NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 1

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Quite frankly, I've always been curious how LE found out so quickly that it was the Red Cross calling Maura's boyfriend's cell phone when it took weeks (with all kinds of information offered by family) to find out who had called Maura the Thursday before. The following indicates that Haverhill PD is not the most technologically advanced agnecy...it is a small town, population wise...they are understaffed (they should have 10 officers according to Chief Williams, consider 7 a full compliment, and it would appear at the time of Maura's disappearance they had four, including the chief working shifts covering 24/7. Perhaps they allowed the FBI to look into the calling card for them, but I think they had an answer prior to the FBI involvement....

The following will give you an idea of the problems faced by LE in Haverhill, NH when Maura disappeared........in addition to which, IMO, they are grossly underpaid...the following are quotes by Chief William of the Haverhill PD taken from a budget advisory committee meeting held January 19, 2004...about three weeks before Maura disappeared.

We developed a plan for our new base station communications and you are going to see that in this year’s budget; we are presently operating our radio system off a mobile radio at the Town Highway Garage and the communications with our radios is spotty at best and sometimes an officer can’t communicate with dispatch or vise versa.

Chief Williams said he is presently up to six officers hired but there are only four working presently. One officer has graduated the academy and is in the field training program which is 16 weeks where he rides along and is taught the hands on aspects of the job; he is presently half way through that. The other officer is in his third week at the Police Academy so we won’t see him until March. He has already completed the field training phase so when he gets out of the academy in March, he will be able to start right in and take a cruiser shift by himself.

http://www.town.haverhill.nh.us/Budget%20Advisory%20Minutes/11904-townbudget.html 1/19/04

Over a year later, it would seem their communication problems are not resolved.

Frank and Earnest think the New Hampshire State Police is a pretty up-to-date organization, but the other day one of the boys saw a trooper come through town and wave at a Haverhill officer who was in the black and white HPD cruiser. The officer waved back and on their way they went. Seems that the two did not communicate by radio because the state cruisers cannot talk to the locals and the locals can't talk to them because they ain't on the same frequency.

http://www.northcountrynewsnh.com/web_pages_00000c.htm 4/9/05
I am tired of the LONG posts to prove why Maura isn't "Missing" by means beyond her control. If posts can't be respectful of readers here-why place them? They don't all need to be of the same opinion-but without respect there is NO place for you here.
Hi all,

I don't feel that Cyberlaw's posts are disrespectful. I do feel that there is some controversy raised by the contents of the postings - however this is par for the course on a public forum.

Yes, we need to realize that there are family members and loved ones reading these posts on a daily, if not hourly basis.

I hope we all realize this each and every time we want to jump up and BLURT lol, have done it myself, and *try* to maintain control now :doh:

Talk about disrespect. Enough said. I am Canadian.

Well the call was traced to the Red Cross.

That makes me very unlikely to even further consider the voice mail.

If you can give me factual reasons (not beliefs) for feeling that the Police have ANYTHING, SOMETHING to gain by lying about the call coming from the Red Cross, please do

So LE duly traces the call, it could be from Maura after all..

That would be extremely important because after all everyone is looking for her.
It does not make sense for LE to say the call was from the Red Cross, if it was from Maura.

I am confused about that. What would LE gain by lying and why?

If the call did come from Maura, (lets just suppose) then don't you think that LE would be the first one to say that the call was traced to a phone that could have even been used by Maura and followed up on it.

They did trace the call after all in the hopes that it was Maura.

They do want to get Maura back with like her family, do they not.

The Murray's have not been able to, nor can they LEGALLY trace pre-paid phone cards.

Leave it up to LE, they are the only ones who can legally use this information and have the co-operation of the industry.

Not even a P.I. can do it legally.

I suggest that anyone reading this do the same: call your local LE and inquire if they can trace a call from a prepaid calling card WITHOUT the calling card number or pin number.

Please.....why don't we just ask the Police for access to their computers also.?

You see I don't break the law, because tracing pre-paid phone cards again for the average person is ILLEGAL.

Sorry, but I don't even know if Police actually even acknowledge that this is possible.

It has all to do with security....and not being anonymous.

to explain how the tracking dogs traced Maura's scent to Bruce Atwood's property.

