GUILTY NJ - Trial of Christopher Gregor Allegedly Beat 6-Year-OId Son to Death #2 *NG murder, Guilty endangering welfare, agg manslaughter*

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I'm bringing up Judge Ryan's sentencing history... he gave 40 and 50 years in October 2023 to the pair of twenty somethings who faced trial in a shooting death. No plea deal.

25 years was given to a 38 yr old for Unlawful Possession of firearms, fentanyl, and terrorist threats. No plea deal. (No one died.)

I don't think Judge Ryan likes it very much when people opt against a plea deal and are found guilty anyway. It is a reflection on the Character of the defendant. I'm confident he isn't going to mess around with something as paltry as a 20 or 25 year sentence for what Christopher Gregor was convicted of.


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Post in thread 'NJ - Trial of Christopher Gregor Allegedly Beat 6-Year-OId Son to Death #2 *NG murder, Guilty endangering welfare, agg manslaughter*' GUILTY - NJ - Trial of Christopher Gregor Allegedly Beat 6-Year-OId Son to Death #2 *NG murder, Guilty endangering welfare, agg manslaughter*
Thanks for all that work. I think Bre, her Mom and her Dad should get all the msm coverage they can, to put pressure on the judge and raise the consciousness of citizens. Youtube, sure, but msm is more important. I don't know if anyone is helping them with media, but imo they should focus on 3-4 things he did, and keep repeating them to call attention. Looks like Cuomo and crew are willing to help out.

Now, I realize this may be unpopular. But imo she should not get immersed in "Corey's Law" until the ah is sentenced to 35-40 years. Victims immerse themselves in setting up foundations, new laws, etc, because it is soothing and carries the illusion that something is being done.

Bre: sue CPS, you'll probably get probono offers. Secondly civil suit the G's where it hurts, in the pocketbook. $20 million sounds good. Imo. They had to have seen the bruises, and if there is documentation of, or witnesses to previous child abuse in that mansion that's all she wrote.
Thanks for all that work. I think Bre, her Mom and her Dad should get all the msm coverage they can, to put pressure on the judge and raise the consciousness of citizens. Youtube, sure, but msm is more important. I don't know if anyone is helping them with media, but imo they should focus on 3-4 things he did, and keep repeating them to call attention. Looks like Cuomo and crew are willing to help out.

Now, I realize this may be unpopular. But imo she should not get immersed in "Corey's Law" until the ah is sentenced to 35-40 years. Victims immerse themselves in setting up foundations, new laws, etc, because it is soothing and carries the illusion that something is being done.

Bre: sue CPS, you'll probably get probono offers. Secondly civil suit the G's where it hurts, in the pocketbook. $20 million sounds good. Imo. They had to have seen the bruises, and if there is documentation of, or witnesses to previous child abuse in that mansion that's all she wrote.
Yes, I have been giving thought to civil sue against Gregors...and yes, IMO better to wait till after sentencing for Corey's Law.

Really hope more comes out on how parents protected CG. Civil sue!

When daddy mouthed the I love yous...ick. And mommy smiling lovely at her man child. Creepy to me. Why the demonstrations in court?
Yes, I have been giving thought to civil sue against Gregors...and yes, IMO better to wait till after sentencing for Corey's Law.

Really hope more comes out on how parents protected CG. Civil sue!

When daddy mouthed the I love yous...ick. And mommy smiling lovely at her man child. Creepy to me. Why the demonstrations in court?
Reminded me of the inappropriate displays in the Morphew court fiasco.
Yes, I have been giving thought to civil sue against Gregors...and yes, IMO better to wait till after sentencing for Corey's Law.

Really hope more comes out on how parents protected CG. Civil sue!

When daddy mouthed the I love yous...ick. And mommy smiling lovely at her man child. Creepy to me. Why the demonstrations in court?
Absolutely there should be a civil suit against the Gregors IMO. The way I see it is that they facilitated and enabled the abuse of Corey and turned a blind eye to the danger that poor little boy was in.

Does anyone think that going to court for shared custody of Corey was CG's idea? I see that move as being entirely driven by the puppet master who is DG, IMO because he wanted to teach CG a "lesson" in taking responsibility for his actions.

Sweet little Corey was just a pawn in the elder Gregor's rubbish plan to set his troublesome son on a straight and narrow path, and Corey and his loving maternal family paid the ultimate price for his hubris.

Bre Micciolo (Mom of Corey) was on NewsNation on Tuesday with Cuomo... as promised they only gave her five minutes, but she was composed and smart and gave a good perspective. Christopher took out HIS hatred for Bre onto his son. It's true. It's the only way he could hurt her.

Some of these news outlets don't have the full picture so it's great she is getting the word out.

here is the link to the 2 hour or so interview with Bre and Rebecca Micciolo for those who want to hear her side. There is a LOT to unpack and a LOT of stuff that was never allowed in the courtroom.

Approval for this is ONLY for THIS episode of "guilty of crime" pertaining to this case. The entire video centers around Bre and Rebecca's side of this case.

