NH - Pamela Smart, Billy Flynn, in the murder of Greg Smart, 1990 *Guilty*

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Recent interview with Pamela Smart, still maintaining her innocence and stating that keeping her in prison while the murderer is granted parole is unfair.


The problem is that she is still lying. You can not give mercy to someome who is still lying. Just admit it. If you did and then were repentant 20 years later people may listen. But you keep lying and the truth is that he would never ever have shot your husband if it wasn't for you. That is simply something you can not get around.
Co-Conspirator in Pamela Smart Murder Case Granted Parole

Patrick Randall, the last co-conspirator in the 1990 murder of Pamela Smart's husband, has been granted parole. His earliest release is June 4.

Randall, 42, appeared before a parole board on Thursday morning. He confessed to helping his friend, William "Billy" Flynn kill the husband of Pamela Smart., Gregg Smart.

Pamela Smart murder accomplice released from prison
Billy Flynn released from Maine facility

WARREN, Maine —The triggerman in the Pamela Smart murder case -- whose 1991 trial prompted sensational media coverage and spawned a Nicole Kidman movie -- has been released from prison after serving nearly 25 years.

The board granted Flynn parole on his first attempt, on his 41st birthday in March.
-------more at link along w/video


Teen who killed Pamela Smart's husband freed 25 years later



William Flynn was 16 and known as "Billy" in 1990 when he and three friends participated in what prosecutors said was Smart's plot to kill her husband in Derry, New Hampshire. Flynn pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and served his sentence in Maine.

Also released on parole Thursday in New Hampshire is Patrick "Pete" Randall, who held a knife to Gregg Smart's throat while Flynn shot him in the head.
‘Pamela Smart: An American Murder Mystery’ Guide to Who’s Who

"The 1991 murder trial of Pamela Smart is one that takes a number of twists and turns. It began with the apparent home invasion that resulted in the death of her husband, Gregg, to the revelation that the murder had been carried out by a trio of teenagers, who, it would be revealed, was actually coerced into that killing by the victim’s wife, who had been having a sexual affair with one of them.

It’s all explored — in detail — in the Sunday, August 19, debut of Pamela Smart: An American Murder Mystery, a three-part docuseries that airs exclusively on the Investigation Discovery network. What follows is a look at who the key players of this sensational story that was called “The Trial of the Century” (sorry, O.J. Simpson)...."

