NH NH - Allenstown, Adult Female, 23-33, & 3 Children, under 11, Nov'85 & May'00 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm trying to build this tree out a little at a time. It's slow going. Every now and then I think I've found something and then it doesn't pan out. I was really excited about something yesterday that I now think is probably just a typo. Sigh.

I also took the opportunity to run down Janis Bullock's ancestry. I feel pretty confident she is not the mother of MC.
I actually received pictures of the pictures in my grandmothers collection after her passing. One picture has a person I've never seen with the last name Livings. I cannot figure out how this person fits into our family or if they're just a friend of theirs. We are from Georgia- Effingham County, I know they traveled in N.C. & North Ga, & back in the 40"s & 50's my grandparents moved around a bit for his work in the southeast. I will get some clarity from an older family member. But maybe some of them are there? Wild leap there but I found the name to be odd in her collection. I know Effingham co. Was early days for my granmothet, I will find out where all it could've been taken for the period.
I actually received pictures of the pictures in my grandmothers collection after her passing. One picture has a person I've never seen with the last name Livings. I cannot figure out how this person fits into our family or if they're just a friend of theirs. We are from Georgia- Effingham County, I know they traveled in N.C. & North Ga, & back in the 40"s & 50's my grandparents moved around a bit for his work in the southeast. I will get some clarity from an older family member. But maybe some of them are there? Wild leap there but I found the name to be odd in her collection. I know Effingham co. Was early days for my granmothet, I will find out where all it could've been taken for the period.

William Livings was from Georgia and had some descendants who either stayed or returned there. If you want to message me the name I can check it against what I've found so far.
In light of a recent documentary on Terry Rasmussen I have come to the conclusion that there is a need to set the record straight due to pivotal parts of the case being left out. Dr. Barbara Rae-Venter and her team played a vital and critical role using genetic genealogy without which the identification of Lisa would not have happened. With the identification of Lisa the suspect was then placed in New Hampshire enabling the connection to The Bear Brook murders and the name Bob Evans. Her work, in collaboration with certified genealogist Junel Davidson then helped lead to the real identity of the suspect as Terry Rasmussen. The innovations in DNA extraction from rootless hair by Dr. Ed Green and further work by Dr. Rae-Venter and her team made possible the confirmation of the identity of Marlyse, Marie and Sarah. Dr. Green and Dr. Rae-Venter have to continued their work leading to the resolution of numerous other cases and bringing closure to victims and their families. It has been a privilege and an honor to work with Dr. Green and Dr. Rae-Venter.

Respectfully, Peter Headley
Cautiously optimistic about something I have come across.

I've run it down as far as I can right now on my end, so I've forwarded onward.

I don't have the DNA. I can't prove this person I have found is the right one. But circumstantially, a lot of things fit, and if I didn't feel strongly about that I wouldn't have bothered anyone over it. Also, it would explain the MC isotopes beautifully.

Don't get your hopes up. But, if I'm right, (and I don't know if I'm right, but I really hope I am), the investigators would be able to learn the little girl's name.

I don't want to say any more than that. Right or wrong, it would be too cruel to this family if they were blindsided by rumors. Time to let the investigators do their thing.

The waiting is going to be really hard though.
Cautiously optimistic about something I have come across.

I've run it down as far as I can right now on my end, so I've forwarded onward.

I don't have the DNA. I can't prove this person I have found is the right one. But circumstantially, a lot of things fit, and if I didn't feel strongly about that I wouldn't have bothered anyone over it. Also, it would explain the MC isotopes beautifully.

Don't get your hopes up. But, if I'm right, (and I don't know if I'm right, but I really hope I am), the investigators would be able to learn the little girl's name.

I don't want to say any more than that.
Right or wrong, it would be too cruel to this family if they were blindsided by rumors. Time to let the investigators do their thing.

The waiting is going to be really hard though.

Hope something pans out. You've gotten further than I have. I haven't found too many descendants in the isotope area, and only a few in Texas, except 1, but I wasn't able to find anything which would point to a missing young woman or someone with a missing toddler relative. I'm not really good at genealogy, though.
Cautiously optimistic about something I have come across.

I've run it down as far as I can right now on my end, so I've forwarded onward.

I don't have the DNA. I can't prove this person I have found is the right one. But circumstantially, a lot of things fit, and if I didn't feel strongly about that I wouldn't have bothered anyone over it. Also, it would explain the MC isotopes beautifully.

Don't get your hopes up. But, if I'm right, (and I don't know if I'm right, but I really hope I am), the investigators would be able to learn the little girl's name.

I don't want to say any more than that. Right or wrong, it would be too cruel to this family if they were blindsided by rumors. Time to let the investigators do their thing.

The waiting is going to be really hard though.

I am so bad at waiting!!!!! I wish I had your skills!
Heard back and it sounds like they have a narrower focus based on the DNA that this would probably be outside. He'll pass it along, I imagine on the outside chance that there's something we can't see on paper - an adoption or an NPE, etc, and while those things happen, it's probably unlikely.

So I think what to take from that is the good news, the narrower focus. I think we are going to have answers soon.
Heard back and it sounds like they have a narrower focus based on the DNA that this would probably be outside. He'll pass it along, I imagine on the outside chance that there's something we can't see on paper - an adoption or an NPE, etc, and while those things happen, it's probably unlikely.

