Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 2 *Arrest*

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Couldn't they have arrived sooner :(

As far as mom goes, I think it has been speculation to this point as to her medical condition if any. Does anyone have a quote from a friend or neighbor? Or was it someone speculation that she had trouble with stairs? I can't remember.

FB page-I was the one who said he has at least two relatives on there, appearing by age to be a son and a brother, so it seems to be his real page...

I only saw her in a wheelchair at the vigil.
I agree. Laura Ackerson's case really changed my perspective on how LE works sometimes. LE knew who was responsible, and yet they disseminated surveillance photos of her a day or 2 before they apprehended her ex and his wife. I didn't think they had any evidence really until they arrested Grant and Amanda. Turns out they had a LOT.

Does anyone remember the DC Snipers and the reports we were
getting from LE? There was so much criticism of them, with people
thinking & saying they didn't know what they were doing.

Come to find out, they were practically on the snipers' tails for a few
days, keeping as much as possible to themselves, for obvious reasons.
I no longer try to guess what LE is up to & what methods they're taking.
Does anyone remember the DC Snipers and the reports we were
getting from LE? There was so much criticism of them, with people
thinking & saying they didn't know what they were doing.

Come to find out, they were practically on the snipers' tails for a few
days, keeping as much as possible to themselves, for obvious reasons.
I no longer try to guess what LE is up to & what methods they're taking.

What I remember is that LE told people to look out for a white van at first. And people were terrified of white vans. Turns out that was completely wrong.
Why can't a reporter ask the mom why she is in a wheelchair, or is that too delicate and potentially discriminatory?

Well, we'll see. I just put in the question "How is Celina's Mom's health" on the live feed from WMUR. Maybe they'll answer with more info.
This is such deja vu from Krista's case.
Everyone thought the cops had no idea what happened there...
They were just as "cryptic" in that case as this one. Didn't really narrow it down even though it was obviously foul play.

I don't think they have eliminated the stepfather. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a cop with the family. That would eliminate any danger.

I would be surprised if they are really as mystified as they seem to be.

If they hold a press conference again tonight... don't expect to get anything unless they have found her or made an arrest.[/QUOTE]

Police do not believe that she ran away and said there was not an indication of that.
They also said that they did not believe that a family member had abducted her.
They are calling this a missing persons case, not an abduction.
Investigators said they are checking out her online communications, which is why they seized the computer almost immediately on Tuesday.

by David Hurlburt/WMUR Staff 7/29/2011 1:33:23 PM 9:33 AM

Okay let's assume these two statements are true, which I think they are:

Not a run away
Not a family abduction

Calling it a missing person (which means nothing to me, they did the same thing with Krista.)

So they did NOT rule out:

A family/close friend homicide

Abduction by someone she already knew

An acquaintance homicide
Abduction by someone she met online

A stranger abduction
A stranger homicide

Accident maybe falling in the river (unlikely)

Suicide (also unlikely in my opinion... but not out of the realm of possibility.)

Prior to 2003, the suicide rate among youth aged 10 to 24 had fallen by 28.5 percent over a 13-year period, from 1990 to 2003, the CDC said.

But in 2003 to 2004, the suicide rate for girls ages 10-14 jumped 76 percent.

There were 94 suicides in that age group in 2004, compared to 56 in 2003. That’s a rate of fewer than one per 100,000 population.

Youth suicide rates in the United States rose 14 percent between 2003 and 2004.

The CDC said its report looked at a slightly older population, starting with children at age 10 because that is the age when suicide becomes a leading cause of death.
Ok, I don't think that we have seen this before:

The ambulance had been called to pickup Louisa on Tuesday evening because she was having difficulty breathing. She was subsequently treated at the hospital and released.

Also did we know this:

Wednesday evening, when state police evacuated everyone in the building and on the grounds, and then surrounded the area with yellow police scene tape. A state trooper remains stationed at the entrances/exits of the building, and neighbors who live behind the apartment house were also asked to leave their home.

Still digging!

