Deceased/Not Found NJ - Sarah Stern, 19, Neptune City, 2 Dec 2016 *Arrests* #1

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<modsnip>I read somewhere that she has visited with Michael Stern since the arrests and I can see her doing that. I mean, they shared a carpool. She probably was making food for them when Sarah's mother was sick. She is grieving and has to be absolutely undone that her flesh and blood could do this to someone. And I am sure the Taylors didn't know anything either. Liam and Preston were not living with their parents when this happened and I don't know how often they saw them in Nov/Dec/Jan, since they had just struck out in to apartment living, as roommates, and were probably loving the independence, especially when trying to hide something as horrific as this.
I completely concur that Mr Taylor did not do himself any favors in court and he would have been better served to just let Preston stay there and not even lobby for his release; testifying for his release, in front of cameras and spectators was a big mistake. But it was a very vulnerable a time for a parent. High pressure situation. Looking straight across at your son who you just cannot believe could possibly have done this and only seeing him as a victim and not complicit. The attorney should never have asked for his release. He seems very weak to me. I know he is defending Preston, but his dog and pony show did not turn out well, with Preston's supporters and father speaking. BAD IDEA. They came across as total enablers, doing his laundry for him and packing his clothes and setting up his room for him. . . when he is charged with what he is charged with and has supposedly confessed. But we really don't know anything about them. And we don't know what strings Preston pulled with them when telling them what had happened, once he was arrested. He is, I am sure, very manipulative and not who they thought he was, to have been able to do what he has done. I am sure their heads are spinning. He probably played the victim card big time, telling them that Liam pressured him, etc and as his parents they buy what he is saying and are sleep-deprived and dealing with the media and yadayadayada. I hope his Mom does not lose her job, as she is probably the breadwinner. I would not want to be punished professionally for experiencing the absolute worst thing that could happen...worse than losing your own child would be to learn that your child was a murderer or capable of doing what Preston is alleged to have done. If they obstructed justice, that will come out and they will be punished, but my understanding is that the Neptune City police told them they could clean out Preston's house (surprising, but I have seen that in several articles...has anyone else?) and I am sure they are in shock and operating on fumes and didn't think through how that would look to others. To them it was like cleaning out his dorm room to bring him home from school, I guess. Skewed perception, but that is probably where they were, mentally. Unless something is revealed that I don't know now, it looks like these two guys were on their own with this and their parents and siblings are left to live the rest of their lives with this misery, guilt, betrayal, sadness and at great expense in every way...physically, psychologically, mentally, emotionally, financially. There is so much more to know here. It gets more troubling every day. Really appreciate everyone's input.

I agree with everything you said except for "I would not want to be punished professionally for experiencing the absolute worst thing that could happen...worse than losing your own child would be to learn that your child was a murderer or capable of doing what Preston is alleged to have done."
-Respectfully snipped by me-

I agree what the Taylors are going through right now -and probably for a long time to come, unfortunately- is a worst nightmare for any parent. At least for me, however, it pales in comparison to what Mr. Stern is going through right now, and without a question, forever. Really, he has already been handed down a life sentence. This beautiful -BTW, Sarah was truly, stunningly attractive, IMO-, only child of his is never coming back. He doesn't even know if he will ever find her (or what remains of her). At the very least, PT's and LM's parents still get to hear their voices when they wish to, and even see them in person if and when allowed.

