NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 8

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Would the theory that Maura ran off to live a different life explain why she was upset the night of her job? The decision to walk away from family and friends, as well as effectively cutting off ties with her boyfriend, could have caused her to be sad and emotional to a degree..
Maybe she really did want to talk with her dad the night of the first accident about her plans to go off with another guy, leave the dorm, etc.? But then the accident prevented that, adding a heap more guilt on her.
The papers that were needed for the insurance company after that first accident were left behind in the car after the second one.
It seems a little telling, maybe, that she disappeared right before her father was supposed to help her buy a new car.
If she let him help her buy a car and put it in his name(like the Saturn was), then she could have felt she was obligated to stay, especially after the first accident. Maybe BOTH accidents convinced her to "disappear" out of shame for them on top of her life decisions...

IDK, just going with the flow after reading Mr. Renner's last two articles...
Here's a list of Maura Murrays in NH. One is age 41. The emailer to the Renner blog had Maura's birthdate correct. Very intriguing. Since the MM the emailer referred to had a car loan, I would think she'd be listed on the people searches in NH. People usually get on these search lists, because they took on loans or mortgages.

Here's a list of Maura Murrays in NH. One is age 41. The emailer to the Renner blog had Maura's birthdate correct. Very intriguing. Since the MM the emailer referred to had a car loan, I would think she'd be listed on the people searches in NH. People usually get on these search lists, because they took on loans or mortgages.


Isnt it possible she didnt live in NH, but just took the loan out there? Perhaps she moved out of state and just mailed in or paid online.
Isnt it possible she didnt live in NH, but just took the loan out there? Perhaps she moved out of state and just mailed in or paid online.

It is possible, but she would need proof of a steady job to get a loan. She had to have a legit job---not paid under the table, which means her Social Security number was used. Some credit history as well. She could have eventually moved after getting the car. Although, the car was probably registered to her and she probably had to get a NH or another state's driver's license and insurance. Her MA license is most likely expired. If she is alive and getting all these official documents under her own name, SSN, and birth date, then LE is quite blind!
I hope she is alive, but I think it is a case of mistaken identity or identity theft. I hope I'm wrong!
I'd put my money on identity theft. Fred would be wise to get Lifelock protection oher ss# so he would know if there was a hit. There was the case on the East coast at an Ivy school where a college woman adopted the identity of a missing person. But it sure is worth looking into.
Would the theory that Maura ran off to live a different life explain why she was upset the night of her job? The decision to walk away from family and friends, as well as effectively cutting off ties with her boyfriend, could have caused her to be sad and emotional to a degree..
Maybe she really did want to talk with her dad the night of the first accident about her plans to go off with another guy, leave the dorm, etc.? But then the accident prevented that, adding a heap more guilt on her.
The papers that were needed for the insurance company after that first accident were left behind in the car after the second one.
It seems a little telling, maybe, that she disappeared right before her father was supposed to help her buy a new car.
If she let him help her buy a car and put it in his name(like the Saturn was), then she could have felt she was obligated to stay, especially after the first accident. Maybe BOTH accidents convinced her to "disappear" out of shame for them on top of her life decisions...

IDK, just going with the flow after reading Mr. Renner's last two articles...

I do think she had shame too. My impression is that she was very disappointed in herself. I'm not convinced she would disappear forever over it though.
I'd put my money on identity theft. Fred would be wise to get Lifelock protection oher ss# so he would know if there was a hit. There was the case on the East coast at an Ivy school where a college woman adopted the identity of a missing person. But it sure is worth looking into.

Actually, that is a good idea. Lifelock would flag any credit use on Maura's SSN. I don't know what LE does to keep an eye on a missing person's credit and SSN use, but I think they don't do it on an ongoing basis. I could be wrong though. I wish I knew how they handle those issues.
I do think she had shame too. My impression is that she was very disappointed in herself. I'm not convinced she would disappear forever over it though.

You are most likely right...

My main theories since i have followed this case have been been

1. Suicide

2. Abduction

I have, from time to time, briefly entertained the "running away" scenario.

The last two articles on Mr. Renner's blog had my imagination going there again...but then:
Logical deduction and all:(
I have also heard about cases where people have disappeared and thought to be dead only to turn up somewhere else living a new life, there was even an episdoe of Disappeared (show on ID channel) that showcased one such instance.