This was brought up earlier today.
A memorial? Doesn't seem like quite the right word to use at this point...
I never said that she was unable to care for her child/children. I had read an article last night or saw a video after I had seen the one of the vigil (I'm going now to try to find it again) that said she was "sometimes confined to a wheelchair" which made me think that she was in the chair because of something set off my stress, like MS as other's had suggested. There was also something I read on here about her (possibly??) having trouble going up and down the basement steps (not sure where the poster got that information, or if they were just speculating). I hadn't considered that she might have been sedated, but what little I have seen of her, I just am not putting much focus on her right now, even with her not wanting to go on TV. I'm going now to try to find that article/video. I read a lot last night, so it may take me a minute. I went something like 34 pages into a news search on Google.

ETA: I DO remember that the post that suggested that she had a hard time getting up and down the steps did give this as a (possible??) reason for the SF waking her up, but again, not sure where they got this information or if it was speculation. I have read so much at this point that its going to take me a few to go back over all of it.

Sorry, I misread, as I was in a hurry, when I was trying to leave work. I read your statement that you didn't think she could do anything to that child, as she couldn't do anything for that child. BIG difference! I apologize!

I was wondering if you had found anything in MSM that stated that she had a medical condition because I have not and I have been looking yesterday and today. Often times in these cases, especially when a verifiable source does not provide explanation for something, such as her use of a wheelchair that day, some people on here and other sites will speculate and soon that speculation becomes "fact". Then further on in the case, we think about it and then go scrambling trying to locate & recall where it was stated by a verifiable source that the speculation was actual fact, if that makes sense. I was just trying to get clarification before it snowballed, in a sense.

In the short, I do agree that if she does have a medical condition, that it could be difficult for her to care for her children/check on them as often as may be needed, on 2 separate floors of an old house.

However, at this time, I have still not seen anything in MSM that says she had a medical condition.
Couldn't they have arrived sooner :(

As far as mom goes, I think it has been speculation to this point as to her medical condition if any. Does anyone have a quote from a friend or neighbor? Or was it someone speculation that she had trouble with stairs? I can't remember.

FB page-I was the one who said he has at least two relatives on there, appearing by age to be a son and a brother, so it seems to be his real page...

Search dogs have been there since Tuesday, right after CC was reported missing.
The dogs, being brought in today, are special water searching dogs.... according to live stream.

Re the mom & wheelchair...
I wrote that it was reported that she was at times in a w/c and that another time was seen
walking out of her house, under a blanket with the aid of friends on either side of her.

Because there were questions about why did SF check on her in the PM & wake her in the
AM instead of mom, I wrote that I speculated, due to the w/c comments, that she may have
a condition that prevents her from or causes difficulty using the stairs.
There were 94 suicides in that age group in 2004, compared to 56 in 2003. That’s a rate of fewer than one per 100,000 population.

Youth suicide rates in the United States rose 14 percent between 2003 and 2004.

The CDC said its report looked at a slightly older population, starting with children at age 10 because that is the age when suicide becomes a leading cause of death.
Respectfully shortened.

Suicide is not and has never been a leading cause of death in children and is the third cause of death only in older adolescents/young adults.


0-1 years:
Developmental and genetic conditions that were present at birth
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
All conditions associated with prematurity and low birth weight

1-4 years:
Developmental and genetic conditions that were present at birth

5-14 years:

15-24 years:
They have really been focused on the water.... even in the beginning they were focused on the water....
Do we know if anyone else was in the home Monday night besides Celina, her mother and mother's husband? Would be good to know if an argument took place, or anything that upset Celina, etc...
Do we know if anyone else was in the home Monday night besides Celina, her mother and mother's husband? Would be good to know if an argument took place, or anything that upset Celina, etc...

An earlier report said a strep brother (they may be mistaken, may be half brother) also lives there.
Someone above asked about the dogs. They were brought in on the first day.
just responding to the statement about whether it had been announced. I thought it would be helpful.

I take media with a grain of salt - just because they say there's no evidence of a struggle, doesn't mean that's truly the case. There could be, and they haven't discovered it. Or, they could be closer to the perp than we know, and they're trying to give a false sense of security.
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