Found Deceased NI - Noah Donohoe, 14, North Belfast, 21 June 2020

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We have reason to believe that there is a particular and specific knowledge of this assault in the homeless community and with those struggling with addiction issues, both in the city centre and also from people who were residents at Queens Quarter housing association in University Street, specifically people resident there in June. The court will be aware that Noah lived metres away from Queens Quarter on the day he went missing.

Noah Donohoe Inquest. Niall Murphy's remarks at Preliminary Hearing – 18 January 2021 | KRW Law-LLP - Human Rights Lawyers
A full inquest hearing into the death of Belfast schoolboy Noah Donohoe (14) has been fixed and will take place in January 2022.

The mother of the late St Malachy's College pupil, Fiona Donohoe, has welcomed the ‘progress’ - as did solicitor Niall Murphy

Am I reading this correctly, that a full inquest will not take place for another year, January 2022? Why so long a wait? Is this a usual occurrence?
Am I reading this correctly, that a full inquest will not take place for another year, January 2022? Why so long a wait? Is this a usual occurrence?
I guess there's a backlog because of covid, this is what the coroner said:

"The real issue is that I have nine months worth of inquests that were listed last year to commence from March to December that couldn't be heard and those families have a right to have their inquests heard also that is why we don't have availability between now and 2022. That might sound a long way away but I am confident we will be in a position to start this inquest in January."

PSNI received report Noah Donohoe "may have been assaulted", inquest hears
Sorry but I'm not sure what's being implied here. Is it that he may have been assaulted and thus suffered a serious head injury?

How sad that someone self-published a book about this tragedy unapproved by his family and it's adding to their pain. IMO Amazon could choose to pull it from availability.
On January 18, Niall Murphy, the solicitor representing Noah’s mother Fiona, said during a preliminary hearing for the inquest into Donohoe’s death: “We are aware of the line of enquiry which requires further investigation, in respect of statements received by police that Noah was assaulted as he cycled through the city centre.

Responding to Murphy, Coroner Joe McCrisken said in court: "It is my understanding that an individual came forward to police with an account that was recorded by her solicitor. And police have an obligation to enquire into that account. Some of what was initially told to police has since been clarified. Enquiries are ongoing."

Murphy continued: “We have reason to believe that there is a particular and specific knowledge of this assault in the homeless community and with those struggling with addiction issues, both in the city centre and also from people who were residents at Queens Quarter housing association in University Street, specifically people resident there in June. The court will be aware that Noah lived metres away from Queens Quarter on the day he went missing.”

Murphy appealed for local residents and businesses to review their CCTV footage from June 21, 2020, as well as for people with "relevant photographs" to make them available to PSNI.

He noted: "You are not under suspicion, you have done nothing wrong and you will get your phone back. Please help Fiona find out what happened to her son.”

Murphy also addressed an unauthorized, self-published book that is for sale on Amazon about Noah Donohoe’s death.

Murphy said: “Ms. Donohoe seeks to formally and publicly distance and dissociate herself from this book. She considers that the book and its promotional literature trespasses upon her grief.

“She considers it to be very unhelpful in the context of truth recovery and notes, as you Mr. Coroner will understand, that it is completely devoid of any specific facts that will emerge at the Inquest, and indeed insofar as that is the case, the publication of the book is an abuse of this court’s previous direction, and I expect that the matter will be considered by the Attorney General upon reference from the Office of the Lord Chief Justice.”

During Monday's preliminary hearing, Coroner Joe McCrisken confirmed that the formal inquest will begin in January 2022.

"The 10 January 2022 is not a provisional date," McCrisken said. "That's the date of inquest. I am entirely confident that this inquest will start then.

"There are a number of matters which we need to deal with. Discrete matters in terms of disclosure. I anticipate this will be completed before the next review date. If that is done by say the end of March, one hopes we will be in a different position come then, in terms of this pandemic."
Noah Donohoe may have been assaulted before his mysterious death, court hears
I certainly made a mental note a couple months ago of the official statement that police had "received some handwritten accounts" and at the time I took that to mean from Noah's classmates but it seems very likely they actually were from the homeless community. I'm guessing that Noah had some kind of complex interaction with them and it's a slow and resource intensive process to properly investigate.
Following receipt of further information today, can confirm that there are no images of an alleged assault on Noah Donohoe on the day of his disappearance. However, it is believed that there is photographic evidence that his alleged attacker was in the area at the time.

Investigators are keen to receive those photos but to date the person who is reported to possess them is refusing to come forward to police.

Police are in receipt of statements that Noah Donohoe was assaulted by a homeless addict or addicts in Royal Avenue shortly before he entered the storm drain in the Premier Drive/Northwood Road area of North Belfast on 21 June last year.

While no photos were taken of this assault, a photo which showed the suspect in the area at the time does exist, it is believed. Police suspect that this image was taken by someone who knew the addict and was subsequently shown to a relative of that person.

Photos key to Noah investigation
“These images are a crucial part of the jigsaw and could help us understand exactly what happened on the day Noah went missing,” said our source. “I understand there is reluctance to hand over this evidence but it is vitally important to the investigation and I would appeal for the person who has these images to do the right thing by the family of Noah Donohoe, and present their phone to police.”

Photos key to Noah investigation
Following a pre-inquest hearing in Belfast in January, solicitor Niall Murphy appealed for anyone in the “homeless community” who may have information about Noah being assaulted to contact police.

He added: “There is reason to believe that there is a particular and specific knowledge of this assault in the homeless community and with those struggling with addiction issues, both in the city centre and also from people who were residents at Queen’s Quarter Housing Association in University Street, specifically people resident there in June.”

Photos key to Noah investigation
I'm a bit late catching up with this thread. So I am I correct in thinking that initially police said no one else was involved and that Noah had fell from his bike sustaining a head injury which caused his odd behaviour leading up to his disappearance? Then after Noah's mum pushed for an inquiry evidence has now come to light that he was actually assaulted?
I'm a bit late catching up with this thread. So I am I correct in thinking that initially police said no one else was involved and that Noah had fell from his bike sustaining a head injury which caused his odd behaviour leading up to his disappearance? Then after Noah's mum pushed for an inquiry evidence has now come to light that he was actually assaulted?

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