Again, I truly feel for the parents of the accused. I would be absolutely horrified, ashamed, completely consumed with guilt for having raised a monster, and spend the rest of my life trying to atone for the sins of my own child. Would I visit them in prison? Having never been in their shoes, I really don't know. But I think I would feel too guilty doing so, knowing that the only place the father of my son's victim can "visit" his daughter is her grave (for which the remains are yet to be found).
Hi I'm new here. I live in Neptune City, and my daughter was friends with SS. I have some thoughts I'd like to share. On Dec 2nd when SS car was found on bridge, I thought no way did this kid
kill herself. I don't understand the timeline. The neighbors security camera shows SS leaving her home and getting into her car approx 11:30ish. Her car was found on Belmar Bridge at 2:45AM.
How does the 8 hrs that SS is supposed to be dead make sense? Did one of her killers LM or PT dress up like her...doubtful. Ok, so SS dead body is in the back yard, under bushes, then it's being thrown over a fence? The houses in that neighborhood are very close together. No one saw anything? Then these Monsters put SS body in the front seat while LM drives around with it
followed by PT in his car? They drive around thinking what to do with SS body. Really? This is their 6 month plan? Ok, now they decide to throw her body off the top of the Belmar Bridge.
Really? OK, SS has been dead for 8 hrs. She weighs 130# she is much more heavy and difficult to move around at the 6 to 8 hr point. It is off season at the Shore and while the traffic isn't that heavy, there's still traffic. I'm thinking, Nah. SS may have gone in the Shark River , however I don't believe that way. There are other ways, that do not take the chance of being seen. Remember they have a plan. Strangulation is a very personal way to kill someone. Unrequited love for LM? I mean you have to be pretty angry inside. Some clothes found in one of the security boxes. Trophy for LM, or DNA covered underwear? Just strangulation or maybe rape too. Remember LM said on video at the search party in Ocean Gove ,one week after she went missing "Sarah's strong". Right away I knew SS had fought for her life with LM. Unbelievable. Childhood friends for SS and LM. PT a friend and prom date in High School.
How scary is that. This is some tale being given by the snitch, and TP. Just because TP led the Authorities to the security boxes, doesn't mean he deserves the congressional medal of honor.
I sure these little bad seeds will negotiate a lesser sentence, by telling the family where their beloved Sarah remains are.
Just turn them over to Mr. Stern, and walk away.
:welcome: spaz1959. Good first post. Maybe we will figure out some of your answers. (((Hugs)))
Hi I'm new here. I live in Neptune City, and my daughter was friends with SS. I have some thoughts I'd like to share. On Dec 2nd when SS car was found on bridge, I thought no way did this kid
kill herself. I don't understand the timeline. The neighbors security camera shows SS leaving her home and getting into her car approx 11:30ish. Her car was found on Belmar Bridge at 2:45AM.
How does the 8 hrs that SS is supposed to be dead make sense? Did one of her killers LM or PT dress up like her...doubtful. Ok, so SS dead body is in the back yard, under bushes, then it's being thrown over a fence? The houses in that neighborhood are very close together. No one saw anything? Then these Monsters put SS body in the front seat while LM drives around with it
followed by PT in his car? They drive around thinking what to do with SS body. Really? This is their 6 month plan? Ok, now they decide to throw her body off the top of the Belmar Bridge.
Really? OK, SS has been dead for 8 hrs. She weighs 130# she is much more heavy and difficult to move around at the 6 to 8 hr point. It is off season at the Shore and while the traffic isn't that heavy, there's still traffic. I'm thinking, Nah. SS may have gone in the Shark River , however I don't believe that way. There are other ways, that do not take the chance of being seen. Remember they have a plan. Strangulation is a very personal way to kill someone. Unrequited love for LM? I mean you have to be pretty angry inside. Some clothes found in one of the security boxes. Trophy for LM, or DNA covered underwear? Just strangulation or maybe rape too. Remember LM said on video at the search party in Ocean Gove ,one week after she went missing "Sarah's strong". Right away I knew SS had fought for her life with LM. Unbelievable. Childhood friends for SS and LM. PT a friend and prom date in High School.
How scary is that. This is some tale being given by the snitch, and TP. Just because TP led the Authorities to the security boxes, doesn't mean he deserves the congressional medal of honor.
I sure these little bad seeds will negotiate a lesser sentence, by telling the family where their beloved Sarah remains are.
Just turn them over to Mr. Stern, and walk away.

:Welcome1: spaz1959! What a great informative post, thank you!

Please consider becoming a Verified Insider since you are so close to Sarah.

Sometimes I consider that these dim bulbs are mostly just "lit". But then light dawns. Under the bush for 8 hours. When first dead, a body at 130 lbs is like a big bag of water - hard to handle. After rigor sets in not so bad. How long did LM wait afterward to call PT and tell him to move her?
Then over the fence? Were they parked next door? I don't have a map of the address.

Again, thank you and please consider the insider status.
The footage timeline vs the story LE has been told doesn't seem to jive.

But LE or friends/family looking for Sarah likely found that phone before they ever asked neighbors for security footage. I think LE was telling a little fib to either put the fear in the boys (maybe hoping they would turn themselves in) or make them think they were safe (and therefore might let their guard down). I think it's possible they have footage of the boys moving Sarah or at least the boys on camera. Whether it's at 11:30 or not, I don't know. It wouldn't necessarily be a lie if Sarah was PUT into her car at 11:30 and then driven off with someone else.

Of course, it could be possible that all of it was a lie and Sarah was alive at 11:30 pm. I'm just not sure why the boys would lie about the entire day if they confessed to the crime. The only thing that makes sense to lie about is where they put her.
The footage timeline vs the story LE has been told doesn't seem to jive.

