GUILTY NJ - Trial of Christopher Gregor Allegedly Beat 6-Year-OId Son to Death #2 *NG murder, Guilty endangering welfare, agg manslaughter*

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At 3:22:13 Day 13....
Is when the jury comes out to re-watch the treadmill videos.

● By NJ law, playback must occur in open court
● It does not appear that Gregor Grandparents are in the gallery.
● WHY is there a member of the jury laughing.... OMG
● There was a request to pause the video if needed. OK by judge.

There was no pausing requested.
They watched it straight though..... hopefully counting the SIX times he fell and watched him literally running for his life.
Then jury went back to discuss. Were some jurors still unconvinced about the bite?

Did it LOOK like Christopher was really working out???? NOPE!

BONUS douchebaggery points go to Christopher wearing his W Wesleyan sweatshirt even though he only attended.... for 2 months!?!?!?!?!?!
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Page 10 of 40 ( titled : Ltjr Gregor becomes Naval Aviator) features an article on CG’s oldest brother, David Gregor. He shares the same name as the father- Grandpa G mentioned his name during his testimony. He works for the US Navy and graduated from Carnegie Mellon. Both parents names are mentioned at the bottom of the article too. I wonder why CG never learned how to be normal esp when he had a role model in an older bro.

Grandpa G also mentioned they had many “ family discussions” once they got full custody of CM. That probably means everyone was aware and on board with this rather hostile situation with BM, including the brother.

I feel like the G family believes they are above everyone but, at the same time they also give you the creeps.
Still don’t like my feelings about this trial and still feels off.

I feel like I will be sad for Corey’s mom and loved ones. I don’t know.
Accused should have taken a bench trial.
He would probably be home by now.
I hope this jury has the wisdom to see what is fact and what is fiction.

Justice for Corey!!! Xo
I hear you, this thing ran and stopped and ran and stopped, I worry that there is some culture mystery I am not picking up on , I hope the jury is not bedazzled by Baden, who only bought reputation to the court, not expertise... that Bree could be so maligned, that the Gregor's would allow the mother of their grandson to be so vilified in a public court....I was shocked by it. .that for all this 'love' they blither about Corey, they did not love his mother, and that was their problem they made manifest in Corey's death. They have some elevated idea of themselves that just does not stand up to scrutiny.
one sad afterthought — it really didn’t have to come to this.

There is something wrong with CG - I don’t know if it’s narcissism and steroids, a fondness for Columbian marching powder or if he’s just a sadist who enjoys torturing tiny beings when nobody sees it.

It’s senseless. There is money, support…everything. And *this* is what he does. It is pathetic, weak and evil all at once.
There's something drastically the matter with CG -- something I don't think will be rectified anytime soon. I think he's a danger to anyone around him, and I would not trust him in any relationship. There's just something messed up in him.

<modsnip - not victim friendly>

Corey drew a losing hand from the day he was born. I think the best thing we can do to honor him now is be vigilant in our own communities, and if we think a child is being abused or neglected -- don't turn away. Report it.

No matter what sentence CG gets -- there is no real justice. It won't bring Corey back and give him a real shot at life.
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There is justice for Corey when his killer is put behind bars for the rest of his life to suffer and be forgotten. That IS just! Justice has never been and never will be defined by our ability to change the past. But we honor victims when we bear witness and punish their perpetrators. That is the Justice every victim deserves. Let’s not minimize the importance of holding people accountable by saying it won’t bring the dead back, which implies it’s meaningless. Accountability is meaningful. It is just. It is right.

There's something drastically the matter with CG -- something I don't think will be rectified anytime soon. I think he's a danger to anyone around him, and I would not trust him in any relationship. There's just something messed up in him.

But at the same time -- Breanna is no saint. When you have a child, you do NOT take illegal drugs, and if you do, you should lose custody of that child.

Corey drew a losing hand from the day he was born. I think the best thing we can do to honor him now is be vigilant in our own communities, and if we think a child is being abused or neglected -- don't turn away. Report it.

No matter what sentence CG gets -- there is no real justice. It won't bring Corey back and give him a real shot at life.
There are a lot of people who can be blamed for availability of illegal and legal but misused substances in this country.
I don't use the equation, he killed the child but the mother made other bad choices. It just reminds me too much of the Watts case.

Someone fed CG, imo, with the heady drugs of lack of accountability, reinforcement of bullying behavior. On a background of money. Where did he get his use of "browbeating" of both Corey and his mother? We saw that when his own father applied the word to a 4 year old, his first grandchild. He asked what foods Corey liked "so he wouldn't have to browbeat" him.
We haven't seen any hint of abuse from the mother in Corey's short life. But we have from the father.
Time to pay up for his decisions.
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There's something drastically the matter with CG -- something I don't think will be rectified anytime soon. I think he's a danger to anyone around him, and I would not trust him in any relationship. There's just something messed up in him.

But at the same time -- Breanna is no saint. When you have a child, you do NOT take illegal drugs, and if you do, you should lose custody of that child.

Corey drew a losing hand from the day he was born. I think the best thing we can do to honor him now is be vigilant in our own communities, and if we think a child is being abused or neglected -- don't turn away. Report it.

No matter what sentence CG gets -- there is no real justice. It won't bring Corey back and give him a real shot at life.

So many children we read about their short lives here, were pretty much born a mile or more from the beginning of the "Start" line in the race of life. Both parents usually had their own struggles.