However, we are talking about someone in their 20's who had a great relationship with their family and friends, not someone who was kicked to the curb by family and someone who decided that everyone would be better off is they just disappeared.

I would believe the wild boogeyman snatching Maura up theory way before I would believe that she voluntarily left all of her family and friends in the dust for some mysterious reason, that some seven years later, she still would feel the need to remain in hiding.

I agree. I don't think it isn't a possibility she is alive and hiding from her old life, but it is very low on my list of possibilities. Before she crashed her dad's car, she was out with him and a friend at a brew pub having dinner. To me, it doesn't seem like she had a terrible family life that she wanted to leave forever. JMO
You are most likely right...

My main theories since i have followed this case have been been

1. Suicide

2. Abduction

I have, from time to time, briefly entertained the "running away" scenario.

The last two articles on Mr. Renner's blog had my imagination going there again...but then:
Logical deduction and all:(

I also think she could have suffered hypothermia or had an accident (hit by car). If she headed east, it was very dark. Street lights are only at intersections. She must have had a terrible time seeing her way up the road. I wouldn't be surprised if she became disoriented too. I hope she is alive, but it just doesn't seem likely.
I can't imagine LE missing something like this. All they would have to do would be to punch her SS# in the computer and all this would have come up. I do not think that she is alive, but I there is always that chance even if it is very small. To my knowledge Maura has not been legally declared dead, correct me if I'm wrong. If not how is that done? Would it have to be a relative to petition to have this done and what if a missing person has no relatives then what?

Sometimes I wonder if the reason that LE hadn't pushed too hard in the beginning to find Maura was maybe because they did find her and she didn't want anyone to know she was found and then as time went by she decided not to ever contact anyone again. Maybe the only reason they have kept it and open investigation is because of her Dad pushing like he did and they didn't have a choice since they could not tell him. Just my thoughts running wild.
OK here's another me thinking out loud moment. So let's assume that Maura is alive and LE knows about it, but can not disclose this info to Maura's Dad. What if her Dad tries to get her declared legally dead? Wouldn't this be a back door way to find out if she is alive. It has been over 7 years and I really doubt that if she is dead they would not grant this and if she is still alive they certainly could not declare her dead.
I can't imagine LE missing something like this. All they would have to do would be to punch her SS# in the computer and all this would have come up. I do not think that she is alive, but I there is always that chance even if it is very small. To my knowledge Maura has not been legally declared dead, correct me if I'm wrong. If not how is that done? Would it have to be a relative to petition to have this done and what if a missing person has no relatives then what?

Sometimes I wonder if the reason that LE hadn't pushed too hard in the beginning to find Maura was maybe because they did find her and she didn't want anyone to know she was found and then as time went by she decided not to ever contact anyone again. Maybe the only reason they have kept it and open investigation is because of her Dad pushing like he did and they didn't have a choice since they could not tell him. Just my thoughts running wild.

I think we can all agree that Maura, as an adult (albeit, a young adult) had every right to take off and start a new life and not be stopped from doing so by law enforcement if it were her wish.

However, even if police found her right away that night she went missing and just agreed to her to not let family and friends know what she was up to, they would not then go on to proclaim that Maura was in danger and possibly suicidal and plead for the public to be on the lookout.

they would not spend taxpayer money to hold searches when they know full well Maura is alive and safe

I can deduct from this very logic that Maura was never found that first night she went missing by police.

As far as a mystery boyfriend she might have been meeting up in the white mountains.

I have a simple answer for that, up until the very second Maura left her campus at UMASS, she was still searching for a place to go and her searches were in no way in one central area. She was looking at going towards vermont, new hampshire etc.. (all towards places she had HIKED WITH FAMILY before that was the only common link to her searches)

What I am saying is there was no SET mystery destination for her and a guy to meet and this supposed boyfriend was a student at UMASS, they would've left together and gone on to the mountains not met over two hours later.
I think we can all agree that Maura, as an adult (albeit, a young adult) had every right to take off and start a new life and not be stopped from doing so by law enforcement if it were her wish.

