Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 2 *Arrest*

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So if she was last seen Monday night, time unknown...she could have vanished anytime between whatever time her mom says she saw her watching TV and whatever time (is it known?) SF says he went into her room on Tuesday?

Is it known who reported her missing? I read on one post that a neighbor called around 2:30PM-can this be right?

Debbie Whelan, who dialed 911 after Celina’s older sister Kayla went to her house looking for the missing girl Tuesday morning, said community residents continue to pray for her return.

A police motorcade traveled to the nearby home of Betty and Dustin Day. Betty Day said investigators questioned her about a recent sleepover Celina had attended. From there, law enforcement officials continued farther down the road and searched camps in the woods.
Without going into further personal detail, there was a creep in my apartment building who was a stalker. The LE took the evidence but said he had no priors, so nothing could be done.

In this case, we have an 11 yr. old girl, who sleeps in a basement, and there are other tenants and a boardinghouse nearby.

I want to know if she confided in any of her girlfriends, or friends she had over to the house/apartments that she was creeped out by anyone.

I hope the below mentioned tips are coming from some of her friends who may know
something that we don't.... & maybe her family, or others that may have seen her.

From Live stream at WMUR:

Q: "They have recieved 150 tips so far, do you know what some of the tips are??
Are they from people that have maybe seen her?"

A: "We do not know what the tips are. They often do not share that information
publicly during an investigation."
by David Hurlburt/WMUR Staff</EM> edited by Kirk Enstrom/Staff

"Kieran Ramsey from the FBI tells News 9 there are no indications of foul play, no indications
that she ran away and no indications that she was abducted. Investigators are puzzled at this
point. We are expecting an on-camera update from the AG at 5:30".
by Kevin Clay/Staff 12:26 PM

Read more:
Did someone say that maybe her SF's page was not "real"? (I read it some pages back, sorry, can't remember exactly who said it)

Only asking because I just now looked at his page. He "likes" some pretty kind of soft-*advertiser censored* kinda pages (I don't know what else to call them), and "likes" the FDC (Facebook Dating Club) -- I had to look it up, had no idea what that acronym was. He's either a really big (and bad) flirt, or he's a d-o-g.

Either way, I'm wondering how long her mom and SF knew each other before getting married, and how they met.

I didn't say that it wasn't real. Just that he may have been only using it for "entertainment."

ETA: Someone did say that there was a relative on it, after I suggested this.
News 9's Mike Garrity reports that there is no word from the AG on when they might be giving another update. 10:55 AM

While awaiting trial, a judge ruled Noyes incompetent to stand trial and ordered him to be involuntarily placed in a hospital.

Judge Richard Hampe wrote that Noyes’ mental illness creates “a potentially serious likelihood of danger to himself and others.”
A forensic examiner deemed Noyes a paranoid schizophrenic who likely developed his mental illness while in the Air Force, according to court documents.

When someone is deemed dangerous to self or others, are they just released into society with hopes that they will properly take their meds (if they are prescribed any)? Or had this SF shown enough improvement and stability to be reintegrated into the normal world? As I've said upthread, I would be a terrible detective because I would find it hard to look past this person. I'm afraid I would have tunnel vision. (Okay, maybe I'd make a good assistant to a detective. At least I'd leave no stone unturned regarding a particular person.:smile:)

Let's see--they've been married a mere nine months. I hope that the wife, followed by all his acquaintances and family, is being gently but thoroughly grilled about his every word and action during those months. How did these two meet? When did he find out she has two daughters? Former girlfriends also need to be grilled.
I didn't say that it wasn't real. Just that he may have been only using it for "entertainment."

ETA: Someone did say that there was a relative on it, after I suggested this.

Not sure if it was your comment or not -- I thought it had to do with internet scams or something...but I was only asking because once I looked at it, I was wondering how much of a grain of salt to take it with.
I hope the investigators found out some clue that she told to her girlfriends. I agree with the detective who said that one of the keys is in talking with her friends.
I take media with a grain of salt - just because they say there's no evidence of a struggle, doesn't mean that's truly the case. There could be, and they haven't discovered it. Or, they could be closer to the perp than we know, and they're trying to give a false sense of security.

