NJ - Trial of Christopher Gregor Allegedly Beat 6-Year-OId Son to Death

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…AND sepsis. Sepsis wasn’t the only COD as you keep stating. He had a lacerated heart and liver. The father beat him.to.death. Then fled from the hospital AND the state. He’s so damn guilty and sits there pretending to cry with no visible tears.
It also lists inflammation. Sepsis is a very serious bacterial infection that has a high mortality rate.


Ok so as someone who has been in a VERY contentious custody battle with another parent, it's NOT surprising to me at all. Every MOMENT Corey was with Breanna is time WITHOUT dad so Christopher feels shorted. It's like an asset that he doesn't want to share. To see "MY SON" enjoying an outing with Grandpa and celebrating? He's not the type of dad who feels joy in seeing the child experience fun memories. It's all about CHRISTOPHER. It pains me to write this because it's so familiar to me. How DARE Breanna take Corey for the two extra hours in Pennsylvania! He's going to take those two hours off her next visit! It's nauseating. Christopher was absolutely able to manipulate the DCPP and family courts by being a "nice rich white boy" with a daddy with influence/ties.

Let's remember the Gregor Grands testimonies have NOT been heard by jury yet.
And their eventual testimony will be very restricted.. they both are confined to testifying about actual things they had personal knowedge of, not what they were told, or told each other, and so on. Strict parameters for both of them, which means, I presume, they won't get a long leash to attempt to scandalise Breanna, which seems to be their main thrust, so far.
And their eventual testimony will be very restricted.. they both are confined to testifying about actual things they had personal knowedge of, not what they were told, or told each other, and so on. Strict parameters for both of them, which means, I presume, they won't get a long leash to attempt to scandalise Breanna, which seems to be their main thrust, so far.
Please provide a link because I don't believe the Judge has issued a ruling about the grandparents testimony. Thanks!

It also lists inflammation. Sepsis is a very serious bacterial infection that has a high mortality rate.


Yes, I’m aware and don’t need links explaining what sepsis is. I’m just pointing out that you’re continuing to say sepsis only when his heart was lacerated. CG carried him into the ER like a limp rag doll…he was dying before our very eyes on that ER video. and you seem to continue to blame the mom. I don’t get it and it’s getting ridiculous even with all your JMOs.
Yes, I’m aware and don’t need links explaining what sepsis is. I’m just pointing out that you’re continuing to say sepsis only when his heart was lacerated. CG carried him into the ER like a limp rag doll…he was dying before our very eyes on that ER video. and you seem to continue to blame the mom. I don’t get it and it’s getting ridiculous even with all your JMOs.
I didn't say "sepsis only" so please don't misrepresent my posts. Sepsis is caused by a bacterial infection, not trauma.

The heart may have been lacerated because of life-saving efforts, such as CPR, by the ER team. Medical experts will testify.

In its opening statement the Defense said the mother took the child to a hospital ER, the ER wanted to admit the child to further test and treat for sepsis and the mother refused. I realize opening statements aren't evidence so I look forward to the testimony of medical experts at trial.

It is my opinion that the testimony of Medical experts will be critical testimony during trial.

Did anyone else find if ODD THAT GrammyGregor was SMILING as she recalled asking Corey on 3/22:

"Where did the bruise come from, Corey?"...... in a cheery sing song voice.

(At 1:25:00 on Day 6. I won't bother linking it but it's the same Day 6 as above.)

I wanted to scream.....
The kid is DEAD, Grammy! Why are you smiling about it? How is this at ALL a good memory??????? Effing insane. Are they all just psychos? I'm not even being facetious here.

11 days after a little 6 year old is asked by his own Grammy about the scar (which has its own horrifying story), the child would be lifeless. HOW is this Grammy not connecting the dots, la la la?!!!!!!! Is she dense?
She should realise SHE failed Corey miserably here.


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the prosecution witness said the heart laceration wasn’t caused by CPR. If CG was innocent, he wouldn’t have left the state. I don’t need any further medical testimony. JMO, IMO and all that jazz
The prosecution witness said what the prosecution wanted to hear. The fact remains, the ME who did the autopsy will testify at trial. And that ME listed inflammation and sepsis as a COD. The blood tests also will be introduced as evidence.

The Prosecution in this case is a disappointment to me. I think jurors will agree.

Did anyone else find if ODD THAT GrammyGregor was SMILING as she recalled asking Corey on 3/22:

"Where did the bruise come from, Corey?"...... in a cheery sing song voice.

(At 1:25:00 on Day 6. I won't bother linking it but it's the same Day 6 as above.)