If I remember correctly, the scent was traced to the road in front of the Bus Driver's property.

It was not on his property, his front lawn or front door.

That road would be public. The scent was not traced to any private residence.

Also Maura was seen 4-5 miles away, an hour later after the accident, avoiding a passing car, on foot.

So please......why are you still on the "bus driver".

There are different types of dogs trained in different"scent" areas.

But I did find that enviornmental factors affect a dog's tracking ability as to the type scent and what they are trained in.

Apparently a dog tracked Laci's scent etc to Berkley Marina 11 days after.

It was a Cadever dog.

Mark G was trying to discredit the dog, but this dog was not trained to find live people.


No one and for all, I am not LE in North America.

Occum's Razor - one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required
to explain anything.
at Maura's website tonite-I did not realize that the "witness" who came forward several months later claiming to have see Maura 4-5 miles down the road from the crash site lived at the same spot where the tracking dogs lost Maura's scent. I knew Bruce Atwood(the bus driver) lived there, but didn't know about the "witness". Which begs the question-with all the activity going on in the area at the beginning of the investigation, it seems extremely implausable that this guy would "forget" for several months that he had supposedly seen Maura miles down the road on the day she disappeared.

So a couple of questions:

One-has this person's name ever been disclosed?

Two-did this guy ACTUALLY see Maura-or is he trying to deflect attention fom his home and property by claiming to have seen Maura miles away?

Three-if he lives as close to the area where the dogs lost the scent-was his property ever searched-and was he one of the locals complaining about the searchers coming onto their propery?

Just more ??-wish we could get Fred and Sharon some real answers!

Bring Maura home!
gatetrekker44 said:
at Maura's website tonite-I did not realize that the "witness" who came forward several months later claiming to have see Maura 4-5 miles down the road from the crash site lived at the same spot where the tracking dogs lost Maura's scent. I knew Bruce Atwood(the bus driver) lived there, but didn't know about the "witness". Which begs the question- <snip>So a couple of questions:

One-has this person's name ever been disclosed?

Two-did this guy ACTUALLY see Maura-or is he trying to deflect attention fom his home and property by claiming to have seen Maura miles away?

Three-if he lives as close to the area where the dogs lost the scent-was his property ever searched-and was he one of the locals complaining about the searchers coming onto their propery?

Just more ??-wish we could get Fred and Sharon some real answers!

Bring Maura home!
To my knowledge the Witness' name has never been released to the public.
Of course, the local citizens and the Murray's know him.

I do know for a certainty that when he was inteviewed by the family the Sunday following the accident that he (along with all of the other neigbors excepting the school bus driver) reported that the police had not spoken with him. He also said he was home that night watching tv and that he did not hear or see anything.....having grown up in a rural community, I think that is strange: it has been confirmed by the Murray family that there were fire engines, emts, tow truck and LE at the scene....., yet a very close resident notices nothing........:confused: :confused: :confused:

this is very unlike like any rural community with which I am familiar: all of the neigbors would have been at their windows and would not have left until the *business* was completed.....seems the neighbors around the accident site are definitely not nosy people.....quite a bit of very bad luck for Maura.

The witness lives diagonally across the road from the schoolbus driver.

His yard is strewn with toys, but his children do not live with him.

I have always ***wondered*** that if Maura was scared of the schoolbus driver that perhaps she went to the door of the home that she perceived would be a ***safe*** refuge: ie, the home of small children.:waitasec:

As always, lots of questions and SPECULATION, but no REAL answers.
I don't believe enough has been done to thoroughly search the area or from house to house for poor Maura :(
in this case-not the least of which is searching properties in the general area where Maura disappeared. I can understand, up to a point, folks not wanting large groups of people running around on their property. HOWEVER, anyone who claims months later to have supposedly seen Maura, and it just so happens that this person lives right where the tracking dogs lost the scent, should give LE at least the idea that they should search this person's property and home. But of course, since LE won't even acknowledge the fact that a crime has been committed, gives them the "out" of not doing much of anything! And before anyone out there starts up with the "voluntarily missing" jive, with the number of young women missing and later found murdered in this area over a span of years, to keep sticking to the "wanting to get away from it all" line just doesn't cut it anymore! :banghead:

Bring Maura home!
Websleuth's very own Boxerz has created a map of Missing Persons and Unsolved Murders in New Hampshire and Vermont............

