NJ - Sean Goldman: Abducted and living in Brazil UPDATE: Coming Home

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You can't post that letter, can you? My work server is blocking the site.
You can't post that letter, can you? My work server is blocking the site.

Ohiogirl, not sure I am allowed to, due to copywright laws. I'll send it to you via PM instead.

Here is the latest from Brazzil Mag:
"The War Is Over," Says Lawyer for Brazilian Family of Sean Goldman


The war may be over but it sounds like the battle (of stalling) has just begun, according to what I'm hearing on Fox News. I think they will try to avoid turning Sean over until after Christmas, but that's just my personal feeling, after reading that letter. And after reading that the family was planning on appealing but for their lawyer seeming to finally recognize the proverbial "writing on the wall".
Thanks anyway Liz, I will look at it when I get home.
On Twitter:

Nadine283: ABC News reporting Rio federal court confirms the Bianchi family have until 9am local tomorrow (0600est) to hand Sean Goldman 2 US consulate
4 minutes ago from web

greatlakesgirl: The Brazilian family has until 9:00 Am Thursday to handover Sean Goldman to his father. Their last ditch appeal was denied today
8 minutes ago from web
Thanks anyway Liz, I will look at it when I get home.

Here is some of it, ohiogirl. This, in addition to what I posted above about how Grandma Silvana wrote that the Brazilian way is to have the grandmother raise the child in the absence of the mother.

I'm worried about losing my grandson Sean due to an international pressure that does not take into consideration the interests of a 9-year-old child who longs to remain among those who gave him comfort at the time of his mother's death.

The Judicial decisions that have been taken by determining the handing out of Sean in 48 hours to the American Consulate did not take into account the wishes of my grandson to stay in Brazil. They argued that the Hague Convention requires immediate delivery. I am not a lawyer, but what I know is that the Convention establishes as maximum priority the child's interest. And the child was not heard.

Mr President, this is not an outburst of a grandmother in agony. It is the cry of a Brazilian fighting with all her forces, the ones she still has, so that the Justice of this country apply the laws with the essential dose of humanity.

Trying to take a 9-year-old child from his daily life with the family he has continuously lived with for 5 years, and especially from his sister, 1.3-year-old Chiara, which finds great comfort in Sean, just on Christmas Eve, represents an inhumanity. Jesus came to earth to save humankind. May God protect those who believe in the supreme principle of Christianity, the preservation of the family.

That Brazzil magazine site is on-again, off-again from my experience. But hopefully you will be able to access it later and read the letter in its entirety.
From CBSRadioNews
Your lists: The parties are negotiating the transfer of the boy from the family home to the American consulate where he will be reunited w his father.
40 minutes ago from web

CBS's Liz Bacelar reports negotiations are underway between the attorneys of Sean Goldman's Brazilian family and the government of Brazil.
40 minutes ago from web

ETA: more tweets:

From: http://twitter.com/brazzil

Rio's Federal Court rules: Brazilian family of Sean Goldman has until 9 am Thursday to deliver the child to father, American David Goldman
7 minutes ago from TweetDeck

Brazil Sold Sean for an Economic Deal, Says American Boy's Grandmother - http://www.brazzilmag.com/content/view/11605/1/
11 minutes ago from TweetDeck

(I get page not found for that brazzilmag link)
Hopefully this will happen tomorrow. Merry Christmas all!
Brazil Sold Sean for an Economic Deal, Says American Boy's Grandmother
Written by José Wilson Miranda
Wednesday, 23 December 2009



One of her disappointments, Bianchi says, is that the Brazilian Justice didn't allow the boy to express his wish and decide by himself if he wanted to stay with the Brazilian family or go with the father to the United States.

For her, they transformed her grandson into an "object of a political and economic agreement." She mentioned the news she read at the BBC Brazil reporting that the U.S. Senate has approved unanimously an extension of the tariff exemption program that benefits exports of Brazil and 131 other countries. The vote had been postponed and only came after the Brazilian Supreme Court ordered the delivery of Sean to his father.
--> more at link

Bianchi also stated that she will have the worst Christmas of her life. Oh bring on the violins ... how self-serving! What about Sean's father having the worst FIVE Christmases of his life, without his only child!? Sheesh, get a grip Grandma! Be thankful for all the time you've had with Sean and hand him over to his one and only father!
Thursday Deadline for Sean Goldman Return
Court Imposes Timetable on Custody Transfer of 9-Year-Old Boy to U.S. Dad; Brazilian Family Won't Appeal Ruling

(CBS/AP) Updated at 1:29 p.m. EST

A federal court ordered the Brazilian family of 9-year-old Sean Goldman to return the boy to his American father by Thursday morning.

