NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - #10

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Mystery 2004 disappearance of New Hampshire college student continues to torment family, baffle authorities
The disappearance of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst student is one of the most intriguing among scores of New Hampshire cold cases.
Saturday, February 8, 2014, 3:40 PM


Theories abound that Maura fled, possibly to Canada.

Strelzin said it's unlikely - but not impossible - that the young woman had gone off to start a new life, but he and Healy agree that kind of disappearing takes careful planning, help and resources.

Search for Hanson woman missing since 2004 continues
Sunday marks the 10th anniversary of the disappearance of 21-year-old Hanson native Maura Murray. Her father is still trying to answer the question that has stumped police and a team of private investigators: What happened to Maura?


"Whatever happened happened in a very short time," said John Healy, who heads a team of private investigators volunteering on the case. "It was the wrong person, the wrong time. It's a weird set of circumstances where everything comes together."

10 years later, Maura Murray still missing
Sunday marks the 10th anniversary of the disappearance of the Hanson native Maura Murray, who was 21 when she went missing. Her father is still trying to answer the question that’s so far stumped police and a team of private investigators: What happened to Maura Murray?
Posted Feb. 8, 2014


More photos here:

'04 disappearance of Mass. student vexes dad, cops
LYNNE TUOHY Associated Press Published: February 8, 2014 12:41PM


"No one knows for sure where Maura is or what happened to her," said Jeffery Strelzin, senior assistant attorney general.

Fred Murray believes his daughter is dead, the victim of a crime. But he wants to keep her case in the public eye in hopes of finally knowing what really happened that night on the threshold of the White Mountain National Forest.

http://www.fallsnewspress.com/ap ge...-disappearance-of-mass-student-vexes-dad-cops
It's interesting. We're all trying to apply logic to a situation where maybe there is no logic. And perhaps that's the very reason we can't find it. If she WAS planning on killing herself maybe she chose to create a series of mysterious circumstances to incite the very thing that has happened. Everyone is scratching their heads wondering what happened to Maura Murray. Maybe she just didn't want to die forgotten and unknown.
Theories abound that Maura fled, possibly to Canada.

Strelzin said it's unlikely - but not impossible - that the young woman had gone off to start a new life, but he and Healy agree that kind of disappearing takes careful planning, help and resources.

Um, no it doesn't. Go look at cases where missing people turned up alive many years later. Taking off and starting a new life requires none of those things.
There's always been one nagging thought in my mind about this case. How, unlike most situations, there seems to be no understandable logic to Maura's actions. Her behaviors seem to be erratic and nonsensical. It's the reason this case is so evocative. We, as rational human beings, need to make sense out of everything. And nothing about this case seems to make any sense. But what if...

She went to a party, got herself drunk and smashed up her dad's new car. My dad would have given me HELL about that, for sure!!! Fred was probably furious with her. I mean, that would be human nature. It would be strange if he didn't react negatively toward her irresponsible behavior and to the extensive damage that she did to his brand new car.

And just when he was going to buy her a new car? He might have decided, or at least said, that she didn't deserve a new car. Or that he couldn't afford to buy her one now that she had damaged his. I know in my family we were all really good at laying guilt trips on each other, and at engaging in passive-aggressive behavior. If Maura's dad retracted his offer to buy her a new car perhaps she decided she'd show HIM what danger he was putting her in by making her drive her old car.

Maybe that's why there was a rag in the tailpipe. She thought it would expose her to fumes and make her car seem more dangerous than it was. Or otherwise make the car appear to be emitting smoke. That wouldn't have to necessarily work out as she intended; she would just have to believe that it would.

Maybe she had the second accident on purpose to make it seem like she had passed out from the fumes. And maybe to make her look less culpable in the first accident. As in HER car's fumes were impairing her. She may have expected her car to be found and a search to ensue, and she would soon be found in a confused or dazed state. Maybe she thought no one would notice the rag in the tailpipe. Or maybe, she was shaken and surprised when the guy stopped and offered her a ride and she forgot to take the rag out. The alcohol could have been a cry for help. Like "See Dad, you scolded me so severely that I became overly stressed and had to drink to handle the pain." Or she was trying to make her drinking, and thus her damaging dad's car, look like impaired thinking as the result of breathing in noxious fumes, and consequently, not really her fault.

