NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - #11

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Did anyone ever talk w. MM's supervisor and ask her when a break occurred? From my understanding police never considered her a suspect, and a supervisor would have been able to verify when she was at the security desk and when she wasn't. I agree that the phone call to her sister was when her break likely was...at 12:10AM there are probably a lot less people coming in and out of the dorms than at 10:30, making her feel like it was ok to make a quick phone call.
Another quick thought...I know her disappearance was over a decade ago, but when I started college in 2008 there were security cameras all over the entrances to our main residence hall. I don't know if they had them at Amherst, but I'm assuming if they did police would have pulled them if she was ever at any point considered a suspect, so would know for certain whether or not she ever left the building.
She had several other (sometimes lengthy) phone conversations that night. If I'm remembering correctly, the conversation with her sister was something like twenty minutes long. I would guess that her break happened during that phone call, as I think that is a long time for her to be on the phone at her security desk job, where she is expressly forbidden from using her phone. She clearly doesn't have too much of a problem breaking that rule, but I think twenty minutes is a long call, during a time when there probably would have been medium to heavy foot traffic entering and leaving the building. I think she had her break during her phone call to her sister.

That is a very good observation.

And very possible (that she was on break during her call to her sister).

She attempted to call her boyfriend at 9:09 p.m. from her cell phone, but did not reach him.

She called him again at 9:55 p.m. and also got his voicemail.

But he called her back at 9:56 p.m. and the two talked for six minutes.

Maura then called her sister eight minutes later and the 20 minute phone conversation took place.

The next phone activity from Maura came one hour and 29 minutes later when she called her boyfriend and the two talked for seven minutes.

Right in that timeframe 12:07 a.m. to 12:14 a.m (phone conversation between Maura and her boyfriend). is when I speculate Vasi was struck.

Vasi was found at 12:20 a.m.

What's it all mean? ... Maybe nothing, but who knows.

by the way Maura began her shift (about 40 minutes in) with a three minute phone call to some place. My research shows she called a popular coffee shop (that also serves food) but this is not proven fact I suppose.

Again, what's it all mean? who knows?
I agree that it is a pretty big coincidence, so I've never written it off completely. But I do think it is very unlikely.

I also think the first phone call is to Rao's. They deliver to the dorms if I'm not mistaken. I'm not sure if they did back in 2004, but it seems likely, since she'd be stuck at her desk until her break. Always occurred to me that your coffee cup would be a pretty good place to hide a little booze, especially if you loved Bailey's and Kahlua.
Good stuff everyone. The only way I would feel reasonably comfortable considering Maura involved in the Vasi incident is if Maura had an employee parking space at the dorm. I wish we could confirm this one way or the other. My assumption is that front desk people who actually lived in the dorm did not have a special parking privilege. This would have been a work/study minimum wage job, meant to give college students some extra money. I never did it, but I recall it was a low-key job so you could study during down time. I am also guessing that so long as your supervisor was not around, you could also get away with talking on your cell phone. I remember the spring of 2004 relatively well, and people did not really text back then. A cell phone was used for making calls.

Anyway, I find the Vasi connection to be close to improbable. I think that whatever was distressing or upsetting to Maura, occurred long before that. But again, just my opinion.
I agree that it is a pretty big coincidence, so I've never written it off completely. But I do think it is very unlikely.

I also think the first phone call is to Rao's. They deliver to the dorms if I'm not mistaken. I'm not sure if they did back in 2004, but it seems likely, since she'd be stuck at her desk until her break. Always occurred to me that your coffee cup would be a pretty good place to hide a little booze, especially if you loved Bailey's and Kahlua.

Yes, Rao's is what my research shows as the place she called, however, the brochure I found online that listed the phone number for Rao's (it was an old brochure from around 2004) may have printed the wrong phone number, thus causing me to erroneously attribute Maura's call going to that place.

Long story short, I can't confirm that as a fact, but for those that have never seen it before: here is what my research found for Maura's phone call activity that night:

Maura Murray Cell Phone Calls
Thur Feb 5 ==== (Incoming) --- 7:17 p.m. to 7:37 p.m. (before her shift started)
Thur Feb 5==== (Outgoing) --- Amherst last four 9411 ---- 8:40 p.m. to 8:43 p.m.
Thur Feb 5 ====(Outgoing) --- New City, NY last four 8290 ---- 9:09 p.m.
Thur Feb 5 ====(Outgoing) --- New City, NY last four 8290 ---- 9:55 p.m.
Thur Feb 5 === (Incoming) --------- 9:56 p.m. to 10:02 p.m.
Thur Feb 5 = (Outgoing) --- Hanover, Ma last four 7271 --- 10:10 p.m. to 10:38 p.m.
Fri Feb 6 === (Outgoing) – New City, NY last four 8290 – 12:07 a.m. to 12:14 a.m.
Fri Feb 6 === (Outgoing) – Amherst last four 8911 ---- 3:40 a.m. to 3:42 a.m.