The ruling came as representatives of both families were negotiating the timing of the custody transfer. A representative for the family's lawyer told CBS News the family wouldn't appeal the court-ordered return and are planning a "peaceful transition" to take place. --> more at link


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Praying for David and Sean, that this transfer does happen tomorrow morning, without any additional drama from the Brazilian families.
Can anyone imagine how the boy has been brainwashed (IMO) by the grandmother? The boy also has lived a privileged life. It's going to take a lot of time and effort for the boy to adjust to a new life, as well as his father.
The boy's mother is dead. She kidnapped him, not the grandmother.

Correct me if i'm wrong.

The Mother, Grandmother and Grandfather all left the US with Sean. I don't believe they had no idea what was going on at the time.
Let's just pray that no glitches in the AM and Sean and Dad are on the first available plane home as soon as Dad has him in his custody.

It would be wonderful if Rep. Smith had Pelosi's private plane....
Correct me if i'm wrong.

The Mother, Grandmother and Grandfather all left the US with Sean. I don't believe they had no idea what was going on at the time.

They knew and aided her in her kidnapping of her son.. they have been complicit in the illegal retention of this child since prior to the departure of the mother and Sean from the States so many years ago.

The letter is just one more attempt to manipulate and so self serving .. the bs about removing sean from all he knows, to place him with a father he doesnt know .. what a load of manure. They and their daughter prevented sean from all contact. they have prevented sean from speaking with, visiting with and kept him from knowing his father.. obviously he now doesnt know his father.

I am hesitant to believe that they will actually be able to leave Brazil tomorrow without another delay or some other issue. I give David such credit for all that he has done to bring Sean home. He has had so much to deal with during this time and I can only hope now that he will be given the time to build a strong relationship with his son.. the one he has been denied for so long. it was obvious that they had a very tight bond before Sean was taken to Brazil. I sincerely hope the media and others give them time and space. I pray this time is the real deal but I am still not sure it is really over despite the grandparents comments.
I'm not aware of who this person, Lou Young that is tweeting about the Goldman case is, but he seems to have access to some insider information.
Here are his latest tweets, from newest to oldest:

US Consulate confirms Goldman reunion is imminent. Urges respect for privacy. (Good luck with that!)
16 minutes ago from web

Grandmother says she and Sean have made plans to stay in touch by phone and e-mail. Visitation is being negotiated.
24 minutes ago from web

Family says Sean is packing tonight. Cried a lot but is silent now. Bring as many toys as he can. Says he'll miss his little sister Chiara.
25 minutes ago from web

Brazilian grandmother has been denied request to travel with Sean to US.
26 minutes ago from web

Brazilian govt has forbidden images of Sean Goldman from time he leaves house till arrival at Embassy.
27 minutes ago from web

David Goldman will take custody of Sean @ about 6AM NYT @ the US Embassy in Rio. He will travel with Dad probably by private jet to US.
28 minutes ago from web

* * * * * * * * * * * *

IF all of the above is true, I completely agree with everything that has been negotiated thus far. May God comfort Sean and let him feel secure when he is finally reunited with his Dad.
I almost cried at the news that David and Sean's long struggle may be finally over. BUT, I will not exhale until they are on a plane back to the U.S. I do not trust that scheming criminal family one iota. I really wish that senate package had not been released until they were on the plane. I'm sure the Silva's were pressured by their friends in high places to stop the nonsense so the millions we are giving to Brazil could go through. But now, there is nothing to stop them from reverting to their dirty tricks.
For those who think Sean will be going through hell when he transitions to his father's custody, I think you may be surprised. This little boy never forgot his daddy and cried for him for years, even when he had not seen his father in a long, long time. At visits, he cried and asked his dad to remain with him. I bet he really longs for his dad now, since David is his only surviving parent.
Also, to clarify what some kept mentioning pages back, the step-father was not involved with Sean for years, only 10 months or so at the time the mother died, IIRC. And, the step-father, the one fighting so hard to maintain the status of this inhumane kidnapping, does not live with Sean and has not for some time.
Sean will need to adjust. New Jersey in winter will seem weird to a child coming from Brazil in summer but first he will have to get over what his Brazilian family has fed him.
His family in Brazil will likely and purposefully work him up to a fever pitch of hysteria, instead of trying to calm him and tell him everything will be okay, if and when they actually release him. They will likely arrange for cameras to vidoetape a sobbing boy as he goes to the embassy, to his father, but they will have carefully manipulated him into hysteria by sobbing and screaming, in front of him, about how they will never see him again and he is being kidnapped into hell. I have seen this happen in custody cases many times before.
But, I predict, if this reunion actually happens, that after just one day with Dad, the child will feel calmer and more at peace. Children often seem to do well in such situations when returned to their righful caregiver, whether biological or not. They intuitively sense who has their best interests at heart.
I would recommend that Sean not see or speak to his Brazilian family for two weeks after he returns, if he is allowed to return, with the exception of one phone call upon arriving. That is because it takes approximately two weeks for a person to adapt to any situation if they are immersed in it, without outside influences or corruption.
After that, I am sure Sean is going to adjust well. He will be able to see his sister and grandparents (hopefully only on American soil) and I am sure his dad will try to foster regular contact.
But, I would never allow him to see the Silva's, who of all people (being experts on PAS), should have and did know better AND, who used their knowledge to destroy a child and try to destroy his relationship with his father, ever again. Those people are evil and criminal and being that Sean only knew the step-father for a while and does not even live with him now, I think Sean will not be harmed by never having contact with such people.
I will continue to pray for the reunification and a safe homecoming for them both. God bless David and Sean.
I'm not aware of who this person, Lou Young that is tweeting about the Goldman case is, but he seems to have access to some insider information.
Here are his latest tweets, from newest to oldest:

