NM NM - Patty Pritz, 14, & Mattie Restine, 13, Carlsbad, 11 Aug 1961 - #2

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Bumping for two young girls who were robbed of a lifetime by a thief and pervert who does/did not have the courage to own up to his nasty deeds.
Please, if anyone knows or has a good idea about what really happened nearly 51 years ago, speak up, you will feel better!
Bumping for Mattie Restine and Patty Pritz Carlsbad N.M. August 11 1961. Please remember these girls...
"On the evening of Friday, August 11, 1961, Mattie Catherine Restine and Patty Sue Pritz disappeared while walking home from "The Beach" in Carlsbad, New Mexico. 36 hours later, two rabbit hunters reported finding their bodies in the area of Sitting Bull Falls off Highway 137, fifteen miles west of town. The two had been sexually assaulted and shot in the head. A full scale investigation by the Eddy County Sheriff's Office (ECSO), the Carlsbad Police Department, the New Mexico State Police, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation was launched. But no arrests were made and the case went cold. In January 2003, Investigator Jim Estrada of ECSO reopened the case citing advancements in DNA extraction, processing and analysis. By October of that year, there were statewide announcements by various New Mexico media outlets, that the 42 year old case was going to be solved. But by 2005, Estrada had retired and strangely & suspiciously, the Mattie & Patty double murder case went cold for a second time. Anne Restine Self of Stigler, Oklahoma was 10 years at the time of her sister's homicide. Almost single-handedly, she has kept the case alive in the Carlsbad and New Mexico public mind. Anne has pressured the ECSO to continue to investigate the principal suspects and resolved this double murder. This is probably the most troubling unsolved case in New Mexico History.


It involved the kidnapping, rape, and murder of two young teenage girls.
It has remained unresolved for over 48 years.
There is no shortage of suspects (at least five).
This case has gone cold twice.
All principal suspects continued to reside in Carlsbad or West Texas.
One of the Sheriff's Deputies involved in the case, Dan McGrew, either committed suicide or was murdered in 1965.
Three of the main suspects had either been convicted of rape and child molestation or had been suspected of those crimes".

Just watched the video. Thought it was well done. Bless your heart. Your pain is still so apparent, it brought tears to my eyes. It is truly disturbing that evidence was allowed to disappear.

Funny, I would have sworn ECSO told you the diary was missing, but I see they apparently still have it. At least they can hang onto something!

Also, I thought ECSO had blown off the sighting on Mesquite in favor of the girls having been taken from Church Street. I guess it depends on who the current investigator is(if you want to call them that, sitting on their rear waiting for a confession to fall into their lap) as to what street the girls disappeared from.

There are still two things that tell me this wasn't done by a local, and that's the fact the girls were shot execution style. How they were killed means something. Then the fact that their abductor's car lights were visible and witnessed from the highway. I still can't imagine a local would have made that mistake.

Shot execution style adds an element of distance, meaning that if Patti was the target of a local, the murder itself would have been more personal as in her being beaten to death or someone having emptied their gun into her or stabbed her numerous times. Overkill. That's the kind of thing you would expect to see in a rage killing according to what I've read by several profilers. Its absence lends itself to this being more of a stranger killer, a sexual predator, and I would think someone with some experience since he was brazen enough to risk taking two girls.

I know you don't think that is the case, and still think it was a local, but please give some thought to what profilers who've written books have to say on the subject.

Shot execution style says to me the killer most likely had no personal involvement with either Patty or Mattie.

I feel sure ECSO interviewed the killer, but just missed something. Maybe they even gave him a lie detector test, but if the person was a psychopath, he would've passed with flying colors, and that could've thrown them off.

I just don't think the person was from Carlsbad, perhaps Artesia or Roswell instead. A person in their twenties would think nothing of driving that distance to go hang out at the beach. The pictures from the video made the beach all the more real for me. It was a bigger deal than I'd previously thought. If someone from either of those places or smaller communities to the north was responsible it makes sense that they would choose to kill the girls off the highway they'd come south on to get to Carlsbad in the first place. It would make their getaway quicker if they were headed back to the north having come from there.