But LE or friends/family looking for Sarah likely found that phone before they ever asked neighbors for security footage. I think LE was telling a little fib to either put the fear in the boys (maybe hoping they would turn themselves in) or make them think they were safe (and therefore might let their guard down). I think it's possible they have footage of the boys moving Sarah or at least the boys on camera. Whether it's at 11:30 or not, I don't know. It wouldn't necessarily be a lie if Sarah was PUT into her car at 11:30 and then driven off with someone else.

Of course, it could be possible that all of it was a lie and Sarah was alive at 11:30 pm. I'm just not sure why the boys would lie about the entire day if they confessed to the crime. The only thing that makes sense to lie about is where they put her.

Ok, I have never gotten the impression that LM
Confessed to anything. The snitch , and PT maybe gave some info up, certainly not all. Where would be their negotiation tool?
I understand the question, why would they lie about the entire day. Why would they lie? Why wouldn't they. I just keep going back to the 6 months of planning. These guys are hollow
Bunnies. You know instead of the solid chocolate bunny you get at Easter. It appears to be a solid chocolate bunny, but it's hollow.
They throw a bit of truth in with their lies just to keep you hooked.
I mean did these 2 , LM an PT, torture animals
For fun as kids. Do people just become sociopaths, psychopaths over night?
Ok, I have never gotten the impression that LM
Confessed to anything. The snitch , and PT maybe gave some info up, certainly not all. Where would be their negotiation tool?
I understand the question, why would they lie about the entire day. Why would they lie? Why wouldn't they. I just keep going back to the 6 months of planning. These guys are hollow
Bunnies. You know instead of the solid chocolate bunny you get at Easter. It appears to be a solid chocolate bunny, but it's hollow.
They throw a bit of truth in with their lies just to keep you hooked.
I mean did these 2 , LM an PT, torture animals
For fun as kids. Do people just become sociopaths, psychopaths over night?

I don't know who's talking and who's not. I agree they aren't solid bunnies. Why plan for 6 months at all? What was so complex about their plan that they needed 6 months to fumble it up so terribly from the get go?

BBM- Here's kind of a interesting short article about sociopaths vs psychopaths.
Interestingly enough, the planning for 6 months points more to a psychopath, but the obvious foul ups point more to a sociopath. Possible this case has both? Google search wasn't helpful in finding out whether a psychopath and sociopath would/could be friends or beneficial to each other.

Down the rabbit hole I followed, it seems research disagrees a bit, but most point to sociopaths being made and psychopaths being born. So a psychopath was likely born with some screwy brain wiring and a sociopath likely became a sociopath due to neglect or abuse. But another article mentioned violent psychopaths likely have a history of abuse or neglect. It seems both would have to have violent tendencies to plan a murder for 6 months. I doubt anything happened overnight and both have histories full of warning signs.
I don't know if there's been anything definitively established about the crime that would make this NOT a possibility, but I couldn't help wondering about whether the body was dismembered and put in a bag or some sort of container. The accused claim that Sarah's remains were hidden under bushes, then tossed over a fence, and then (maybe) dropped over a bridge--wouldn't that be a heck of a lot easier to accomplish (with lower risk of discovery by others) if the body was in a more compact "bundle"? You could also put that bag/container in the front seat of the car, as one of the accused claimed they did (and I could see their sick minds thinking it was funny to phrase it, in their confession, as though they had placed an intact, fully-dressed corpse in the front seat).

This hypothesis would also account for why clothing would have been in one of the safe deposit boxes--if you were going to dismember a body and dispose of it, you'd probably want to first remove anything on the body which could be used to identify it (like clothing).

My thoughts are with Sarah's family and friends!
The whole 3hrs between video of Sarah leaving to car found vs 8 hrs dead under a Bush makes no sense.

Also there is no way I could see either of them moving a 130lbs of dead weight alone and on top of it throwing 130ln body over a fence. If they could accomplish it there would be one heck of ruckus.

What if the confession from PT is part of the plan. Throw off investigators so body is never found. Based on comments from the defense attorney it sounds like they may go with what if Sarah ran away, and introduce reasonable doubt. No body no crime defense. Cases have been prosecuted without a body before but all they need is one juror to have a bit of doubt for a mistrial. Enough mistrials and case gets dropped or pled down.