Thank You Boxerz :clap:

Boxerz's Map can be viewed at

Currently there are 16 Missing and an unbelieveable 53 Unsolved Murders.

Can anyone confirm that these are very high numbers for such a sparsely populated area?

Every loved one of these missing and murdered need and deserve answers!
I have been reading this particular discussion off and on for months and there is something that has bothered me.

On several occasions people have brought up the fact that Maura left on her own and was depressed and she had alcohol with her so she may have gone off hiking on her own to 'disappear' or die. As one who use to suffer from moderate to severe depression let me say from personal experience I often went off by myself on the weekends. During college it was not unusual for me to leave for a weekend to stay at the beach for the mountains by myself (and maybe a bottle or 2 of Baileys) and just get away. I would just tell my roomate, I'm going somewhere for the weekend. I would not even phone my parents to let them know I would not be at my apartment. If I had had not returned from one of these little excursions and they called my parents to ask if it was like me to just disappear for days at a time they would say no. I never attempted suicide, I just felt so overwhelmed by things. I still get overwhelmed, but I no longer just disappear for days at a time. I have read too many crime forums and seen too many true crime stories to ever do that again. I tell my husband exactly where I am going and most of the times what route I am taking when I leave home now.

My point is just because someone is and adult and depressed and wants to get away for a weekend or a week just once or often, don't just say he/she was depressed and wanted to either disappear or die. If someone had abducted me during one of my excursions it saddens me to think that people would have just said oh well, she obviously wanted to get away so no need to look for her. Yes I wanted to get away, but not permenantly!

I just feel very strongly that she slid off the road and got out at some point and time and that someone came down the road and hit her. I remember reading that during the investigation several law enforcement officers were almost hit while standing in the road near the car. So the witnesses say they didn't notice anyone pull up. How much attention were they really paying to everything? I just really really feel that she was hit, someone freaked out, put her in their car thinking she was dead. When they went to dispose of the body she wasn't dead, but it was too late they were already commited. If she lived she would tell people what happened so it just snowballed from there.

That's just my 2 cents worth.:)

My thoughts go out to her family and friends, may they have closure someday soon.
To obtain a Search Warrant, you have to have probable cause.

A crime had to have been committed or evidence that somehow a person(s) was involved in a crime.

A Judge reviews this Application for a Search Warrant, to ensure that it reaches the threshold of probable cause.

The Judge then if so warranted, signs a search warrant.

It is not a blanket Search Warrant it is specific.

A dog losing a scent on a public road in the general area of a voluntarly disappearance is not even close.

Since no crime has been committed, no evidence of a crime has been committed, there can be no searching "legally" of properties or homes.

LE knows this of course.

Remember several "area residents" took exception with the Murray et al(family members, relatives, friends, volunteers, media, reporters, dogs, dog handlers) trapsing uninvited and without permission and/or consent on private

The ends do not justify the means.

No one is above the law even when a "daughter" goes missing

If I am enjoying a nice quiet morning in my quiet rural home in my own house that I paid for on land that I own only to find 1-40 trapsing all over MY land, yes, I would be EXTREMELT upset.

After all it is PRIVATE PROPERTY owned and paid for by ME. I don't even know these people!!!!

The were not "invited" guests.

Especially when a "search" of my property is illegal and there is no indication that I have any idea what happened to Maura.

Am I now a suspect.........because I take exception to "unknown people violating my rights to property and privacy."

LE is not going to invest any more time and resources to a case that has no indications of foul play.

LE is not going to acknowledge a crime has been committed without supporting evidence.

No evidence of a crime.......then how can you say a crime has been committed.

it is not called an "out" it is called reality.

I don't find it unsual the "number" of women missing or murdered over A NUMBER of years in New Hampshire. This dates back 20-30 years. Please.......

Where I live, there are runaways, unsolved murders of women, women "missing", so it is not unusual.

These date back from the 1950's to present.

Are all of these unsolved murders, women missing for the last 55 years related, because they are within 100-500 miles of each other.


