Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 4 *Arrest*

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I wonder if they want to keep the wrapping a secret for the integrity of the investigation. Notice how they moved all of the reporters and locals back away when they did the recovery. Maybe they did not want anyone to know about that yet. Otherwise, why not just say' NO, she was not wrapped. '

But it is also possible they wrapped her before pulling her out, so they would not lose any hairs or fibers that might have been present. There is probably not much, but there might be evidence of sexual abuse and they want to protect that when she is pulled up through the water.
I just found out and I'm crying my eyes out. I felt close to her. I am so outraged and mad that we keep having kids turn up dead.. I can't even compose myself.

RIP dear child.


at :50 in the presser she say 'we are talking to witnesses'
I wonder if she means in general, or if they have something more specific?
I'm just hopeful that with Celina's body found so soon, that there is evidence of how she died. I'm not going to speculate or blame anyone until LE indicates there is a suspect (if any). I just can't imagine that this is a suicide.

RIP Celina.

Prayers for peace and justice for Celina and her loved ones.
My heart dropped when I saw how many new pages had accumulated in just the day. I am angry right now for her. Sometimes I struggle with my faith, but there has to be some sort of heaven so she can feel happy, safe, dry, and warm right now.

baby girl is in the most beautiful place ever right now IMHO.
It is so very sad to see yet another child hurt and thrown away. I pray the answers come quickly and that the evidence collected is so clear that there is no denying who the monster is that harmed this innocent child. Rest in peace Celina.
I understand your feelings. Personally, I cling to my faith. The peace I have is knowing there will be justice....because God is just. This life is not the end. We seek justice here but there is a greater one that awaits.

No doubt in my mind. Celina is at rest. The joy she has today is unimaginable....and there are no tears in heaven.

Blessings going out to all those here on Websleuths....heroes, all.

Jesus was very clear in the bible about the treatment of children. He stated, "if anyone harms one of these little ones it will be as a millstone around their neck". I believe with all my heart Celina is resting in the lords arms. I also believe at her death the angels were with her ministering to her in a realm we do not see or understand. This gives me comfort even though it is such a tragic event. Communicating with all sleuths has been a good thing and a comfort in itself. We must all do whatever we can to protect the children! Blessings to you all! skier

You were a little girl with so much potential, gone much, much too soon....

Rest gently in the hands of Our Father forever, Celina....
baby girl is in the most beautiful place ever right now IMHO.

I know - but she didn't have to be :( It's not your post, trust me, but I get so upset when folks say "she's in a better place now". She never had a chance to experience life, her first prom, marriage, her first baby, or even a grandchild. How do we know she's in a better place.

I know - it makes us feel better to say that. But I can bet my last dollar that Celina would rather be amongst her friends and living life than to have gone what she's gone through. The pain must have been horrific.

I know I will never say "you're in a better place" with any murder victim. Which, IMHO, she was a victim of.

Hugs, and MOO.

I'm responding to this post from WillenFan21 on p. 47 of thread 3.

They need to look at the stepfather. There has to be a reason why Celina was afraid to sleep in her bedroom alone and that she slept with her sister. It is odd to me that on the night her sister is not there something happened to her.

Do we know if the girls shared a bedroom or if they both had rooms in the basement? Do we know what floor other members of the household slept on?

If the sisters were the only ones with beds in the basement, I don't think it is unusual that Celina wouldn't want to sleep on that level when her sister was away. My boys are about the same ages and have separate rooms. All the bedrooms are on the 2nd floor. The younger boy idolizes his brother. And the older one looks out for him. So the situation is somewhat similar to Celina and her sister.

My younger son still, at 12, is reluctant to go to bed when no one else is on the 2nd floor. He especially wants me to be upstairs in my room, rather than my husband. During the recent heat wave, the boys have been sleeping in the basement playroom. The younger one always has a difficult transition going back to sleeping in his own room after sleeping in the basement with his brother or other friends on a sleepover. And my kids have had a very stable, routine, nuclear family environment, unlike my own childhood. Some kids just are like that even at 11 or 12.

I do agree, WillenFan21, that the fact that her sister was not at home that night played a part in the timing of whatever happened to this sweet little girl.
I know - but she didn't have to be :( It's not your post, trust me, but I get so upset when folks say "she's in a better place now". She never had a chance to experience life, her first prom, marriage, her first baby, or even a grandchild. How do we know she's in a better place.

I know - it makes us feel better to say that. But I can bet my last dollar that Celina would rather be amongst her friends and living life than to have gone what she's gone through. The pain must have been horrific.

I know I will never say "you're in a better place" with any murder victim. Which, IMHO, she was a victim of.

Hugs, and MOO.


I think you have to look at the specifics of the case. For example, imo, Caylee is now in a better place because her future with that family was destined to be a nightmare. Same with the girl who died in the trunk. She is in a better place now than she was in her life.

But if a random stranger grabs a girl and kills her, then it is harder for me to
justify that statement.

So, imo, it will depend upon how this all happened. IF it came from within her own home, then she IS in a better place now, imoo.
I think you have to look at the specifics of the case. For example, imo, Caylee is now in a better place because her future with that family was destined to be a nightmare. Same with the girl who died in the trunk. She is in a better place now than she was in her life.

But if a random stranger grabs a girl and kills her, then it is harder for me to
justify that statement.

So, imo, it will depend upon how this all happened. IF it came from within her own home, then she IS in a better place now, imoo.

Caylee was in a very loving environment with CA & GA -- there's no evidence to disprove that. Caylee had everything a child would want, and in looking at all the piccies, there was absolutely love there.

I'm not sure how there's a stretch between taking Caylee away from her loving grandparents and Casey Anthony putting her in a trunk is a "better place".

What evidence do we have that the Celina sitting in front of her computer at 9:00 to being found dead in a riverbed is a "better place"? If you can help me reconciliate that, please do. I cannot.


News 9's Jean Mackin reports a lot of police cruisers headed south now on Route 3 through Lancaster. After a heavy police presence in West Stewartstown for the past week
, they are finally heading home

Read more:
A tremendous thank you to all those who came from out-of-state and all the local law enforcement personnel involved in the search for Celina.

This didn't have a happy ending, but it has an ending. Unlike many missing child cases, Celina is not still out there somewhere; and her family and community are not tortured that she is alive and needs help like Jaycee Dugard's mother was for 18 years.
RIP Celina...may you find rest and your family find justice.

It's difficult to find comforting words for her loved ones dealing with this horrible loss, but with such dedicated law enforcement working on her case, I have no doubt they will do their best to solve what happened, which will provide some comfort and closure hopefully.

It sounds awful to say but, perhaps they found her early enough that there can be a cause and manner of death determined AND sufficient evidence to catch whoever did this.

Yet another precious child gone too soon. So very, very sad.
There is nothing, nothing, on this earth that is better than what God has for us in heaven. And that's just my faith speaking.

Certainly, we never wish for any child, or adult for that matter, to have their lives cut short by murder. It is heartbreaking in every way. So impossible to accept and comprehend.
Yet another young life taken away too soon at the hands of society and ,,,I don't know.
Just dammit, made me so mad to read she had been found but not surprised.
RIP darling Celina and may you join so many other beautiful young girls gone too soon. May the wind blow ribbons in your hair and may you ride beautiful horses. May you fish to hearts content and catch them all! Your free now
Rest in peace, Celina. You were and always will be a bright and beautiful girl.
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