August 2nd can't arrive too soon.
If I can just provide a quick summary for people who didn't watch:

1. Corey's mother became pregnant by CG at age 16 as a result of being drugged and raped by CG at a party. CG was 21 at the time. He pressured her to have an abortion.

2. CG's defense attorney was allowed to present evidence of Bre Micciolo's use of methamphetamine but evidence of CG's abuse of heroin was disallowed by the court.

3. CG holds a Master's Degree in Special Ed. and had a brief career teaching math. His father is a retired NJ State Trooper. His parents live in a lavish home. Bre Micciolo believes CG received preferential treatment because of this and that it was the ultimate cause of Corey continuously being returned to him.

4. NJ's Department Of Children's Protection and Permanency (DCP&P) WAS COMPLETELY AWARE OF AND HAD SEEN THE TREADMILL VIDEO but not only was CG not arrested and charged with child abuse, THEY CONTINUED TO RETURN COREY TO HIM.

5. After multiple failed attempts to get DCP&P caseworkers to protect Corey, Corey's maternal grandmother told caseworkers she feared Corey would become "the next Gabriel Fernandez". She said the response was that they just looked at her weird, they obviously didn't know who Gabriel Fernandez was.

6. For people who think DCP&P just passed this off as another custody dispute with mudslinging, nope, in a addition to the treadmill video, there were 2 reports from mandatory reporters, Corey's pediatrician and Corey's teacher.

7. Earlier on the day he killed Corey, CG hotlined Bre, claiming she'd been coaching Corey to tell people he'd been hit by his father. Corey had never told anyone CG had hit him.

8. Prior to his murder, Corey's mother had made 100 calls to DCP&P about Corey returning home with suspicious looking bruises.

O.k., here's what I think happened. CG was impeccably polite to authority figures. He's articulate, he comes off seeming educated, he knows all the "buzz words" e.g. I have a masters degree, I'm a teacher, my father's a state trooper, my ex is an addict, blah, blah blah. The mother on the other hand got pregnant at 16, has admitted having a substance abuse problem and receives government assistance. They just didn't believe her and didn't want to back down and admit they'd been wrong.

Also, kind of off-topic but native Staten Islander here and can attest to that New Yorkers LOVE Mario Gallucci. He won a couple of high profile Staten Island murder cases while I lived there. I kind of doubted his Vinnie From Brooklyn routine would go over very well in a New Jersey courtroom though.
He took his trauma and put it on Corey, add that to the hatred he has towards me. - Bre
Yea I found it interesting that she mentioned she thinks CG suffered trauma from his parents (specifically daddy), and this contributed to his abuse of his own child.

The more I learn about the Gregors, the most disgusted I am. Like they mentioned in the interview, it was all about appearances for this family. As long as everything looked good on the outside, it was fine with them. Chris himself never seemed interested in being a father, and it was only until his parents pushed that he actually started to get involved in Corey's life. Their need to look good on the outside, and this idea in their minds that they were "saving" Corey. Just disgusting behavior all around from them.

It truly is such a shame. They should have left this child alone and he'd still be here today.
Yea I found it interesting that she mentioned she thinks CG suffered trauma from his parents (specifically daddy), and this contributed to his abuse of his own child.

The more I learn about the Gregors, the most disgusted I am. Like they mentioned in the interview, it was all about appearances for this family. As long as everything looked good on the outside, it was fine with them. Chris himself never seemed interested in being a father, and it was only until his parents pushed that he actually started to get involved in Corey's life. Their need to look good on the outside, and this idea in their minds that they were "saving" Corey. Just disgusting behavior all around from them.

It truly is such a shame. They should have left this child alone and he'd still be here today. you have me wondering. I could not understand all the support grandpa was giving CG after all the trouble he has caused the family.

Maybe Gregor's wanted to make sure that Mario did not go the way of Baez did and blame the whole family for what happened.

If there was any added history of abuse, best to keep a lid on that?

Wow! I can't believe that DCFS workers SAW that video of CG abusing Corey and DID NOTHING!!! Good grief.

And yet, I have seen them remove kids from Moms who had dishes in the sink and some laundry piled up. Crazy. Who can figure out CPS?!
It sounds as though CG might appeal.

They all say that after conviction, but I tend to think he might, and it will probably be funded by his parents. I don't think it will be successful though. The jury convicted. They weren't given a lot of info that was considered too prejudicial, such as CG's prior criminal history, his own past drug use (heroin if I remember rightly). So it can't be blamed on that.

The evidence was sufficient and I don't think an appeal court will cast aside the verdict based on any judicial error, if anything the judge erred on the side of the defense moreso than the state. JMO
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Media-loving Merryoh Gallucci has ignored/denied media requests from NewsNation. Quelle surprise.

Screenshot from the first few seconds of Cuomo a few days ago, when Bre was on.

Appeal, sure, they'll do it. But Judge Ryan made sure defense was given every opportunity to share an argument and block statements by the prosecution.... so I don't see how it will be an effective legal move.


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