NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - #14

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There is nothing wrong with having opinion channels. Infact that is what youtube is for is so regular joe's have an avenue to voice their opinion. However the Missing Maura Murray podcast has become more than just an opinion channel as they are actively trying to take part in the case even though they have no credibility to do such a thing. It still wouldn't be a big deal if they were strictly using their own money to do so. But they are trying to get people to donate money to them so they can go on these wild goose chases of theirs.
Are these people being paid by Youtube for the content they generate?
Are these people being paid by Youtube for the content they generate?

Not so much youtube. YouTube does pay a very small amount but it doesn't really add up to anything substantial and definitely isn't any amount of income that people can quit their jobs over. Generally where most youtubers seek their revenue these days is through patreon (where subscribers agree to pay a certain monthly amount to keep the channel running) and they also will often try to sell shirts and other things like that.
They don't get paid by YouTube, they have private donors, sell merchandise like coffee cups, have people that pay to attend live events like the one they did with psychic Lori Bruno or pay them to explore old leads that didn't pan out. How nobody has called them out on that is beyond me.
A nursing student who destroyed her own career by her reckless chocies.

Sadly i believe those choices were not fully in her control. The credit card fraud, charges for large amounts of food,reminds me of another desperate girl with an eating disorder who would write bad checks to obtain large amounts of food to binge and purge...Its a fact that many bulimics also have drug or alcohol related issues...Perhaps after the accident with her father's new car, the stress of her eating disorder causing legal problems and issues with her bf backed her into a psychological corner where she needed to get away, perhaps for good. Then the accident with the Saturn was the absolute final straw. She ran, this time from the law because perhaps she had been drinking and sustained a head injury from hitting the windshield or some other injury from the airbag being deployed. She may have run to hide in the woods and maybe didnt care what would happen because she wasnt thinking clearly. Maybe her head injury was fatal and she died in the woods, even before exposure could take her life...She hid so well she has yet to be found
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This one ain't rocket science.Forget why she was there or where she was going.
Drunk driver falls asleep at the wheel and crashes. Leaves the scene to avoid the cops. Falls asleep again in the woods and dies of exposure. Remains will be found within a mile of the crash site on the same side of the road that the car was found.
This one ain't rocket science.Forget why she was there or where she was going.
Drunk driver falls asleep at the wheel and crashes. Leaves the scene to avoid the cops. Falls asleep again in the woods and dies of exposure. Remains will be found within a mile of the crash site on the same side of the road that the car was found.

That definitely is the most realistic scenario. And it also really fits the type of individual Maura seemed to be at the time and a reaction someone who was in Maura's position would have to that type of situation.
I can't remember the logistics of the search but as we all know bodies have been found years after the person has gone missing where searchers have said they searched the area numerous times. As I have said before the woods of New England can have a lot of nooks and crannies and be very dense. Fallen trees that you can crawl under, small caves in rock outcroppings etc. and every Fall season the leaves fall and cover everything. I have always felt she crawled in or under to take shelter and succumbed to the elements. Eventually someone such as a hunter is in the right place at the right time and comes across bones or a skull.

In the back of my mind for a long time I thought maybe she kept going and caught a ride the next day and entered Canada or somewhere else.
But after all these years I have dismissed the Canada somewhere else scenario and do think she did not make it and is there somewhere waiting to be found.
That is why every Fall when hunting season starts I have hopes that this will be the year that we and her family can close what happened to Maura.
There is no evidence that that red pick up had anything to do with this case. That red pick up story was brought up by someone who was walking along the road and noticed a red pick up slow down and seemingly check her over. Guess what. When I see people walking along the road I slow down to check them over as well. She also said she noticed the same red truck at a gas station where she was and it seemed to stay for along time. Guess what. It is not uncommon for people to stop at a gas station and take a break for awhile.

Given the circumstances of this case I think Maura dying on her own (either intentionally or unintentionally) is just as likely as her getting taken by someone. She was going through a lot of troubles in her life and it also seems as though she had a bit of a drinking problem as well.

why do you slow down and check people out?
As previously mentioned, I think her body being on someone's property would be the most likely scenario here. The conditions at the time of her disappearance were not favorable to just go and dumped her somewhere. Bodies of water, the soil...all frozen. Not an easy obstacle to overcome while looking over your shoulder on public land.

Private property would be more advantageous. You have time and privacy on your side. Unlike public land, you'd need a search warrant and often times luck to come across clues, especially if the body was encased in cement, burned etc. Not to be too morbid but there's many ways to do this, especially when police need probable cause and a warrant to even begin looking.

In light of recent talk about RF, I can certainly understand why police looked at him. If even some of the things he allegedly said are true, there's no question he needed a close look from LE.

He definitely fits the profile of someone who had the means and opportunity to do something like this. He was a single guy, lived alone right by the crash site. He could have easily observed Maura passing by, be it in his house or on foot. He had plenty of land and privacy to meticulously cover up any wrong doings.

