Deceased/Not Found NH - Harmony Montgomery, 7, Manchester, Oct 2019 *reported missing Dec 2021* Arrest* MEDIA ONLY

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
FEB 14, 2024

Prosecutors focused on a Feb. 21, 2020 work order for the unit where the Montgomerys were staying, which included a note saying "weird smell coming from vents in unit come check it out." The work order was from the day after Adam and Kayla Montgomery and the two boys moved out of the unit.

Riley said investigators went to the shelter because they had developed information that Harmony's body might have been placed in the vent in the ceiling

"There was an odor," he said. "I could smell something. I couldn't tell what it was, but there was an odor in the room."

He said he removed the vent by pushing it up into the ceiling and moving it to the side.

"As soon as I removed the cover, I could smell what I knew was decomposition. I could smell a dead body, what I believed to be a dead body at the time... It's a smell that you just won't forget."

FEB 14, 2024

Rachel Radwich, a supervisor in the Manchester Police Department's evidence division, spoke about her role in the investigation and noted that there were about 900 pieces of evidence involved in the case. She also testified about the ceiling tiles from the shelter, including staining and a "pungent, rotted" smell that she associated with decomposition based on her experience at death scenes.

Jurors also heard from the drywall contractor who installed the drywall at the shelter and from Kevin McMahon and Martin Orlowicz of the New Hampshire State Police Forensic Laboratory.

A retired serologist for the state, McMahon tested a number of items, including portions of the ceiling, looking for evidence of body fluids.

“Each of those areas on everything I tested in that particular exhibit was positive for blood,” McMahon said.

FEB 15, 2024

LIVE: Day 7 - NH v. Adam Montgomery, Murder of Harmony Trial

FEB 15, 2024
STATE WITNESS #27 - Alan Ackroyd-Isales, Senior DNA Analyst, DNA Labs International
Tim Callery on X

We're in a bit of a delay this morning. Both sides spoke with the judge at the bench. Unclear about what. Prosecution has asked for a few extra minutes to prepare.

Jury has been seated. The state's first witness of the day is on the stand. His name is Alan Akcroyd-Isales. He is a DNA Analyst with DNA Labs International.

Akcroyd-Isales tells the prosecution that he has worked on roughly 30,000 samples. He has testified as an expert witness in other jurisdictions. Court has deemed him qualified to testify as an expert in this case.

Akcroyd-Isales tested DNA profiles for #HarmonyMontgomery, #AdamMontgomery and Crystal Sorey (Harmony's mother) with the stain samples.

Akcroyd-Isales says testing showed the stain was 1.1 trillion times more likely to come from #HarmonyMontgomery and one unknown person than two unknown people. Breaking it down for the jurors, he says that shows strong support that Harmony was a contributor to the stain.

Akcroyd-Isales DNA profiles of Adam and Crystal were deemed to be low contributors to the stain.

Akcroyd-Isales also tested two rails screwed together. He says the DNA profile sample from the rails is 1.4 trillion times more probable to be from #HarmonyMontgomery than an unknown person. He tells the jurors that's strong support that Harmony was a contributor.

Under cross-examination by the defense, Akcroyd-Isales says he can't say with certainty that the DNA on the sheetrock and rails is from Harmony. But he says the likelihood ratio is so high, he can comfortably conclude it was from Harmony.

Akcroyd-Isales has been excused as a witness. We're in a 15-minute recess.
FEB 15, 2024
Emily Thompson, worked with AM at Portland Pie
Cameron Gibne, worked with AM at Portland Pie
Eugene Robert "Bob" Wasson, former manager at Manchester Home Depot

We're now back with testimony from Emily Thompson. She previously worked with #AdamMontgomery at Portland Pie Company in Manchester before the restaurant closed in 2020.

During brief questioning by the state, Thompson says she saw #AdamMontgomery either bring a bag into a walk-in cooler at the restaurant or take a bag out of the cooler. She says it's been a long time, so memory is fuzzy. Defense has no questions. She's excused.

Cameron Gibne also worked with #AdamMontgomery at Portland Pie Company. He is testifying that he saw Adam bring a bag into the walk-in cooler on several occasions. He says the bag was typically kept on a lower shelf in the cooler.