Who's Who in 'Pamela Smart: An American Murder Mystery'
OK ...I just watched the 1st two episodes of ID's "Pamela Smart: An American Murder Mystery" and I'm still convinced of Pam Not-So-Smart's guilt! First of all ...There were too many corroborating stories from witnesses implicating Smart. They haven't gotten into Cecilia's testimony yet or Pam's cold-blooded testimony in her own defense. That is being saved for tomorrow night's episode. The sleazy defense attorney’s insistence that the three perps 'boys' committed the crime completely on their own and of their own fruition doesn't hold water for me. Second, the premise that Billy Flynn was so lovelorn that he decided to kill ....make that murder ...Greg is implausible. It doesn't explain WHY the other two boys would possibly go along with becoming co-murderers without anything being in it for them. The interview with the friend of the three murdering boys corroborated their story that Pam was going to pay them from Greg's life insurance policy! This evidence was obtained in an interview BEFORE the three were arrested & had time ...allegedly ...to concoct their testimony in a conspiracy to blame Pam for the crime. The insurance money pay out explains why they might decide to help commit the murder. The implication that they would commit such a crime solely to support their buddy Flynn without any other motivation doesn't make any rational sense. Add to that observation, that these three dimwits didn't have the combined intellect or intelligence to come up with their very detailed account of events prior to & during the crime. Details like ...not using a knife so as not to get blood all over Pam's white household belongings/furniture as per her instructions; going inside the apt through a pre-unlocked basement entrance which they wouldn't have even known about if not for Pam's compliance; locking the dog 'Hallen' downstairs so as not to traumatize it (what kid would think of that ...or even care?). I've read previously in accounts that Pam seemed more concerned about her dog after Greg's murder than she did that her husband was just brutally murdered. Pam herself tried to hide pertinent information early on in the police's investigation process: Cecelia being in the home a week prior to the murder when asked by police to give them a list of everyone who had been there the prior month; the fact that she hid from the police that she'd been having an affair with Flynn & he might be the possible culprit to the murder. Putting aside the fact that she might not want that information coming to light, she had to realize that it might become public knowledge eventually anyway and would put her under suspicion (which it inevitably did) for not admitting the fact right away. Wouldn't it have been more important to share that information IF she truly wanted to help the police find the murderer of her husband she so professed to love!? She loved Gregg so much that she was having an ongoing affair with a 15 year old boy <<< SARC! Pam's behavior the entire post-murder made her look very suspicious & showed a "consciousness of guilt" ...including her lack of an immediate emotional reaction to being arrested for her husbands murder. If you were innocent & being arrested for the murder of your husband/wife, wouldn't you be screaming at the police to the high heaven that they were wrong & that you had nothing to do with the crime as they were leading you away in handcuffs. On the other hand, if you were involved wouldn't you react exactly like she did ... in quiet compliance? Again ..."consciousness of guilt" .... I'm sure I'll have much more 'proof' after tomorrow night's episode.
I know this is an old crime BUT it's being rehashed ....so ...I just watched the 1st two episodes tonight of ID's "Pamela Smart: An American Murder Mystery" and I'm still convinced of Pam Not-So-Smart's guilt! First of all ...There were too many corroborating stories from witnesses implicating Smart. They haven't gotten into Cecilia's testimony yet or Pam's cold-blooded testimony in her own defense. That is being saved for tomorrow night's episode. The sleazy defense attorney’s insistence that the three perps 'boys' committed the crime completely on their own and of their own fruition doesn't hold water for me. Second, the premise that Billy Flynn was so lovelorn that he decided to kill ....make that murder ...Greg is implausible. It doesn't explain WHY the other two boys would possibly go along with becoming co-murderers without anything being in it for them. The interview with the friend of the three murdering boys corroborated their story that Pam was going to pay them from Greg's life insurance policy! This evidence was obtained in an interview BEFORE the three were arrested & had time ...allegedly ...to concoct their testimony in a conspiracy to blame Pam for the crime. The insurance money pay out explains why they might decide to help commit the murder. The implication that they would commit such a crime solely to support their buddy Flynn without any other motivation doesn't make any rational sense. Add to that observation, that these three dimwits didn't have the combined intellect or intelligence to come up with their very detailed account of events prior to & during the crime. Details like ...not using a knife so as not to get blood all over Pam's white household belongings/furniture as per her instructions; going inside the apt through a pre-unlocked basement entrance which they wouldn't have even known about if not for Pam's compliance; locking the dog 'Hallen' downstairs so as not to traumatize it (what kid would think of that ...or even care?). I've read previously in accounts that Pam seemed more concerned about her dog after Greg's murder than she did that her husband was just brutally murdered. Pam herself tried to hide pertinent information early on in the police's investigation process: Cecelia being in the home a week prior to the murder when asked by police to give them a list of everyone who had been there the prior month; the fact that she hid from the police that she'd been having an affair with Flynn & he might be the possible culprit to the murder. Putting aside the fact that she might not want that information coming to light, she had to realize that it might become public knowledge eventually anyway and would put her under suspicion (which it inevitably did) for not admitting the fact right away. Wouldn't it have been more important to share that information IF she truly wanted to help the police find the murderer of her husband she so professed to love!? She loved Gregg so much that she was having an ongoing affair with a 15 year old boy <<< SARC! Pam's behavior the entire post-murder made her look very suspicious & showed a "consciousness of guilt" ...including her lack of an immediate emotional reaction to being arrested for her husbands murder. If you were innocent & being arrested for the murder of your husband/wife, wouldn't you be screaming at the police to the high heaven that they were wrong & that you had nothing to do with the crime as they were leading you away in handcuffs. On the other hand, if you were involved wouldn't you react exactly like she did ... in quiet compliance? Again ..."consciousness of guilt" .... I'm sure I'll have much more 'proof' after tomorrow night's episode.
I watched the documentary on ID last night also and was shocked to see how much Smart has aged. Being in prison doesn't seem to sit too well with her. She should have thought about what prison would be like before she had her husband killed and in the process ruined three boys lives.