In CG, I see a lifetime of entitlement, and privilege. "Affluenza"? His casual cruelty towards his son shows a complete lack of empathy. Hopefully, the jury sees his soul. Empty and black.
"We need more clarification on the three murder charges" - Note to judge from Jury on Friday morning

UHOH. (?)
And then they came out.... and then judge described he could re-read "the section on murder, aggravated Manslaughter and Manslaughter".... but he really probably didn't want to.

And the juror foreperson said they now understood, saying
"It think we answered our own question.... it was all the wording, the legal wording"

WHY AREN'T THEY ALLOWED TO TAKE NOTES! THIS IS RIDICULOUS! You get one jury member who has poor recollection and you end up with absolute nonsense. (I could NEVER do this.)

3 murder charges??? Did someone think there are 3 murder charges they could have charged with?
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Any update on the state of the health of the esteemed attorney, one M.Galluci?

One of the oddest bits of testimony that both Mama Gregor and Granpa Gregor give , its the part where they both, separately, tell Chris they are on the way to the hospital. Granpa even says, I'm gonna call the police, as well. '.. that is, Chris, we'll all be there very soon, me, Mama, police, etc.. You know, the kind of thing folks say, ' clear the decks , we're all turning up for you'....

So Chris leaves the hospital before any of them, Mama, Pa, Police, get there. That's what they were going to the hospital for. To be with Chris.
The last thing Chris wanted was answering police questions. He had to get his story straight, first.
The last thing Chris wanted was answering police questions. He had to get his story straight, first.
agreed. grandpa Gregor "I'm calling the police" (because BM must have done something)
Chris: I can't handle talking to police right now, I can't face my parents right now, they'll know something is off with me, I am not ready to put my own spin on things for public (LE) consumption yet. I need to find an explanation for how I think I probably killed my kid and figure out how to blame Bre for this instead.

The searches that followed?

The following day, Coles said, Gregor searched on the internet for answers to what causes a rise in blood sugar in white blood cells, could internal bleeding raise your blood sugar level, how does gastrointestinal bleeding happen and can a GI bleed be slow?
Christopher Gregor left 6-year-old son Corey Micciolo in his dying moments: nurse
An ungodly hour in Sydney, but I had hoped that jury would sashay in after breakfast, NJ time , and scream 'guilty' before even taking their coats off. ... It worries me that Gregor was so confident that he didn't take the stand, as if it was beneath him, him being a .. what, a 1 time football player? a part time math teacher? . son of a NJ state trooper? brother of a USN officer? son of real estate agent? I am at a loss as to where he derives his elevated view of himself...
The last thing Chris wanted was answering police questions. He had to get his story straight, first.
I don't think he was ever going to talk to no police. He was heading for Mexico, after that, probably Patagonia. How he intended to deal with the Federales I don't know, probably try and hammer them into the ground with the old yarn of ' my dad's a policeman'.. He was going as far away from all this nuisance stuff, mum, dad, breanna, kids dying, hospitals, courts, CPS, flee flee.. as fast and as far as he could.
An ungodly hour in Sydney, but I had hoped that jury would sashay in after breakfast, NJ time , and scream 'guilty' before even taking their coats off. ... It worries me that Gregor was so confident that he didn't take the stand, as if it was beneath him, him being a .. what, a 1 time football player? a part time math teacher? . son of a NJ state trooper? brother of a USN officer? son of real estate agent? I am at a loss as to where he derives his elevated view of himself...
BBM I believe it may be a combination of the male role modeling from his father and the enabling/compensating his mother did for him because he could never quite measure up to said father. Created entitlement, with a huge side of it's never his fault things don't work out for poor Chris.

Page 10 of 40 ( titled : Ltjr Gregor becomes Naval Aviator) features an article on CG’s oldest brother, David Gregor. He shares the same name as the father- Grandpa G mentioned his name during his testimony. He works for the US Navy and graduated from Carnegie Mellon. Both parents names are mentioned at the bottom of the article too. I wonder why CG never learned how to be normal esp when he had a role model in an older bro.

Grandpa G also mentioned they had many “ family discussions” once they got full custody of CM. That probably means everyone was aware and on board with this rather hostile situation with BM, including the brother.

I feel like the G family believes they are above everyone but, at the same time they also give you the creeps.
I just don't get this terrible 'ownership' that leaks out of all Christopher's texts.. all his silly little fatwahs, edicts, proclomations, declarations, memo's of understanding, all this pseudo executive nonsense -speak he babbles in his responses about his son. ' Just leave him at the door'. ' Have him back by 8.30.'.. You'll be sorry '.. Granpa had it to. Property speak about a little boy. Mama and her strange and unsettling remark that Corey was not 'focused' on the real estate outing..

What 6yr old is 'focused ' on eaves and drainpipes and footings and tiles? Nuts...
Dr. Baden says rapid case of Pneumonia or SIDs for older children. Huh?
Absolutely off the chain, he invented this! Pathology found no pneumococci or other infection, which rules out any infectious process. SIDs for older children? That one just fell out of the sky. Linda Baden Kinney is probably putting a bag over her head when she goes out in public.
I think they may be close to a verdict. came in this morning, asked about charges, answered their own questions, and now they want an early lunch break. Grab a bite to eat and them fill out the verdict forms maybe?

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