The "witness" is in the clear. He was returning or in an area 20 miles away when Maura had her "accident".

He was not even in the area. Can't be in two places at the same time.

Logical and plausible explanation for the delay in reporting to LE that he saw Maura.

My question is: In the US, when EMT and Fire Trucks are at a scene of a single vehicle car accident, with no Fire and no "injured person" do they normally wait there for a Fire or an "injured person" for an hour or so?

I know in my Country they would not, they may be needed elsewhere, or they go back to the Stationhouse to await another Emergency call.

Why stand around in the cold at night if your "services" are not required.

That would explain why the "witness" did not see the EMT and Fire truck. They were gone by the time he got home, which was an hour after the "accident".

Doesn't he live "around" the corner from the "accident"?

I know the bus driver could not see the "accident scene" from his front window, which is around a bend in the road.

It seem that the people in this area, want their peace and privacy and want to be left alone.

Don't blame them, why else would you live in such a rural area.
CyberLaw said:
It seem that the people in this area, want their peace and privacy and want to be left alone.

Don't blame them, why else would you live in such a rural area.

I live in a rural area and IF someone came up missing here, the people would not stop looking nor would they care if other people looked........

I guarantee that if our local volunteer fire department, volunteer emts and county LE (with very limited resources) arrived at the scene of an accident and the driver was missing, the search would start immediately and other resources would be called in asap if the missing party was not found in a timely manner - a search would not be delayed for 36 hours.

I also know that there are many, many local citizens in the area still looking for Maura and are very concerned about what has happened to her. One woman who grew up in this rural part of NH and has daughters Maura's age has become overwhelmed with fear for both she and her daughters BECAUSE, in her opinion, the police are not looking for someone that has harmed Maura. IT is her belief that foul play is involved.

As to people wanting their "peace" they should be very concerned if there is an abductor or murderer either in their midst or traveling to their area.

Both Sheriff Belcher and an FBI agent have said in interviews regarding the Jennifer Wilsburger case that LE should never assume that a missing person is a runaway.........that once there is a confirmed missing person, LE MUST consider the possibility of foul play and investigate as such.......otherwise the possibility of losing valuable time and leads is too great.............of couse, there are many of us that have been saying that for a long time on this and other forums.........it is good to hear men in authority stating what is only common sense.......and sadly, just as curious1 says, "oh well, she obviously just wanted to get away, so no need to look for her."

Without the intense pressure placed on LE by the Murray's and the Rausch Family through the media during the first week Maura went missing, there would have been only one cursory search..........and to date there has never been a grid search outside of the square mile surrounding the accident.........

.........waiting for answers for Maura.
Darn...I thought Maura had been found. Isn't this thread for Missing but Located or am I going blind. lol
No search training, no knowledge of what they should or should not be looking for, what type of evidence they should pay attention to, if they are destroying evidence, no endoresement from LE, not wearing I.D., can't be identified in any way.

How many people, when and where. it is not like these searches are organized and supervised by LE

Even if they found evidence do they have the knowledge and experience to "preserve the location".

Or will they just pick it up, move it, and shove it in a bag and then tell LE: Well I think it was by this tree, or maybe it was that tree, I don't know. It was in this field somewhere.

By the way, I hope the person(s) on your land is/are of good character, but you don't know this.

You don't even know who they are.

So how do you even tell a person is on your land, claiming to be looking for the "missing person" or are they looking to see if you are alone and what time your husband comes home, how old your kids are, your schedule, when you are home and not, when the sitter is there.

Also make sure they don't mind cars blocking their driveways, cars parked on their land.

You don't know who these people are....after all.....make sure no one has a criminal records, wanted by Police, or has harmed women and children. After all they are strangers.......

Maybe they heard about this case and are using it as an "opportunity" to "exploit and harm other people"

Also make sure you don't mind being sued. Just in case one of these people somehow hurt themselves on your land. Hope you have a good insurance policy. If you personally have to settle or go to court, well you won't have to worry about anyone coming onto your property...you won't own it anymore.

The insurance might not cover the full cost of lost wages, pain and suffering, medical wages and associated other costs of associated family members like a wife and 4 kids.

Some people might be sympathic, some won't. It depends on how they view this case, and if they value their right to quiet enjoyment, privacy and the veracity of the property they own.

