GUILTY NH - Camden Hughes, 6, suffocated, Hampton, 14 May 2011 #1

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Focus of unidentified boy's body in Maine moves to New Hampshire


McCrery has been arrested on drug and prostitution charges in the past. She has two sons, Camden, and an older son, I**, who is a culinary specialist in the U.S. Navy.

McCrery wrote a sleeping aid book entitled "Good Night Sleep Tight: How to Fall Asleep and Go Back to Sleep when You Wake Up."

All questions are now being directed to the New Hampshire Attorney General's Office.

For some reason this womans book is giving me flashbacks to Dalles and the book he wrote about his 'serial killer' father which proved to be fantasy.

I'm not sure school bus driver and cement truck mixer (as per Amazon link/info) qualifies one to offer advise on sleep habits.

When I was a young mother struggling with sleep someone gave me the following book at my baby shower. It's the one gift which can be used from birth through the teenage years and written by an MD. Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child (9780449004029): Marc Weissbluth: Books

One of her friends on fb - initials kbk - was joking in one of her posts about May 21, 2011 as being the "end of time" with the rapture coming. I looked it up and there are some people out there that believe the rapture will be May 21, 2011 and then the world will be completely destroyed 5 months later on October 21st. When they found her she was reading her bible.... Makes you wonder about her mental state- maybe she thought she was "protecting" her son.... so sad.

Oh boy, I go into hysterics when I hear this kind of doctrine. I was one of those kids where they sat me in front of a TV and made me watch what was 'going to happen' after the rapture (notice the quotation marks). It scared the living daylights out of me.

Those types of tactics are about control, and, for those whom are not in their sound mind, they can really do a number on you.
Time of death is estimated to be 5:30 a.m. He was dumped at 7:30 a.m. and discovered at 7:30 p.m.

I have two blonde, blue-eyed 6-year-old sons in kindergarten. I do not believe for a minute that this was accidental, unless she was wasted when she gave him the overdose and then too scared of getting in trouble to call 911. If I found one of my children dead -- oh, may God forbid it! -- I would absolutely call 911 and I'd be hoping for one of those miracles where the child "comes back to life" hours after being declared dead. In fact, I don't think I could accept that the miracle would *not* happen, if that makes any sense.

A mother's mind would have to be addled by severe mental illness or drugs to abandon her child's body rather than attempting to get help for him.

But yes, on her Facebook she seemed to be a loving mother, and he seemed well cared for.

Where did his kindergarten teacher think he was? He's obviously been out of school for a week or more -- most if not all schools are still in session in mid-May.
I wish I could say I too felt pity for her but I don't. Nyquil is not a medicine that should ever be given to a child. I think we as a society may have a bit too lax of an attitude regarding giving children a little something to sleep because parents can't be bothered to take the time to teach children how to fall asleep on their own.

I may feel differently if it is released he had been ill and this was an accidental overdose based on him being sick, but if she drove from TX to ME/NH rather than consulting a pediatrician I think it is unlikley this was accidental.


Agree, accident doesn't make sense given the circumstances.
I wish I could say I too felt pity for her but I don't. Nyquil is not a medicine that should ever be given to a child. I think we as a society may have a bit too lax of an attitude regarding giving children a little something to sleep because parents can't be bothered to take the time to teach children how to fall asleep on their own.

I may feel differently if it is released he had been ill and this was an accidental overdose based on him being sick, but if she drove from TX to ME/NH rather than consulting a pediatrician I think it is unlikley this was accidental.


The boyfriend did say they had both been sick with a cough they couldn't shake.

However, I have had to give my children multiple medications throughout their lives. Overdosing a child to the point of death, even on Nyquil is pretty hard to do accidentally. If you are reasonably intelligent and read the directions.

Not to mention, Nyquil is NASTY.

I have a child who will drink Mineral Oil, drink Apple Cider Vinegar and take any medication I need to give her. But she does not like Nyquil. A 6 year old would have a hard time taking the gel caps. Even the taste of Dayquil is pushing my very compliant child's patience.

With a 6 year old child really the only logical thing to do would be to go get Delsym or something. And I am not opposed to giving my child the adult version of a medication if it's the same dose. Benadryl capsules are 25MG and the children's dose for my child is also 25MG, for example.

But if I was driving across the country I would stop and get my child Delsym... or Tylenol Cold... or something. If I'm driving across the country I can afford to do so. :twocents:
Is it me or do anyone else think it's a little disturbing she has Camden with butterfly wings on her FB profile pic?

I don't know if it's disturbing, though I do get the death reference, but I live in Dallas area, and that's a bench out at our zoo.

You can link to a social network such as facebook as long as it is public, not private and connected to the case. You can paraphrase what is said but always include a link. If its private it stays private and not allowed here. Thanks!

From what is being reported she admitted that she drove here to take his life though until that is stated by LE it cannot be confirmed as a fact. We will have to wait and see what is said in the morning on that piece

Honestly, that was my best guess, given the circumstances, and how far from home she was: that it was premeditated, and she drov far away to do this, to try to hide. The blanket covering him made it clear to me that he was left by a loved one, not a stranger. Covering a body with a blanket is indicative of familiarity.
Hits home, my grandson is a Camden with blonde hair and blue eyes..................
I'm so upset another beautiful child dies at the hands of his mom who should of beenthe one that protected him always.............why?
and why was she up at 5:30 am time of death and dispose of him by 7:30 am?
Couldn't she sleep? That's early after a big trip.........
Why was he fully dressed? no pj's?
I'm gonna start a new thread and this one will close.


Julianne McCrery, the Texas woman questioned by police today in connection with the death of her son, whose body was found last weekend on a secluded road in Maine, was the author of a self-published book on how to get to sleep and a loving mother who read books to her child. She was also a troubled woman who had battled mental illness and substance abuse and once tried to kill herself, according to her former boyfriend and her mother.
A lot is being said about her book.

Yeah, it is kind of a creepy title when we have the impression that she may have purposefully, or inadvertently, overdosed her child. I would not be surprised to see a book with the same title being written about the case.

My personal take on it is that it's a book written, perhaps amateurishly, by someone that suffered insomnia and decided to try and become an author, based on their experiences and research. I have a friend that recently published a children's book available only on Kindle just because it seemed like a nice idea. Perhaps this woman thought if well to just be published, even if only by an independent publisher selling through Amazon.

From a best effort to try to see a positive perspective, I give her credit for trying to do something respectable.
here's maybe some food for thought:

A bottle of nyquil has 6 fluid oz (177 mL) in it.

Ok. I was going to make a post about how much nyquil it would take to kill someone, but I can't figure out how to convert milliliters to milligrams. If someone can figure it out please post for us!

This is the dose charge for recreational use: it depends on weight I know, but it will give us an idea, I think.
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