Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 3 *Arrest*

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I've been following along with everyone since the beginning trying to keep up with the thread, haven't had much of a chance to post.

I noticed that the SF posted on his facebook around 9am on the morning of Celina's disappearance and I was thinking that if there is only one shared computer in the house, perhaps a laptop, that he simply went to her room to get the computer and noticed she wasn't there. Maybe it didn't register with him at first that she was actually missing.

I'm more curious about this stepbrother KM and why we haven't heard anything in the media about where he was supposed to have been that night. I notice that he is also friends with the SF on his facebook.
Do we even know the number/type of computers used? I don't think the media knows yet, right?
Still thinking the perp could have taken on the identity of a boy who thought she was hot online with her, and, at the same time, being in close physical proximity, so he could view her every move. Or the perp. as many have said, could have driven to the area and all the while been in contact until he had her in his sights (To Catch a Predator) type.
Still thinking the perp could have taken on the identity of a boy who thought she was hot online with her, and, at the same time, being in close physical proximity, so he could view her every move. Or the perp. as many have said, could have driven to the area and all the while been in contact until he had her in his sights (To Catch a Predator) type.

But I would think the FBI would at least have the info on location of IP addresses by now, or they should, and yet it seems they are still searching locally, talking about more dives, etc...
Since someone recently said this area is a lot like rural Alaska it made me think about the trash pick up. My mom lives in rural Alaska and it is very common for people out there to burn their trash. There is a dump 10 or so miles away that they do use but burn as much as they can. Maybe they were trying to find something before it was burned..

The Spa restaurant next door really bothers me. When you look at the google view of her house you can see trucks parked close and one even unloading in the parking lot. I live next to something like this and people are always parking pointed toward my house, it is common for people to be there. If someone passing through is eating there it would be really easy to watch her house. It is the first restaurant when coming from the boarder and you don't even have to get off the highway. Someone could have easily stopped there, took her and kept going...either way north or south.

The SF does give me the creeps. We had a roomate come live with us who was 18. He always thought we were talking about him (we weren't) and freaked out one day. He turned on all the faucets in the kitchen and bathroom plugging them. Took cleaner and threw it all over the house. When i came to see why water was coming through my ceiling he told me he was getting rid of evidence. We were the CIA, and he almost burned down our house the night before. I kicked him out and later found out he was commited for schizophrenia. The SF not taking his pills right does make me think anything could have happened.

I hope to GOD she is found alive and well !!! I wanted to put my 2 cents in...
All IMO...
Celina's parents have consistently tried to keep their faces hidden when they are in public. It seems very unusual MOO Why would they do this ?
One parent (SF) is a paranoid schizophrenic.
Not saying this is the case here. But does anyone remember Drew Peterson doing this? He wore a Bandana tied across his face like he was a bandit. I always figured he was hiding from anyone who could ID him in an area he was dumping Stacie's body or somewhere buying supplies to help do so. I figure alot of people behaving that way are avoiding recognition for some reason.

But in a small town of 600 or so people ... who would they be hiding from ? LE by now would know if and when a vehicle was used by either of the parents. I know what you mean though. It seems to be something different in this case.MOO
Authorities planned to offer updates in the investigation at 5:30 p.m. Sunday.

Senior Assistant Attorney General Jane Young said there are no solid working theories in the case. "We still don't have her," she said.

Young said Saturday that dive teams were being brought to the area and that line searches would continue.

She asked the media to stay in the area, because coverage of the case has produced hundreds of tips.
She did not have an estimate on how many tips have come in.

Jane Young of the state attorney general’s office said divers were sent to Back Pond on Sunday morning.

The small pond is less than a mile from Celina Cass’ home....

From Friday:

A Fish and Game boat, containing a conservation officer, an unidentified law enforcement agent, and a dog, was on the 22-acre pond, while a helicopter flew low up above.
Hubby was just on the phone with me (he's in N. Stratford, NH, and I'm in CT now). There are posters everywhere he's been, from Groveton through Colebrook, and likely everywhere else North, East and West. Down by the river (which is low, but not as low as it can be), there were people fishing and searching. Two men from Maine came by, and they, too, were aware of the search, so everybody's eyes are truly looking. This is a huge ATV area, where people come from all over to ride the trails. I have no doubt that there is an immense search, both formally and informally, going on.

Stewartstown has a few stores, but fewer than most towns. It's small. I just wanted to add that since I saw mention of a store, in a post above. It wouldn't be too hard to track that down.

Many homes are just old trailers or shacks, where you wouldn't think people could live, but they do. They are, I have always assumed, camps. I don't want to give anyone the idea that I'm saying the area is a dump, but we have a lot of old farm houses, cabins, trailers, etc. down dirt roads. My thought when I heard about garbage searches was that people were going through yard junk (you know, looking under, etc.). The hubby says no. This would be garbage that was being collected individually for the dump. I didn't know Stewartstown had a dump. Just a thought, because I'm still not sure what is meant by garbage searches.

Yes, there are ways through the woods to get to Canada, but believe me, especially with ATVs being so big up here, it's not as easy to cross that border as it used to be (through the woods, or any other way). My belief is that whatever happened, if it was not of Celina's own volition, came about through someone close. I don't know if that means family, or friend, or what. I would almost hazard a guess and see if someone moved there, recently. It's hard to believe someone who would take a child (if that's what happened) could have been there all along.

I heard that Celina liked to fish. There's a spot on Route 3 (I think it's in Pittsburgh at that point), where the kids fish for competitions. It's small, though. My favorite places in the area are Christine Lake, Little Dummer Pond, Big Dummer Pond, the CT lakes, Fish Pond, off the top of my head. Across the river, in Canaan, there are a couple of ponds, too. The river likely runs either through her backyard, or close by, but I don't know if people fish there, when there are more serene places to do that. Pittsburgh, too, is a huge town, with few people, and most of it is protected land (Moose Alley runs through there to Canada). We have a lot of space!