US Consulate confirms Goldman reunion is imminent. Urges respect for privacy. (Good luck with that!)
16 minutes ago from web

Grandmother says she and Sean have made plans to stay in touch by phone and e-mail. Visitation is being negotiated.
24 minutes ago from web

Family says Sean is packing tonight. Cried a lot but is silent now. Bring as many toys as he can. Says he'll miss his little sister Chiara.
25 minutes ago from web

Brazilian grandmother has been denied request to travel with Sean to US.
26 minutes ago from web

Brazilian govt has forbidden images of Sean Goldman from time he leaves house till arrival at Embassy.
27 minutes ago from web

David Goldman will take custody of Sean @ about 6AM NYT @ the US Embassy in Rio. He will travel with Dad probably by private jet to US.
28 minutes ago from web

* * * * * * * * * * * *

IF all of the above is true, I completely agree with everything that has been negotiated thus far. May God comfort Sean and let him feel secure when he is finally reunited with his Dad.

I am glad the gov. there has prohibited the release of pictures of the transition, but I bet that family will take their own, of a sad-faced Sean and release them. That's a classic move in such cases.
It is ironic that poor Sean is packing all his toys. I do realize that kids are very attached to their things at that age, but, I wonder who failed to tell him about the mountain of four years worth of toys his dad has saved for him? I also wonder who failed to tell him about all the toys his daddy tried to send him that were rejected? I also wonder if he has been told that he will live a poor life in the U.S. without all ther material comforts he has in Brazil? (That's what Elian Gonzales was told repeatedly when he was in that little house in Miami).
I am glad the gov. there has prohibited the release of pictures of the transition, but I bet that family will take their own, of a sad-faced Sean and release them. That's a classic move in such cases.
It is ironic that poor Sean is packing all his toys. I do realize that kids are very attached to their things at that age, but, I wonder who failed to tell him about the mountain of four years worth of toys his dad has saved for him? I also wonder who failed to tell him about all the toys his daddy tried to send him that were rejected? I also wonder if he has been told that he will live a poor life in the U.S. without all ther material comforts he has in Brazil? (That's what Elian Gonzales was told repeatedly when he was in that little house in Miami).

I do not know how much the fight for his son depleted his finances...but from all the media I saw in his home...he lives a highly upper middle class life and in addition to loads of love, Sean will be blessed with a comfortable life.
Some interesting tidbits in this latest article, Aide: Brazilian family giving up fight for US boy

"Sean is my family, Sean is my son. It is our right to be together, not just a rule of law, not just a treaty, not he's Brazilian, not he's American, not he's from anywhere. He's my son and I should be able to raise my son and he should know his dad," Goldman said this week.

Another snippet:
U.S. Rep. Chris Smith, a Republican from New Jersey who has strongly supported Goldman for a year and is in Brazil with him, said Goldman's lawyers believe Brazil's federal police are authorized to remove the child from the family if the court deadline is not met. He also said the international police agency Interpol has been notified to make sure Sean is not spirited out of the country by his Brazilian relatives.

And another one:
In Washington, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said a U.S. passport had been issued for Sean and delivered to his father in Brazil.

"Many people have been up through the night to provide support for the Goldman family, to maintain contact with the Brazilian government as we hopefully come to the end of this process," Crowley told reporters. "We look forward to the reuniting of Sean Goldman with his father, David."

And, there's more about the obsessed kidnapping grandma's whining and complaining about Sean being denied the right to speak to the court about his wishes. I've heard about enough from her already!

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