I personally would have everyone sign a legal document if of course they ask my permission to be on the land that I own.

If they "disrespect" me and my rights, well too bad, I am not going to bend over backwards for you.

Ask me nice and I just might. But it will be under my terms, not yours.

I might term it this way: They can search my property once, they cannot hinder my "enjoyment" of my property, they can only come on my land with my permission between 1-3 on a Saturday afternoon to a max of 4 people. No cars shall block my exit or entrance or park on my land.

These people shall I.D. themselves and wear I.D. I shall know who they are. Picture I.D. is required.

They are not to come near my house, my family, pets or friends, they are not to destroy or alter my property or land in any way. They will relieve me of any "liability" they may encounter. They will not remove anything from my property without my consent.

That is the basics.

But if they come onto my PROPERTY, without my consent then they can leave. They are not invited.

I have heard of some instances where people arm themselves and shoot when someone comes onto their property without permission or consent.

Trust me when your community is under "seige" the people you claim I live in a rural area and IF someone came up missing here, the people would not stop looking nor would they care if other people looked........ might just have enough and want their "peaceful community" back again.

There is a point where people say: Enough

We don't endorse "vigilantes", who take the law into their own hands. Leave it up to the trained professionals.

So you guarantee that EMT, fire departments are going to search all over an area (especially rural)without a plan and at night. Hopefully there won't be some fire somewhere else or a person who needs medical attention. After all that is the job they are trained for.

People can believe what they want. I base my decision on facts. The facts do not support the conclusion of foul play and LE is in agreement.

Now if there were signs of foul play....that would be another story.

With the case in Georgia, they did investigate and did determine that foul play was involved.

They found evidence and interviewed family members and friends.

Jennifer was not drinking, did not take off in a car, did not pack up her home, did not lie, did not take out almost all of her money out of her account, did not write a note to her Fiance. She was expecting 600 guests at her wedding.

I have a funny feeling it was someone she knew in her past that is troubled with her getting married.

The cases are like night and day.

Maura planned on leaving and running away, and I wonder why only her "family" and friends are looking for her.

LE does investigate missing persons case like they did with Maura, that is why she is deemed to have voluntarly gone missing on her own.

You have to get all of the appropriate personal together, meet, make a plan, get all of the resources in order, it is not like it is instant search can be done.

You have to have all your "ducks" in a row.

What indication does LE have that Maura is in the area, they did search the area of her last known location, where the witness saw her on Route 112.

Sorry LE has put so much more resources into this case then there should have been.

Why would LE again look for a functioning adult, who has no physical or mental imparment, who is a high achiever, a college student, track star who voluntarly left on her own.

Maura makes her own choices as an adult, both good choices and bad, smart choices and not so smart choices.

Again LE could not pick up Maura if she left the accident scene.

So it does not matter if it was 36 hours or 3 hours, Maura left the area to avoid LE.

LE could not legally "apprehend and detain" Maura even if they found her an hour after the accident.
This thread is for "Discussion" of the Missing - the *top* thread is for "Support" of the MIssing

Sadly, Maura has not been found.
curious1 said:
My point is just because someone is and adult and depressed and wants to get away for a weekend or a week just once or often, don't just say he/she was depressed and wanted to either disappear or die. If someone had abducted me during one of my excursions it saddens me to think that people would have just said oh well, she obviously wanted to get away so no need to look for her. Yes I wanted to get away, but not permenantly!

I agree, Curious. I have had co-workers tell me of similar trips when they were in collage.

I just feel very strongly that she slid off the road and got out at some point and time and that someone came down the road and hit her. I remember reading that during the investigation several law enforcement officers were almost hit while standing in the road near the car. So the witnesses say they didn't notice anyone pull up. How much attention were they really paying to everything? I just really really feel that she was hit, someone freaked out, put her in their car thinking she was dead. When they went to dispose of the body she wasn't dead, but it was too late they were already commited. If she lived she would tell people what happened so it just snowballed from there.