I wanted to scream.....
The kid is DEAD, Grammy! Why are you smiling about it? How is this at ALL a good memory??????? Effing insane. Are they all just psychos? I'm not even being facetious here.

11 days after a little 6 year old is asked by his own granny about the scar (which has its own horrifying story), the child would be lifeless. HOW is this granny not connecting the dots, la la la?!!!!!!! Is she dense?

I didn't find it odd at all. The "sing song voice" is your opinion, not fact.

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Did anyone else find if ODD THAT GrammyGregor was SMILING as she recalled asking Corey on 3/22:

"Where did the bruise come from, Corey?"...... in a cheery sing song voice.

(At 1:25:00 on Day 6. I won't bother linking it but it's the same Day 6 as above.)

I wanted to scream.....
The kid is DEAD, Grammy! Why are you smiling about it? How is this at ALL a good memory??????? Effing insane. Are they all just psychos? I'm not even being facetious here.

11 days after a little 6 year old is asked by his own Grammy about the scar (which has its own horrifying story), the child would be lifeless. HOW is this Grammy not connecting the dots, la la la?!!!!!!! Is she dense?
She should realise SHE failed Corey miserably here.
Her whole demeanor was a bit off, to me. She was trying to walk a very fine tightrope between being subservient to her husband, and portraying herself as the calm bringer, ,the take charge person in crisis, which she did not pull off, IMO, JMO, MOO, ad infinitum.

I thought the big tell, to me. was... when Chris rang her to inform her of Corey's death, she says, 'he was hysterical, HYSTERICAL, ( she repeats ) .. what was she? She does not say, we are meant to believe she has it all under control. No way. She says, she directed Danny to do this, and Chris to do that, ... I find all of that difficult to believe, and I don't think a jury will buy that, should she try it on.
Poor Breanna apparently only saw that treadmill vid clip a day or so before the trial began. What a horrible experience that must have been for her.. To see her now dead small son being bitten by that utter swine of father, broad daylight, in public, and not just a nip, but a prolonged and determined bite. The horror.
He allegedly raped Corey's mom and looking at what he did to his son, he's got to be a sadistic sociopath. I can't imagine what that child suffered. He needs to be locked up forever where there is no vulnerable population.
Blunt force trauma can cause infection. Infection can cause sepsis. Just google trauma/infection/sepsis. So a finding of sepsis does NOT preclude a beating. A beating can lead to infection; infection can lead to sepsis.

I hope the jury is asked to view that video in terms of any vulnerable person that THEY love…a child, a infirm or elderly adult, even a much loved pet. Would they put a man like Christopher in power over them? I hope they run a clock while it is playing…show still’s of CG’s face.

This individual is absolutely enjoying inflicting pain. It’s sport to him. It’s pleasure. Over and over and over. And then…the finale…the hate so strong, he actually has to sink his teeth into the little one. And the child must be so terrified of more pain, he has no escape, no safe place.

Chris is quite the intelligent torturer…the bite is another ‘hidden’ wound…how gratifying to be able to secretiy hurt the child in a hidden area…or with the excuse of ‘exercise.’ What a power trip! I wonder if Corey came to understand what ‘sports with Daddy’ really was all about.

Picking him up by his shirt reminds me of picking a puppy up like that, dangling from a leash.

There is no flash of temper to precede this. No ‘incident.’ Corey has not provoked him. It’s just a video of a man engaged in a sustained activity that gives him such pleasure.

I am amazed that anyone can look at that tape and think this is normal, or a one-off? This is the kind of cold, unprovoked anger that can only be associated with the most perverse addiction to cruelty.

We are supposed to be put-off by any past addictions of the Mother’s…when we can see this film and what Chris ‘uses’ for his ‘high?’ I am amazed that anyone can look at that tape and want any vulnerable human or animal ever to be at the mercy of Christopher Gregor again.

But this, of course, is just my opinion.
Sepsis is a major cause of death following a traumatic injury. As a life-threatening medical emergency, it is defined as the body's extreme response to an infection. Without timely treatment, sepsis can rapidly lead to tissue damage, and organ failure The capacity to limit tissue damage through metabolic adaptation and repair processes is associated with an excessive immune response of the host. It is important to make an early prediction of sepsis, based on the quick Sepsis associated Organ Failure Assessment Score (qSOFA), so an accurate treatment can be initiated reducing the morbidity and mortality at the emergency and UCI services.
Sepsis in Trauma: A Deadly Complication - PubMed.