Prosecutors have accused Adam of storing his daughter's body in the restaurant cooler in the months following her death. The state is finished with questioning Gibne. Defense has no questions for him. He is excused.

We are now taking another unexpected break. Judge tells the jury that the defense has raised an issue that the court needs to sort out. Judge has stepped off to read what the defense has submitted. When she returns, she'll hear arguments from both sides.

It appears the defense filed a motion to reconsider this morning. Adam's attys. are asking the judge to reconsider allowing Home Depot purchases to be entered in this trial. There is also another sealed motion. So unclear which one they'll discuss when we return.


The judge is now taking up arguments on this motion. The purchases in question are: a forty-pound bag of lime for $4.37, a Milwaukee M18 Fuel 18V Brushless Cordless “fuel grinder”, a 4.5 Diablo blade and M18 battery, totaling $396.35.

These items were purchased at the Manchester Home Depot on February 26, 2020 by an unknown person. They were paid for with $400 in cash.

Defense says Kayla Montgomery testified only seeing a bag of lime, scissors and a circular saw in the family's apartment on Union Street. Pros. accused Adam of reducing Harmony's body in the bathroom of the apt. Defense notes Kayla never saw any new tools in the house.

Defense also says there is no evidence showing that the bag of lime in the Montogmery's apartment was purchased at the Manchester Home Depot.

State argues that there was a withdrawal of money from at a Citizens Bank on the same day of the Home Depot purchases. Pros. notes the bank is less than a mile from the Home Depot. Also says a call for service was made at the family's apt. the day after the purchases were made.

Judge says she thinks state has shown that the Home Depot purchases are relevant to this case. Motion to reconsider is denied. Judge will allow the state to bring in the information from Home Depot.

We're now hearing from Eugene Robert "Bob" Wasson. He is a former manager at the Manchester Home Depot. He was working in Feb. of 2020 when the tool purchases were made.

Wasson tells the prosecutor that the total amount for the tools was $396.35. He says they were paid for with $400 cash.

During cross-examination, Wasson tells the defense that receipts do not provide identification of the purchaser. Also notes that camera footage is stored for some time but could not say how long.

Defense asks Wasson if lime is sold at other stores. He says yes. Wasson's testimony is over.
FEB 15, 2024
Det. Max Rahill, helped process the room at the homeless shelter
Maintenance man for the Union Street apartment
Brendon Middleton, inmate, rented U-haul
Rose Smith, driver, started driving AM and KM Dec 12, 2019

Rahill says police requested video from transaction, but the bank did not have it. Request was made years after transaction.

We're now seeing a receipt from the Home Depot purchased that Det. Rahill obtained from the store.


There's a 22-minute difference between the time money was withdrawn from the account and when the tools were purchased.

Court is breaking for lunch. Jurors will return in an hour.

Back from lunch recess. Prosecution is continuing with its questioning of Det. Rahill. He testifies that he requested surveillance footage from Home Depot for the day the tool purchases were made. He says he could not obtain the footage because the date was too far back.

On cross-examination the defense brings up an interview b/t Det. Rahill and Kayla Montogmery. Rahill tells defense Kayla never mentioned Adam purchasing any tools. His testimony is over.

We are now hearing from a maintenance man for the Montgomery family's Union Street apartment. He says he was called to their home for a clogged drain in the bathtub.

Now on the stand is Brendon Middleton. He is currently an inmate at the Hillsborough House of Corrections. He tells prosecutors that he rented a UHaul for his friend, Travis Beach in March of 2020. The UHaul was being used to move furniture.

The UHaul was rented on 3/3/2020 with 5,092 miles on the odometer. It was returned on 3/4/2020 with 5,225 miles on the odometer. This testimony is important because prosecutors claim that #AdamMontgomery used a UHaul to take Harmony's remains somewhere in the spring of 2020.

Middleton says he gave the UHaul to Travis at a gas station and never saw the UHaul again. He was not the person who returned the UHaul. Tells prosecutors he did not know Adam or Kayla Montgomery at the time.

No questions from the defense for Middleton. He has been excused.

