NJ - Sean Goldman: Abducted and living in Brazil UPDATE: Coming Home

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Grandmother Blasts Brazil for Selling Out Sean Goldman and Vows to Visit Him Soon
Saturday, 26 December 2009

Silvana Bianchi, the grandmother of Sean Goldman, the 9-year-old American boy who was taken to Brazil by his mother when he was 4 and who was returned to the United States, this Christmas Eve, met the press in Rio, on Christmas day, to talk about the departure of her grandson.


"We will ask for visitation rights, through the Brazilian embassy in Washington and this visit will happen as soon as possible," said the grandmother.

More at link:


Interesting that she claims she has been raising the kids.

I want to slap her. Seriously hope she's not allowed to see him any time soon. I think I'm ok with giving her a little supervised visitation but not until he's adjusted. David doesn't need her poisoning Sean.

What speaks to me is the photos of David & Sean; especially the one where they are on the plane & Sean has a huge smile on his face. I hope the grandmother sees that.

THANK GOD is all I can say. It's going to be hard on the kid but he is where he should be.
From Twitter:

brazzil Sean Goldman's Stepfather Tells His Side and Goes Back to Court to Get Boy - http://bit.ly/6wVyFz
about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck

These people are unreal! :banghead:
I have a feeling those 2 are going o be running their mouths.
I really hope any appeals are cut down.

As far as Sean calling him (stepfather) dad; he was probably poisoned against David. I have 2 kids; that have never called anyone but their fathers dad.

A few parts of the interview were on something I was watching last night (ET); someone said that David hadn't tried to call.. How does anyone really know what David did or not? It was between he & Bruna; she probably had a cell phone or her own number; probably told David he wasn't welcomed to see Sean; who knows if she picked the phone up for him.

I know other women with custody that don't allow he father visitation for whatever reason. I don't doubt Bruna was like them.

The show I watched last night.. forgot to mention; David was criticized for having a film crew. So what? Sean has not been taped; the most they are showing are photos of him. I don't see any harm in David telling his story.

He made a deal with a network show; in exchange he got a private plane. Good for him.

The show I watched last night.. forgot to mention; David was criticized for having a film crew. So what? Sean has not been taped; the most they are showing are photos of him. I don't see any harm in David telling his story.

He made a deal with a network show; in exchange he got a private plane. Good for him.


The media was necessay to help get Sean home. The muscle of the press and US government, in this case holding up the trade bill, was what it took to get Sean out. The Brazilian family are the biggest whiners when someone else uses their same tactics -- trying to get media sympathy, using their government connections/influence, etc.. They have been able to bully and boss every situation through their family standing, and this loss really hurts their pride. I would guess that matters as much as the loss of Sean.

No telling what the Brazilian stepfather told Sean about calling David father. I am sure he was made to feel he would be "betraying" his stepfather if he did. With time, Sean will know the right thing to do and say.

Just a note, Sean lived int he US as many years as he did Brazil. I know they were not the years he remembers best, but they are equal to the time he was in Brazil. In the end, David was his dad -- his true dad and that trumps all other relationships. Sadly, the Brazilian family seems deteremined to make this as painful and difficult as they can no matter if is hurts Sean or not. They are not going to fade into the background.
I have two step children. My step daughter was around 8 when her mother met the guy. She calls him call dad and also her father dad. My husband doesnt mind cause the guy is the one there with her daily raising her ( we live 2 hours away and get one weekend a month and holidays). Likewise both kids call me mum and wasnt told to do so by either parent or me. I think its just something kids do...call a step parent mum or dad mistake and then sometimes keep with it.
My husband has raised my daughter since she was 5; she is now 16. My son was 7 when I married daughters father; never called him dad. He was a teen when my hubby came into the picture; so even though my hubby has been the man in both of their lives for the last 10 years, they both have fathers; even though they don't see them often.

About my comment with Sean being shown in pictures.. I was wrong, there is video of him opening a gift & some video of him on the plane; nothing with him speaking & IIRC he was wearing sunglasses.

As the day has gone on; I've become more & more upset over the Brazilian family.
Dad told his ex-mother in law to tell Sean that his dad loves him and that he's a good dad.. not sure if she ever did.

Reading her comments about how the grandmother raises the kids after the loss of the bio-mother; followed by how David is taking "her" child; well that just makes me hot. Does she forget how she took Sean from David?

FWIW, everything I'm reading, David has had attorneys on the case since day one. Bruna was allowed to get away with the law for so long that now they are whiny little babies because they "lost". They forget that David was the main caregiver to Sean when he was little; they took away some of the most important years of his life.