That's just my 2 cents worth.:)

My thoughts go out to her family and friends, may they have closure someday soon.
I have wondered this myself many times....whether someone may have accidentally hit her. The witness(es) who said they were watching from the window said they stopped watching when they saw Maura out of the car talking to the bus driver. The bus driver left, parked his bus and went into the house to call the police...supposedly had trouble getting through. There was obviously a period of time when nobody saw Maura. Nobody except the late witness ever said they saw her walking or running up the road...nobody but this witness ever saw her anywhere, but at her car.

I, too, hope that her family finds her so that they can begin to know what may have happened that night.
This following is a prime example:

Jennifer from Georgia has been "found alive and well" when even LE thought that foul play was involved.

The first story: I was abducted, the second story was I needed a break from the pressure.

Everyone thought she was a victim of a crime, all indication "pointed" to that conclusion.

Can you see what I mean about people "taking" off, with no indications whatsoever.

They exausted all leads and searches for her, she was in New Mexico.

So you can see how far a person can travel even if it is by bus and not a car within a short time frame.

LE would not have had any info that she was in New Mexico.

She cut her hair to "disguise" her look also.

Does everyone now see what I am talking about when a case may on the surface seem like foul play, but in actuality is not.

It is a voluntarly missing person.......she gave no "clues" that she planned on taking off.

If Jennifer did not "call home", she could stay "missing" for as long as she wanted.

I wonder if LE is going to charge her for all of the taxpayers dollars that were invested in "the search" for her.

I doubt it, like the Audrey case......like Melissa.....

That is why I am again from the school of thought that Maura wanted to start a new life due to the extreme stresses, school, work and the BF.

Jennifer was only getting married, left without her keys, I.D. purse, she left with the clothes on her back.

Friends and family said that she would "never" just leave on her own.

She was "balanced and looking forward to having a huge wedding."

So friends and family may "think" they know a person, but they don't know their inner thoughts.

The car theory seems "plausible" but it would have had to happen within minutes.

I doubt someone could be hit with a car and leave no evidence in the snow.

Like blood.......parts of the front lights, etc.

Also the car would have been damaged and needed repair.

It would have been reported to LE, there would be blood, hair, etc on the car.

I don't know how many lone women are running into the night in rural New Hampshire, in the dark, cold, around dinner time on a Sunday.

That is why when you would notice someone like this, especially trying to hide from passing cars, a person would notice (like the witness) especially when the person is in the general area of where Maura may have been, around the same time frame.

Why remove her body from the scene also.

No one saw the person hit Maura, so why not leave her body where it laid.

You would remove yourself from the scene rather then the victim.

The person would not be caught if he left the body where it was.

But if he did take her and put her in the car, he is risking having evidence (long term) like hair, blood, fibre, prints, in the car or trunk and having to get rid of the body.

It would make more sense to leave the body where it was.

The person would panic and leave, they would not have presence of mind, to take the victim with them.

Good theory, but does not make sense.

A person would panic and take off.....like they usually do when it is a hit and run.

Maura was trying to hide from the witness, so I assume that she hid when she saw a passing car so they may not see her.

After all she knew the cops had been called, that is why she took off, she knew what would be found at the scene, so of course she would not know if the headlights coming up down the road, is just a passerby or LE.

Now you can see what LE is up against, when it comes to "finding a missing person," Jennifer was not in the in the same area, town or even state.

She went far and fast, wanted to get away.......

How would LE even know that she was in New Mexico, if she had not called home.

Also considering the people in this rural neighbour, I just can't see someone hitting another person, a young women and not doing the "right" thing.

The people in this area seem to be of good character.

Especially when the driver would not be at fault.

At least Maura gave clear "clues" that she planned on going voluntarly missing, unlike Jennifer, Audrey, Melissa.
Jennifer, Audrey and Melissa all turned up within a couple of weeks. Maura will be gone 15 months next week and her family will acknowledge her second birthday.

I'm sure if I researched I could find thousands of other people who were thought to be missing who have turned up in a few days as well, because a larger percentage of persons who are missing do turn up within a few days.
Jennifer was out of money, so she called home.

She was broke. She had no choice but to call home.

Came up with a "story" as told to 911.

Maybe Las Vegas "ate" up all of her available cash.

She pre planned her "adventure" she bought her Greyhound ticket April 19, 2005.

Apparently there is no location in her town of 22K to even buy a Greyhound ticket.