We’re now hearing from Rose Smith. She works for a company that provides non-emergency medical rides. She says she started driving Adam and Kayla in December 12 of 2019.

Smith says she drove the whole family that day. She took them to the methadone clinic and Manchester. Smith says she stayed in the car with Adam and Kayla’s two boys while they went into the clinic.

Smith says she only saw the two boys. Harmony was not with the family. She’s now getting into a ride she gave to Kayla and Adam in 2020. She says Kayla had a black eye. Smith says it’s a ride she’ll never forget.

Smith says she took Adam and Kayla to the clinic. She says when they returned them to their Union Street apt. she gave Kayla her phone to call for help. Adam was walking away from the car at the time.

Smith says Adam turned around and approached her car. She says he was enraged. She claims Adam reached into her car and twisted her phone out of her hand. She reported the incident to her boss.

On cross-examination, the defense asks Smith what happened when Adam grabbed her phone. She says she told him that she was trying to help them. She says Adam "softened”.

On redirect, the state asks Smith to explain what she meant by softened. She says the anger in Adam's face went away but says the rage when he grabbed her phone was “very frightening”, “it was assault." Court is done for today.
FEB 15, 2024
Also Thursday, attorneys questioned a maintenance worker who made repairs to a drain the day after prosecutors say Adam Montgomery manipulated the girl's body in a bathtub and they introduced evidence about a cash purchase made at a Home Depot that included tools and a bag of lime.

The judge denied the defense motion to toss evidence about purchases at a Manchester Home Depot in February 2020. Manchester police detective Max Rahill said the purchase included a bag of lime and other items.

"A Milwaukee M18 fuel grinder, also known as an angle grinder, size 4½ blade," Rahill said. "A Diablo 4½ blade purchase and an M18 Milwaukee battery."

(This is the media thread)
FEB 16, 2024

LIVE: Day 8 - NH v. Adam Montgomery, Murder of Harmony Trial

FEB 16, 2024
Tim Callery on X

As we wait for another day of testimony to begin in the trial of #AdamMontgomery, the state has issued an arrest warrant for a material witness in this case. #HarmonyMontgomery

In a motion to support the arrest warrant, the state says Nicole Giles was subpoenaed to appear in the Hillsborough County Superior Court-North at 9:00 on February 6th to testify. She was then scheduled to testify on February 14th.

The state says Giles is a witness to helping the #AdamMontgomery move from the shelter to the family's Union Street apartment. They say she is also a witness to Montgomery's statements during that time and afterwards, and several other pieces of information.

Giles met with the state on Jan. 23 to talk about what trial would be like. She raised concerns about being televised due to a restraining order. She was informed via text that she would not be asked where she lived by either party, but that the cameras could not be turned off.

Giles texted response:When I came in to talk to you guys there was no mentioned of anything being videoed or anything like that and I'm sorry but I cannot do it I understand if you have to put a warrant out for me but I'm not putting mine and my childrens life on the line.

FEB 16, 2024
STATE WITNESS #36 - TRAVIS BEACH, dated Britney Bedard
Tim Callery on X

The first witness today is Travis Beach. His name came up during yesterday's testimony. Brendon Middleton testified that he rented a UHaul for Beach in 2020. Beach says he has known #AdamMontgomery since he was 17yo. #HarmonyMontgomery

Beach says he reconnected with #AdamMontgomery when they ran into each other at the Mall of NH. He says Adam later asked him if he could rent a UHaul truck for him. He says he didn't hesitate. Adam was a friend. Tells pros. he knew Adam was moving from Union St.

Beach says he didn't have a license at the time so he found someone who could rent Adam a UHaul. He says that person was Brendon Middleton.

Beach says after obtaining the UHaul he took it to the Econo Lodge. He says he then did drugs with Adam and Kayla Montgomery at the motel.

Beach says he gave the keys to the UHaul to #AdamMontgomery. He says at one point he went outside to smoke a cigarette with Adam. Beach says Adam was pacing around and saying, "I F* up."

Beach says he asked Adam to elaborate more on what he was talking about, but Adam would not.

