LE would be packing up and leaving town if the letter was clearly from Abby and indicated she left of her own free will.
Curious thought I had and I welcome each of your thoughts...IF she left on her own and the letter indicates as such, why do you think LE would continue to search and pour resources into looking for her, if in fact she doesn't want to be found? I know she's a minor, but many children have run away with little to no LE resources being 'long term' utilized. I suspect LE would be packing up and leaving town if the letter was clearly from Abby and indicated she left of her own free will.

Well it does not look like NH has that many missing people, unless they are hiding something, so maybe they, unlike most states can afford to invest time in trying to find them, especially minors. JMO

I could not find a database of missing persons for NH, other than a list of five names that came up on an official site as "criminally missing", I think it was.
Also, they can't be sure she wrote the letter willingly and would want to make contact with her.
Curious thought I had and I welcome each of your thoughts...IF she left on her own and the letter indicates as such, why do you think LE would continue to search and pour resources into looking for her, if in fact she doesn't want to be found? I know she's a minor, but many children have run away with little to no LE resources being 'long term' utilized. I suspect LE would be packing up and leaving town if the letter was clearly from Abby and indicated she left of her own free will.

I haven't heard of any searches in a long time and am guessing there is one lead detective and an FBI contact in another city or State assisting with the investigation.

Time marches on and Abby's case isn't at the top of the stack.

While no doubt LE has interviewed people closest to Abby, I am really hoping that her friends are thinking very, very hard about ANY conversations they may have had with her (or about her) in the days and weeks leading up to her disappearance. Sometimes we just don't know how important a piece of information might be in unscrambling a larger picture. Better to let someone else make that judgement then to sit and wonder if it's worth reporting.

Everyone understands that it is human nature to dismiss, trivialize, or hesitate about coming forward, especially when there is a fear of possible consequence, reprisal, ridicule, exposure, alienation or whatever - but all of that needs to be cast aside at this point if there is any chance it might get Abby home.
I am still here everyday. Sometimes check in several times a day, hoping and praying that Abby has come home :)

And FWIW I could not care less what was written in the letter, or where it was post marked. It enough for me to know that LE knows the facts and they are thoroughly investigating every aspect of that letter. The letter did give me a glimmer of hope, that Abby is still alive and out there somewhere.

Abby if you can read this, please come home! Or at least send your mom another letter letting her know that you are okay!

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Everything above is JMO!
I check in several times every day also. Been seeing lots of sad updates on other WS cases ~ and always hoping for good news here.

Best wishes to Zenya and Sarah if you are reading here. We all care so much!
IMO, LE seems t be concerned that she had no known money or access to food, etc...not that she is in the hands of sex traffickers. But JMO.

Yes, if she left with a local guy--young enough to be close to a circle she would have had access to-- who admittedly had a heaping helping of bad judgment--they might be "on the lam" trying to hide out, off-grid. Food, money, staying warm--those would be major concerns--you could even say life-threatening ones.

It's very scary, even in the best-case scenario--let's admit that.
Curious thought I had and I welcome each of your thoughts...IF she left on her own and the letter indicates as such, why do you think LE would continue to search and pour resources into looking for her, if in fact she doesn't want to be found? I know she's a minor, but many children have run away with little to no LE resources being 'long term' utilized. I suspect LE would be packing up and leaving town if the letter was clearly from Abby and indicated she left of her own free will.

LE is now looking for someone who helped her leave--because we know someone at least 3-4 years older than her very young (14 at the time) self. That person (or persons) has officially committed a very serious crime. LE is looking for that person.
The FBI and local LEs are doing what is best to find and return Abigail to her family. Releasing all the information they have gathered on the case would make that job difficult to impossible. The letter written by Abigail provides excellent evidence, but that evidence needs to remain under wraps for the time being, simply to prevent copycat letters that would make determining the facts more difficult.

Just a few questions. What kinds of things should we focus on when keeping an eye out for her? I wonder how someone might recognize her, especially if she's changed her appearance (hair cut, hair color, different clothes)? I mean, should we look at certain facial characteristics? Mannerisms? Thing is, if any of my children were missing they could change a lot but I'd still recognize them by their voice, or their mannerisms or their eye shape, etc. It's harder when it's someone you've never met and you only see two dimensional photos. I'm sure that to her family AH looks the same in all the pics we've seen, but in some of the pics she looks like another person. I wonder and worry that people may be passing her on the street and not even recognize her because they don't know her. So what should people focus on when looking for her?
And I can understand why it's not helpful to release the contents of the letter, but why not the postmark? At least to know if she travelled south or north or east or west? I'm sure that wherever that postmark was from is probably not where she is now, but it would be helpful to know what direction she travelled in.
And is there a chance that an amber alert could still be issued if someone were to come forward with a description of a car or a person they saw with her that day on her walk home? For example, if someone had been up there leaf-peeping and didn't know this had happened and turned on the news tomorrow and heard about for the first time and realized they had seen something.
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