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Well, I don't think SS was dismembered. Too much blood evidence. Yes, it would have made removal and disposal of her body easier. Maybe I just don't want to go there in my mind. Not that these little darling weren't capable of such an act. Ok, what if the security cam of the neighbors did capture SS at or about 11:30pm on Dec 1.
So, she's leaving the house to go where? A quick check, 7 eleven? LM called and asked her to meet him somewhere? If that was truly SS leaving her house, and the papers report this as the last time she's seen. How does the rest of LM or PT story fit? Would the LE intentionally give this story to mislead the public?
I participated in the search for SS. At the search we were told details of what we were looking for by the LE. Those details were not in the paper. I understand that they
are holding their cards close to the vest. Thank goodness, because LE is rocking this investigation.
Ok, moving off track a bit. The links that were provide here by WS were terrific, thank you. I viewed LM videos. Especially interesting was the video dated Jan 2, 2017.
One month anniversary to when SS was reported missing. I know where this was filmed. Remember I'm a local. It was filmed in Bradley Beach. At the park by the train station. A stones throw from Neptune city. I found it very interesting how in the film he focused on the ATM nearby. Stream of consciousness?
LM looked like he was doing just fine a month after his friend SS went missing. I sent it on to LE.
Hi there- This is my first post as I'm new to websleuths.
I grew up in Neptune City and knew Sarah's mother when I was a young girl so this hits pretty close to home for me. It's just tragic.

I have been following the case closely & have family/friends who are especially close to the case. So maybe I can help clear up confusion in some of the details. I'll certainly try to as I read through all these posts. Please forgive me if at first I don't follow the thread correctly. Promise I'm a fast learner.

The reported surveillance footage comes from a neighbor of Sarah's (not directly across the street or next door)- it's from approx. 11:45pm Friday night 12/2/16. According to LE, it shows someone in a red hoodie or windbreaker getting into Sarah's car. At first, they assumed it was Sarah. Now it seems that it was Liam (or Preston if his story is garbage). I don't think LE purposely lied about this particular discovery but perhaps about others. I agree they are doing a great job.

In the Jan 2 2017 youtube video you mention, that is actually Seamus, Liam's twin brother. But your opinion that Liam seemed to be doing just fine still holds, because I saw him in several FB videos & photos during the holidays...and he looked as though he hadn't a care in the world, happy as a clam. It's just sickening. Heartbreaking.

Well, I don't think SS was dismembered. Too much blood evidence. Yes, it would have made removal and disposal of her body easier. Maybe I just don't want to go there in my mind. Not that these little darling weren't capable of such an act. Ok, what if the security cam of the neighbors did capture SS at or about 11:30pm on Dec 1.
So, she's leaving the house to go where? A quick check, 7 eleven? LM called and asked her to meet him somewhere? If that was truly SS leaving her house, and the papers report this as the last time she's seen. How does the rest of LM or PT story fit? Would the LE intentionally give this story to mislead the public?
I participated in the search for SS. At the search we were told details of what we were looking for by the LE. Those details were not in the paper. I understand that they
are holding their cards close to the vest. Thank goodness, because LE is rocking this investigation.
Ok, moving off track a bit. The links that were provide here by WS were terrific, thank you. I viewed LM videos. Especially interesting was the video dated Jan 2, 2017.
One month anniversary to when SS was reported missing. I know where this was filmed. Remember I'm a local. It was filmed in Bradley Beach. At the park by the train station. A stones throw from Neptune city. I found it very interesting how in the film he focused on the ATM nearby. Stream of consciousness?
LM looked like he was doing just fine a month after his friend SS went missing. I sent it on to LE.
Hi there- I cannot video the video because I'm not a subscriber. Would you please tell me what they say about the 911 call?
Thank you Veronica27! Incredibly tragic. Are LM and SM identical twins. Ok, let's suppose that wasn't Sarah captured on Cam, then when was the last time anyone saw her or spoke to her? Was that her dad? Would that have been on the day before? BTW, great post.
Thanks Veronica27. This is a tragic story, and very heart breaking. Wondering. Are LM and SM identical twins? Ok, let's suppose that the person captured on the neighbors Cam is not SS. It leaves a lot of questions. One would be.when did anyone see or speak with SS last? Would that have been her Dad the day before?
Thanks Veronica27. This is a tragic story, and very heart breaking. Wondering. Are LM and SM identical twins? Ok, let's suppose that the person captured on the neighbors Cam is not SS. It leaves a lot of questions. One would be.when did anyone see or speak with SS last? Would that have been her Dad the day before?

I wonder what time those texts were, where LM says he is at the bank and about to take her out?
I still can't wrap my brain around a college student HAVING that much money and withdrawing it. What was it for??
I still can't wrap my brain around a college student HAVING that much money and withdrawing it. What was it for??

Her mother and grandmother both had recently passed. So she probably had an inheritance.

I think that LM may have convinced her to give him a loan ---maybe for a truck or a small business startup etc. He may have convinced her to loan him several thousand secretly--so she withdrew the cash and then he blindsided her?
I think"the bank" is code for SS. If it was a friendly loan, why would you kill your bank?
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