However, even if police found her right away that night she went missing and just agreed to her to not let family and friends know what she was up to, they would not then go on to proclaim that Maura was in danger and possibly suicidal and plead for the public to be on the lookout.

they would not spend taxpayer money to hold searches when they know full well Maura is alive and safe

I can deduct from this very logic that Maura was never found that first night she went missing by police.

As far as a mystery boyfriend she might have been meeting up in the white mountains.

I have a simple answer for that, up until the very second Maura left her campus at UMASS, she was still searching for a place to go and her searches were in no way in one central area. She was looking at going towards vermont, new hampshire etc.. (all towards places she had HIKED WITH FAMILY before that was the only common link to her searches)

What I am saying is there was no SET mystery destination for her and a guy to meet and this supposed boyfriend was a student at UMASS, they would've left together and gone on to the mountains not met over two hours later.

Yes but you are basing all this on "if they found her right away". Maura could have made it to the next town or further and maybe not had contact with the police for a few days. Also, remember that she most likely hit her head and it's possible she had a concussion. This may have laid her up for a couple days or so. All your logical assumptions are correct if it's only based on "that Maura was never found that first night she went missing by police."

No one has no way of knowing if Maura was too meet someone or not the night she left. All we can do is assume. IF Maura did have another man then how do you think she was talking to him? It certainly was not on the phone that her boyfriends mother was paying for unless she was known for using calling cards.
Yes but you are basing all this on "if they found her right away". Maura could have made it to the next town or further and maybe not had contact with the police for a few days. Also, remember that she most likely hit her head and it's possible she had a concussion. This may have laid her up for a couple days or so. All your logical assumptions are correct if it's only based on "that Maura was never found that first night she went missing by police."

No one has no way of knowing if Maura was too meet someone or not the night she left. All we can do is assume. IF Maura did have another man then how do you think she was talking to him? It certainly was not on the phone that her boyfriends mother was paying for unless she was known for using calling cards.

For the record,

I am not one who believes Maura went off to meet someone. Could she have had a new boyfriend? Very possible, it is as factual as can be that Maura and her long-time boyfriend Billy were having problems at the time Maura went missing. Maura' sister has said so. A new boyfriend is not out of the question, I will just say that based on all witness accounts, a new boyfriend was not with or had anything to do with Maura heading off towards the mountains.

A new boyfriend wasn't with her when she left UMASS (Video proof shows this)
A new boyfriend wasn't with her when she wrecked (Witnesses including the Westman's Marottes and Butch Atwood have all stated one individual was with the wrecked car)

Maura didn't have a set destination when she left UMASS and (this is key) Investigators know this info as fact.
For the record,

I am not one who believes Maura went off to meet someone. Could she have had a new boyfriend? Very possible, it is as factual as can be that Maura and her long-time boyfriend Billy were having problems at the time Maura went missing. Maura' sister has said so. A new boyfriend is not out of the question, I will just say that based on all witness accounts, a new boyfriend was not with or had anything to do with Maura heading off towards the mountains.

A new boyfriend wasn't with her when she left UMASS (Video proof shows this)
A new boyfriend wasn't with her when she wrecked (Witnesses including the Westman's Marottes and Butch Atwood have all stated one individual was with the wrecked car)

Maura didn't have a set destination when she left UMASS and (this is key) Investigators know this info as fact.

I personally do not think that there is enough info to make an assumption either way as to who Maura may or may not have been meeting. Just because she left alone does not mean she wasn't meeting someone somewhere along the way. When you mention video proof are you referring to the ATM video and or the cameras that show her buying liquor?

One other thing, I'm not sure if anyone has ever suggested if maybe someone was following Maura? Could it be possible that this other man she may have been seeing was following her in his car for someone reason or maybe she wan't too far from where they were going to meet? I could be totally wrong on this as I do not know the area well enough to know if she was able to walk or run to a meeting point although it seemed she may have been trying to.

Remember the man who claims to have seen Maura about 5 miles from the crash site about an hour after it occured? Assuming that this was her, it always struck me odd that she would have made it that far and then accepted a ride. I mean from what this guy had said she ran off the road when his car had seen her. I find it very unlikely that some nutball saw her and ran after her, not Maura with all her running experience. She def was not your typical girl when it came to endurance and speed. I also don't buy the getting into a car with a nice young man theory. Maura made it clear that she was not going to accept a ride from anyone.
I can't imagine LE missing something like this. All they would have to do would be to punch her SS# in the computer and all this would have come up. I do not think that she is alive, but I there is always that chance even if it is very small. To my knowledge Maura has not been legally declared dead, correct me if I'm wrong. If not how is that done? Would it have to be a relative to petition to have this done and what if a missing person has no relatives then what?

