GUILTY NJ - Brendan Tevlin, 19, shot to death, West Orange, 25 June 2014

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Poor Brenden never had a chance:

Brenden stopped at the intersection of Walker Road and Northfield Avenue in West Orange, presumably to make a left turn onto Northfield to head home. While he waited for the light to turn green, police say he was approached by three men — two on the driver’s side and one on the passenger side of his Jeep Liberty.

Police say Brown opened fire almost immediately, shooting through the closed passenger window 10 times and striking Tevlin eight times. His body was then pushed into the passenger seat floor and driven to the driveway of the Ron Jolyn Apartments, about a mile away.

In Brown’s notebook, investigators found jihadist writings that said, in effect, to hide among the rich because police will never find you there.

What a looser.
Heartbreaking that it had such an effect on Brendan's family. I thought calling the shooting "targeted" was confusing more than anything. It left a lot of different scenario's running through my mind, including Brendan trying to help a friend who was prone to trouble or mentally unstable, or a road rage incident (you don't have to do anything wrong to enrage another driver; the other day, I switched lanes as I neared my turn-off, putting my signal on first. A pickup a good distance behind me sped up and came up on my tail and honked and revved his engine. I just ignored him and he passed me before I turned off). There are many ways an innocent person can be targeted. Saying someone is targeted without knowing the motive isn't helpful. And anyone who purposely kills another person is always a danger to society as long as he/she is free. It never makes sense when LE claims that the public isn't in any danger. A killer will be apt to kill again. Even a drug- or gang-involved killer is a danger to the public at large because innocent people can get caught in cross-fire, and being under the influence can make people irrational and paranoid.

I hope LE takes a lesson from this incident and stops making claims of public safety after a violent crime. I also hope that Brendan's family can heal. It would be difficult no matter how a child died, but I think this would be one of the worst ways to lose a child. But, the Tevlins can be proud that their son did more good in his short lifetime than his killers will have done in their entire lifetimes.
Here's another news story, out of Seattle. They get details of Brendan's killing wrong (calling him a young woman, and saying Brown was arrested at a homeless camp), but according to this article, and the attached news video, Henderson's family told the news station Brown supposedly claimed the killing was "a jihad against Americans, and Henderson's killing was a justice killing."
So two days ago WPLJ's The Todd Show covered Brendan's murder...the message was that Brendan was killed by a domestic terrorist, and the press is ignoring the story.
Since then, a whole slew of right-wing news outlets have jumped on board. Todd said he spoke with Brendan's mom the night before to get her approval, but I'm not sure she knew he intended to politicize her son's murder. Her plea, at the press conference where they first announced the arrests, was to "[address] the epidemic level of gun violence plaguing our country today."
Either way, one of them did provide a link to the actual police documents from the Seattle officers who interviewed Brown, which you can read for yourself.
(Of note, Brown's girlfriend, the mother of his children, bought the gun he used in the shootings, but they both say he took it without her permission.)

On the news now, Greta Van Susterin & Hannity talking about the murderer claiming he wanted "revenge" for Iraq, Afganistan, & Syria. Perhaps an act of jihad.

Very dignified family spokespeople, these Tevl*n's.....reminds me of the Fol*y's.

Why isn't this case getting more press???

Allison and Michael Tevlin, whose son Brendan was shot eight times June 25 while idling in his Jeep at a red light in West Orange, told Greta Van Susteren they don’t know what to make of suspect Ali Muhammad Brown’s claim that he killed their son to avenge U.S. military action in Iraq and Afghanistan...

“I don't think it makes that much of a difference at this time,” Allison Tevlin said... “I think he murdered Brendan and he murdered several others and he is an American. He did what he did.”
Brendan Tevlin’s clothes are still piled on the dresser in the room he shared with his two younger brothers. The rest of his stuff is also in place, right where it was the night he died.

His acceptance certificate to Seton Hall Prep is on the wall, with a few years of lacrosse team pictures. The gold graduation tassel, signifying a grade-point average that never fell below 4.0, hangs from a mirror. There’s a picture he took of his surfboard standing in the sand in Lavallette at sunrise, and the remembrance stones from a religious retreat are on a shelf.

All things of great meaning to a young man who lived a short life.
Read more at....

<snipped> The parents pass the tragic corner on their way to Seton Hall Preparatory School, where Brendan was a lacrosse star and maintained a perfect 4.0 GPA for four years. They're hoping to raise funds for an athletic complex to be built and named after Brendan.

It is the same field that backs the woods where killer Ali Muhammad Brown, 29, hid for weeks after the murder &#8212; and the apartment complex where Brendan's body was eventually found.

'The field is in the center of everything,' dad Michael Tevlin told The Star-Ledger. 'So much bad happened right there, we want the field to be something good.

