Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 7 *Arrest*

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Thanks... definitely gives reason for pause in all this craziness. Parents must have experienced 2 tragedies... the daughter missing and the accusations of the community. Sad...

I still have this gut feeling that Celina's death was caused by someone other than family. In these cases the family is always suspect and demonized because they are the closest. We can all speculate forever but none of us really knows. Today is Sunday, for all who wish, a pause, a prayer for Celina, her family, better health for AL, resolution and arrest and peace for Stewartstown a hurting town! skier
I still have this gut feeling that Celina's death was caused by someone other than family. In these cases the family is always suspect and demonized because they are the closest. We can all speculate forever but none of us really knows. Today is Sunday, for all who wish, a pause, a prayer for Celina, her family, better health for AL, resolution and arrest and peace for Stewartstown a hurting town! skier

The one piece of evidence we know so far that gives me reason to suspect this is not a stranger abduction is the alleged blanket wrapped around her body. If she was abducted by a stranger, I doubt they would take the time to wrap her up and risk getting caught but who knows. Some perps allow the child to take their favourite toy with them so anything is possible I suppose.
I still have this gut feeling that Celina's death was caused by someone other than family. In these cases the family is always suspect and demonized because they are the closest. We can all speculate forever but none of us really knows. Today is Sunday, for all who wish, a pause, a prayer for Celina, her family, better health for AL, resolution and arrest and peace for Stewartstown a hurting town! skier

bbm Wonderful suggestion, thank you
I would also be curious to know if there are statistics available regarding children who have departed this earth too early. (i.e. run over by car accidentally, parent accidentally rolled over while sleeping... I mean unintentional or intentional fatal injuries ) What could statistics show are the most common reasons an 11 year old would die.

This was the most interesting article I could find: Cinderella effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also this (regarding New York, but still contains some general statistics)

"Alternative hypotheses
It has been noted by multiple researchers that child abuse is an intricate issue and is affected by other factors.[15][37][38] Daly and Wilson state, however, that even if evolutionary psychology cannot account for every instance of stepparental abuse, this does not invalidate their empirical findings.[34]
Burgess and Drais propose that child maltreatment is too complex to be explained fully by genetic relatedness alone and cite other reasons for child maltreatment, such as social factors, ecological factors and child traits such as disability and age.[15] However, they also note that these traits are simply indicative, and do not inevitably lead to child maltreatment.[15] Temrin and colleagues also suggest that there may be other factors involved with child homicide, such as prior convictions, drug abuse problems, lost custody battles and mental health problems.[37]
In 1984, Giles-Sims and David Finkelhor categorized and evaluated five possible hypotheses that could explain the Cinderella effect: “social-evolutionary theory,” “normative theory,” “stress theory,” “selection factors” and “resource theory”. The social-evolutionary theory is based on the proposal that non-genetically related parents will invest less in costly parental duties, due to the fact that their genes are not being passed on by that individual. The normative theory proposes that, due to genetic repercussions, incest among genetically related individuals is a widespread taboo and would thus be less common among biological relatives. They propose that incest among stepfamilies would be less taboo, since there is no risk of genetic degradation. The stress theory proposes that increased stressors, which are inherently more common among stepfamilies, cause an increased risk of abuse. The selection factors theory proposes that individuals who are likely to be stepparents (divorcees) are likely to be inherently more violent due to emotional disturbances, aggressive impulses, and self-esteem issues. Due to this, stepparents as a group would have a higher proportion of individuals with violent-prone characteristics, which would suggest that the abuse is happening due to personality factors, rather than the stepparental relationship directly. Finally, according to resource theory, individuals who contribute resources are granted authority, while individuals that lack resources are denied authority and more likely to resort to violence to obtain authority. It is therefore hypothesized that stepparents who are able to contribute resources to a family and have those resources be accepted by the family are less likely to be abusive. However, this hypothesis had yet to be tested directly on stepfamilies.[38] This paper of Giles-Sims and Finkelhor predates however practically all empirical studies on the Cinderella effect."

Child Maltreatment 2007

The National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) defines a perpetrator as a person who is considered responsible for the maltreatment of a child. This chapter provides data about only perpetrators of child maltreatment and does not include data about alleged perpetrators.

Age and Sex of Perpetrators

For FFY 2007, 56.5 percent of the perpetrators were women, 42.4 percent were men and 1.1 percent were of unknown sex.2 Women typically were younger than men. The median age was 30 years for women and 33 years for men. Of the women who were perpetrators, more than 40 percent (45.0%) were younger than 30 years of age, compared with one-third of the men (34.5%) (figure 5–1). These proportions have remained consistent for the past few years.

Perpetrator Relationship

Nearly 80 percent (79.9%) of perpetrators were parents.4 Other relatives accounted for an additional 6.6 percent. Unmarried partners of parents accounted for 4.5 percent (figure 5–2). Of the parents who were perpetrators, nearly 90 percent (87.7%) were biological parents, 4.2 percent were stepparents, and 0.6 percent were adoptive parents.5

Overall, 7.2 percent of all perpetrators were associated with sexually abusing a child. The percentage of perpetrators of sexual abuse was highest among friends or neighbors (57.7%), other relatives (32.0%), and child daycare providers (23.9%).
The spot where Celina's body was found looks to me like it would be a popular, and very good fishing spot - both during the day and at night. I've done a lot fishing and just above a dam where the water is deep has always been a goldmine. Someone fishing in a spot like that at night with a lantern burning would probably not draw a lot of attention.
Agreed. But while pharmacy robberies get a lot of news media attention, semi-legit prescriptions are far and away the most common source of prescription drugs misused in rural northern New England. Any general practitioner can tell you the difficulty they have in determining who really has serious back pain, for example, and who does not. (And remember, felons can have genuine chronic pain, too, and be deserving of prescriptions.)