I'm glad David left Sean's room the way it was when he left. While I know he's too old for Scooby Doo; I'm sure it will help him remember the good times & how much his dad has never stopped loving him or fighting for him.

The most moving video was David talking about the "Christmas miracle" and how there are so many days a year but it was this day that Sean came home. I assumed he did not celebrate Christmas; but I guess I'm wrong.

I'm very happy David got Sean back but it bothers me that now this is hanging over his head :( Why couldn't he have a week alone with his child before the cr@p hit the fan????

Two things. While I agree the brazilian family isn't going to shut up and put this childs interests first, I HOPE the media attention will die down and this 9 year old child won't have to read every last detail about what happens with the bitter custody battle from here on out online.

Also, my son is 7. His dad saw him a half dozen times at most between birth and age 18-24 mos. Nothing until age 4, then he was flighty for a year. It's only been the last 28 months or so he's been an active dad. For approximately the first year- year and a half my son NEVER called him dad, and always refered to him by his first name. We both allowed our son to start calling him dad in his own time, when he was comfortable doing so.

I'm sorry to say this, but David needs to keep from airing his personal disappointments now with the media and allow his son time to adjust to this in the time his son is comfortable. There is no right or wrong time for Sean to adjust to this. I'm not saying David does not have every right to be disappointed and hurt, BUT, he need to step back and NOT share those personal feelings with the media because it isn't helping his son in the least to be doing so. If anyting, he needs to be sharing them PRIVATELY with either a therapist, or a close supportive friend.

The best thing David could do, is do only what he has control over, and keep this reunion and adjustment from becoming a media circus and scrutinizing every last detail of every step these two go through while becoming reacquainted. I hope for Seans sake, the media dies down within the next week or so.

jmo as a single parent putting my childs best interests first and letting his feelings supercede my own as the adult.

We should have known that this family wasn't going to let go. They are grandparents and should be satisfied to come visit Sean if David is still willing after they get done stirring things up. The stepfather is no relation to Sean and he shouldn't be allowed to even be involved in Sean's life.

Is it David that wants Sean to decide in court who he wants to live with or is it the grandparents? If it is David I can't imagine what he is thinking. This boy hasn't lived with David for 5 years. He doesn't even know his dad anymore. He needs time to adjust and get to know his dad again and find out for himself who his dad is. This isn't going to happen over night or even in a few months. David needs to just take things nice and slow with Sean and everything will work out. If it is the grandparents who want Sean to decide in court then to bad. The courts have already made the decision of who Sean will live with. A nine year old shouldn't be asked to chose in a court of law anyway. They don't always know what is best for them. He would go with what and who is most familiar I think.

I wouldn't think David would expect Sean to call him dad yet. Give the boy time. If David is the dad he seems to be Sean will bond with him again and in time he will call him dad. Go slow David and don't expect to much to soon.

I had to smile about Sean asking his dad if his bedroom was the same as when he left home 5 years ago. Regardless of Sean's reaction it says something to him that dad left his room just like he left it. I think it will mean a lot to him to walk into that room and probably remember a lot of the things that are in there. Memorys will return along with the toys and room decorations. He will remember that room or at least some things in it.

If those grandparents...not the stepfather...want to visit Sean there is no way I would leave him alone with them. They would have supervised visitation and it should be when David agrees....not by some court order. If they don't want to work it out with David then forget it. I think I would have a deputy sherrif be the supervisor during the visits so they couldn't take off with Sean because they will if they get the chance in my opinion.
Two things. While I agree the brazilian family isn't going to shut up and put this childs interests first, I HOPE the media attention will die down and this 9 year old child won't have to read every last detail about what happens with the bitter custody battle from here on out online.

Also, my son is 7. His dad saw him a half dozen times at most between birth and age 18-24 mos. Nothing until age 4, then he was flighty for a year. It's only been the last 28 months or so he's been an active dad. For approximately the first year- year and a half my son NEVER called him dad, and always refered to him by his first name. We both allowed our son to start calling him dad in his own time, when he was comfortable doing so.

I'm sorry to say this, but David needs to keep from airing his personal disappointments now with the media and allow his son time to adjust to this in the time his son is comfortable. There is no right or wrong time for Sean to adjust to this. I'm not saying David does not have every right to be disappointed and hurt, BUT, he need to step back and NOT share those personal feelings with the media because it isn't helping his son in the least to be doing so. If anyting, he needs to be sharing them PRIVATELY with either a therapist, or a close supportive friend.