Read more:

ETA: Daily Mail has a lot of pictures, as usual. Don't remember seeing the second one from top previously, of Brendan with his siblings. Such a good picture of them together; it's obvious they are a very close family. I can't imagine the struggle they go through each day without Brendan.
According to this article, from before his recent arrest, Brown only got probation for his role in the bank fraud, and pled down to "communication with a minor for immoral purposes" after being accused of raping a six-year-old.

OH MY GOD. I am so angry about this travesty. This monster should never have been walking free when he killed Cheyenne and Brenden. This is so maddening. :furious:
So two of the three had their cases dismissed, and the fourth, mystery person was never publicly i.d.'d or arrested. People who didn't follow the case will probably say they needed the two to roll on the shooter to get a conviction, but that's far from true, and most people don't even realize he has 3 murder raps waiting for him in Washington, after this trial. There's a saying, Sunshine is the best disinfectant, and this case could use some of that.
[h=1]Accused 'lone wolf' arraigned on state terrorism charges in killing of NJ student[/h]Ali Mohammad Brown, who is already facing charges in the murders of four men, including Brendan Tevlin, 19, and three Washington state men, faces the enhanced terrorism charges brought by New Jersey prosecutors. Brown, who told investigators he killed Tevlin on June 25, 2014, as an act of "vengeance" for innocent lives lost in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Iran, is being held at the Essex County Correctional Facility in lieu of $5 million bail.
Surprised how little attention the msm is paying to this horrible jihadist killing.

Brendan Tevlin executed for being an American, mother says

Brown, 30, of Seattle, pleaded not guilty to the charges during the brief court appearance. Brown has told investigators he killed Tevlin as an act of "vengeance" for innocent lives lost in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Iran.

The FBI had investigated the Jihadist killer as far back as 2004!

Two former FBI agents from the Joint Terrorism Task Force, or JTTF, told Fox News that Brown also may have traveled to one of the first terrorist training camps on U.S. soil when he was a teenager known as &#8220;Dog Cry Ranch.&#8221;

When former FBI Agents David Rubincam and David Gomez were interviewed by Fox in Seattle, Gomez said, &#8220;I believe Ali Mohammad Brown at some point traveled to Bly, Ore., prior to his arrest for financial institution fraud.&#8221;

The JTTF executed 19 search and arrest warrants in November 2004 after a 30-month investigation, which became known as the &#8220;Ranier Valley Roundup.&#8221; No one, including Brown, was charged with terrorism at the time.
A Superior Court judge ruled statements Ali Muhammad Brown gave to investigators in 2014, implicating himself in the killings of Brendan Tevlin, can be admitted as evidence at Brown's upcoming trial on murder and terrorism charges.

His trial in Tevlin's killing is scheduled to begin on Jan. 29 or 30.


Brendan Tevlin, from Livingston, pictured in his Seton Hall senior photo, was killed on June 25, 2014, as he waited at a traffic light in West Orange. He was 19 and had just started college.
Trial started yesterday. More than three years after Livingston native Brendan Tevlin was fatally shot at a traffic light in West Orange, trial began yesterday selecting the jurors.

Ali Muhammad Brown, of Seattle, Washington, is the first person to be charged with terrorism under state law in a homicide case. In addition to terrorism, Brown, 33, faces charges that include murder and robbery in Tevlin&#8217;s slaying, which authorities have said was part of a crime spree that began on the West Coast in April 2014 and ended with Brown&#8217;s arrest that July.

Ali Muhammad Brown was sentenced in Newark to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the 2014 killing of 19-year-old Brendan Tevlin.

The former Seattle resident pleaded guilty in March to multiple charges, including murder, robbery and terrorism. He was the first person charged with terrorism connected to a homicide under a New Jersey law.

Convicted terrorist gets life without parole in Brendan Tevlin killing

One by one on Tuesday, a steady stream of family and friends approached a podium at the front of the courtroom to share their memories of a beloved teenager who espoused the motto "good vibes and easy living."

Many expressly rejected Brown's plea for recognition of his humanity, comparing him to a "monster" or an "animal."

"My god says forgive those who trespass against us," Tevlin's grandfather, Tom Tevlin Sr., told the court. "I am nowhere there as of today."

During his guilty plea, Brown -- who has a terrorism-related federal bank fraud conviction and was on a watchlist at the time of the slaying -- freely told the court Tevlin's wasn't the only life he'd taken.

"I shot those people in Seattle, Washington, too, if you want to put it on the record," he said, apparently referring to Leroy Henderson, 30, Ahmed Said, 27, and Dwone Anderson-Young, 23, in whose slayings he's been charged by the King County Prosecuting Attorney's Office.

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