Maybe her plan was that her dad would believe her to be wandering around, dazed and in danger from the toxic fumes being emitted by her car. That they made her not act like herself. Perhaps she was hoping that he would express relief when she was found and that her prior screwups would be forgiven and considered to be not her fault. Believe me about this , I know just how crazy one can get in an effort to gain approval from their critical parent. i'm almost 50 and still desperately trying to gain my mother's approval.

Anyway, in this case, she wouldn't have been trying to kill herself. But her plan fell out of her control when some freaky guy grabbed her. If she was trying to create the appearance that she had been poisoned by driving around in her dangerous car (and thus needed a new one), there would be no clear logic to her actions. She might have even wanted people to believe that she had "gotten so confused" that she drove to NH in a state of delirium. If her plan had worked, the police or her dad would have found her, Dad would have apologized for his disapproval and forgiven her for damaging his car, and she would have gone back to school, maintaining the story of a death in the family to her superiors. In this situation, she would have never expected things to go so wrong that she would end up being murdered. She would never have expected her lies to be exposed. She would have given her dad a scare, maybe get him to lighten up on her a bit, and then return to school like nothing had happened. The kink in her plan would be the stranger who would end up killing her. You can never plan for what other people will do.

To me, the lack of logic in this whole crazy case makes some kind of sense in this scenario. But she'd have to have been somewhat immature and passive-aggressive in her problem solving. I am familiar with this personality because to some degree my entire family had it, and for sure , my brother still does.
Um, no it doesn't. Go look at cases where missing people turned up alive many years later. Taking off and starting a new life requires none of those things.

Well if you intend to leave and never be found you need to have shelter, income and the resources to form a new identity, don't you? I really am curious as to the logistics surrounding this, especially when choosing a place like Canada.

I still don't know what to make of this case. The three camps seem to be suicide, abduction or fled to Canada. All of them seem possible but with so little to work with I don't see how anyone can do anything more than speculate.
Well if you intend to leave and never be found you need to have shelter, income and the resources to form a new identity, don't you?

Yeah you would think, but based upon all the cases I have read where people took off under their own volition and turned up years later, I would say that you need very little to start a new life. It would seem like you would, but the reality is that you don't. People take off with a couple hundred bucks, arrive somewhere, get a cash job or just use their own SSN (hard as it is to believe, but missing people are not tracked this way), and find a place to rent. This is how every "disappeared" person did it. They planned it out for a couple of days, took a little money with them, left their own life behind, and went and started a new one.
If she was living some where someone would crack eventually upon seeing her picture. This story needs to spread out west IMO.
I agree. This focus on New England and Quebec has been way too narrow, IMO. Maura could be anywhere in the world at this point. Okay, so I will concede, she is not in Tehran. But could she be in Utah? Sure. If she went off to start a new life, then she could have gone anywhere in the U.S. without any issues. To me the Canada thing is a little absurd only in that "fleeing to Canada" would be something that someone with a criminal problem would do. Maura did have "some" criminal issues, but nothing that went to the level of fleeing the country.

One more thing: I think if Maura were the victim of a crime, then just focusing on the area around Haverhill is a mistake. She could have gotten anywhere in the contiguous United States within a week. Would someone on a Greyhound bus in Nevada have any idea who she was? Again, very doubtful. I live in Texas. The only reason I know about this case is from the internet. I read the five year anniversary story on MSNBC I believe. I have not seen another article on her in a mainstream news source since. That article was on the site for about two days. A lot of people have come here after watching the Disappeared episode. And when did that first air? Recently, I believe. My ultimate point is that at least in the first three years of her disappearance, Maura could have lived in Salt Lake City with 20 extra pounds, a different hair color and a different name and no one would have had a clue.
The first I ever heard of Maura was on Websleuths sometime after she disappeared, so I agree with Fireweed that in the first week or so (possibly even more) after her disappearance there would have been very few people in other areas aware of her story. If I sat right next to her that week I wouldn't have known it, so in the first week or more after she disappeared she could have traveled across the country or into Canada or into Mexico without much fear of being recognized.
I would be very interested to know how many of you find it likely that Maura may be a victim of foul play. I personally believe that Maura was likely picked up by the driver of the red pick-up truck as observed by witness RO in Swiftwater village at the Stage Stop store, but also reported to be parked some way up Bradley Hill Road by another witness at the tine of Maura's accident nearby.
Whether friend or foe I strongly believe that Maura got ibto that truck which likely sped away east on Rte 112. If this is what in fact happened, then it becomes almost impossible to reconcile the alleged observation of the construction worker (RF) who later reported seeing a person running along Rte 112 some five miles to the east of Maura's crash site, fairly close to the western junction of Rtes 112 and 116.
Either RF made this story up for whatever reason (I find it difficult to see why) or the running person allegedly seen by RF was in fact not Maura at all.
What would you think about all this?
I would be very interested to know how many of you find it likely that Maura may be a victim of foul play. I personally believe that Maura was likely picked up by the driver of the red pick-up truck as observed by witness RO in Swiftwater village at the Stage Stop store, but also reported to be parked some way up Bradley Hill Road by another witness at the tine of Maura's accident nearby.
Whether friend or foe I strongly believe that Maura got ibto that truck which likely sped away east on Rte 112. If this is what in fact happened, then it becomes almost impossible to reconcile the alleged observation of the construction worker (RF) who later reported seeing a person running along Rte 112 some five miles to the east of Maura's crash site, fairly close to the western junction of Rtes 112 and 116.
Either RF made this story up for whatever reason (I find it difficult to see why) or the running person allegedly seen by RF was in fact not Maura at all.
What would you think about all this?