The best thing David could do, is do only what he has control over, and keep this reunion and adjustment from becoming a media circus and scrutinizing every last detail of every step these two go through while becoming reacquainted. I hope for Seans sake, the media dies down within the next week or so.

jmo as a single parent putting my childs best interests first and letting his feelings supercede my own as the adult.

David was not airing his personal disappointment with Sean not calling him Dad. He was simply answering a question. Veira asked "has he called you dad yet?" and he replied, "No, not yet. He really hasn't called me anything yet." Sort of explaining that Sean was working through how to address him. When asked, David said, "Yeah, I call him son, buddy, Sean."

On a related topic, some have criticized David for working with NBC and airing any footage of Sean at this point. But, I think he has been VERY discreet with airing footage of his son and judicious with his comments.
I completely understand why he is involved with the media at all. There are several reasons. First, this is a common tactic for families who want privacy when faced with a case of national or even international fame and interest. Think Elizabeth Smart, Jaycee Dugard, Shawn Hornbeck. They know the media will continue to invade their privacy and hound them. They know that without being given a bone, the public or their enemies will be free to frame events the way they want to. Thus, by giving one or two outlets exclusive access to the story, they can control how the sotry is framed and they can limit the intrusiveness of a media hungry for info.
Th opposite of this is Tiger Woods who remained silent. The media thus dug deep and boy did they find a lot! I know it is a different situation but just an example of what can happen when you don't play ball with the media in a high profile case.
Second, there remain 65 or so children illegally held in Brazil, not to mention thousands of children kidnapped to other countries. David Goldman fought tirelessly for five and a half years for his little boy. He prevailed but I have no doubt that he feels a sense of responsibility towards the remaining left behind families. Allowing public access to his painful journey is a way to keep such issues in the public's mind, it allows those left behind to feel hope and it allows foreign governments to see that all can be well when a kidnapped child is returned. He is being honest with the struggle and truthful with the success so far of his reunion with Sean. He is allwoing the world to see that the U.S. and Brazil made the right decision. He is a smart man working with intelligent advisors and I applaud him.

Finally, David has been very generous in his comments and actions surrounding Sean's Brazilian family. He hugged Bruna at the exchange and promised her he would not do to her what she did to him. He has been very lowkey in his comments, simply saying he felt upset by how they paraded Sean through the streets and that he will never understand their motivations. Believe me, he could have said much more. He was victorious and now has nothing to lose. Given that, his restraint is remarkable.
I realize that gitana, however his number one responsibility right now is to his child, not the media, not curious onlookers, not speculators.

Elizabeth Smart, Jaycee Dugard, Shawn Hornbeck were all stranger abductions, two completely different scenarios imo. Comparing this to Tiger Woods isn't even in the same hemisphere... two very very different scenarios.

Viera's question was a dumb one imo. David keeping internationally parental abducted children in the spotlight is one thing, very different than scrutinizing under a microscope. Sean deserves better, and I hope David focuses on helping his child adjust and heal first. There is nothing wrong with David stating he doesn't wish to answer certain media questions, particularly the one Viera asked about whether or not Sean has called him dad. How do you think Sean would feel about reading his dad answering that question or seeing it airing in the media? A little on the spot perhaps? IMO, David needs to first think about how his actions and responses may affect his child. After all it is the childs healing and adjustment which are top priority.

jmo of course
Snippet from, An emotional homecoming for Goldman and his son

With the safe return of his son, Goldman also said yesterday he would work with U.S. Rep. Chris Smith (R-4th Dist.) to get legislation passed that would help other parents in his situation.

""My assistance is offered to Congressman Smith, however possible,'' Goldman said at a news conference in his attorney's Red Bank office. ""He is a hero. He didn't have to give up his Christmas. He missed his Christmas.''

--> more at link

Kudos to Rep. Chris Smith for all he did to assist David in his plight to get Sean back home! I think he was terrific!
Oh boy, these people really seem to be trying their damnedest to totally alienate David Goldman, until he finally has enough and tells them to go fly a kite! (And, to forget about any future visitation!) I think they are just plain toxic!

Goldman Only Cares About the Money, Says Lawyer for Sean's Brazilian Family


I'm not going to post any of the article, because I think it's a bunch of *BS*. I bet it's safe to say that the lawyer representing the Brazilian families probably only cares about money! I bet he's made a bundle on "Sean", too!

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