NJ - Sean Goldman: Abducted and living in Brazil UPDATE: Coming Home

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From Brazil, he is the first child returned to the US.

thanks for the clarification, I looked at that with shock and disbelief! Now I feel a little silly for taking that so literally. whoops.
thanks for the clarification, I looked at that with shock and disbelief! Now I feel a little silly for taking that so literally. whoops.

No problem! I'm going on little sleep this morning and didn't realize that I didn't specify Brazil. I've corrected my post. Thanks!

In 2010, BSH will work toward helping other LBPs. Also, there are ways everyone can help...contact your representatives and ask for their support on HR 3240.

ONGOING PROJECT: Int'l Child Abduction Prevention Act of 2009 - H.R.3240 - BringSeanHome Forums

The bill can be read at the below link:


Oh, and one more thing....I applaud Congressman Chris Smith for standing by David's side. He has been in Brazil with David this entire trip; he left with David this morning coming home. He could have done like many and refused to go and spend this time with his family. GOD BLESS YOU, CHRIS SMITH!!!!

Here's another sad case (involving Italy this time):

This child has been reabducted by his mother who has been proven by US and Italian courts to be unfit.
Welcome home, Sean! May you and your father begin healing and starting this with a very merry Christmas.

Prayers and best wishes to the Goldman family. A long, hard battle fought... and finally won!

I hope the transition goes as smoothly as possible for Sean. From what I have seen of his Dad, I believe he will do all he can to make sure that happens. He never gave up. This is the type of Father every child needs.
Merry Christmas Sean and David. Our prayers are with you this holiday season as you transition to life TOGETHER!

Peace to you both!

Oh man, grab a tissue! Just reading the title started my tears (of joy!) flowing.

A relieved grandfather hears Sean Goldman's voice: "Hi, Pop Pop"

Barry Goldman got his Christmas present this morning when he heard his grandson Sean Goldman simply say into the phone, "Hi, Pop Pop."

Those words were all he wanted to hear.

"It was great. It was wonderful to hear his voice," Barry Goldman said. "I'm so excited. I'm going to get to hug him, kiss him, and have fun with my grandson."
--> more at link


What wonderful news! :)
There was just a former Asst Sec of State for Inter-American Affairs, Bernard Aronson, on Fox News a few minutes ago. He is saying what a terrible decision the Brazilian family made by making the returning of Sean into a media circus when it did not need be so!

Aronson said the reunion is going very well! He said that Sean and David had a cheeseburger together. They've done a puzzle together and Sean fell asleep on his father's shoulder. He mentioned that Sean got to speak to his grandmother and grandfather for the first time in years. Oh boy, just typing this and the tears are flowing.

David reacted to this whole kidnapping story with a letter and they posted and read a line from it:

I hope the momentum keeps growing and the attention does not fade because there are more fathers and mothers and children to return.
God bless you all,

What a wonderful human being David Goldman is! To still be concerned about the other children, while he is on the emotional high of having his own son back after years of being separated!
I just did my make-up, so i'm going to wait and read those articles later. :D

I hope David will help others in this situation in the future.

What a great Christmas this will be for them.


ETA: Maybe someone could change that sad smiley in the title to a happy one?
No make up on here yet TG! Tears through a smile here too. Thanks so much for posting these links Liz! :blowkiss:
Thank you for posting the link to that article. I agree, have your tissues ready. Mr. Barry Goldman makes me cry everytime I hear the man speak. He is filled with love for his son, David, and his grandson, Sean. A few months ago during an event for David and Sean in NJ, an interview was done with him and he said he was scared that at his age that he wouldn't live to hold his grandson again. (Okay, just typing that made me cry.) I'm so thrilled that Mr. Barry and Mrs. Ellie will get to see their precious grandson again. I know David is loving having his baby boy sleeping on his shoulder. God Bless the Goldman family!

