GUILTY NJ - Trial of Christopher Gregor Allegedly Beat 6-Year-OId Son to Death #2 *NG murder, Guilty endangering welfare, agg manslaughter*

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"We need more clarification on the three murder charges" - Note to judge from Jury on Friday morning

UHOH. (?)
And then they came out.... and then judge described he could re-read "the section on murder, aggravated Manslaughter and Manslaughter".... but he really probably didn't want to.

And the juror foreperson said they now understood, saying
"It think we answered our own question.... it was all the wording, the legal wording"

WHY AREN'T THEY ALLOWED TO TAKE NOTES! THIS IS RIDICULOUS! You get one jury member who has poor recollection and you end up with absolute nonsense. (I could NEVER do this.)

3 murder charges??? Did someone think there are 3 murder charges they could have charged with?
I didn’t listen to jury instructions so I didn’t know all the different charges. Did the state prove INTENT for the murder charge in your opinion? I’m thinking they’re struggling with that maybe. I think this is more aggravated assault or am I missing something? JMO
One thing it would be very hard to do , would be to dismiss the charge of 'child endangerment'. ( at least, that's what I think ) I mean, there it is, the child flying off the treadmill. Mario tried to persuade folks that Corey knew how to work the controls , sure, then that means that Christopher doing the controls was a punishment thing.. No need for Chris to be speeding it up, and lifting the incline, if Corey knows how to do it.
I didn’t listen to jury instructions so I didn’t know all the different charges. Did the state prove INTENT for the murder charge in your opinion? I’m thinking they’re struggling with that maybe. I think this is more aggravated assault or am I missing something? JMO
I'm with you. Did he INTEND for death? But still, he had to know he could cause GRAVE physical injury. So I think the case for murder can still be made. In particular, it wasn't probably just one blow. He could have stopped.

No one talked about this but..... CG, having known what he'd done to Corey, did not try to keep him from death. No immediate 911. McDonald's. Marci. Mommy. Changes of clothing. Corey was still alive. Barely. Corey died of IMO blunt force injuries AND delayed medical care. Aggravated murder for sure. Murder 1.

I predict a verdict before day's end. Lunch, paperwork, verdict. Handcuffs.
We have registries for sex offenders. We need registries for all child offenders. Convicted of felony against a child, after serving a sentence, one should be prevented from being near children ever again, including if they reproduce.

Dr. Baden resumes testimony.

In addition to the lung culture and the CT scan done prior to or during autopsy, were tehre any other signs of pnuemonia?

Baden quotes the rapid heartrate, being pale, difficulty breathing, very high white blood cell count found. 29,000.

What is a normal count for 6 year old. 7 or 8,000. Corey's was more than triple normal.

Why do you think we saw an increase in the polys? Sudden infection present in the body. Since previous white counts were within normal and then that elevated to me indicates sudeen onset of infection.

Could the internal injuries you say were done by CPR cause that elevation.

Baden opines the blood count was elevated prior to CPR.

Cyanosis is s blueish tint to skin when oxygen is low. Coreys oxygen was very low upon arriving at South Ocean.
Neutrophilic leukocytosis is an abnormally high number of neutrophils (a type of white blood cell) in the blood
Neutrophils can increase in response to an injury, as the body attempts to heal. This is directly from the Merck Manual, which is updated yearly. Polys ARE neutrophils. "The number of neutrophils may rise in people who have an injury, such as a hip fracture or burn."
Biden was correct in saying the count was elevated before CPR, because his body was reacting to the lacerations of his heart and liver.
He only told the part of the story that supports CG's defense.
Omission of information is unethical, at the very least.
I'm with you. Did he INTEND for death? But still, he had to know he could cause GRAVE physical injury. So I think the case for murder can still be made. In particular, it wasn't probably just one blow. He could have stopped.

No one talked about this but..... CG, having known what he'd done to Corey, did not try to keep him from death. No immediate 911. McDonald's. Marci. Mommy. Changes of clothing. Corey was still alive. Barely. Corey died of IMO blunt force injuries AND delayed medical care. Aggravated murder for sure. Murder 1.

I predict a verdict before day's end. Lunch, paperwork, verdict. Handcuffs.
He was recklessly negligent. Criminally negligent. That child died slowly. The horror. People up in arms because Breanna didn't call an ambulance, here was Chris with an obviously dying child, no calls to an ambulance. There was such an element of spite in all this. Spite against Breanna, but also an existentialist spite.. Chris 's far reaching , all encompassing anger.

People , I must retire, I HAVE FAITH that NJ juries are sensible. .
agreed. grandpa Gregor "I'm calling the police" (because BM must have done something)
Chris: I can't handle talking to police right now, I can't face my parents right now, they'll know something is off with me, I am not ready to put my own spin on things for public (LE) consumption yet. I need to find an explanation for how I think I probably killed my kid and figure out how to blame Bre for this instead.

The searches that followed?

