NH NH - Elizabeth Marriott, 19, Durham, 9 Oct 2012 - # 8 *S. Mazzaglia guilty*

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Deb Cram /dcram@seacoastonline.com

One year after his arrest and incarceration for the murder of Lizzi Marriott, Seth Mazzaglia received additional charges:

"...Felony charge of criminal solicitation (implements for escape and other contraband). The charge alleges he recruited someone to help him escape custody."
The indictment states the crime occurred around December 2012, when Mazzaglia allegedly provided a man with "detailed plans and directives" related to the planned jail escape and access to Mazzaglia's bank account to finance the plan."



:tyou: for our Tweets today Zoey!

:tyou: everyone else for all info and humor :)
Yeah and so far he was very believable. He is someone I would not call a friend, though, walking away and washing his hands of the whole thing after seeing what they had done to Lizzi. I don't think much of him or his other half.

I don't buy his story or Roberta's. It doesn't make any sense to me. Especially being his birthday...

They get a call from someone they are not close to at all around 10pm that they need help. No questions asked, but immediately jump in your car, no talk on the way over...get there within 10 minutes. Find her outside, locked out, still no questions or answers on what is going on.

KM gets into their car and they drive to the rear of the building....still no conversation. They see SM coming out from behind a convenience store, let her out, go park car, meet up with them on the stairs heading in. Only conversation is "Can you keep a secret?" "Depends on what it is." Follows them into the apartment....

No reaction. No words, no explanations, no screams of horror, no running for the door. 30 minutes later, they leave. No conversation together on the ride home, no calls to police, just go back to regular life. By Friday they still hadn't contacted anyone regarding what they saw on Tuesday night.

I don't like their story, it is not real to me. It cannot be real.
Here's my guess. Roberta and Paul, Andi and whoever she was with, are members of the 'court' with SM & KM and there is an anticipation of some weird, kinky stuff going on with someone who is unwilling to partake. A lamb. Andi chickens out. These two get the call and go over. Whatever happens next....we have no idea.

Perhaps she was supposed to be tied up, gagged but alive. Perhaps when they arrived they noticed the brain damage position and they all got the bags. I feel there is something terribly missing from all the stories we have heard to date. Nothing really adds up correctly. And...these are people I am glad my daughter never ran into during her time in theater in Portsmouth.
OMG, the Ramos testimony is even better than I thought he would be. Really? He drew a map for a sex offender to his mom's house? And included a Chinese buffet with three exclamation points because Ramos thought he might stop for some fried rice on the way back from dropping off the letter? And they swapped yummy jailhouse nacho recipes???
Here's my guess. Roberta and Paul, Andi and whoever she was with, are members of the 'court' with SM & KM and there is an anticipation of some weird, kinky stuff going on with someone who is unwilling to partake. A lamb. Andi chickens out. These two get the call and go over. Whatever happens next....we have no idea.

Perhaps she was supposed to be tied up, gagged but alive. Perhaps when they arrived they noticed the brain damage position and they all got the bags. I feel there is something terribly missing from all the stories we have heard to date. Nothing really adds up correctly. And...these are people I am glad my daughter never ran into during her time in theater in Portsmouth.

I agree it is very, very bizarre, especially Roberta and Paul's reactions (going over no questions asked, pretty calm about the crime, going home and not saying a word). But what reason would KM have to cover up the idea that they were invited participants? RG agreed to wear a wire to help prosecute KM, so why would KM protect her? Otherwise, I think RG would be the one with immunity.
When I googled him the very first hit was a Wiki for a Joachim Barth who "was a highly decorated Major in the Wehrmacht during World War II." He died in 2002.

I wonder if he is any relation? Such an unusual name I have to think it could be an ancestor.
I agree it is very, very bizarre, especially Roberta and Paul's reactions (going over no questions asked, pretty calm about the crime, going home and not saying a word). But what reason would KM have to cover up the idea that they were invited participants? RG agreed to wear a wire to help prosecute KM, so why would KM protect her? Otherwise, I think RG would be the one with immunity.

I really don't know, there is a major part of this story not told. Seems like a cult-ish type of sacrificial murder. Maybe those two were there before the death. They must of agreed on the first story....Lizzi never got there. All four were going with that one and that is why they never called the authorities. Even when they heard on the news that this woman was still missing, they didn't call. When the police knocked on their door and told them they were accused, then the wire was worn. They are all looking out for themselves.

None of them want to admit they were there for the real reason...so many stories, so little truth.
Wait! Somehow I didn't get from the comments that there were TWO inmates today??? The sex offender and who is this guy?
I am rewatching Chris Ramos again...this is simply the most unbelievable testimony on cross I have ever seen or probably ever will. First it is so funny...the guy is so funny...but from a serious perspective how did the judge let that go on like that? I don't understand this judge. Jury should never have seen that display. No defendant should have the right to talk to an attorney that way.
Do you guys really want Seth to be acquitted?

No~~ I just think to many weak links in trial. The star witness is a proven liar over and over again. Most of trial is to rehabilitate Kat's testimony. At this point I don't know what the jury will believe or disregard.

I thonk both Seth and Kat are guilty. If Seth walks I could see him doing this again~~I'm on the fence as to Kat. Jmo
I am rewatching Chris Ramos again...this is simply the most unbelievable testimony on cross I have ever seen or probably ever will. First it is so funny...the guy is so funny...but from a serious perspective how did the judge let that go on like that? I don't understand this judge. Jury should never have seen that display. No defendant should have the right to talk to an attorney that way.

I'm planning on doing the same~~sister called during part of his testimony and sister was chatty
Do you guys really want Seth to be acquitted?

no way...absolutely not...but the way I see it the defense is much stronger and since the burden is on the state and that will be the jury's instruction I am very concerned he will...or will get a minimum sentence and that he and Kat will go on their way just as they planned. I really hope no one wants him to walk.
All this cheering for the defense looks to me like hoping for an acquittal.
I'm planning on doing the same~~sister called during part of his testimony and sister was chatty

for those catching bits and pieces of this case...MUST SEE Day 16 Part 1...Chris Ramos...former cell mate. The banter between Barth and Ramos is too much...frankly Barth is funny too in some of his comments back to him.
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