She had "issues" her family and Rev. where not aware of.

She is a nurse also.

Audrey was spotted in her home town and LE had a pretty good idea that it was a hoax, because things were just not adding up. She was spotted by several people.

If Audrey just left the city she was in, say for another town and another state, then she could have stayed missing also.

Could have changed her look, like Jennifer did too.

Melissa could have stayed "away" longer had it not been, no one was going to "support" her anymore, by giving her a place to stay and food.

I am sure if Melissa, had cash she would have stayed away longer.

Maura is smart, resourceful and pre planned her getaway.

I have no doubt that Maura could find work anywhere she wants to.

Could open up a new bank account, apply for new credit cards and it is so easy to get a cell phone.

I wonder why her cell phone was in the name of the BF Mom when Maura had her own credit cards.

I guess the BF Mom would know everyone that Maura phoned.

To me that seems odd. For a child, sure, but for an adult, it seems to me odd, controlling and invasive.

A man was "missing" for 13 years, just walked out one day, without any clues that he "planned" on going missing.

His mother registered him on Peoplesearch.com, they found him and gave her his address.

After 13 years of "missing". He was alive and well and had a family, new friends, a nice jobs. A good life.

An 18 years old women disappears in England. Gone. Vanished. She only "reappeared" some years later when a man was on trial for her "murder".

Walks into the court room, with her baby, everyone sees she is alive. Her family is in "full force" in the courtroom.

She walks out without even acknowledging them.

Apparently the "family" did not like the BF that is now her husband.

She feels she is better off "without" them.

Happy with her new life, her new friends, her new family.

Why would a voluntarly missing person who has gone missing "by choice" to start a new life, then of their own accord, return to the life they left behind.

The people and the problems they left behind.

Unless they had to or chose to.

They ditched the old life "by choice".

They moved forward by "going missing" and then you expect them to "backtrack" and have to face their problems, they ran away from in the first place.

It does not make sense to "voluntarly go missing" to begin with does it?

Just because a person is "missing" for 15 months or longer, just goes to show me that this person is a)intent on "staying" missing, b)does not want to return to their old life c)is resourceful and smart and d)will continue to stay missing, until they choose to contact whomever they wish one day.

Remember if they return to their old life they are returning to the the problems that they feel they were escaping from.

The quote that I remember LE saying: How many husbands just walk out the door one day, saying they are just going to the corner store or cigarettes, never to return.

It is interesting that people who go missing, may have "issues" that they did not share with family and friends, who are not aware of any difficulties.

That is why family and friends say "she/he had no problems, no issues, they are balanced, lots of friends, good job, good home, they had no reason to "disappear", they would have called home if they could, they left all of their personal possession behind.

Left family and friends that care about them.

That is the way the family members see it, but not the same way the "voluntarly missing" do.

Family and friends may not be aware of the "issues" that lead to the person to go "voluntarly missing in the first place.

All they can see is what is directly before them in their own perspective, not the perspective of the missing person.

I find it interesting that the family BF and BF mom's still tells the media that Maura "had a perfect" relationship with the BF.

That they were engaged to be engaged.

But Maura left him.......seems to be in direct contrast to what the "family portrays"

Remember the note (which the family denies) Maura left indicating "difficulties" in the relationship.

So the family thought the relationship was "perfect" while Maura left a dear John note.

Total contrast.........

Before we get into the "but the family and BF deny there was a note, LE lied etc.

Tell my again, why would LE lie about the note.

That was only days after Maura went missing.

It makes no sense for LE to lie about this, just like the call from the Red Cross.

LE has nothing to gain by lying.......about the phone call or note.
According to LE Maura's last email to BF was "sappy"...most people in relationships have problems...they frequently fight and make up...

I do not consider myself either intellectually or morally superior. Over the many months I have read and posted to this forum, I have not changed my mind about my belief that Maura did not start a new life....my common sense and research tell me otherwise. Sadly, it seems that on this thread anyone with an opposing view, along with the Murry and Raush families, is demeaned and/or dismissed. The same thing happened on another site and all discussions about Maura stopped. It appears that due to discussions about Maura there were changes made to Websleuths format which had been in place for quite a while.
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