I watched the documentary on ID last night also and was shocked to see how much Smart has aged. Being in prison doesn't seem to sit too well with her. She should have thought about what prison would be like before she had her husband killed and in the process ruined three boys lives.


She's 51. Of course she looks a lot older than she did almost 30 years ago. We all do. ;)

Besides, I've always thought she had a sort of "hard" look, even back then.


Source: Pamela Smart Claims a Plastic Knife Infraction Could Be Keeping Her from Getting Prison Sentence Reduced
She may be delusional enough to believe that her new 3 part documentary is going to convince people that the 4 others were lying, and SHE was telling the truth...but no one else is. ....Sorry Pamela...
She's right where she needs to be IMO. She's lucky she wasn't also charged with sexual assault of a child. If this had been a male teacher and a female student, I think that charge would have been made.

YES!!!! I thought the SAME thing last night watching this, that I’d never considered before as it was the murder that was most foul. They could have charged her with statutory rape like they did Mary leTorneau (another piece of work). I cant imagine NH doesn’t have state laws considering that issue.

I so agree with the first poster and all of you after. What I found very telling was when Diane Diamond (or maybe this was another interview as I watched a bunch on You Tube today out of curiosity since this is back again), Anyway, she was asked “ if you could say anything to Bill Flynn, what would you say?”
VERY important and tellling in how this is answered. She says something to the effect “ I would tell him to quit lying, tell the truth now that you’re out”. What I would expect the first thing out of mouth if she truly was not the one to who instructed Bill to assassinate her husband, would be “ How could you have killed my husband, he was an innocent guy who didn’t deserve to die. Why on earth would you kill him? Did you think it would keep us together forever?,”
When I heard that in addition to the overwhelming evidence against her I thought, you are such a disgusting liar. The way she spins the incriminating tapes of her and Cecilia is an insult to the intelligence. Utterly ridiculous that she thinks that makes sense in any sense of thr word that she was attempting to “get information about Greggs murder” when she’s heard on tape telling Cecelia to “keep her mouth shut and don’t tell the truth or everyone (incl her) “will go to jail for the rest of our lives” So which is it Pam or Pame or whatever you call yourself, you cant have it both ways, Talk Cecilia no shut up Cecilia. Mm hmm Ya right Pam, Pame.
Pamela Smart requests sentence reduction from governor, Executive Council

Pamela Smart is appealing to the governor and Executive Council in hopes of getting her life-without-parole prison sentence reduced.

The Executive Council is scheduled to take up the matter Wednesday.

The attorney general's office submitted an 88-page report in response to Smart's request for a commutation. The attorney general has recommended that she not receive a sentence reduction.

Flynn and three others convicted on lesser charges in the murder are all out of prison.
New Hampshire's Executive Council has postponed hearing a sentence reduction appeal from Pamela Smart, who's serving life in prison for plotting with her teenage lover to kill her husband.

The council decided Wednesday to push back the request until after new council members are sworn in in January.

NH Council Postpones Hearing Pamela Smart Sentence Petition
Pam Smart asks governor to commute life sentence.

All I could think was your husband Gregg doesn’t get a second chance.
Could be wrong; however, I don't think that it will happen. She is still lying about what happened and still blames the kids.

I personally think that she ruined a young, vulnerable kid's life. She also is responsible for the murder of her husband, who loved her.

She was so selfish and still is. She could have and should have gotten a divorce, but she didn't want to give up anything even though she could have made it on her own.

What a tragedy all the way around.
Smart, 51, has exhausted her appeal opportunities since she was imprisoned in 1991. She's petitioned New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu and a five-member council that approves government appointments, contracts and pardons to grant her a hearing for parole consideration or reduce her sentence. The council meets Wednesday; it denied a similar request nearly 14 years ago.
Pamela Smart seeks reduced sentence in husband's death

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