Domino’s Pizza --- Amherst, Ma (413) 256-8911
Rao’s Coffee --- Amherst, Ma (413) 253-9411
Hanover, Mass --- Confirmed number of Maura’s older sister

West Point is approx. 22 miles from New City, New York. (Either Billy or maura’s sister Julie or both could have cell phone plans from this area (that follow them wherever they move). So even if Billy is in Oklahoma any cell phone call he makes to someone else will show up as a new city, Ny number.
I also think the difference between the time she was sent home by her shift supervisor and the time she ordered Domino's suggest she was drinking in the interim. I remember in 2006 Domino's in Hadley closed at 4 a.m. and stopped taking orders at 3:45, so she just missed the deadline.
Scoops, where was that coffee shop in proximity to where Vasi was hit? Can you provide a name/address for it? TIA!
I also think the difference between the time she was sent home by her shift supervisor and the time she ordered Domino's suggest she was drinking in the interim. I remember in 2006 Domino's in Hadley closed at 4 a.m. and stopped taking orders at 3:45, so she just missed the deadline.

So did she already have alcohol in her room, or did she walk/drive to a liquor store after her shift? How late are liquor stores open in Mass?
She would have to walk pretty far to get to a liquor store. You would have to want liquor pretty badly. Also, I don't think any liquor stores were open past 11:30. It might even be 11 by state law.
Speaking as a recovering alcoholic, I could definitely see an alcoholic making a desperate booze run at the lat minute before the liquor store closed. I just wondered if maybe, just maybe Maura would have risked giving up her parking spot or being late back to work for that. I know that is something I would have done back in the day. Just sayin'.
She could have taken a bus, but I am almost positive all of the liquor stores would be closed by then. She could have taken a bus to the bars, which would be open until 1:30 or 2, but I don't think that would give her very much time considering when she left. I think she must have had alcohol in her room.
And the liquor stores at UMass are very far from the campus, I think the closest one is further from the dorm than the sight of the Vasi accident.
That was mainly what I wanted to know. I just cannot see Maura reasonably leaving the dorm during her shift. If her shift ended at 2, she could have just waited until then to order food or whatever. Since the liquor stores were already closed, I think that would rule out the only other pressing reason I can think of to leave and go somewhere.
I'm not convinced MM was necessarily an alcoholic...I do think she was developing a problem w. alcohol, or using it as a coping mechanism, but I don't think there was any evidence that she was drinking at work that night, or later in her dorm. I suppose she could have been drinking in her dorm from 1:20 until she called Domino's, but she also could have been working on homework, awake because she was still upset and unable to sleep, or just be the kind of person who stays up late routinely. I feel like I remember reading somewhere that someone said MM was a night owl and routinely would be up until the early hours of the morning. That being said, the hiding the alcohol in the coffee mug immediately made me think about what BR's mom said about MM liking bailey in her coffee to wake her up (I can't remember the exact quote) Even if she was drinking that night, I'm not sure what it proves other than that her alcohol problem was more out of control than previously thought.

As for going to the liquor store, I think it's likely she had it in her dorm room, if that's actually what she was doing. I can't speak for MA or Amherst liquor laws, but all the states I've purchased liquor in since turning 21 have liquor store closing times between 9PM-12AM.
Scoops, where was that coffee shop in proximity to where Vasi was hit? Can you provide a name/address for it? TIA!

At the time Rao's Coffee was at 17 Kellogg ave.

That is 0.3 miles from where the hit and run took place
I'm not convinced MM was necessarily an alcoholic...I do think she was developing a problem w. alcohol, or using it as a coping mechanism, but I don't think there was any evidence that she was drinking at work that night, or later in her dorm. I suppose she could have been drinking in her dorm from 1:20 until she called Domino's, but she also could have been working on homework, awake because she was still upset and unable to sleep, or just be the kind of person who stays up late routinely. I feel like I remember reading somewhere that someone said MM was a night owl and routinely would be up until the early hours of the morning. That being said, the hiding the alcohol in the coffee mug immediately made me think about what BR's mom said about MM liking bailey in her coffee to wake her up (I can't remember the exact quote) Even if she was drinking that night, I'm not sure what it proves other than that her alcohol problem was more out of control than previously thought.

As for going to the liquor store, I think it's likely she had it in her dorm room, if that's actually what she was doing. I can't speak for MA or Amherst liquor laws, but all the states I've purchased liquor in since turning 21 have liquor store closing times between 9PM-12AM.

I agree that Maura may not have been an alcoholic. Indeed, I should say that I only feel comfortable applying that label to myself, and not to others. Truly we only know that Maura bought alcohol on the day she disappeared; really we do not know that much more about her drinking habits.

I would only say that if Maura was having an issue with alcohol, then I could make sense of many of her actions and behaviors. I know because I have been there.
I cant believe some of you are putting any thought about her and her parking her car.. have any of you been to a mall heck have you just been outside where there are parked cars anywhere for that matter . If i had a dollar for every car that i could find that had parked illegally i would be rich in a matter of hours. people don't care i see cars parked in handicaped spaces all the time with out the handicaped sticker on the car or parked in a spot labelled for pregnant women .Heck most will pull up right beside the entrance throw on the 4 ways and put it in park lock the doors and then go in to the mall .Maura not having a special ticket to park in the closer lot or closer to the dorm who cares people park where ever the hell they wanna park all the time if she had seen a open spot even though she shouldn't have parked there she would have anyway the majority of people out there weather we will admit it or not will go ahead and take the spot be honest if its something like this i mean its not murder were talking about here if we think we can get away with it most of us would go ahead and take the spot if your honest with yourselves u know iam right.
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