I agree. Laura Ackerson's case really changed my perspective on how LE works sometimes. LE knew who was responsible, and yet they disseminated surveillance photos of her a day or 2 before they apprehended her ex and his wife. I didn't think they had any evidence really until they arrested Grant and Amanda. Turns out they had a LOT.
Good message 4 eyedbuzzard. I live in Southern New Hampshire and know it is a different world when going to the most northern part of our State. People are self-sufficient because they have to be. Life is hard. Outsiders are watched a long time before accepted. These are good hard working people and I am saddened they have been hit with this tragic event. They are in my thoughts and prayers. It is my prayer they find Celina soon.

I really think, considering the mother's medical issues, that she was probably not strong or coordinated enough to do anything to that child. Far more than I would see the SF's medical issued being something that could keep him from being able to pull this off. It is possible that the reason that the mother has not said anything is because she is embarrassed and terrified of what all is going on. Not just her daughter's disappearance, but the TV cameras and all these strange people being around. If the area is as rural as I am thinking (having never been there) then all of these new people being around and the thought of them putting her on TV nationwide might be more than she can deal with, especially under the circumstances.

BBM Can you please expand on "the mother's medical issues"? I am unaware that she had any "medical issues" and have seen nothing to indicate that she was unable to care for her child/children. She has a job. If you are going by photos alone and references to her being in a wheelchair during the candlelight vigil, then I do not see a mother necessarily with medical issues. The photos I have seen show a very distraught and grief stricken mother, nothing more, IMO. She may have been so sedated during the vigil that she was unable to stand. She may have wanted to be there, so used a wheelchair to be able to do so. I cannot even begin to imagine the shape I would be in, if my child had gone missing.

Not sure if it was your comment or not -- I thought it had to do with internet scams or something...but I was only asking because once I looked at it, I was wondering how much of a grain of salt to take it with.

I have no idea how much salt to take with it. :( I have never seen a facebook page that looked so that, for lack of the words to describe it. If anything, it looked like the old Myspace pages where people were just requesting friends to have as many as possible. But normally when I saw those it was because they were advertising their own *advertiser censored* site and I have seen nothing that would suggest that this man would be some really techy guy or would have his own site at all. Honestly, I was kinda speechless when I saw that facebook and didn't know what to think....and I still don't. I can say that I didn't post about scams. I posted that he might not want it to be private so he could get attention, maybe friend requests from other girls who are advertising their *advertiser censored* pages. And that he may have blocked the kids so that they couldn't see it or know it was there. If it isn't real, I would like to know, too. I didn't see the post about scams, or don't remember seeing it. I thought I had read every post in both threads but my have accidentally missed it. Sorry, wish I could be of more help.
I have no idea how much salt to take with it. :( I have never seen a facebook page that looked so that, for lack of the words to describe it. If anything, it looked like the old Myspace pages where people were just requesting friends to have as many as possible. But normally when I saw those it was because they were advertising their own *advertiser censored* site and I have seen nothing that would suggest that this man would be some really techy guy or would have his own site at all. Honestly, I was kinda speechless when I saw that facebook and didn't know what to think....and I still don't. I can say that I didn't post about scams. I posted that he might not want it to be private so he could get attention, maybe friend requests from other girls who are advertising their *advertiser censored* pages. And that he may have blocked the kids so that they couldn't see it or know it was there. If it isn't real, I would like to know, too. I didn't see the post about scams, or don't remember seeing it. I thought I had read every post in both threads but my have accidentally missed it. Sorry, wish I could be of more help.