The prosecutor is now having Beach read Facebook messages between him and #AdamMontgomery. He is asking Adam where he returned the UHaul. In one message, Adam tells Beach not to message stuff like this on Facebook.


When asked if he ever talked to Kayla about the UHaul, Beach tells the state he wasn't allowed to talk to Kayla. State asks why, Beach says he never asked why he couldn't talk to her.

The defense briefly questions Beach about when he reconnected with Adam at the mall. They're clarifying questions about who was with him. Beach says it was Adam, Kayla and their two sons.
FEB 16, 2024
STATE WITNESS #37 - Tarah Hilbert, former neighbor
Tim Callery on X

Tarah Hilbert is on the stand now. She is a property manager for a company that owns the Union St. apt. where the Montgomerys lived.

Hilbert says her child would play with the Montgomery kids. She says there was only two living there. She says she would also sometimes feed Adam, Kayla and the kids.

She says during a conversation with Adam in 2020, Adam brought up his daughter Harmony. He says he doesn't see her anymore because Harmony went to live with her mother in Lowell, MA. #HarmonyMontgomery

Hilbert is emotional as she recounts a time that she took Kayla Montgomery away from their Union Street apt. She says she took Kayla & kids to a motel because Adam beat Kayla. She says Kayla's injuries were bad. #AdamMontgomery

During cross-examination, Hilbert tells defense that Adam brought up Harmony living with her mother because he missed her. She says she became close with Kayla. Hilbert is excused as a witness.
FEB 16, 2024
STATE WITNESS #38 - Jessica Guerin, a recovery support specialist at Granite State Recovery
Tim Callery on X

We're now hearing from Jessica Guerin. She dated a friend of #AdamMontgomery. This was in 2021. She says Adam was living on Auburn St. at the time. She says had quite a few in-depth conversations about their children.

She says she knew Adam had two sons. She says at one time he mentioned having a daughter, but brushed it off when she asked more about his daughter.

Guerin says Adam never specified the name of his daughter. She says Adam told her he had two boys and a daughter, but Adam said he dropped his daughter off at her mother's house in Mass. She says Adam changed the conversation rapidly. Guerin last spoke with Adam in March of 2021.

No questions from the defense. Guerin is excused.
FEB 16, 2024
STATE WITNESS #39 - Nicole Giles, Lived at the Family Shelter, Arrested for Court
STATE WITNESS #40 - Michael Dobe, Former Walmart Asset Protection Employee
STATE WITNESS #41 - Det. Adam Bergeron-Rosa, Manchester Police Department

Update on the arrest warrant for Nicole Giles: She is now in the courtroom and will testify. The state has asked the pool camera for the trial to not show her due to safety issues. Giles is visibly upset and crying while speaking with the judge.

The judge has ordered everyone out of the courtroom, media included. She has at the pool camera for the trial to cut all video and audio while they sort this out.

The judge has made an official order to not show the witness on camera during her testimony. The court pool camera can use audio only.

Giles lived in the family shelter where the Montgomerys were also living. She says Adam and Kayla lived there with their two sons. Also said she visited Adam at Portland Pie Co. where he worked.

Giles says she often saw Kayla Montgomery with bruises on her face, abdomen, arms and legs. Some bruises were small like fingerprints. Others were the size of a fist.

Giles says she visited A&K at their Union St. apt. She says the place was torn apart. She says the lights were hanging off of the ceiling. She says Adam was worried someone was spying on him. Also told the jury he was worried about the city bus that drove by his apt. often.

Giles says Kayla first told her that the bruises were caused by her falling or her children hitting her, throwing toys. She says it wasn't until they were alone when Kayla said Adam hit her and she needed to leave him, but she was afraid.

On cross-examination, defense brings up a June '22 interview w/Manchester Police. Giles says she knew Adam was already arrested at the time for 2nd degree assault. Recalls interview was about Harmony.

Defense notes during the interview, Giles did not state that she observed bruises on Kayla. Defense also notes she never told police that Kayla confided in her about domestic violence.

On redirect, state asks Giles why she did not talk about the domestic violence in that June '22 interview with police but did bring it up later. She says flashbacks and memories.