While there is nothing to say RO's account wasn't as she detailed it, the other account about a red truck being spotted on Bradley Hill Rd. has been called out as a red herring.

As I understand it, it has never been substantiated that anyone saw a red truck sitting on Bradley Hill Rd. that night.
I just find the likelihood of Maura running into a creep in that area at that moment to be astronomically low. I find the likelihood of Maura meeting up with someone she knew and being murdered by that person to be much higher. I find the likelihood of Maura taking off and starting a new life to be higher still. It is hard for me to answer if I "think" Maura was grabbed by someone up there. I think it is a possibility; no one could say for certain that is is not a possibility. Any person is this case who says they know that Maura was a victim of foul play in Haverhill is full of sheet. They would only know that if they were the murderer.

All we can work with is what is more likely based upon the evidence that we have.
I just find the likelihood of Maura running into a creep in that area at that moment to be astronomically low. I find the likelihood of Maura meeting up with someone she knew and being murdered by that person to be much higher. I find the likelihood of Maura taking off and starting a new life to be higher still. It is hard for me to answer if I "think" Maura was grabbed by someone up there. I think it is a possibility; no one could say for certain that is is not a possibility. Any person is this case who says they know that Maura was a victim of foul play in Haverhill is full of sheet. They would only know that if they were the murderer.

All we can work with is what is more likely based upon the evidence that we have.
I agree 100% and you stated it very clearly.

I think most that theorize she was harmed by the "local dirtbag" are more influenced by their own fears and not by what is likely in this case.

I find it interesting that Mr. Healy, the private investigator who's quote has been repeated over and over in the papers states that he is certain she was killed but then says "She got into the wrong car. She went to the wrong house," Healy said last week. "One minute she's there, 10 minutes later she's not." and
"In Maura's case, we're one step away from thinking alien abduction, it happened so fast."

That, to me, is not compelling. He does not appear to know any more than LE. He just likes his name in the paper.
I just find the likelihood of Maura running into a creep in that area at that moment to be astronomically low. I find the likelihood of Maura meeting up with someone she knew and being murdered by that person to be much higher. I find the likelihood of Maura taking off and starting a new life to be higher still. It is hard for me to answer if I "think" Maura was grabbed by someone up there. I think it is a possibility; no one could say for certain that is is not a possibility. Any person is this case who says they know that Maura was a victim of foul play in Haverhill is full of sheet. They would only know that if they were the murderer.

All we can work with is what is more likely based upon the evidence that we have.

Maura meeting up with someone she knew (who then murders her) makes the least sense IMO.

Maura would've left a trail behind.

If she is just meeting someone for a two-day getaway (for instance), she is fully expecting to return and fully expecting to resume her life. Police would never be interested in the contents on her computer, nobody would be wondering anything mysterious concerning Maura, her focus would've been on just getting away with a "mystery friend" for a couple of days without billy or her family finding out (With them all living in different states as her at the time) that would've been fairly easy to do.

Maura would have no reason to be cryptic on her own computer for instance in her own dorm, since she would be returning to the dorms after her getaway with her mystery friend.
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