To the Goldman Family:
Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and Have a WONDERFUL 2010!!!!
Thanks everyone! I have a nine-year old granddaughter that is a dual-citizen of the U.S. & Brazil, and there but for the grace of God go I! I'm totally ecstatic for David! :)

The latest on Twitter:

brazzil Goldman's Lawyer Ricardo Zamariola says Sean will spend Christmas on Disneyworld with father. He saw both engaged in lively conversation.
27 minutes ago from TweetDeck
Thanks everyone! I have a nine-year old granddaughter that is a dual-citizen of the U.S. & Brazil, and there but for the grace of God go I! I'm totally ecstatic for David! :)

The latest on Twitter:

brazzil Goldman's Lawyer Ricardo Zamariola says Sean will spend Christmas on Disneyworld with father. He saw both engaged in lively conversation.
27 minutes ago from TweetDeck

I hope that they have a fabulous time at Disney. My husbands BFF is there with his kids this week and they said it is a madhouse. Hopefully David and Sean can blend in and spend some much needed bonding time together.

I LOVE that their bond was never broken. I heard that Sean said this morning that he never said he wanted to stay in Brazil. He had told his Dad earlier this year during one of the visits that he wanted to go home.
That was one the most horrible things they could have done. Now this is a scene we all may never forget when thinking of this case.

I am so happy for father and son.

I predicted that's what the family would do to Sean. It fits the pattern of the classic alienator.
Thank God Sean's away from that now! I prayed before checking on the computer this morning. Merry Christmas to all!
Boy reunited with American dad in Brazil

Associated Press Writer

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) -- A 9-year-old boy at the center of a five-year custody battle on two continents was finally turned over to his American father Thursday in a scene as tumultuous as the legal fight itself, with the youngster forced to squeeze though a jostling crowd of reporters and photographers.

Soon afterward, a smiling Sean Goldman was back in his father's arms, talking about basketball and how much snow there was back in New Jersey. Then father and son boarded a private jet chartered by NBC and took off for the United States.

"It is now time for our new beginning, the rebirth of our family at such a special time of the year," the boy's father, David Goldman of Tinton Falls, N.J., wrote in a letter read to reporters after his departure. --> more


I hope that where ever David and Sean go today, that they will be given privacy during this precious time, as they reacquaint themselves in their loving bond as father and son.

Wishing them all the love in the world!
WOW, you guys have been busy posting. I didn't realize how many days I had been away from WS. Not that this matters anymore, because they are already on their way HOME... :woohoo:, but there is a lot the Brazilian family could have done. It has been stated that they had threatened to have David killed in the past .... don't think I would be showing up for Christmas dinner either.

As for Sean (he's 9, btw) being able to tell his wishes...I can respect this if it had not been proven that he was a victim of Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) or better known as BRAINWASHING! This was stated in all of the court rulings at the federal level.

They could have appealed to the STJ rather than try to go back to their friend (Aurelio Mello) to get another stay. By skipping the STJ initially (they did later file a motion with the STJ) and going straight to the STF, they shot themselves in the foot. They did try to appeal to the STJ and it was denied once the chairman received the report from the STF President (Mendes).

David Goldman has reportedly spent more than $400K in this battle to regain his son. He lives in a very nice home (that the Brazilians refer to as a shack) in Tinton Falls, NJ.

But all that matters now is...THEY ARE ON THEIR WAY HOME!!!!
BringSeanHome Forums - View Single Post - Media Coverage Thursday Dec 24
(there is a video of the take-off at this link)

One more thing: it was stated this morning that Sean never said he only wanted to live in Brazil. I know he did on tape, but that was a forced interview (also illegal per the court order). He and his Dad were bonding nicely - laughing and talking about basketball.


GITANA - You can exhale now. :dance:

Oh, and let us not forget, there are 65 more US children IN BRAZIL that are being illegally retained; more than 300 in Mexico; 2800 TOTAL...well, now 2799. Sean Goldman is the first child ever returned to the US from Brazil under the Hague Convention. The US has returned 7 children from the US to Brazil since Sean Goldman was abducted in June 2004...3 of the 7 were from New Jersey.

Francois Larivee (Canadian) has been waiting for 2 YEARS to have an appeal heard (filed by his childs mother) at the STJ level. The TRF-2 awarded him custody of his son (Lucas) and she went into hiding with the child and managed a stay while "in hiding". He's still waiting . . . :banghead:

Thank you!!!! I finally exhaled. And you're right, it's on to the rest of the children illegally held in other countries. This nonsense has to stop!
This is a long flight in time from Brazil. I am so happy for David. When they land and choose to stay away from NJ it will probably be a good thing for their reunion. The media needs to leave them alone for now.

Merry Christmas David and Sean.
What a wonderful Christmas this will be for them!

Merry Christmas David & Sean ~ reunited at last! :santa:

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