A new study suggests that mitochondria can be released into the bloodstream following physical injury, resulting in a sepsis-like immune response, and leading to the onset of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome
"The body's vital organs can become dysfunctional when traumatic injury triggers the Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, or SIRS," explains senior author Carl J. Hauser, MD, a trauma and critical care surgery specialist at BIDMC and Visiting Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School. "Trauma kills 5 to 10 million people worldwide per year and among U.S. individuals under age 35, trauma accounts for more deaths than all other illnesses combined. Inflammatory complications are directly responsible for about one-third of those deaths."
How trauma leads to inflammatory response: Mitochondria may be at root of dangerous complications from injury

ETA I have personal experience with my youngest who nearly died from sepsis after a MINOR injury at school. So minor that nobody thought to call me at the time. Many of the members here were of instrumental emotional support during that frightening time in PICU and the following three months where I had to give him thrice daily infusions.
Blunt force trauma can cause infection. Infection can cause sepsis. Just google trauma/infection/sepsis. So a finding of sepsis does NOT preclude a beating. A beating can lead to infection; infection can lead to sepsis.

I hope the jury is asked to view that video in terms of any vulnerable person that THEY love…a child, a infirm or elderly adult, even a much loved pet. Would they put a man like Christopher in power over them? I hope they run a clock while it is playing…show still’s of CG’s face.

This individual is absolutely enjoying inflicting pain. It’s sport to him. It’s pleasure. Over and over and over. And then…the finale…the hate so strong, he actually has to sink his teeth into the little one. And the child must be so terrified of more pain, he has no escape, no safe place.

Chris is quite the intelligent torturer…the bite is another ‘hidden’ wound…how gratifying to be able to secretiy hurt the child in a hidden area…or with the excuse of ‘exercise.’ What a power trip! I wonder if Corey came to understand what ‘sports with Daddy’ really was all about.

Picking him up by his shirt reminds me of picking a puppy up like that, dangling from a leash.

There is no flash of temper to precede this. No ‘incident.’ Corey has not provoked him. It’s just a video of a man engaged in a sustained activity that gives him such pleasure.

I am amazed that anyone can look at that tape and think this is normal, or a one-off? This is the kind of cold, unprovoked anger that can only be associated with the most perverse addiction to cruelty.

We are supposed to be put-off by any past addictions of the Mother’s…when we can see this film and what Chris ‘uses’ for his ‘high?’ I am amazed that anyone can look at that tape and want any vulnerable human or animal ever to be at the mercy of Christopher Gregor again.

But this, of course, is just my opinion.
BBM. Do you have a link? All I can find is that sepsis is an infection. No mention of 'blunt force trauma.'

To me, it is a huge red flag when the Prosecution's medical expert fails to mention it as a cause of death even though the County's ME, who did the autopsy, did list it.


Sepsis is the body’s extreme response to an infection. It is a life-threatening medical emergency. Sepsis happens when an infection you already have triggers a chain reaction throughout your body. Most cases of sepsis start before a patient goes to the hospital. Infections that lead to sepsis most often start in the lung, urinary tract, skin, or gastrointestinal tract. Without timely treatment, sepsis can rapidly lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death.
Sepsis is a major cause of death following a traumatic injury. As a life-threatening medical emergency, it is defined as the body's extreme response to an infection. Without timely treatment, sepsis can rapidly lead to tissue damage, and organ failure The capacity to limit tissue damage through metabolic adaptation and repair processes is associated with an excessive immune response of the host. It is important to make an early prediction of sepsis, based on the quick Sepsis associated Organ Failure Assessment Score (qSOFA), so an accurate treatment can be initiated reducing the morbidity and mortality at the emergency and UCI services.
Sepsis in Trauma: A Deadly Complication - PubMed.

A new study suggests that mitochondria can be released into the bloodstream following physical injury, resulting in a sepsis-like immune response, and leading to the onset of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome
"The body's vital organs can become dysfunctional when traumatic injury triggers the Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, or SIRS," explains senior author Carl J. Hauser, MD, a trauma and critical care surgery specialist at BIDMC and Visiting Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School. "Trauma kills 5 to 10 million people worldwide per year and among U.S. individuals under age 35, trauma accounts for more deaths than all other illnesses combined. Inflammatory complications are directly responsible for about one-third of those deaths."
How trauma leads to inflammatory response: Mitochondria may be at root of dangerous complications from injury

ETA I have personal experience with my youngest who nearly died from sepsis after a MINOR injury at school. So minor that nobody thought to call me at the time. Many of the members here were of instrumental emotional support during that frightening time in PICU and the following three months where I had to give him thrice daily infusions.
Corey's pediatrician examined him on April 1 and testified at trial that he had "normal activity and alertness.' So when did he receive the traumatic injury?

Sorry to hear about your son's experience. My Dad died in the ICU of septic shock after being critically injured in a car accident.