The following day, Coles said, Gregor searched on the internet for answers to what causes a rise in blood sugar in white blood cells, could internal bleeding raise your blood sugar level, how does gastrointestinal bleeding happen and can a GI bleed be slow?
Christopher Gregor left 6-year-old son Corey Micciolo in his dying moments: nurse
Officer Michell where are you? At the hospital? Did you disclose bloodwork, etc to Gregor's? Per disposable phone? Why you were not called by defense?

Moral of this story....privileged children should NOT be protected from their actions. Just makes them even more entitled, and ruthless. imo
He was recklessly negligent. Criminally negligent. That child died slowly. The horror. People up in arms because Breanna didn't call an ambulance, here was Chris with an obviously dying child, no calls to an ambulance. There was such an element of spite in all this. Spite against Breanna, but also an existentialist spite.. Chris 's far reaching , all encompassing anger.
BBM for emphasis. Wow! This is quite insightful. I agree. I’m not sure there was intent to kill Corey. This was extreme recklessness, spite, and anger as you say. I think he went too far in his physical abuse and he was so self-preoccupied that he didn’t realize it. Once he realized it, he panicked, cleaned Corey up, and took him to the hospital. As Corey is dying he’s coming down from his mountain of spite and it finally dawns on him that he went too far. And runs!
I don’t understand how they can laugh whenever entering the courtroom when a child was beaten to death in this case. They have all the post-mortem photos of the child and of his injuries in the exhibit box to view. I could never stomach looking at such photos and then laughing about my day

I really hope this case gets the justice it deserves
Officer Michell where are you? At the hospital? Did you disclose bloodwork, etc to Gregor's? Per disposable phone? Why you were not called by defense?

Moral of this story....privileged children should NOT be protected from their actions. Just makes them even more entitled, and ruthless. imo
why was mitchell not called by EITHER side? He was present at Ragasa's autopsy of Corey, he was an investigator of the death within 24 hours. And yet neither side called him? I find that telling. I think those who suspect he was the assigned investigtor or inserted himself as investigator at David Gregor's behest are correct. and I do believe he passed on information from hospital ER records and autopsy to the senior Gregor, who then relayed them to CG, which in turn prompted CG's google searches about internal bleeds etc.

I think that is why neither side called Mitchell.
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I don’t understand how they can laugh whenever entering the courtroom when a child was beaten to death in this case. They have all the post-mortem photos of the child and of his injuries in the exhibit box to view. I could never stomach looking at such photos and then laughing about my day

I really hope this case gets the justice it deserves

“Laughing is a coping mechanism,” says Melinda Marcus, a certified body language expert and author of Read the Zoom. “When you’re overwhelmed or feeling anxiety about something, laughing helps you shed some of that stress and anxiety.”
Why Do People Laugh at Bad News?

JMO, they are anxious. They know the importance of the job at hand. They are coping with all the horrible stuff they've been shown.
So many children we read about their short lives here, were pretty much born a mile or more from the beginning of the "Start" line in the race of life. Both parents usually had their own struggles.

In CG, I see a lifetime of entitlement, and privilege. "Affluenza"? His casual cruelty towards his son shows a complete lack of empathy. Hopefully, the jury sees his soul. Empty and black.
Maybe it is affluenza. At least in part. I certainly got the idea that he (and his parents) thought they were much too good for Breanna and her ilk.

But I also think there's something irreparably damaged in his psyche. As you point out -- there's a complete lack of empathy there—a hollowness where a heart should lie.
I don’t understand how they can laugh whenever entering the courtroom when a child was beaten to death in this case. They have all the post-mortem photos of the child and of his injuries in the exhibit box to view. I could never stomach looking at such photos and then laughing about my day

I really hope this case gets the justice it deserves
I understand that sentiment, but I used to volunteer on our local ambulance. At first, I was extremely put off by the EMTs and other medical personnel who would laugh and joke in what I felt were very inappropriate situations. I thought it was so disrespectful that I brought it to their attention.

They explained that it was a coping mechanism for them and that they didn't mean any disrespect. One said if she didn't laugh and joke, she would cry and wouldn't be able to do her job.

I don't know if that's the same thing the jurors feel, but I think it might be. I certainly hope they are taking this very seriously.
I don't know if it was testified to but that is the standard for child CPR so it probably was.
The CPR team switches during compressions, when one member tires out. It is smooth and they never miss a beat. They can keep going and going until the heart comes back on line or the lead physician "calls it". That is the saddest moment ever. We hate to admit defeat. Every life is precious.
There is justice for Corey when his killer is put behind bars for the rest of his life to suffer and be forgotten. That IS just! Justice has never been and never will be defined by our ability to change the past. But we honor victims when we bear witness and punish their perpetrators. That is the Justice every victim deserves. Let’s not minimize the importance of holding people accountable by saying it won’t bring the dead back, which implies it’s meaningless. Accountability is meaningful. It is just. It is right.

Agree to disagree.

Justice is the balancing of a wrong. The taking of human life is an irreversible act, and no punishment can genuinely compensate for or equal that loss. No matter how severe, imprisonment is inadequate in providing true justice for the victim and their family.

I'm not minimizing anything. We obviously have to punish killers, and the only method we have is through the legal system, but ask family members of a victim whether they feel true justice was served.

It's the best we can do. But, it's far from justice.

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