Giles is excused. She leaves the courtroom with arms crossed, visibily upset. Judge orders no video or pictures of Giles as she leaves.

Michael Dobe works for the Manchester Walmart. He is speaking about a request from police for security footage at an Eco-ATM in the store. PD wanted footage of recording from Dec. 30/31, 2021. The request was made in 2022.

Dobe describes an Eco ATM as an electronic pawn shop.

Security video appears to show Adam, Kayla and another woman enter the Walmart. The three use the Eco-ATM before Adam and the other woman walk around the store. This was taken on 12/30/21. Manchester PD announced #HarmonyMontgomery was missing the next day.



It's visibly noticeable that Adam is following the other woman extremely closely as she moves around the store. He moves with every minor step she takes. Kayla remains at the Eco ATM.

A brief cross-examination by the defense of Dobe. Adam's attys. ask to clarify how the Eco-ATM works. Dobe is excused. We are now in lunch for an hour.

Right now: Manchester Police Det. Adam Bergeron-Rosa is testifying about processing pipes that were taken from the Montgomery family's Union Street apartment.

Here's a look at those pipes. Bergeron-Rosa says there was a forensic anthropologist who was there as the pipes were processed. He says she was needed in the event that investigators found human remains. She would be able to ID if remains were human or not.



Bergeron-Rosa also confirms that the three people seen in the Walmart surveillance video on 12/30/31 are Adam and Kayla Montgomery and a woman named Kelsey Small.

Bergeron-Rosa says Kelsey Small made the transaction at the Eco-ATM that day. The atm paid $1.00 for a Samsung phone. Kelsey Small passed away in March of 2022. She did *not face charges connected to this case.


No questioning from the defense for Bergeron-Rosa. He is excused as a witness.
FEB 16, 2024
STATE WITNESS #42 - Det. Louis Krawczyk, Manchester Police Department
STATE WITNESS #43 - Ofc. Craig Stanzel, Manchester Police Department

We're now hearing from Manchester Police Det. Louis Krawczyk. He works in the Cyber Crimes Unit. He extracted info from the Samsung cell phone that was pawned at the Eco-ATM.

Prosecutors are linking the phone to Adam Montgomery by showing the jury that his Facebook account was logged into that account. Showed messaged b/t Adam and Beach. Defense says the evidence does not show the messages were actually written on that phone.

We're now hearing from Manchester Police Detective Craig Stanzel. He is discussing when he found Adam Montgomery sleeping in a car on 12/31/2021. The day police announced Harmony's disappearance. Just is now being shown Stanzel's body cam footage.


Important to note: Only the body cam video is allowed. Judge previously ruled that the jury could not hear the audio from the body camera. Defense questions Stanzel about the location where he was found. He says it's a park where homeless people sleep.

For reference: you can view the bodycam footage below with audio. @WMUR9 Investigates obtained the video back in October of '22.

Body camera footage shows interaction between police, Adam Montgomery

Judge is ending for today. She says the trial is moving faster than expected. She thinks the evidence will be in by the end of next week and we can possibly hear closing arguments by then as well.

Monday is a holiday. Jury will return at 8:45 a.m. on Tuesday.
FEB 16, 2024
  • Travis Beach testified that he helped rent the truck, not knowing why AM wanted it.
  • He did recall a conversation with the defendant.
  • “He was pacing back and forth. He said he F'ed up. And I asked him what he meant and all he could say and repeat was he F'ed up,” Beach said.
  • The prosecution also spent time detailing a history of violent behavior.
  • Tarah Hilbert helped KM and her children relocate to a hotel in Hooksett.
  • “Cause Adam had beat her pretty bad,” an emotional Hilbert said.
  • Another resident of a family shelter where the family lived in 2019 said that Kayla Montgomery told her Montgomery would hit her, causing bruises.
  • “Some were small like handprints, others were like fists,” Nicole Giles said.
  • The jury was shown body-cam footage of Montgomery’s arrest.
Nicole Giles was originally supposed to testify on Wednesday but never appeared, and an arrest warrant was issued. In court on Friday, she said that she had a restraining order against someone and expressed concern that the cameras in the courtroom would put her and her children in danger.

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