I wonder if Patti had been at the beach the weekend before? If anyone had been seen observing her prior to the night she and Mattie disappeared? She obviously was the target. The question is did the killer pick her out that Friday night or on some prior date when she was at the beach? Could it have been a carnival worker?

I wonder if ECSO has ever bothered to track down all of the people they interviewed back then to see what they've been up to over the years. Instead of sitting around waiting, they could see if anything new could be learned of the people they interviewed way back when. Some of those people are bound to have lengthy criminal histories.

One more thing, that the killer even knew about that beach park's existence indicates he most probably was from NM, and maybe had lived in Carlsbad at one time so he felt comfortable enough to commit that type of crime there, and he most likely lived within easy driving distance of Carlsbad.
I'm guessing most in Artesia would know about the beach, and possibly some from Roswell.

I wonder whatever happened to the guy from Artesia? that had scratches on his arm, but claimed they were from something else. ECSO could at least look into that guy's background today and see what he'd been up to since 1961.


justthinkin great points about the " execution-style" of a stranger and the possibility of an s.k....
Thanks, dotr. I was just looking at a map of Carlsbad a few minutes ago. Another reason I don't think the murderer was someone from Carlsbad is that the sheriff's office personel told Sunshine the girls were picked up on Church Street. If the abductor was familiar with Carlsbad, he would have been apt to know that if he stayed on Church headed west, he would have run into N.Happy Valley Road, also known as route 524 or County Road 657, and that is if the two, Church and Happy Valley intersected back in 1961. If they did, then the killer easily could have been into a desert area much quicker if he'd only known that. Killers who have done preplanning often like loop roads to kill or dispose of victims. The road where the girls' bodies were found was just such a road or rather, I should say it connected into a road that looped back into the Artesia highway.

N. Happy Valley runs northwest. If you pull it up on Google Maps, traveling northwest, you will see a loop road on the west side of N. Happy Valley, which I'm guessing from the lack of housing in that area today would have been a good kill or dump site back in 1961. So for that reason, I don't think the killer knew Carlsbad all that well. I think he came from or through Artesia, may have been stalking girls for sometime at the Beach. Police should have inquired of the rest of the local girls back then, via the local newspaper, to report to them if any had had had any creepy encounters with men at the Beach . From that, there's a chance they could have gotten a description of a possible suspect. Maybe that was done. Who knows now, 50 years later?

I was the same age as Mattie back in 1961, just a few months older than her. I feel sure both girls were naive about what dangers lurked for young girls, just as I was. Life seemed so much safer back then, whether it truly was or not. My girlfriends and I used to ride our bikes around White Rock Lake in Dallas. We noticed there were lone men hanging out in their cars around the lake, but we truly didn't give that a second thought until one day, some guy in a car, pulled up and tried to approach us, asked for directions and wanted us to come closer. We didn't, thank goodness, but that ended our bike riding days around the lake when we told our parents.

That's why I wish so much, someone in LE would have stayed on this case, and not let go. At barely age 13, back then, a girl didn't know whether to cling to her doll playing or move forward. That's pure innocence, and that's where these girls were, struck down in their innocence. All it takes is one caring LE person with pit bull tendencies to not let go until the case is solved. Sunshine is probably beyond gaining justice at this point, this being such an old case, but just knowing who did this or who might have been responsible would give Sunshine something. Anything is better than not knowing at all!
Thanks, dotr. I was just looking at a map of Carlsbad a few minutes ago. Another reason I don't think the murderer was someone from Carlsbad is that the sheriff's office personel told Sunshine the girls were picked up on Church Street. If the abductor was familiar with Carlsbad, he would have been apt to know that if he stayed on Church headed west, he would have run into N.Happy Valley Road, also known as route 524 or County Road 657, and that is if the two, Church and Happy Valley intersected back in 1961. If they did, then the killer easily could have been into a desert area much quicker if he'd only known that. Killers who have done preplanning often like loop roads to kill or dispose of victims. The road where the girls' bodies were found was just such a road or rather, I should say it connected into a road that looped back into the Artesia highway.