Blunt force trauma can cause infection. Infection can cause sepsis. Just google trauma/infection/sepsis. So a finding of sepsis does NOT preclude a beating. A beating can lead to infection; infection can lead to sepsis.

I hope the jury is asked to view that video in terms of any vulnerable person that THEY love…a child, a infirm or elderly adult, even a much loved pet. Would they put a man like Christopher in power over them? I hope they run a clock while it is playing…show still’s of CG’s face.

This individual is absolutely enjoying inflicting pain. It’s sport to him. It’s pleasure. Over and over and over. And then…the finale…the hate so strong, he actually has to sink his teeth into the little one. And the child must be so terrified of more pain, he has no escape, no safe place.

Chris is quite the intelligent torturer…the bite is another ‘hidden’ wound…how gratifying to be able to secretiy hurt the child in a hidden area…or with the excuse of ‘exercise.’ What a power trip! I wonder if Corey came to understand what ‘sports with Daddy’ really was all about.

Picking him up by his shirt reminds me of picking a puppy up like that, dangling from a leash.

There is no flash of temper to precede this. No ‘incident.’ Corey has not provoked him. It’s just a video of a man engaged in a sustained activity that gives him such pleasure.

I am amazed that anyone can look at that tape and think this is normal, or a one-off? This is the kind of cold, unprovoked anger that can only be associated with the most perverse addiction to cruelty.

We are supposed to be put-off by any past addictions of the Mother’s…when we can see this film and what Chris ‘uses’ for his ‘high?’ I am amazed that anyone can look at that tape and want any vulnerable human or animal ever to be at the mercy of Christopher Gregor again.

But this, of course, is just my opinion.

Speaking of puppies, I hope Corey's dog went to a good home. I would not trust Gregor's with him. And that dog must be traumatized as well. Witness to violence.
Big tell with sepsis....HIGH white blood count. Doctors at Jersey Shore did blood work right? And he was taken there to meet with a child abuse expert. If Corey was close to dying, it would have shown up on blood work and with high temperature at a minimum. Glucose, and lactic acid, not so much.

See below:
The three main stages of sepsis are defined by their symptoms:

Sepsis starts with a high heart rate, low blood pressure, elevated temperature, increased respiratory rate, and elevated white blood cell count.

Severe sepsis
also includes weakness and signs of organ dysfunction, such as difficulty breathing, low or no urine output, abnormal liver tests, and changes in mental status (like confusion and difficulty rousing).

Septic shock has progressed to organ failure and dangerously low blood pressure that’s unresponsive to intravenous fluids. Once septic shock reaches the unresponsive stage with multi-organ failure, it’s usually fatal.
Corey's pediatrician examined him on April 1 and testified at trial that he had "normal activity and alertness.' So when did he receive the traumatic injury?

Sorry to hear about your son's experience. My Dad died in the ICU of septic shock after being critically injured in a car accident.


I am very sorry to hear about your dad. That is a terrible loss.

TOMS RIVER - A pediatrician who examined young Corey Miccioli the day before the boy died noted 14 marks and bruises on his body, but said otherwise the child appeared fine.
Deacon testified there were no sign of infection or other abnormalities, aside from the 14 lesions, bruises and scratches on his skin.
Corey’s mother, Breanna Micciolo, testified Monday that she was so concerned over the bruising she saw in her son in March that she filed an emergent appeal in family court for sole custody. That request was denied on April 1.
Boy had 14 marks on his body, pediatrician testifies at father's murder trial

Corey was dead by 5pm the following day.

the timing of that set of circumstances is not lost on me.

FWIW the first ER I took my son to thought my son appeared fine. But he wasn't. Not at all.
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<modsnip: quoted post was removed> The prosecution's expert witness testified the child's injuries were inflicted 4 to 12 hours prior to death which would have been 5:03 AM to 5:03 PM. The mother testified she had the child in her care until 9:03 AM. <modsnip> Her own testimony indicates the child was in her care during 4 of those hours.

Speaking of puppies, I hope Corey's dog went to a good home. I would not trust Gregor's with him. And that dog must be traumatized as well. Witness to violence.
Brilliant observation I think. Can you imagine if the dog could speak?

That apartment complex gym had windows. You could see people walking outside. What would have happened if someone had been watching Christopher picking up Corey and biting his head? (I wish someone had!).... he felt so emboldened and almost invincible, to do this in PUBLIC.

You can't convince me things were safe for Corey behind locked doors.

Wait. Corey got back to the apartments at 9am on 4/2. NO walk for the dog during the morning OR afternoon??? Where does it pee? My mom has a Maltese and that little pup gets 3 walks before 4pm, minimum!
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