So I think what to take from that is the good news, the narrower focus. I think we are going to have answers soon.

Thanks for the update. I figured I'd try my hand at this, I've never more than dabbled in genealogy, mostly because my great aunt spent the last 30 years of her life, and a lot of it prior to retirement, researching our family line, and I didn't need to. And the brick walls she ran into remain, even with the help of the internet. She did her work the old fashioned way, by making phone calls, writing letters, and visiting archives and cemeteries.
My crack at it has been a real eye opener, mostly because of how involved and time consuming it can be. I knew it would be, just didn't know how much. I figure the official researchers on the case know what they're doing, and I don't, so at times, I felt I was spinning my wheels, no doubt duplicating their work. Plus they have access to more information. What would have helped to know is what branches were already ruled out--not names of current individuals, but the ancestral line they came from. They must know which branches are too far removed DNA-wise, which we wouldn't have access to.
Based on what I found in regards to females in the generations and age ranges of potential candidates for the MC's mother, I've been leaning toward NPE or something similar. Not so much with the mother, but possibly the MC herself.
But I do have a question, in the case of adoption, would investigators be able to obtain adoption records? I ask because missing person Carlene Brown's investigators have been trying for years, without success, to get her records so they can obtain a DNA sample from her biological family to compare her with Jane Does. She was adopted.
Cautiously optimistic about something I have come across.

I've run it down as far as I can right now on my end, so I've forwarded onward.

I don't have the DNA. I can't prove this person I have found is the right one. But circumstantially, a lot of things fit, and if I didn't feel strongly about that I wouldn't have bothered anyone over it. Also, it would explain the MC isotopes beautifully.

Don't get your hopes up. But, if I'm right, (and I don't know if I'm right, but I really hope I am), the investigators would be able to learn the little girl's name.

I don't want to say any more than that. Right or wrong, it would be too cruel to this family if they were blindsided by rumors. Time to let the investigators do their thing.

The waiting is going to be really hard though.

Right or wrong, your hard work is appreciated!!
Just throwing this out there for some tips/guidance.
To anyone researching the M-L genealogy, what are we looking for, exactly? An obit, a family tree, or old newspaper article mentioning a missing female descendant/descendants? Basically all I'm doing is plotting out descendants down to the age/generation of potential females who could be the middle child's mother. But, then what? Most of them appear to be alive and well, or recently deceased, well past the date of a possible encounter with TPR.
Does anyone know if investigators are reaching out to these descendants and asking them directly if they are her mother or, if not, do they know of any female cousins/sisters/aunts, etc, it could be? I ask because one of the articles about the MC's connection to M-L I've read asks descendants to upload their DNA, which appears to me as more of a passive approach. Not everyone wants to do that and not everyone will get the message, so the open call may not reach everyone.
Like I've mentioned a few times before, I have no clue what I'm doing, but I'm trying, so please don't laugh:).
Honestly, I wonder when Terry started dating Ms. Beaudin? That could drastically narrow down the timeline.

You bring up a good point. In the article posted by Claire stated this, RBBM for clarity
He was Ed Gallagher, and initially he was unforthcoming. But having worn him down for several years, in July 2014, he suddenly admitted that he had a suspicion that the person who dumped the bodies was a man who did some work for him in the late seventies and early eighties. His name was Bob Evans (one of Rasmussen’s aliases). Gallagher described him as odd and aloof and said that when asked, he refused to discuss his past. Gallagher confirmed that Evans lived in Manchester and drove a blue VW camper van. He had once been introduced to his pregnant girlfriend.

This jumped out at me. Because, as far as we know, this pregnant girlfriend was not Marlyse. There is no mention of her being pregnant at the time she was found in the barrel (unless I totally missed that), and no knowledge of her having another baby right before her death (after Sarah).
If this pregnant girlfriend turns out to be Denise, that would narrow the timeline between Denise and Marlyse significantly, as we know D/L was about 6 months old when they left. My best guess conception was sometime in summer 1980. And if it was a pregnant Denise TPR introduced to Mr. Gallagher, there's a possibility TPR believed the baby was his.
If it wasn't Denise or Marlyse, we got another mystery on our hands.
You bring up a good point. In the article posted by Claire stated this, RBBM for clarity:

This jumped out at me. Because, as far as we know, this pregnant girlfriend was not Marlyse. There is no mention of her being pregnant at the time she was found in the barrel (unless I totally missed that), and no knowledge of her having another baby right before her death (after Sarah).
If this pregnant girlfriend turns out to be Denise, that would narrow the timeline between Denise and Marlyse significantly, as we know D/L was about 6 months old when they left. My best guess conception was sometime in summer 1980. And if it was a pregnant Denise TPR introduced to Mr. Gallagher, there's a possibility TPR believed the baby was his.
If it wasn't Denise or Marlyse, we got another mystery on our hands.
I wouldn't be surprised if Terry got another woman pregnant, as he probably had MC out of wedlock with the mother, IMO. ;)
jmo, they may believe the mother of MC was adopted, born out of wedlock or in some other way unknown to the rest of the family. Or, less likely, they believe MC was secretly born and adopted or left with someone, and somehow ended up with TR.
Either way, they would be looking specifically for a sibling/ half-sibling of the mother or of MC, hence the asking descendants to upload their DNA.
I don't think there would be any other way to go about it if that's the case.

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