N. Happy Valley runs northwest. If you pull it up on Google Maps, traveling northwest, you will see a loop road on the west side of N. Happy Valley, which I'm guessing from the lack of housing in that area today would have been a good kill or dump site back in 1961. So for that reason, I don't think the killer knew Carlsbad all that well. I think he came from or through Artesia, may have been stalking girls for sometime at the Beach. Police should have inquired of the rest of the local girls back then, via the local newspaper, to report to them if any had had had any creepy encounters with men at the Beach . From that, there's a chance they could have gotten a description of a possible suspect. Maybe that was done. Who knows now, 50 years later?

I was the same age as Mattie back in 1961, just a few months older than her. I feel sure both girls were naive about what dangers lurked for young girls, just as I was. Life seemed so much safer back then, whether it truly was or not. My girlfriends and I used to ride our bikes around White Rock Lake in Dallas. We noticed there were lone men hanging out in their cars around the lake, but we truly didn't give that a second thought until one day, some guy in a car, pulled up and tried to approach us, asked for directions and wanted us to come closer. We didn't, thank goodness, but that ended our bike riding days around the lake when we told our parents.

That's why I wish so much, someone in LE would have stayed on this case, and not let go. At barely age 13, back then, a girl didn't know whether to cling to her doll playing or move forward. That's pure innocence, and that's where these girls were, struck down in their innocence. All it takes is one caring LE person with pit bull tendencies to not let go until the case is solved. Sunshine is probably beyond gaining justice at this point, this being such an old case, but just knowing who did this or who might have been responsible would give Sunshine something. Anything is better than not knowing at all!
Thank you justthinkin &and dotr. I 'm so confused about this case right now I don't what to think right now! I asked several questions of the ECSO when the news report video came out in Nov. 2011, but haven't received any answers to these questions yet. I: sorry if I sound negative, but I'm very frustrated with eveything that hasn't been investigated at this time. I will try amd refocus myself and get what information I do have have out there again.
I do think justthinkin is on to some new theory about what roads were taken, I've aleays thought the killer took that back rpad out pf Carlsbad
a I will explain why I feel that way soon
I would love for the ECSO to read what Justthinkin has said on here about the profilers thought s about certain personalities. And about looking up some of the individuals they questioned back in '61 &and '62.
Hello Sunshine, dear. In my zeal at having discovered Church St. connects to N. Happy Valley Road. I failed to look far enough north to notice N. Happy Valley connects up with the Artesia Highway. Duh...My only excuse is having to work with an aging brain.

We never discussed the roads the perp might have taken with the girls, but the route from Church to N. HV up to 285 looks good to me. That puts me back squarely in the camp the perp could have been from Carlsbad, and was very familiar with the local roads.

I'm now wondering if the girls weren't killed off that loop road off N. HV, and then transported to the spot off the loop road that fed into the Artesia Highway. The only problem I see with that is why would someone move two bodies that were already in a desert area with no houses nearby? Maybe the lay of the land would have something to do with it or else the proximity to town, a location off Happy Valley being a closer in location.

Another thing that occurs to me is the possibility the perp shot the girls because he didn't want to get his hands dirty. Shooting is considered a more impersonal form of dispatching someone as opposed to hands on strangling or knifing. It might say something about their killer's personality. Perhaps he was a fastidious type person, very neat in dress, and his sexual urges were at odds with his over all personality. It seems to me we discussed that Patty's clothes had been folded and stacked. Is that correct? I seem to remember thinking that Patty had folded them herself to stall her attacker, but maybe it was her attacker who folded them due to quirks in his own psyche. Maybe he felt guilty afterwards, and it was done in sort of a pentance or else the untidiness of her strewn about? clothes disturbed him, and he had to tidy up the scene. It's all conjecture of course.