He allegedly claimed two things I found very interesting. First, he claimed to have seen Maura on foot while he was driving a fair distance from his home and the accident site.

Recently, one of the NH league of investigators claimed RF told police he had sex with Maura, which was unheard of until now.

There's two ways to look at this: this guy is absolutely out of his mind and has consistently lied to LE, making some startling claims.

Or he's trying very hard to place Maura away from his house and establishing there was sexual contact of some kind between them in case she is found. To me that's pretty fishy.

However, a lot of this is simply hearsay and/or second hand information, so it's hard to truly know what to make of it. We do know there's been police contact for sure, so it's hard to say if these are the musings of the local village idiot or this is a truly viable suspect.

Hi who or what is RF?
slowing down to check people out is normal, seeing theres a young woman walking by herself in the dark, but whos to say something didnt happen with that truck if nobody saw anything??
true, alcohol was missing from the vehicle so she was more than likely intoxicated not realizing how cold it actually got over night
How wide of area have they really searched? I know they searched the area around the vicinity of the crash but how far out did that search extend?
I think they searched as well as they could. Not sure if your familiar with the area but it is pretty large and the forests there are pretty dense.
I snipped the part out about " personalities" trying to profit in some way from this unsolved missing person case.

What you've said about MM not being a truly upstanding young nursing student hits kind of hard. I've just now read that she had unopened bottles of liquor in her car, bottles she put in her car- to drink while driving or what? I don't know.
I wonder if she had a serious alcohol abuse problem..

There's one thing no one really brings up. If she had a drinking problem and was not doing well in school, then she was NOT going to become a registered nurse, period.

I'm almost certain they were going to flunk the girl and she had to know it.

So, I agree with those who've said she was leaving college behind. She'd burned almost every bridge from what I have read.. Friends mad over missing money, dad ticked off about his car, the entire dysfunction that was her life.

If a person's running away from one thing, they're going towards something else, it stands to reason. Whether deliberately going on a course of action or aimlessly wandering, they are still propelling themselves because they are running away from something they believe is worse than the unknown in front of them.

Is it possible that Maura traded some or all of the liquor she had for a ride with someone? Maybe not in the middle of the night, but after walking/ running for most of the night, if she didn't succumb to hypothermia, would she have attempted to hitch a ride after daybreak the next AM and bartered with whatever booze it was she had in her backpack that wasn't opened yet?

I don't think she had money, from what I've read, but she apparently did have something of value to some people- the bottles of some type or types of spirits. ( I don't know what, specifically).
Of course, I think it's a foolhardy thing to do to offer booze to a person driving a vehicle who's also a stranger, but I think this girl lacked good judgment, period.

If she did hitch a ride, it's to parts unknown, right? I read in older threads that there was supposedly a BF or male pal with a plan to meet up somewhere else. Is that a credible theory now?

I don't think most WSers have any agenda of their own. We are supposed to be unbiased and consider all viable options in a missing persons case, because all manner of twists and turns can sometimes happen to those who get into the desperate situation Maura was in.
My belief is she's likely deceased, considering the long time she's been missing, but I hope not. Why was she on such an apparently desolate road instead of a major interstate highway? I've never even known that.

I realize she could have died in any location out in the open that first night, and there's also the possible added factor of alcohol intake which hastens hypothermia onset a great deal. But, if she didn't die of exposure to the elements, what is a viable theory of what happened to her? I keep reading how fast and far she could have run, but to where? What happened to her when she stopped running in the light of day, if she made it that far?

Thanks to any case experts who can get me up to speed on what's actually provable and what else is likely. :)
One theory that I have always hung onto besides anything nefarious is that she was a cross country runner. I ran cross country, I know that runners run. I feel like if she felt she was in danger or afraid of being caught she would have run. If she was impaired she could have run until completely lost and then sadly succumbed to the environment. I have been to the area and it is not a place that you would want to be lost in, especially not in the dead of winter. However search dogs loose her scent at the corner of the road. Why??
Like everyone else I also wonder about a possible abduction. The fact that she disappeared with witnesses all around is frustrating. She seems to have vanished at just the wrong moment. The road that she was on is referred to locally as the Kangamangus Highway. She disappeared very near to one end of it. It is a very scenic route through NH. She had traveled to NH with her father as a child. I think for her she was going someplace familiar, for what? Only she knew.
New to this thread but just watched the Oxygen doc... the only comment I have is why do more theories not include a passenger? It was reported a man was seen smoking a cig in the car after the accident and I potentially could be wrong but passenger airbags do not deploy without enough weight in that seat.
New to this thread but just watched the Oxygen doc... the only comment I have is why do more theories not include a passenger? It was reported a man was seen smoking a cig in the car after the accident and I potentially could be wrong but passenger airbags do not deploy without enough weight in that seat.

The passenger theories have their roots in the fact that when talking to 911 the lady (can't remember her name) thought she saw a light in the passenger side of the car. Unfortunately that is the only evidence there is for their being two people in the car. A lot of people have assumed it was Maura's cell phone that was making that light.
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