Sometimes I wonder if the reason that LE hadn't pushed too hard in the beginning to find Maura was maybe because they did find her and she didn't want anyone to know she was found and then as time went by she decided not to ever contact anyone again. Maybe the only reason they have kept it and open investigation is because of her Dad pushing like he did and they didn't have a choice since they could not tell him. Just my thoughts running wild.

They would tell Maura's father if she was alive and well. They may not tell him her whereabouts, if that is her wishes. LE would not keep her on the Cold Case list, if she told them she was alive and well. Also, there is no law to keep LE from telling a family member of a missing person that their loved one is alive. LE is not obligated to tell, but I'm sure they would want to look competent and report that they had located her. However, they may not tell the whereabouts of the missing person, if that person doesn't want contact.
I personally do not think that there is enough info to make an assumption either way as to who Maura may or may not have been meeting. Just because she left alone does not mean she wasn't meeting someone somewhere along the way. When you mention video proof are you referring to the ATM video and or the cameras that show her buying liquor?

One other thing, I'm not sure if anyone has ever suggested if maybe someone was following Maura? Could it be possible that this other man she may have been seeing was following her in his car for someone reason or maybe she wan't too far from where they were going to meet? I could be totally wrong on this as I do not know the area well enough to know if she was able to walk or run to a meeting point although it seemed she may have been trying to

Remember the man who claims to have seen Maura about 5 miles from the crash site about an hour after it occured? Assuming that this was her, it
always struck me odd that she would have made it that far and then accepted a ride. I mean from what this guy had said she ran off the road when his car had seen her. I find it very unlikely that some nutball saw her and ran after her, not Maura with all her running experience. She def was not your typical girl when it came to endurance and speed. I also don't buy the
getting into a car with a nice young man theory. Maura made it clear that she was not going to accept a ride from anyone.


How do you know this? Do you know her? I don't believe she would typically except rides from a stranger, but the situation in NH and her emotional state may have caused her to take risks.
I personally do not think that there is enough info to make an assumption either way as to who Maura may or may not have been meeting. Just because she left alone does not mean she wasn't meeting someone somewhere along the way. When you mention video proof are you referring to the ATM video and or the cameras that show her buying liquor?

One other thing, I'm not sure if anyone has ever suggested if maybe someone was following Maura? Could it be possible that this other man she may have been seeing was following her in his car for someone reason or maybe she wan't too far from where they were going to meet? I could be totally wrong on this as I do not know the area well enough to know if she was able to walk or run to a meeting point although it seemed she may have been trying to.

Remember the man who claims to have seen Maura about 5 miles from the crash site about an hour after it occured? Assuming that this was her, it
always struck me odd that she would have made it that far and then accepted a ride. I mean from what this guy had said she ran off the road when his car had seen her. I find it very unlikely that some nutball saw her and ran after her, not Maura with all her running experience. She def was not your typical girl when it came to endurance and speed. I also don't buy the getting into a car with a nice young man theoryMaura made it clear that she was not going to accept a ride from anyone.


How do you know this? Do you know her? I don't believe she would typically except rides from a stranger, but the situation in NH and her emotional state may have caused her to take risks.

Of course I don't know her, have you forgot that she refused a ride from a school bus driver who lived a 100 ft away? So she refuses this man and decides to run down the road to take more of a risk??
They would tell Maura's father if she was alive and well. They may not tell him her whereabouts, if that is her wishes. LE would not keep her on the Cold Case list, if she told them she was alive and well. Also, there is no law to keep LE from telling a family member of a missing person that their loved one is alive. LE is not obligated to tell, but I'm sure they would want to look competent and report that they had located her. However, they may not tell the whereabouts of the missing person, if that person doesn't want contact.

So you really think that they would tell him? This guy isn't exactly their favorite person after all the negative things he has publically said about them, not saying he is wrong about what he claims.
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