I wish the sheriff's office would ask the FBI's Behavioral Sciences Group to profile the killer. That would very likely give them something more to go on. I am not however, holding my breath.

I would love to see someone like Robert Ressler do a profile for this case. He's no longer with the FBI, but is a highly respected profiler in private practice now. I have never heard anything bad about Ressler, only kudos.

The last stone has not yet been turned in this case. It is not at a dead end until all possibilities have been exhausted.
My name is Ron Franscell. I am a journalist and true-crime author, and I have recently heard of Patty and Mattie's story for the first time. I want to do some more exploration, but I first must get up to speed on some things. I've looked online at several articles and videos, and found myself here, among experts.

My first foray into this case involved (among many other online stops) Patty's Findagrave memorial. There was a photo of a roadside memorial -- a white cross -- with Patty's name. The caption said only it was along Queen's Highway. Does this mark the place where the girls' bodies were found? If not, what's the significance of the marker and the spot? Where exactly is this cross?

If this isn't the spot where the bodies were found, is that spot known? Can anyone describe it to me precisely?

I also would like for someone to precisely describe for me -- maybe with GPS coordinates -- where The Beach was located in Carlsbad. And if any of you are from Carlsbad and are old enough to remember, I'd like to hear what The Beach was like.

That's a start. This is a fascinating cold case and I am hooked.

Ron Franscell
Welcome to WS RonFranscell ! Very excited to have someone interested in this shocking crime , the sister of one of the victims may be able to help with some of your questions in this case.....
My name is Ron Franscell. I am a journalist and true-crime author, and I have recently heard of Patty and Mattie's story for the first time. I want to do some more exploration, but I first must get up to speed on some things. I've looked online at several articles and videos, and found myself here, among experts.

My first foray into this case involved (among many other online stops) Patty's Findagrave memorial. There was a photo of a roadside memorial -- a white cross -- with Patty's name. The caption said only it was along Queen's Highway. Does this mark the place where the girls' bodies were found? If not, what's the significance of the marker and the spot? Where exactly is this cross?

If this isn't the spot where the bodies were found, is that spot known? Can anyone describe it to me precisely?

I also would like for someone to precisely describe for me -- maybe with GPS coordinates -- where The Beach was located in Carlsbad. And if any of you are from Carlsbad and are old enough to remember, I'd like to hear what The Beach was like.

That's a start. This is a fascinating cold case and I am hooked.

Ron Franscell

I am Mattie's sister. I am writing a true story about her murder. Thanks for your interest.
My name is Ron Franscell. I am a journalist and true-crime author, and I have recently heard of Patty and Mattie's story for the first time. I want to do some more exploration, but I first must get up to speed on some things. I've looked online at several articles and videos, and found myself here, among experts.

My first foray into this case involved (among many other online stops) Patty's Findagrave memorial. There was a photo of a roadside memorial -- a white cross -- with Patty's name. The caption said only it was along Queen's Highway. Does this mark the place where the girls' bodies were found? If not, what's the significance of the marker and the spot? Where exactly is this cross?

If this isn't the spot where the bodies were found, is that spot known? Can anyone describe it to me precisely?

I also would like for someone to precisely describe for me -- maybe with GPS coordinates -- where The Beach was located in Carlsbad. And if any of you are from Carlsbad and are old enough to remember, I'd like to hear what The Beach was like.

That's a start. This is a fascinating cold case and I am hooked.

Ron Franscell

Welcome to WS, Ron, and glad to have your interest in this case! In addition to the terrible murder of Mattie and Patty, there's a lot going on in this case behind the scenes. Maybe you can make sense of it all!
Welcome to WS, Ron.

I did read Delivered From Evil and thought it was very well done.

Good to have you take a look at this case.
Bumping for two little girls who went out for a swim on a hot summer's day and never returned home.
July 2,2012, The Eddy County Sheriff's deputy that worked so hard on Mattie & Patty's case died.
Jim will always be remembered in our family as someone who really cared about solving this case
Our prayers are with his family.

I am very sorry to hear that, his good work will endure. Rest in Peace.

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