I saw that names of sheriffs were being questioned (because they are/were the same: Cass, Noyes). Up here, many names are repeated. People have been here a long time. Just looking at street signs and thinking of some of my neighbors, I can think of many. It may be coincidence, or they may be related, either closely or distantly. Brighton (or Island Pond) is a cute town where we looked at buying an ice cream parlor. It would be more of a tourist place. I'm not sure that they would share a sheriff, especially considering the distance from Canaan (I think that was the town mentioned in the post).

Another thought is that perhaps she met someone online from a closer city, like Berlin (to the east). It's not a huge city, but I guess you could "hide" there. You'd think that with access to her computer, LE would have an idea about that.

Ok, this is my final thought. :eek:) There is so much land up in the Great North Woods (from VT, to NH, to ME). My husband and I have differing viewpoints as to how easy it would be to find someone. He thinks it would be difficult, but my belief is that with the ATV season, and so many people aware of what's going on, (and these are wonderful people...the best in the world) it won't be as hard as it might, otherwise.

Prayes for Celina and her family and friends.

Excellent post. Obviously, you know the lay of the land well. It is helpful to get these observations from your perspective. In past years I have spent alot of time in the north country, hiking, x-c skiing etc. Love it up there but do not have the intimate knowledge you locals have. We are the "flatlanders" you know. we are definitly lifting Celin and her family up in prayer, such a heartbreaking event.
But I would think the FBI would at least have the info on location of IP addresses by now, or they should, and yet it seems they are still searching locally, talking about more dives, etc...

Also LE seems to be in close contact/communication with the RCMP and other Canadian LE.. It all seems to be going nowhere... MOO
But in a small town of 600 or so people ... who would they be hiding from ? LE by now would know if and when a vehicle was used by either of the parents. I know what you mean though. It seems to be something different in this case.MOO
Paranoid schizophrenics have a common "theme" of agencies/entities who they believe are persecuting them. This list includes: CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, Satan, aliens...............
katdog- "The family was at a hotel due to the FBI moving them there. They were not allowed in the
home until Saturday. They are back at the house now... moved back in Saturday afternoon. Blankets
are hung from the porch so no one can see in the house and there's 'no trespassing' signs up on the home."

Read more:
Paranoid schizophrenics have a common "theme" of agencies/entities who they believe are persecuting them. This list includes: CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, Satan, aliens...............

Yes. And yet LE has said that both parents have been completely cooperative with them. It looks more like it is the TV cameras,journalists and photograpthers who they seem to be hiding from.As though they do not wish to have any images of their faces shown ? MOO They are small town people who are living through a nightmarish situation. Perhaps they are just overwhelmed. MOO
Regarding LE searching neighbors garbage. This is standard. Perps are known to dump incriminating evidence in someone elses garbage can. Perps certainly don't want evidence found in their own garbage can.
I remember with poor Shaniya, a blanket was in neighbor's garbage can iirc
But yet he's the one who spoke out and told Celina to get her butt home. Go figure!

Odd or inappropriate choice of words or phases can = thought process disorder.

Blankets on the house and no trespassing signs? Hmmm. Sounds like he may be headed for a LE 'intervention". If he descends into psychosis (if not there already), he will be forcibly taken to the ER, given 10-20 mg of Haldol immediately, admitted, and placed back on antipsychotic meds. (Schizophrenics have a 75% medication noncompliance rate two years after an inpatient discharge. He may not have been on his meds for years.) Perhaps after a LE "intervention", he might be able to help LE find Celina.
Initially, I was very set upon the SF or Step-son being involved in her disappearance. But since then the Forensics teams have scoured every inch of that house for 3 days, the family cars were thoroughly scanned and searched and all of the family has passed polygraphs.[ supposedly.] So now I am turning away from them and looking at other scenarios.

We cannot see any record of her Instant Messages. I don't know if the computer forensics experts can retrieve those from her computer or not. But an 'older boy' could have IM'ed her and said meet me in the Spa parking lot at any time that night. " We will go for a ride." If he had been grooming her it could happen quickly. He could be a friends older brother or a friend of her older brothers.

Hopefully, computer forensics will reconstruct her "life" during the days and weeks before she went missing. I'd think they'd be combing over each incoming/outgoing message, chat, posting, etc., and connecting it to the actual IP address and an actual person. Ironic that a computer may have been used to lure her away, and computer forensics may aid in revealing who did the luring.
Paranoid schizophrenics have a common "theme" of agencies/entities who they believe are persecuting them. This list includes: CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, Satan, aliens...............

I had not thought of the paranoid schizophrenia causing the SF to be the one hiding the wife behind blankets and No Trespassing signs. But now that you mention it, I can see where his mental state may be causing this type of paranoia. Maybe it's his idea to shield himself and her from prying eyes.
Odd or inappropriate choice of words or phases can = thought process disorder.

Blankets on the house and no trespassing signs? Hmmm. Sounds like he may be headed for a LE 'intervention". If he descends into psychosis (if not there already), he will be forcibly taken to the ER, given 10-20 mg of Haldol immediately, admitted, and placed back on antipsychotic meds. (Schizophrenics have a 75% medication noncompliance rate two years after an inpatient discharge. He may not have been on his meds for years.) Perhaps after a LE "intervention", he might be able to help LE find Celina.

Pensfan... Are you in the psych field? A patient? A nurse?
You seem to know a lot about psych.

I'm a retired psych nurse, after 30+ yrs. I worked in both private & state-run
hospitals. Retired not so much because of age, but had the years vested &
took the State's early retirement incentive package.

I do miss it! Never thought I'd say that... but I do.
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