I might have used the word "scam" myself in trying to recall what was said, so I'm not entirely sure it was mentioned here, or just in my imagination! But yes, I was speechless, as well, and felt like I needed to take a shower after seeing it.
There's a wheelchair and there's an old victorian house converted to apartments. The two don't seem to add up for easy accessibility around that place to check on her daughter.
BBM Can you please expand on "the mother's medical issues"? I am unaware that she had any "medical issues" and have seen nothing to indicate that she was unable to care for her child/children. She has a job. If you are going by photos alone and references to her being in a wheelchair during the candlelight vigil, then I do not see a mother necessarily with medical issues. The photos I have seen show a very distraught and grief stricken mother, nothing more, IMO. She may have been so sedated during the vigil that she was unable to stand. She may have wanted to be there, so used a wheelchair to be able to do so. I cannot even begin to imagine the shape I would be in, if my child had gone missing.


I never said that she was unable to care for her child/children. I had read an article last night or saw a video after I had seen the one of the vigil (I'm going now to try to find it again) that said she was "sometimes confined to a wheelchair" which made me think that she was in the chair because of something set off my stress, like MS as other's had suggested. There was also something I read on here about her (possibly??) having trouble going up and down the basement steps (not sure where the poster got that information, or if they were just speculating). I hadn't considered that she might have been sedated, but what little I have seen of her, I just am not putting much focus on her right now, even with her not wanting to go on TV. I'm going now to try to find that article/video. I read a lot last night, so it may take me a minute. I went something like 34 pages into a news search on Google.

ETA: I DO remember that the post that suggested that she had a hard time getting up and down the steps did give this as a (possible??) reason for the SF waking her up, but again, not sure where they got this information or if it was speculation. I have read so much at this point that its going to take me a few to go back over all of it.
It's possible that the mom is not only being hit with the disappearance--but also some revelations about her husband and his family. I speak from experience on having a close teenaged relative go missing. Lots of skeletons come tumbling out of closets as the investigation moves forward. LE suspected from the beginning that she had left on her own, but we family were convinced it was an abduction. (Fortunately for us, my relative turned up a few weeks later. Because of some secret, traumatic issues in her life, she had staged her disappearance to look like her car ran off into a river. But she had actually stashed another vehicle and vanished to another state. Thank God a suspicious LE officer thought something was awry about her and we were contacted.)

I'm just saying that the if the mom is putting two and two together in some ways, it could be absolutely crushing her.
Why can't a reporter ask the mom why she is in a wheelchair, or is that too delicate and potentially discriminatory?
I wanted to see if infact is has been confirmed that tho CC did not go missing til late night Monday(after parents supposedly last see her in her room on pc when they go to bed) or early morning hours of Tuesday(8:30am when SF says he went to wake her).. Tho this is the timeline given for the disappearance to have occurred has it been confirmed that she actually had not been on her FB since Saturday(3 days prior)..

This was stated early on and also spoken about by DD on NG show Weds. Night.. So I wanted to know if this was ever confirmed as it is quite bothersome if it is true???

In another article they also said search dogs were to arrive on Friday. Dogs that can detect in water.

Couldn't they have arrived sooner :(

As far as mom goes, I think it has been speculation to this point as to her medical condition if any. Does anyone have a quote from a friend or neighbor? Or was it someone speculation that she had trouble with stairs? I can't remember.

FB page-I was the one who said he has at least two relatives on there, appearing by age to be a son and a brother, so it seems to be his real page...
Why can't a reporter ask the mom why she is in a wheelchair, or is that too delicate and potentially discriminatory?

I know that some posters here have surmised that she has some sort of disease, possibly, that is exacerbated by stress. However, it could be something as "simple" as recent surgery or a temporary problem with a leg, knee, back, or hip. It would be interesting to know just how wheelchair-dependent she is. It would determine just how much mobility and presence she has around her daughters in the multiple floors of that house. She works, though, so I kind of think it is not her usual condition.
Why can't a reporter ask the mom why she is in a wheelchair, or is that too delicate and potentially discriminatory?

Ok, I don't think that we have seen this before:

The ambulance had been called to pickup Louisa on Tuesday evening because she was having difficulty breathing. She was subsequently treated at the hospital and released.

Also did we know this:

Wednesday evening, when state police evacuated everyone in the building and on the grounds, and then surrounded the area with yellow police scene tape. A state trooper remains stationed at the entrances/exits of the building, and neighbors who live behind the apartment house were also asked to leave their home.

Still digging!
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