Someone who understands how to present convincing, non-verifiable symptoms (real or faked) that will elicit prescriptions can then go doctor shopping, get multiple scripts and have them filled at different pharmacies. This happens all the time -- big problem.

And the final step, sometimes, is that a vulnerable person with real pain (or good acting abilities) will doctor shop and get multiple scripts to supply a friend or family member (read: boyfriend), because of intimidation, fear of abandonment, misguided sympathy, or fear that, without a supply, the user will resort to crimes and end up (back) in prison.

(Until recently, I worked with LE tracking down such activity in areas including northern N.H.)

From what I've read here, I'd guess that quite a few people living in or connected to this house have multiple health conditions that would justify quite a variety of meds, including those typically subject to abuse.

(That said, I don't see any signs YET that this crime was about drugs.)

The fact that the autopsy results are "pending" and awaiting toxicology reports may indicate that there were no visible signs of trauma. That gives rise to the possibility of drug involvement, whether intentional or unintentional.
I agree that it seems there is enough to think that this was murder. I think somewhere earlier this evening someone did a pretty good analysis of the AAG's wording. And it seemed apparent to me at the time that there was some visual evidence of what happened to Celina. And if that is the case... it's not a drug overdose (given to her - I am not accusing her of doing drugs) and it is likely not to be a physical accident (falling down stairs) since she was wrapped and disposed of.
So, what leaves visible evidence? Trauma, beating. Violent sexual abuse. Strangulation usually does.

The visual evidence that he AG referred to could simply have been the blanket she was wrapped in. That alone would be enough visual evidence to open a criminal investigation. But it would not rule out a case where someone dies from a drug overdose, intentional or accidental, and someone disposes of the body.
Prayers for Celina, that she may be at total peace and that those who loved her will see justice done.
Something I noticed reading the stories of the parade is that there isn't any anger coming from the people that I can tell. Maybe it isn't being reported. Maybe the people are over the anger stage. It makes me wonder if they can be so accepting of Celina's death because they could know what happened. JMO
Child Maltreatment 2007

The National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) defines a perpetrator as a person who is considered responsible for the maltreatment of a child. This chapter provides data about only perpetrators of child maltreatment and does not include data about alleged perpetrators.

Age and Sex of Perpetrators

For FFY 2007, 56.5 percent of the perpetrators were women, 42.4 percent were men and 1.1 percent were of unknown sex.2 Women typically were younger than men. The median age was 30 years for women and 33 years for men. Of the women who were perpetrators, more than 40 percent (45.0%) were younger than 30 years of age, compared with one-third of the men (34.5%) (figure 5–1). These proportions have remained consistent for the past few years.

Perpetrator Relationship

Nearly 80 percent (79.9%) of perpetrators were parents.4 Other relatives accounted for an additional 6.6 percent. Unmarried partners of parents accounted for 4.5 percent (figure 5–2). Of the parents who were perpetrators, nearly 90 percent (87.7%) were biological parents, 4.2 percent were stepparents, and 0.6 percent were adoptive parents.5

Overall, 7.2 percent of all perpetrators were associated with sexually abusing a child. The percentage of perpetrators of sexual abuse was highest among friends or neighbors (57.7%), other relatives (32.0%), and child daycare providers (23.9%).

Interesting! I have read this information and find it scarey for the children who find themselves in these situations. We must protect them whenever possible!! skier
Something I noticed reading the stories of the parade is that there isn't any anger coming from the people that I can tell. Maybe it isn't being reported. Maybe the people are over the anger stage. It makes me wonder if they can be so accepting of Celina's death because they could know what happened. JMO

Maybe not so much accepting Celina's death but confidence that her killer will be found. I could see where if you were sure of that it would help with the anger.
The visual evidence that he AG referred to could simply have been the blanket she was wrapped in. That alone would be enough visual evidence to open a criminal investigation. But it would not rule out a case where someone dies from a drug overdose, intentional or accidental, and someone disposes of the body.

Considering this child is 11, the talk of "accidental" drug overdoes makes no sense.
JMO, if the perp was a stranger, I would think he would run away after he/she did
what they wanted and get the heck out of the house.
Instead he/she got the victim out of the house.
The perp had time to do the disposal and clean up.
JMO, it is someone close to Celina and had freedom of the apartment.

11 years old seems to be such a dangerous age for girls.
I just finished reading Jaycee Lee Dugard's "A Stolen Life",
Something I noticed reading the stories of the parade is that there isn't any anger coming from the people that I can tell. Maybe it isn't being reported. Maybe the people are over the anger stage. It makes me wonder if they can be so accepting of Celina's death because they could know what happened. JMO

Or that the perb is in the hospital and therefore not fearful?
Odd, though.
JMO, if the perp was a stranger, I would think he would run away after he/she did
what they wanted and get the heck out of the house.
Instead he/she got the victim out of the house.
The perp had time to do the disposal and clean up.
JMO, it is someone close to Celina and had freedom of the apartment.

11 years old seems to be such a dangerous age for girls.
I just finished reading Jaycee Lee Dugard's "A Stolen Life",

And the ability to hide what they were doing from all the various adults (the brother from another mother, the aunt) who may or may not have been there.
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